In the spirit of the word of God, the grand Zhongzheng, the prince of Zhongzhou, who carried the great momentum, fell to the ground directly.

Of course, the prince of Zhongzhou is not the only one who attacks the gate of divine blood. Although there are other evils that prevent him from approaching, there are many professions in Yunzhou, and many of them are spiritual masters.

At this time, there are many who are calling for the help of the wind and the fire, but just as they recite the words, the voice of the big mouth on the door panel resounds again.

"God said, fire can't hurt me, the wind is my subordinate."

"God says," he who insults me will be speechless. "

For two consecutive decrees, the fire and the wind could not get close to the vermilion gate. At the same time, all the spiritualists who were singing and expressing their spirits were also silenced by the vermilion gate.

It can only be said that this evil spirit is not only powerful, but also highly targeted to the various abilities of Yunzhou people.

And in the standoff between the two sides, in a burst of loud bang, Lu Chen is already near.

Lu Chen didn't dare to rush at a high speed because of the experience of the former few people. He was like a fortress of war, and he made steady progress step by step.

When Lu Chen moved forward, there were naturally evil spirits subdued by the red gate to attack Lu Chen. But before they started, many Yunzhou people had stopped other evil spirits.

They can't break into the gate. They just stop some evil spirits. The genius of Yunzhou can still do it. At the same time, they still remind Lu Chen.

"Be careful, that evil spirit can control our bodies!"

"This kind of manipulation seems to be unstoppable. It can only be resisted. Wait a moment. We will attack together later."

"Don't go alone. Attack together will work."

The Yunzhou people are not weak. They have found the strategy of attack just by fighting several times.

The words and spirits of that God are really powerful, but it seems that they can only have an effect on one person at a time. To deal with evil spirits, they don't need to talk about the morality of the river and the lake. They are ready to besiege them.

However, to the consternation of those Yunzhou people, Lu Chen did not stop after they reminded them, and he was still moving forward step by step, which made those Yunzhou people feel headache.

"Sure enough, just like the rumor, barbarians are full of muscles in their brains, so they won't listen to the command at all."

"Forget it, he can rush forward. When he feels the power of the vermilion gate, he will come to us for cooperation."

"Indeed, we'd better clean up the evil spirits quickly and clean up other evil spirits before we have a chance to attack the vermilion gate."


Seeing that Lu Chen is determined to go his own way, Yunzhou people are helpless, but they also know that it is not the time for the inner bars. Therefore, they are ready to rescue Lu Chen when Lu Chen is injured and ask Lu Chen to assist them to sneak attack from the side.

And soon, their opportunity came, and Lu Chen soon attracted the attention of the vermilion gate.

Of course, the evil gate will pay attention to Lu Chen. Lu Chen, who is 3.6 meters tall, will not be ignored even if he stands still. The gate not only notices, but also feels a lot of threats.

As a result, a series of laws and decrees hit Lu Chen.

"God said," those who offend me will be inconvenient. "

The blocking laws and decrees were issued from the vermilion gate, and when the voice was launched, the strong people in Yunzhou immediately felt that the opportunity was coming and wanted to attack forward.

But, very soon, their movements stopped and looked ahead in shock.

"How could it be?"

No wonder they were surprised. After the evil law sounded, Lu Chen didn't fall down as they thought. Instead, after a pause, he moved forward steadily.

That kind of feeling is like Lu Chen is immune to the law.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't have immune laws. When the words rang out, Lu Chen felt that his legs were inexplicably aging. This made Lu Chen feel that his legs and feet were a little weak, but they were only soft. After a pause, after washing with abundant Qi and blood, Lu Chen could move forward steadily.

When Lu Chen moved forward again, the sound of the gate kept on:

"God said: those who offend us are guilty, and the sinners will be punished. You will smash your back, your muscles and bones will fall off, your hair will be dry, and your legs and feet will be inconvenient!"

"God says that those who look directly at my face are guilty, and those who do not bow their heads are guilty. The sinners will be punished. You will break your eyes, your tongue and your arms from your body."

"God said that the challenger to me is guilty. There is a fire that burns the body of a sinner. There is a black snake and a crow catching and eating the body of a sinner..."

It seems that the ability of the God blood creature is related to the words and spirits. So, the words and spirits belong to the laws, which can directly control the human body, and can be more directly manipulated. No, it should be the command element.

