[system prompt, the host killed the queen spider. Congratulations to the host and got 10000 experience points]

[Ding, the system prompts that the queen spider dies, and her offspring will die with her. Congratulations to the host, who has obtained 300 experience points]

[congratulations to the host, got 400 experience points]

[congratulations to the host, get 100 experience points]

Another spider's core can't be destroyed, and the other spider's core can't be maintained.

Because the Spider Queen was killed by Lu Chen, those spiders who died because of the Spider Queen were also counted as Lu Chen's killing. Therefore, a series of system prompts sounded in Lu Chen's ear.

"A lot of experience, this time."

The sudden increase of experience value makes Lu Chen happy.

And just when Lu Chen is happy, Ji hongdie, with her sobbing voice, rings in Lu Chen's ear.

"My husband, please don't do such a dangerous thing in the future."

For Ji hongdie's words, ferocious even agreed.

"Indeed, your royal highness, your future is very high. You can't die here."

Although I don't like the people in Yunzhou, he really doesn't want Lu Chen to die.

Ji hongdie, however, is afraid. She has been given to Lu Chen. Although she has been bullied by Lu Chen, she is still alive.

Moreover, Ji hongdie also sees hope. Lu Chen is very talented and has the hope of becoming a king.

Ji hongdie feels that if she wins Lu Chen's favor, then her suffering will usher in a bumper harvest, and she can retaliate against those who insult her one by one.

But all of this is based on the premise that Lu Chen is alive. She, who was given to Lu Chen, has been completely bound up with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is strong, she can get benefits, but if Lu Chen dies, her end will be extremely miserable.

Even, it is possible to bury Lu Chen with him.

Don't forget, this era is very barbaric, whether in the mang Huang, or in Yunzhou, the king, or the prince died, and his concubine was buried with him, all of which happened from time to time.

Therefore, Ji hongdie does not want Lu Chen to die.

Although the starting point of ferocity and Ji hongdie is different, Lu Chen is aware of their concern.

With a smile, Lu Chen said directly: "don't worry, I don't have the idea of ending up with the evil spirit. I have the bottom card, and then I will pull the spider to my side."

Thinking so, Lu Chen looks at a hidden purple figure around her.

"Platinum star, what a powerful partner

Yes, it was Lu Chen who crushed the spider's claws just now. It was Lu Chen who absorbed the soul of the war and obtained the double emissary platinum star.

Also has him, Lu Chen will ignore the attack spider's body, he knows, platinum star can help himself to break all to hurt his enemy.

And the platinum star did not disappoint Lu Chen. The sharp spear was directly crushed by him after he gave him a meal.

When he was satisfied with his platinum star, Lu Chen also found that there were some differences between his platinum star and chengtaro's. The biggest difference was that Lu Chen's platinum star, the same height as Lu Chen, was more than 2.4 meters.

[double emissary · platinum star]

[level: gold (primary)]

[introduction: double is a powerful image generated by the life energy in the body. Because of the image, the double emissary is influenced by the host consciousness and body]

[double emissary platinum star has the same strength and constitution as the host. The stronger the host power is, the more platinum is The more powerful the star is.

[ability: super speed, ultra precision, super growth]

[because of the composition of life energy, platinum star is not limited by the agility of the host, and its speed and precision are consistent with the life energy or Constitution]

[Note: Platinum star has a very short range and can only be used in the host Activities within three meters]

due to the different state of people, the ability of platinum star is also different. Lu Chen is strong and energetic. The platinum star is influenced by Lu Chen, and her strength and speed are much stronger than the original version.

Of course, the most gratifying thing for Lu Chen is that it is the image of life energy, which is not limited by the agility of the body. In this way, the speed of platinum star is much faster than that of Lu Chen.

Just like this, platinum star only has two fists, but in a very short period of time, it smashed six spikes.

It can be said that Lu Chen is very satisfied with the ability of platinum star, which doubled Lu Chen's strength in close combat.

"The only regret is that platinum star is not the peak, and the effect of time pause is gone. I hope to upgrade in the future and get this ability."

Time, which is far more powerful than space, is what Lu Chen wants most.However, time ability is basically a myth. Even if it is a golden skill, there are few with time attribute. Moreover, the golden level time ability can only be developed when it is perfect.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen does not think much, but looks at the scene.

"How are the brothers?"

"Fortunately, there are not many casualties."

Lu Chen's question is ferocious, to this question, ferocious just said a little.

However, Ji hongdie, seeing Lu Chen's question, responded with the following:

"my husband, this time all of us are injured, and half of them are poisoned. However, the people's bodies are tough, and the poison can be resisted by virtue of their physique."

"Of course, we are equipped with poison. Now the poison has been removed."

"What's more, this battle, under the command of the ferocious general, killed four people, our men..."

Later, Ji hongdie did not say, but Lu Chen counted a little and found that none of the people in his team died.

Lu Chen was psychologically prepared for this.

There is no way, people are psychologically distant, although as long as the barbarians are in danger, Lu Chen will rescue.

But if two barbarians encounter danger together, one is Lu Chen's subordinates, and the other is ferocious subordinates. If there is no accident, Lu Chen will rescue his subordinates first.

Moreover, Lu Chen's equipment, medicine supply, and strength are better than those of the ferocious men.

Therefore, in this Crusade, one of Lu Chen's subordinates did not die.

"Although a little embarrassed, but one of my subordinates didn't die, but I gained a lot of experience value. I made a lot of money this time!"

Of course, Lu Chen's EQ did not go down to the pit and did not express his joy.

But other barbarians, after the death of the spider, launched bursts of cheers.

The barbarians in the pioneer camp are used to death and parting.

For them, it is a good situation for them to finish the task just by killing a few people.

And after cheering, it's rest and leave.

However, on the way back, some barbarians also found the comparison between the two teams' death, which made some barbarians have new ideas.

Of course, no one dares to blame Lu Chen. Lu Chen was always at the forefront of the fight just now, and most of the evil spirits were killed by Lu Chen. Without Lu Chen, they would even be wiped out.

Therefore, the barbarians here want to join Lu Chen's team.

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