Awe is a kind of spiritual coercion, and it is also a kind of indiscriminate attack. This move is very useful to the enemies of agile department. In the past, Lu Chen used this threat to frighten several enemies of agile department, so as to kill those enemies.

Now, Lu Chen wants to do it again.

Lu Chen's pressure is really useful, when the overbearing overbearing color overbearing down, Xiang Lei momentarily muddled.

In the past, Lu Chen could take advantage of this opportunity to directly seize the agile enemy and smash the enemy to death, but this time there was an accident.

To illustrate one thing, the water in this world is very deep, Lu Chen's ability to get from other worlds is very strong, but this world has developed for tens of thousands of years, and many abilities deduced from this world are not weaker than those Lu Chen got from the system, such as the cow demon concussion fist. After practicing to the extreme, it can even be compared with the shaking fruit of white beard.

And Xiang Lei, as a powerful family, has a lot of abilities. At this time, he has the ability to resist tyranny.

When Lu Chen's pressure covered him, the thunder's eyes suddenly turned white, and a burst of light burst out on his body. Then, a thunder giant virtual shadow with only the upper body appeared behind Xiang Lei.

The thunder giant is like a God, standing high above the earth. After facing Lu Chen's vision, the giant is constantly climbing. In the moment, it is like a mountain peak, standing upright in the sky, bringing huge pressure to Lu Chen.

Xiang Lei also has the ability of consciousness. No, it should be said that those powerful families almost all have the ability similar to coercion.

Lu Chen has said in the past that he can fight over the ranks by virtue of his gold ability. However, the higher the level is, the more common and savage he is. If he is a genius, it is too difficult and too difficult, because the ability of those talents is never weaker than Lu Chen.

At this time, that is similar to Shenwei's ability, and Lu Chen's domineering color.

It's a battle of consciousness, but in this world, consciousness can influence reality.

As a result, when the two oppressors were fighting against each other, there was a strong wind blowing up, and clouds were fighting in two in the sky. Even the challenge arena, under the pressure of Lu Chen and the thunder giant, kept shaking and spreading cracks in the arena.

Facing the strong pressure, Lu Chen dare not neglect, can only go all out.

But when the two are fighting, Xiang Lei wakes up and looks at the unreal thunder giant behind him. His face is also surprised.

"You are strong enough to force my thunder god meditation map, but this time, I won."

While speaking, his arm with thunder light stabbed Lu Chen's body.

This is to take advantage of Lu Chen and meditation gods and Demons fighting, defeat Lu Chen.

Just at this moment, a voice of Euler suddenly sounded on the side of Lu Chen.

In the sound of that Euler, Xiang Lei only felt a pair of purple fists like a meteor, and he exploded at him crazily.

The fist was as big as a plate, but it was very fast. Xiang Lei felt that his fist was almost the same as his own.

In this way, the high speeding fist and the sudden stab with electric light collided fiercely together.

"Click" a sound, Xiang Lei only felt a strong rush, in that force, his arm directly broke.

What's more, after breaking his fist, the arm was still rolling towards his chest.

"Hit by that punch, I'll die!"

With such a clear understanding in his heart, Xiang Lei's thunder light flashed and he quickly retreated to the rear.

Even though Lu Chen felt the flash of thunder light, Lu Chen could not catch up with him because of the drag of his body. However, the platinum star is not Lu Chen. It has super speed. Xiang Lei is retreating, but the purple fist is still chasing. One is retreating and the other is chasing. The speed of the two is similar. Naturally, the chasing fist is faster.

However, when the fist is only one palm away from Xiang Lei's body, it suddenly stops.

This is of course not that Lu Chen let go of Xiang Lei, but the platinum star can not move.

Platinum star is very strong, super speed, Korean strength, super agility, super growth, these several abilities, let it close to invincible in close combat.

But such a platinum star also has a fatal weakness, that is, his release distance is limited. He can only move within a few meters of Lu Chen's body. When Xiang Lei is far away from Lu Chen's body, platinum star can only stop his attack.

