
With Lu Chen's action, the huge earth wall manipulated by Lu Chen's one hand suddenly closed towards the middle.

As if thousands of horses charged, and as if the tide surged, the walls on both sides hit the middle of the challenge arena at high speed. It was like two high-speed trains, shocking and terrifying.

The overburden of the earth wall also compressed the space for Xiang Lei to avoid.

Finally, after several times of flash depending on the force of thunder, Xiang Lei's figure stopped irresistibly. The continuous flash was very strong to the body.

But after he stopped, the next moment, "bang" sound, Lu Chen throw out through the luochazhibu, directly hit Xiang Lei's body, let him directly spurt a mouthful of blood, people were also hit flying.

When the "poop" landed, it was another appearance and gushed out.

And at this time, "pa" a sound, squatting horse step Lu Chen, hands are also completely closed up.

With Lu Chen's action, the two huge earth walls manipulated by Lu Chen with the guidance of the Vientiane sky were also completely closed in the center of the arena.

Xiang Lei's figure is naturally compressed in the center of the ring and covered by nearly 10 meters of soil.

But even so, Lu Chen is still worried.

With one hand outstretched, Lu Chen places a gravitational point where Xiang Lei is.


With a big drink, the Vientiane Tianyin was launched by Lu Chen with all his strength. This time, because there was only one gravitational point, countless soil pressed frantically toward a center.

In the blink of an eye, the soil of Xiang Lei's location rose wildly.

"Stop, your highness, please stop for a moment, let's give in, give up!"

The voice was from the top of Yunzhou. Lu Chen's action was too exaggerated. The gesture of manipulating the earth wall to crush everything made countless ordinary Yunzhou people afraid. At this time, they had not come back to their senses.

It was only the Xiang family, who was concerned about the comfort of their own genius, that they immediately blocked it.

Lu Chen didn't die in this regard. The battle between wilderness and Yunzhou is just a battle for resources. But now, the biggest dilemma of mankind is evil, which is to exterminate human existence.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, Lu Chen will not kill human beings.

With Lu Chen's withdrawal, Xiang Lei is soon rescued, and the sword Lu Chen throws out is also drawn by him with the help of the Vientiane sky.

However, looking at the long sword in his hand, thinking about the feeling of throwing it out just now, and thinking about his previous battles, Lu Chen always felt that he was a swordsman who was somewhat partial to science.

But immediately, Lu Chen overturned his view.

"It's not that I'm partial to science. It's that people's views are too old-fashioned. It's who stipulates that the swordsman must hold a long sword and use it. I'm not a swordsman to throw the sword out as a throwing object."

With this in mind, Lu Chen's eyes turned directly to the Yunzhou arena, and there, they were discussing who would be allowed to appear. Just now, Xiang Lei and Lu Chen's battle let those people witness Lu Chen's strength again. His almost invincible posture made those senior officials in Yunzhou feel numb. They can't find a way to defeat Lu Chen.

And those top talents, thinking of the first world war just now, have some bitterness on their faces. Xiang Lei is a super strong one in Yunzhou. Although he is not invincible, few talents can defeat him, but even Xiang Lei has failed, and they consciously have to lose.

What makes them despair is that the powerful Xiang Lei hardly brings Lu Chen any injury, which makes them understand that they are not at the same level as Lu Chen.

Of course, although they were entangled in their hearts, they didn't want to let Lu Chen rest. Soon a warrior went to the challenge arena and started fighting with Lu Chen again

A few seconds later, the warrior was grabbed by Lu Chen's neck with one hand and lifted up.

This time, Lu Chen didn't immediately stun him. While tightening his neck, Lu Chen raised him to the front and asked, "I always feel like a swordsman, but many people think I'm not. I don't know who is right and who is wrong. You are from Yunzhou. There are many swordsmen there. Do you think I am like a swordsman?"

This made the warrior's face turn blue. However, feeling the power of the huge palm on his neck, he said quickly, "like, of course."

"Just like it? You don't think I'm a real swordsman. "

So said, Lu Chen some excited, and a person excited, the strength of the hand will be unconsciously strengthened a bit.

Of course, Lu Chen can't feel this.

However, to Lu Chen's relief, with his words, the warrior of Yunzhou said in a hurry:

"no No, er His highness, of course, is a swordsman, the strongest I have ever seen... " Seeing Lu Chen's face a little sad, he quickly changed his words and said, "it's the most graceful swordsman I've ever seen."

Lu Chen was a little satisfied with this, but he still didn't believe it. So he asked again:

"you can be honest. Even if you say I'm not a swordsman, I won't kill you."Because when he spoke, Lu Chen felt a little agitated, and his strength was inevitably stronger. Of course, this is a trivial matter.

And the opposite answer, also let Lu Chen some comfort, of course, also some embarrassed.

"I'm not lying, really not. Your highness is really the strongest swordsman in my eyes."

"Well, then go down."

Lu Chen felt more comfortable when he left the man in the ring.

"Sure enough, I am still a swordsman. At least Yunzhou people agree with me. They have seen real swordsmen and fought with many swordsmen. What they say is absolutely more correct than others who have not seen swordsmen."

Because Xiang Lei's defeat made other geniuses feel agitated, which was not conducive to the battle. The remaining few battles were fought by ordinary strong men. Therefore, Lu Chensheng was very smooth.

Of course, in the process, Lu Chen is afraid that the first person will cheat him. Every time he defeats one, Lu Chen will gently ask if he is a swordsman.

And that answer, let Lu Chen is very satisfied.

"Your Highness is holding a sword. Who dares to say that his highness is not a swordsman."

"Your Highness is the most thoughtful swordsman I've ever seen."

"Your Highness has made an extraordinary journey. He is a person who can establish a sect. After that, the swordsmen will rely on the temple to save them."


Lu Chen's heart was shaken by the words, especially by the senior brothers of many swordsmen sect who said that they were swordsmen. Lu Chen's heart was shaken and stabilized quickly.

"Those who say I'm not a swordsman are slandered. After all, many senior brothers of the sword sect personally approve of my qualification as a swordsman. They think that I have the capital to start a school and even earn the name of swordsman master in the future. Do those who have not practiced swordsmanship know more about swordsmanship than those of the swordsmen sect?"

"I am a swordsman."

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