This kind of ability is higher than Lu Chen and other mortals in the realm of flesh and blood. Therefore, in the face of such an attack, Xiang Lei, though fast enough to surpass the limit of the realm of flesh and blood, can't evade it, while others are also restrained by his words and spirits.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen is facing the vermilion gate this time.

It is true that the laws and decrees are very strong, but Lu Chen's strongest is his constitution, which has great resistance to all kinds of injuries.The function of breaking the legs and feet falls on Lu Chen. As soon as Lu Chen's Qi and blood is weakened, it turns into a burst of weakness. The heart convulsion falls on Lu Chen, which only makes Lu Chen's heart beat faster.

Then his eyes were broken and his tongue was broken, which might be trouble for others, but when they arrived at Lu Chen, they only blurred Lu Chen's eyes and hurt his tongue as if he had been bitten.

As for the earth fire, the wind howling, and the black snake, crow, is blocked outside by Lu Chen's armor.

Lu Chen walked forward step by step against the laws and decrees. With such a steady attitude, the vermilion gate was in a hurry. The more terrifying words and spirits were like vicious curses, which were madly sent out.

However, no matter what kind of laws and decrees are facing Lu Chen's Qi and blood, it is very difficult to play its original role. Even if Lu Chen is injured, the golden intermediate man King blood has the ability to heal his flesh and blood. A little injury will soon heal, and the vermilion gate can't stop Lu Chen from approaching.

The anxious scene of the vermilion gate also made people in Yunzhou stop. At this time, these people seem to understand the feeling of the gate.

It is not that they have the ability to read the mind, but this kind of picture they have experienced.

"It's this feeling. It's the sense of despair that you can't hurt each other when you use all your strength. It's very familiar."

"Well, his physique is so high that he is completely invincible. Apart from killing him with high-level force and the ability to kill him, I really can't think of any other way to kill him."

"It's hard to die, that is to say, there are two kinds of death abilities, one is mental injury, the other is physical injury. These two kinds of death abilities will be offset by will and constitution. Unless the guy's luck is extremely bad, it's hard to kill him."

"Although I don't want to talk about it, I feel relieved to follow that guy. I can find that guy in the future exploration. If he walks in front of me, I feel that any trap can't hurt him."


The people of Yunzhou in the back even chatted during the battle, which is enough to show their ease.

Those Yunzhou people are really relaxed. Looking at Lu Chen, who is almost invincible in front of him, they feel like they are under the protection of their parents.

The picture of the strong leading the team to solve everything, let them

Very comfortable.

Now it's a battle of life and death. If you can easily kill evil spirit, who really wants to fight with evil spirit.

At this time, their fear of blood creatures has completely dissipated. They have a kind of inexplicable confidence in Lu Chen. The prince in front of him seems to be able to break the vermilion gate.

Lu Chen didn't let them down. While they were watching, Lu Chen had already reached the vermilion gate. At this time, the vermilion gate had grown eyes.

It was a pair of deep and dark eyes. Just one eye to the eyes, Lu Chen felt a trance. He seemed to be pulled into a dream by those eyes.

When he was in a trance, Lu Chen had a feeling that if he was pulled into a dream, he would never wake up.

However, there was no chance at the gate. Just when Lu Chen's consciousness was blurred, a sound of sword roared through the sea of Lu Chen's consciousness. Then, there was a tyrant and domineering influence on all sides. In the shock of consciousness, Lu Chen's consciousness was awakened again.

Then, without waiting for the gate to make other attacks, a purple figure appeared behind Lu Chen, and then:

"Euler Euler Euler Euler..."

The continuous sound of "Euler" rang out here. Under the crazy attack, the gate broke open.

At this point, let Yunzhou and others feel the threat of God blood gate, completely broken.

[the system indicates that the host broke the vermilion gate infected by God blood, and gained 20000 experience points]

the broken vermilion gate also made Lu Chen a fortune. While Lu Chen was listening to the system prompt, all the talents in nayunzhou looked at the broken vermilion gate, and their faces were a little pleased, but some speechless complex.

Facing the vermilion gate, they rush the fastest, but they are constantly frustrated when dealing with the vermilion gate. Lu Chen then moves forward steadily, but there is no difference in the treatment of the vermilion gate. Many vicious words are sent to Lu Chen.

