"It's only 100 points to defeat a barbarian, and it's really rare. If you kill a man, there will be at least 800 to 1000. However, although there are only a few people to defeat, there are tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of brute warriors here. Not to mention all the defeats, I can gain enough experience points if I defeat part of them."

Yes, Lu Chen set up this arena because of his experience.

If you beat the barbarians, you can gain experience. But Lu Chen can't beat all the barbarians for no reason. That will offend all the barbarians.

But Lu Chen can't take the initiative, but can rely on wealth to tempt others to challenge himself.

"The same level invincible slogan should make countless barbarians angry, but anger is right, come on, challenge me, hit me hard, I will not let go of any challenge!"

"But as long as you don't kill me, I will be stronger and stronger. If I defeat you, I will be stronger step by step."

Lu Chen is also fighting for experience value. Of course, as a challenge ticket, the blood tonic pill doesn't mean that Lu Chen wants to gain money while gaining experience value.

"I really want to choose the strong. After all, defeating the strong can gain more experience than defeating the weak."

"It's not about replenishing an economy that's going bankrupt."

Lu Chen said this, I don't know why some inexplicable heart.

Of course, the guilty Lu Chen will not show it. At this time, looking at the silence in the field, no one dares to come to the stage. Lu Chen looks at Ji hongdie and gives her a wink.

Although he didn't say it, Lu Chen understood that Ji hongdie could understand what she meant.

And she did understand that she took a look at Lu Chen, and she opened her mouth directly to the silent crowd.

"I've heard that barbarians are brave all the time. Now it seems that it's just like that!"

"My Royal Highness has said that if we fight at the same level, we can win by squeezing him out of the circle. No one dares to fight against such conditions. This is a brave man, ha..."

Finally, Ji hongdie did not finish. She just covered half of her face with a fragrant fan, but her sarcastic expression spread throughout the camp.

And this, also let Lu Chen heart sigh a sentence.

"Sure enough, you fellow, as long as you keep your arrogant manner and speak, you will be half dead."

Some barbarians can't stand Ji hongdie's ridicule and jump onto the challenge arena directly.

"Prince, you are really powerful, but it's too bullying to say that you can't get out of the circle even if you are attacked by the same rank."

Lu Chen grinned.

"Laozi has a strong body. The existence of this skill enables me to maintain my body center of gravity even if I am beaten to death by a punch. If you want to push me out of the circle, you must defeat me."

Yes, Lu Chen said arrogantly, but he played a careful game.

For ordinary people, it is two difficulties to beat people back and defeat people, but the difficulty becomes the same here with Lu Chen.

Of course, Lu Chen will not directly say such a thing.

At this time, in the face of the barbarian's words, Lu Chen just said with a arrogant smile:

"if you don't accept it, then fight."

"Here I am."


Like other barbarians, roaring before a battle is the basic operation of a barbarian. After the roar, the barbarian, like the previous man, is also fully charged towards LuChen.

Obviously, he also wanted to squeeze Lu Chen out of the circle with his physical strength.

It's just that his result is the same as that of the barbarians just now.

More than 200 points of strength, so that Lu Chen a blow down, even the air issued a lament.

With the sound of "bang", the barbarians who rushed at a high speed were knocked out of the challenge arena at a faster speed than before.

But this time, the barbarian was not silent. As soon as the barbarian was attacked, someone who was confident of his own strength jumped onto the challenge arena and ran into Lu Chen.

"Your Highness, in the village, I dominate by my strength. Let me defeat you completely."

"Your Highness, defeating you will definitely make others recognize my strength."


The reputation of defeating the prince, the reward written next to it, and the jeers of Ji hongdie from time to time.

All of this made the scene extremely lively, and a large number of barbarians jumped towards Lu Chen's challenge arena one after another.

After being defeated, the fallen barbarians were not seriously injured, and the barbarians became more fanatical.

"Even if I'm not as good as the prince, I won't be hurt if I'm defeated. It doesn't matter if I go up and fight. If I win."

"If I win, I will gain a great reputation, but failure is just ugly, not a loss!"

"In any case, I am not the only one who has failed, and I will not be ridiculed, but once I win, I will be in the spotlight."


It can only be said that there are many advantages to the battle against LuChen, but there are almost no disadvantages. Therefore, even if they feel that they can't beat Lu Chen, some barbarians continue to challenge him.Such behavior, not only did not make Lu Chen angry, but he was happy to bloom on his face.

There is no way to be unhappy, the system prompt, but let Lu Chen's mood, has been maintaining pleasure.

[system prompt, the host defeated the barbarian and gained 100 experience points]

[system prompt, the host defeated the barbarian * * and obtained 120 experience points]

[the system prompts that the host defeated the barbarian * * and obtained 90 experience points]

Although every time I beat a barbarian, I can only think of the training value of about 100 points, but I can't stand many barbarians.

When the barbarians are willing to come up, Lu Chen can beat several people in a minute, and there are hundreds of income every minute!

The battle continued in the arena, and the atmosphere in the field was also constantly hot.

"Big black, come on, defeat the prince, and you will be invincible on the same level."

"Prince, hold on, the one who defeated my old cow, don't be easily defeated by others!"

"Shit, I'm an old cow, and, Prince, come on, I support you."

"Your Highness, I bet you can last all morning. All my assets are on you."


Cheers and shouts are constantly ringing around LuChen's challenge arena. Whenever someone jumps onto the arena, someone cheers and cheers. When that person is defeated by Lu Chen, their cheers are even louder.

Now, Lu Chen feels that the number of people gathered under his own arena, as well as more than 5000 people, has even climbed onto the nearby high platform to watch Lu Chen's challenge arena.

The image of such a sea of people, so that Lu Chen happy breath is short.

"Experience value, these are all experience value!"

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