It is not easy to break through the realm of will, which is the difficulty for many people. Even the most humble warrior has to go through endless hardships to reach the state of will.

Nearly a hundred savage soldiers have honed themselves in the battle of life and death and in the harsh environment. Only one or two of them can sublimate their will, and many of the rest will die in the process.

At the same time, other people also know that Lu Chen has not arrived at the barbarian bone for a few days. When he was just advanced to the barbarian bone, he said that he would reach the realm of will within ten days, which is doubtless a fantasy.

If other people speak, the people in Yunzhou who are present will definitely speak out and reprimand the other party's delusional Tiankai.

"You just want to break through again when you are just advanced. Do you think you are the son of God?"

"Ten days, I think three years is more or less."


Such words are not ridicule, but let the other side down-to-earth.

However, it is Lu Chen who is saying this now. Thinking of Lu Chen's past achievements and the continuous improvement of his strength due to fighting in the arena, even if the people in Yunzhou can't believe it, no one dares to deny it.

Although they do not believe that Lu Chen has reached the realm of will, what if!

Lu Chen has given them too many "surprises". Even if it looks like a daydream, they dare not deny it easily.

Because of Lu Chen's words, the scene became silent. This time, not only Yunzhou people were silent, but also several princes standing with Lu Chen opened their mouths, but they didn't know what to say.

At the same time, the seven princes and the nine princes, who wanted to fight for the throne, looked happy and ugly.

Happy, of course, is that the stronger Lu Chen's strength is, the higher the chance to live with Lu Chen, while the ugly reason is that Lu Chen is too strong, and their chance to fight for the throne is nearly gone.

The silence lasted for a long time. At last, Zhongzhou Prince left a year old and said dryly, "Chen, you are not joking

"You think I'll watch jokes at this time."

Of course, Lu Chen is not joking. Because of the danger here, Lu Chen doesn't want to retain his experience value. Now Lu Chen just wants to kill evil spirits and advance quickly.

"I'm still too weak to be affected by the war of the gods. I don't want to save others. It's hard to live."

"Even for the sake of my own life, I must improve my strength quickly. When I reach the realm of will, it will be better."

Lu Chen is ready to ascend to the realm of will here, but this is not arrogant, he is really sure.

This place is indeed very dangerous, but there are also opportunities in danger. The endless evil spirits activated by the spirit of God really hurt Lu Chen and others. However, as long as those evil spirits are killed, Lu Chen can gain a huge amount of experience points. As long as the experience points are enough, Lu Chen can really improve rapidly.

"The only thing that restricts me is the task of trying to break through from the realm of flesh and blood to the realm of will. But from the name, it can be seen that the most important thing to break through to the realm of will is will, and my will of overlord and domineering will is probably enough."

Lu Chen is right about this. His will is enough.

At that time, in Manniu village, the reason why Liao, who led the team, was indifferent at the beginning, and later attached great importance to Lu Chen, and let his two sons, Ya and Mao, follow Lu Chen's side. He saw that Lu Chen had the power of will.

In short, Lu Chen is full of confidence now, and the prince of Zhongzhou on the opposite side stops speaking when he sees Lu Chen's confidence.

After a long silence, the eighth prince said happily, "now you have nothing to say. If my thirteenth brother breaks through the realm of will, you will need me to protect you from now on. Now you can't watch too much outside."

Of course, it's not too much. If you need Lu Chen to protect them in the future, now they really have to guard outside. Otherwise, when Lu Chen breaks through, they can not protect them. At that time, they will be in danger.

Lu Chen's self-confidence and the eight princes' words made several talented people in Yunzhou look at each other. Later, Wanrong, one of them, said directly, "Your Highness, if Prince Chen can break through the realm of will, in accordance with the principle of fairness, our people really have to guard outside, but we want to use other methods to compensate your royal highness."

With these words, she said a few words to the people behind her. Soon, piles of boxes were brought to everyone's eyes. The boxes were quickly opened. Then, piles of pills, weapons, and a large number of charms almost dazzled Lu Chen's eyes.

Looking at those things, Lu Chen could not help feeling the weight of the four words of money and willfulness.

When Lu Chen was looking at those things, the voice of Wanrong Qingling rang: "these things can be handed over to your Highness the prince. There is also a set of array that can be used by our cloud state to protect this area."

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, but soon Lu Chen began to say: "these things, plus the array protection, you will send people to guard half of the direction, and the other half will be guarded by us. When I reach the realm of will, I will coordinate with the four sides."

To tell you the truth, if Lu Chen does not reach the realm of will, such conditions are very unfavorable to Yunzhou. They not only need to provide materials, array, but also people. But the world is full of eggs. A strong man can change everything.Considering Lu Chen's strength when he was promoted to the realm of will, finally, the people of Yunzhou discussed for a while and agreed with Lu Chen.

After they agreed, Lu Chen looked directly at Ji hongdie: "hongdie, you are responsible for the distribution of food and medicine for barbarians. Remember, the soldiers need to be fed, and the rest as long as they don't starve to death."

After saying this, Ji hongdie looks at several barbarian princes around with some worry. After hearing that Lu Chen has given Ji hongdie the right to distribute goods and materials, Ji hongdie has a subtle look on their faces, but after taking a look at the surrounding materials, they don't say anything.

Their silence let Ji hongdie breathe a sigh of relief, at the same time, followed by joy.

"Don't worry, my husband. I will take care of all this."

No matter where she is, it is not a small right to be in charge of material distribution. Now, it is more about life and death. She can control the life and death of some people as long as she is slightly biased towards a few people.

Everyone wants such rights. The reason why Ji hongdie looked at the other princes just now was that she was afraid of their opposition.