However, in the face of that vicious words, Lu Chen is indomitable, without the slightest obstruction. All this makes Yunzhou people feel Lu Chen's strength.

After a long silence, Wanrong took the lead in coming to the front, looking at the fragments of the vermilion gate, she opened her mouth to Lu Chen: "Your Highness, the blood is strange. I'm going to seal them up to avoid other situations."

Wanrong said very reasonable, but was directly refused by Lu Chen: "no need."

Such a reply made Wan Rong Leng for a moment, but soon she seemed to understand something. She quickly opened her mouth and said, "the prince's highness misunderstood it. This divine blood is the prize of your highness. I will give it to you after the seal is sealed."

"I know, but I don't need to."


This words, let Wanrong and the people in Yunzhou behind her are a little unclear, so, but soon, their face's amazement turned into surprise."Hello, Hello, what is this for?"

"Put it down, it can't be eaten!"

"Why do you eat everything?"

"Isn't it killing?"


The scene in front of them almost let those Cloud State genius jump up, this is not their fault, it is Lu Chen's action at this time, too surprised.

After breaking the gate, Lu Chen actually squatted down and picked up the debris of the gate. There was nothing here, but the thing that stunned them quickly happened. Holding the fragment of the vermilion gate, Lu Chen opened his mouth and swallowed the debris one by one.

As if biting biscuits, soon all the wood in front of the body was swallowed up by Lu Chen.

This scene of swallowing everything makes those Yunzhou people really don't know what to say. Among them, the man named Lanlin has the most complicated facial expression. He also remembers the fear of being almost swallowed up by Lu Chen.

However, no matter how they thought, Lu Chen still swallowed the fragment.

The shock in the heart pressed down, the prince of Zhongzhou said carefully: "Chen, you Are you all right? "

"Of course not."

While saying that, Lu Chen also patted his stomach twice, and this action also let the prince of Zhongzhou breathe a sigh of relief: "it's OK. The evil spirit of blood has been killed. Let's go back to the station first."

"Indeed, it's time to go back. We have to gather our people together. Now there is God blood. I don't know what will happen in the future."

Many people agreed with Zhongzhou Prince's proposal. It was their original plan. But this time, Lu Chen said, "wait for me for a minute."

"What's the matter? Can I help you? "


"Well, let's wait a moment. What's more, we are friendly now. You can tell me what you need What are you doing? "

When Lu Chen opened his mouth, his words were still very useful. Other people didn't refuse Lu Chen's request, but asked him what he had to do and whether he wanted to help.

However, soon they were frightened by Lu Chen's reaction.

Said not to use Lu Chen's body is red, the body is also hot frightening, and his whole body is constantly twitching on the ground.

Such a scene, let them feel Lu Chen's pain, one of them even couldn't help but say: "I've said for a long time, you can't compete everything in your mouth!"

"Don't mention it. The medicine is out. It's critical now. We can't lose the powerful fighting power of the thirteen princes."

"I see. This is Huiyuan liquid, which can help people Restore Fu, wait, the barbarian Prince is not hurt. "

Of course, Lu Chen is not injured. His pain is the same as that of swallowing a bull. It is the pain of stretching his body when he breaks the limit of his life.

But this time, the pain is several times stronger than the last time. After all, what Lu Chen devours is not elite creatures, but God blood creatures.

[the system indicates that the host has devoured the creature with divine blood and obtained epic bonus. Congratulations on the host's constitution increased by 100 points, Qi and blood increased by 100 points, strength increased by 100 points, and defense increased by 100 points. This divine blood ability is fear and nightmare. When the host uses coercion and threat, the power increases by 10%]

[the system indicates that epic bonus for feast has eight times]

system improvement Lu Chen's body strengthening was completed in a minute. At this time, Lu Chen's height had reached 3.8 meters, and after another evolution, his figure could reach 4 meters.

However, Lu Chen's attention is not focused on his body, but on the system's prompts. The large improvement of his basic attributes does not make Lu Chen too surprised. As a myth skill, every promotion of feast is extremely huge.

Lu Chen's main focus is on the threat Skill Bonus. When the banquet arrives at the epic, it's quite surprising that Lu Chen can get the skill bonus.

"Forget it, don't think so much. It's a good thing."