When Xiang Lei and Lu Chen opened their distance, the battle just ended. In this battle, Xiang Lei tried his best, but his arm broke directly.

However, Lu Chen is also uncomfortable. The penetrating power of the shining spike is really full. When it collides with the platinum star, the fist of platinum star is also punctured.

The star of platinum is the essence of Lu Chen's soul. His fist is cracked. Although Lu Chen's fist did not contact Xiang Lei, there were cracks, and blood flowed from the cracks in his armor.

However, without waiting for Lu Chen to pay attention to it, the crack on his fist was quickly healed with the rapid healing of his constitution and manwang bloodline.And with the loss of fist wounds, the wounds on platinum star's fists also dissipated.

Each substitute can only have one, which is the essence of the soul. Therefore, the body of a human being will be injured if the double is injured. But this statement can also be reversed. When Lu Chen's body is healed, the injury on the double will also heal.

So, when Lu Chen's injury healed, the platinum star was in good condition. However, Lu Chen looked at the other side, but his eyes were not good.

Just now, the opposite is forcing oneself very embarrassed!

Of course, in the eyes of bad at the same time, Lu Chen also admitted that the other side is indeed a strong.

Just now, double, platinum star, overbearing, straight sense a, several skills have been used by Lu Chen all the time, but even so, Lu Chen did not beat the opposite side, which made Lu Chen feel the difficulty of the other side.

Just, Lu Chen feels difficult, opposite Xiang Lei feels is despairing.

"He has a strong constitution. Ordinary attacks can't hurt him at all, and he has a way to defend me as fast as I can. Damn it, how can I fight?"

Looking at Lu Chen's huge height and the terrible purple giant following Lu Chen, Xiang Lei feels a headache.

But he soon did not need to have a headache, Lu Chen has already made a move.

"Let me see how this skill works."

Murmuring to himself, Lu Chen has recited the words and spirits of Yingling treasure.

"Let the king of luochawang yield to the immortal blade, use your body to appreciate it!"

When Lu Chen liberates Yanling, his meteorite sword suddenly breaks away from Lu Chen's palm and floats on its own. With Lu Chen's hand raised and raised above his head, the meteorite sword also reaches Lu Chen's head and spins rapidly.

Soon, Lu Chen's meteorite sword turned into a crazy circle.

"It is worthy of the myth of A-San. Even if it is a treasure skill, it is the same as the disc."

Shaking his head and pinching out the idea in his heart, Lu Chen held up the rotating disc and threw it out at the front of Xiang Lei.

And there was a big drink, which came from Lu Chen's mouth:

"the immortal through Luocha!"

Under Lu Chen's all-out throwing, he turns into a streamer by the ring and shoots at Xiang Lei, which also makes him feel the danger of death.

"You have to get out of the way!"

With such an idea, in the flash of lightning, his figure directly disappeared in place.

However, after evacuating from the original place, Xiang Lei, who turned back again, found that the ring had not been thrown away by him. Not only had he not thrown it away, but the circle was still approaching rapidly around the corner.

"Damn it, it's a tracking skill."

After all, this is the way for Rama to kill the demon king. Although the bow and arrow are transformed into a sword, it is also a gold skill. It is not easy to avoid.

Even if Xiang Lei dodges continuously, he is still quickly approached by the disc sword.

And Xiang Lei's trouble is more than that. Although Lu Chen is huge, it is very difficult to pursue Xiang Lei, who is shining with thunder light. But it is not impossible for the empty handed Lu Chen to deal with the enemy.

Lu Chen squatted down in the middle of the challenge arena. Lu Chen's hands were slightly lowered to his side. At the next moment, a roar came from Lu Chen's mouth:

"Wanxiang Tianyin!"

Lu Chen, who is roaring with all his strength, releases a huge amount of blood to use the Vientiane Tianyin. This time, it is not with one hand, but with both hands.

With his full release, Lu Chen's palms were slightly raised on both sides of his body. With his movements, the walls of the earth on both sides of the challenge arena were rapidly raised.

When the earth wall reached 20 meters, Lu Chen's hands suddenly closed toward the middle.

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