"I'm very pleased to hear that Tianjiao's talents are gathering in the royal court, but I feel that no one in the same rank can shake himself. I set up this arena to find heroes from all over the world to fight against him."

"No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, as long as you are on the same level as me, you can challenge me. As long as you can beat me out of the circle I have drawn, I will have a great treasure to offer."

"At the same time, I will take the advice of all kinds of barbarian experts. I will try my best to fight against the barbarians. As long as I can defeat me, I also have a lot of treasures to offer."

Looking at the big characters on the flagpole, Ji hongdie felt a burst of dizziness.

"It's ridiculous. There are so many masters in the world. Although you are powerful, you can't deal with so many masters!"

When Ji hongdie is in distress, Ji Xiaoling also comes to her side.

"It's so bold of your family to write such words. It's really a stab in the hornet's nest."

Ji Xiaoling's arrival makes Ji hongdie look a little cold.

Like Ji Xiaoling, Ji hongdie also feels that Lu Chen is a little mischievous.

But in front of other people, Ji hongdie can't say Lu Chen is bad. Facing Ji Xiaoling's words, Ji hongdie smiles and says:

"my husband is a bit of a fool, but it's better to be invincible than not to fight."

"Only with such a fearless heart can we tame the barbarians and become the real king."

In this way, Ji hongdie's tone is full of pride for Lu Chen.

"You are so confident in your family that if you fail."

"If you lose, you'll lose. At least, in any case, I won't be sent away quietly by others. Your highness will always come out for me."

This word, some have no idea, but Ji Xiaoling heard but some speechless.

But Ji hongdie, half of the pride in her tone is pretended. After all, she won't let herself be ridiculed by others.

But even she did not know that half of her words were really proud of following Lu Chen.

This era worships the strong, even if Ji hongdie is from Yunzhou, she also worships the strong.

"The man I love is a hero of the world. He will appear in a situation of great attention. He will marry me with golden armor and colorful clouds."

This is the imagination of every girl in this era. Although Lu Chen is not closely related to those behind him, he is also somewhat indifferent, and does not care about the love between children and girls.

But to write the word "invincible at the same rank" and dare to show it in front of countless barbarian warriors and accept their challenges, a hero's name can still bear.

In a generation of strong men, it is not hard to accept that you can follow a hero who dares to fight.

Hero beauty, men love beauty, but in this dangerous era, women love people with a sense of security.

When Ji hongdie and Ji Xiaoling are talking, some barbarians jump directly onto the challenge arena.

The soldier looked at the sky and grinned.

"Your Highness, it's not funny."

"Joking! I never will. "

"Your Highness is really brave. If you are knocked out of the circle, can you get a lot of treasure?"

"Of course."

With a wave of Lu Chen's hand, ten sets of armor, ten fine steel weapons, and a large number of brute flesh and blood were carried up by Lu Chen's subordinates.

"Those are prizes. Just beat me back and you can choose one of them."

Looking at those pure steel armor, the smile on the man's face was even more brilliant.

"Since your highness dares to give it away, I'm not polite."

Although Lu Chen's subordinates and the seventh Prince's subordinates already have them, Lu Chen and the seventh Prince's subordinates are princes. Only by fawning on each other can they arm their subordinates.

Ordinary barbarians can't get such good weapons. Now, if you have a chance to defeat Lu Chen, you can get those weapons. Naturally, those barbarians will not give up.

Roar, give yourself a strong momentum, the barbarian will rush up.

But before he charged, Lu Chen raised his hand to stop him.

"Wait a minute."

"What's the matter, your highness, don't you want to repent?"

"Of course not, but I don't want some kittens and dogs to challenge me. If you want to challenge me, you can take out a blood tonic pill as the admission fee."

After that, seeing the man's face a little hesitant, Lu Chen said directly: "as long as you consume a blood tonic pill and strike me back, you can get a refined steel weapon. Don't you think it's a good deal?"

"Of course, it's cost-effective. I gave it to you."

So said, a blood tonic pill, was thrown to Xiaowei by the savage warrior.

And see the income into the account, the smile on Lu Chen's face also bloomed out.

"It's true that a blood tonic pill can be exchanged for a refined steel weapon, but don't forget that only by defeating me can you get something!""Fight, go!"

With an order from a barbarian nearby, the barbarians in front of Lu Chen rushed wildly.

"The bull charged."

Look at that barbarian's action, is to rely on the strength of the collision, Lu Chen directly hit out of the circle.

Obviously, this barbarian is not too stupid. Knowing that he is not Lu Chen's opponent, he chooses to squeeze Lu Chen out of the circle.

Just, looking at his charge, Lu Chen's mouth corner grinned and flashed.

Holding the sword in one hand, Lu Chen put the long sword into the earth, while Lu Chen clenched his fist with the other hand.

"Experience value, here it is."

The whispering words had just flashed, and the barbarian, with all his blood and blood, tried his best to bump into Lu Chen.

In this regard, Lu Chen raised his right fist high and smashed it hard in front of him.

"Boom" a sound, in situ standing still Lu Chen and the full speed charge of the barbarian fierce impact together.

Fist and body intersection, only for a moment.

And in the blink of an eye, a frightening scene happened.

Lu Chen, who was hit with all his strength, did not move, while the barbarian who charged at full speed flew to his original position at a faster speed.

The barbarian, who was fighting hard to charge, was hit by Lu Chen.

After such a punch, although there were countless barbarians around the arena, there was a moment of silence.

The barbarian, who was fond of shouting, was frightened when he looked at the bull flying out.

"Gudong, what a powerful force."

"Isn't that nonsense? It's a prince after all."

"It's a prince indeed."

"That's not for granted. Without such power, his royal highness would not dare to write an invincible slogan of the same rank."

"Is it true that his highness, the thirteenth prince, is not arrogant, but has the same rank and invincible power?"


This question made many barbarians dare not speak up.

While others are frightened, Lu Chen looks at the system interface, but has a smile.

[the system indicates that the host has defeated the brute warrior Daniel and gained 100 experience points]

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