Shaking his head, do not think about other, Lu Chen from the side to grab a Buxue Dan, directly swallow.

This time, Lu Chen swallowed 50 pills in one gulp. While swallowing the blood tonic pill, he felt the surging power in his body, but Lu Chen thought about other things.

"When we reach the will, the Buxue pill is likely to have little effect. We need to change the medicine. I hope it is not too expensive." When

first entered the bloody season, only some herbs, the decoctions made from animal bones could make Lu Chen improve rapidly. But with the growth of strength, Lu Chen's consumption was also improving rapidly. Now, the blood enriching Dan made by the brute animal essence can be eaten as a sugar bean.

Of course, Lu Chen has made other preparations. The sun protection is the skill that Lu Chen solidified to reduce his own consumption. Unfortunately, there is no sun light to absorb for LuChen.

Lu Chen is in heartache for the blood tonic pill. The large number of Yunzhou people, looking at Lu Chen who stands up again, has lifted his height again. They are no longer surprised, only tired."Can that guy grow in strength?"

"Well, if I can live this time, I won't argue about anything. I'll practice hard after I go home."

Lu Chen's speed of strengthening has made other geniuses doubt life.

Of course, when they are tired, they are still happy. Now they are on the same front with Lu Chen. Lu Chen is strong, and they also benefit from it. With Lu Chen's recovery, they are moving towards Yunzhou station again.

With a lot of talent on the side, and no accident happened, they soon arrived in Yunzhou.

When he arrived at the station, Lu Chen found that the situation inside was similar to that of the barbarians. Almost all the strong people in the flesh and blood territory left here and went to other levels. According to Lu Chen's estimation, they probably went to the pillar of heaven.

In addition to the strong, the people involved are ordinary soldiers, as well as some civilians who have taken refuge.

At the same time, when Lu Chen arrived, he found that what he said yesterday had already had an effect. Yi Rong, one of the top ten talents, had been excluded by many people.

Now, everyone looks at her like a potential criminal, and they don't even let her move around.

However, when Lu Chen arrived, everything changed.

When Lu Chen pulls Yi Rong to his side, what changes first is the ordinary people in Yunzhou who are rescued behind Lu Chen and others.

Those people were saved by Lu Chen. At the same time, along the way, they all saw Lu Chen's strength and realized that only Lu Chen could save them in this dangerous border city.

When their lives were threatened, regardless of the difference between Yunzhou and the wilderness, they kept courting Lu Chen all the time. Many businessmen even promised to support Lu Chen when he established a tribe.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen is too powerful for ordinary people to get close to him. Seeing Yi Rong standing by Lu Chen's side, countless Yunzhou people crowded to Yirong, hoping to win a chance to live by courting Yi Rong.

And this is very necessary. They are all following Lu Chen, and there are barbarians and Yunzhou soldiers sheltering nearby. But this shelter is not perfect. There are many people in the periphery, which is a situation that may die at any time.

But as long as Lu Chen gives a little command, he can let those ordinary people squeeze into the center and ensure the safety of their own and their families.

In this way, there are naturally many people who are willing to please Lu Chen. Even if they are not for themselves and for the safety of their families, they are willing to have a good relationship with Lu Chen.

No one dares to neglect such matters concerning life and death. Therefore, a large group of people surrounded Yi Rong soon.

However, Yi Rong, looking at a group of people who were still cursing at themselves last night, suddenly became flattered and felt strange in her heart.

But when the team started to move completely, the strangeness in her mind completely dissipated.

After packing up the things of Yunzhou station, Lu Chen is advancing. As in the past, Lu Chen is walking in the front, and other soldiers follow him, following Lu Chen's torn opening for a surprise attack.

While those ordinary people are there, they are at the end, watching the evil spirits in other directions with vigilance and keeping up with the team.

However, because the team is too large, even with the protection of Lu Chen and others, the human beings on the edge may encounter evil attacks.

Although the next moment there will be strong men to kill those evil spirits, but every time the evil spirits appear, there will always be several people dead.

As a result, everyone wants to squeeze in. Unfortunately, there must be a limited number of people who can stand in the middle. At the same time, there are also soldiers to maintain the team, so that the people behind them will not be confused. Those who maintain are also human beings, and they also have human relations.

Those close to the strong and those close to the soldiers are put in the center, and the families of the strong are more important and protected by soldiers.

Lu Chen is the most powerful one in the team. Even if he doesn't say anything at the front, all the people who have a little relationship with Lu Chen are placed in the center. Yi Rong is the case. The maid and servants she takes are also placed in the center.

Such a safe privilege makes Yi Rong understand why so many people suddenly flatter herself, and the compliment makes her feel comfortable!

"It's not bad to follow the thirteen princes."

It can only be said that comfort is the protection of the strong.


The process of migration is very smooth. The majority of human beings in this border city are soldiers. Because of their strength, even the migration speed of groups is very fast.

An hour later, a large number of Yunzhou people were sent to the square chosen by Lu Chen, and in the process, many lucky people escaped the evil killing and came to this safe area.

But they are also the last surviving human beings. Up to now, all the human beings in the border city have died except Lu Chen and others.

Looking at the thousands of soldiers in the center of the square, as well as the remaining thousands of civilians with some fighting power, Lu Chen did not pay attention to the injuries, but directly found the talents and Ji hongdie from Yunzhou."Do you have anything to discuss with us

Ji hongdie is talking. Looking at Yi Rong who is closely following Lu Chen, she is angry, but her face doesn't show it at all. Ji hongdie is very clear that she is not the hostess of the family now, and even if she is, she doesn't dare to have any opinions on Lu Chen's concubine. In troubled times, girls are really difficult.

However, although dare not have the opinion, but the idea of pressing Yi Rong's head has already appeared in her heart.

"Your husband can find other people, but I am definitely the palace."

Lu Chen is not clear about Ji hongdie's idea. After she spoke, Lu Chen nodded and quickly said:

"there is something to discuss. There are too many people here, and according to what you said, this battle will last for a long time. Therefore, we need to make some preparations."

With such words, several other high-level officials in Yunzhou looked at each other. Later, Xiang Lei said, "you are not like a barbarian prince. However, as you said, we have to prepare early, otherwise we will be in trouble once the chaos rises."

"Well, what's the matter with the barbarian prince? We're not stupid."

He was talking about the ninth prince, but he had a lot of opinions about Yunzhou people. Unfortunately, Lu Chen, who was in charge of the barbarian side, took a casual look at the nine Prince and asked him to shut up. Then, Lu Chen glanced at the dark sky and said, "we need to implement military control."

"Let all ordinary people in one place limit their travel and abnormal behavior. If there is any change, they can kill them directly. In addition, we need to search for food when the erosion level is not high, and the food supply also needs to be restricted. We have seven princes on our side..."

"Call me brother. My sister is your real wife. This is appointed by the king. I will search for food."

Seven Prince's words let Lu Chen grin, but think of Man Wang appointed marriage, Lu Chen can only pressure everything in the stomach.

"Well, brother Qi, I'll leave the food to you."

This kind of food control, no moving behavior is very overbearing, more immoral, but among all the people, the only woman named Wanrong opened her mouth, only to look at other people, she did not say much.

War time is not a prosperous time. Everything here aims to live. Human rights are what things are.

In addition to food, there are other things to be discussed. In most cases, Yunzhou people and Lu Chen and others can compromise. However, there is only one point in which the two sides are constantly disputed, that is, the distribution of forces in defense, that is, the distribution of forces when they go out.

This is very important. Most evil spirits invade from outside. Therefore, soldiers stationed outside are easy to die. Neither Yunzhou nor barbarians want their own soldiers to die.

In the quarrel, the irascible eighth prince said directly: "you also saw the battle yesterday. We won. In terms of strength, you have to listen to us."

This makes the top talents in Yunzhou feel embarrassed. However, their counterattack soon came: "we were defeated yesterday, but only the thirteen princes are better than us. We have about ten top players in the flesh and blood realm."

"My thirteen brothers can beat all of you."

"But it was a one-on-one showdown, and now if we're surrounded by ten people, he won't be able to hold on."

This word, really let eight Prince have nothing to say, if together, the situation is really different.

However, when the eighth prince was ready to lower some requirements, Lu Chen said: "now I can't really beat you ten at once, but when I reach the level of will, even if you ten plus all the others, I can win."

In this way, the prince of Zhongzhou didn't object to leaving his old age, but he also said quickly: "you are right, but assuming that these are useless, you are now a savage, not a warrior in the realm of will."

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