However, although the princes were reckless, they were not stupid. Lu Chen won over a lot of the materials supported by Yunzhou by his strength. After that, they still needed Lu Chen's protection. In this case, they had no right to distribute materials.

Several princes can't fight for it, but Yi Rong wants to fight with Ji hongdie: "my husband, I'll help you with hongdie's sister."

However, as soon as he said this, he was rejected by Lu Chen.

"You go out with me to fight."

Lu Chen has never been a man of the essence. He let Ji hongdie take charge of material distribution because Ji hongdie has helped herself several times in a row. Whether she immediately gets up to help Lu Chen sort out the map after being raped, or is willing to risk her life to go out to battle with Lu Chen, and other strategies, all show that Ji hongdie really cares about Lu Chen, and this continuous incident makes Lu Chen Willing to believe in Ji hongdie.

But although Yi Rong surrenders, Lu Chen doesn't believe it at all. Lu Chen is not stupid to give her such an important matter as material distribution.

And Lu Chen's refusal also moved Ji hongdie.

"My husband is not a merciless man. I have seen everything I have done."

Ji hongdie looks at Yi Rong with a cold light in her eyes.

Lu Chen didn't see the last ray of cold light. At this time, after distributing everything, Lu Chen went out hunting with his team. His time was very tight.

"The trial task of the state of will is related to the will. I may have reached the standard, but there is still a gap in my training value."

"It takes 60000 training points to upgrade to level 6, and 70000 to level 7 Although the difficulty at the time of breakthrough is the task of trial training, it also needs 100000 points of experience value to upgrade to the level of will. That is to say, the total training value I need is 500000. Now I only have 20, and I still lack 300000. "

300000 is not a small gap. As usual, Lu Chen has no confidence to get it in just ten days. But now, there are evil spirits everywhere. Lu Chen must fight with evil spirit. In this case, either he gains experience value or is killed by evil spirit. Therefore, Lu Chen is certain to gain enough experience value in ten days.

"Charge with me."

With the team, Lu Chen moves forward quickly. When Lu Chen acts, the Yunzhou side also sets up an array around the square. At the same time, led by Xiang Lei, another part of the team goes outside to clean up the evil spirits like Lu Chen.

In this way, in order to reduce the defensive pressure since then, Lu Chen and Yunzhou people rushed to the city of nightmares with their team.

After Lu Chen leaves, Ji hongdie takes a look at the supplies in front of her, and then at the ordinary people who are crowded together and dare not move. She has a smile on her face.

After laughing, she turned her eyes directly to a plump girl next to her.

"Xiaochan, did you write down the names of those bitches around your husband?"

"Write it down."

While giving a book to Ji hongdie, Xiaochan said: "Miss, that's great. If you give me the things, we can have enough."

Xiaochan had experienced famine when she was a child. It was not a war between gods and spirits, but also a domain level evil spirit. Under the evil influence, Xiaochan left home with her parents. On the way, her parents died directly to protect her. When she was about to die of starvation, she was taken as a servant by the Ji family. Therefore, she was very afraid of hunger.

At the same time, Xiaochan also patted her chest. The turbulent scenery made the small and exquisite Ji hongdie look down at herself. Then, she was in a bad mood.

"Just eat. You're fat."

Severely ordered Xiaochan two times, Ji hongdie directly said: "my husband trusted us, how can we fail our husband's trust, we are like other soldiers, as long as a little full on the line, and those women remember their names for me, they don't need to fight, as long as they don't starve to death."

Ji hongdie, who gains power, can't let go of the women around Lu Chen, while Xiaochan doesn't care about those people. She only cares about food."I'll give these things to us, it's OK for us to eat more."

Of course, it doesn't matter. Lu Chen is not the virgin. Most of the materials are obtained by Lu Chen. Don't say that Ji hongdie has eaten some. Even if she has taken a lot, no one dare to say anything.

However, Ji hongdie wants more: "it doesn't matter, but I will do the best to satisfy your husband."

Ji hongdie, who is the target in the Queen's position, dare not go wrong at one step.

With Ji hongdie as an example, and many barbarians around him, Lu Chen and others left many cruel rules, but there was nothing else to say except for a few dandies.

Many people know the world's hardship when walking all year round. They also know that it is good to have someone take in at this dangerous time. No one asks for more.

And those spoiled dandies, naturally, someone picked them up.


There is no harm on the camp, and the land Chen that goes forward will reap a lot.

The evil is not too strong now. There is no threat to Lu Chen. Even if the ability of these sneakers is strange, they can not be hurt. Instead, they are all crushed by Lu Chen.

And all the way to kill, Lu Chen is also a harvest.

[system prompts that the host killed the activated corpse, obtained 20 experience values]

the system prompt that the host killed the mutated activated corpse, and obtained 30 experience values]

br > br > system prompt: the host killed the activated corpse with agile enhancement, and obtained 100 experience values]

br > br > the results showed that the host killed the activated corpse with agile enhancement, and obtained 100 experience values

The border city is still the most peripheral city, and the spirit breath can only infect the dead creatures. However, the number of deaths in this city is too many, and a large number of activated corpses are like zombies, and they are constantly coming towards Lu Chen and others.

Of course, the ordinary activated corpses did not cause troubles to Lu Chen and others, but Lu Chen clearly saw that with the passage of time, the activated corpses were constantly spreading black lines, even if there were black patterns directly woven into a text.

After the text appeared, the activated corpse was like being protected, or it was rapid or strength rising, even the arm turned into a sharp edge, or the tongue was spitted out. All of these changes made Lu Chen have a crisis.

Indeed, Lu Chen can still kill a lot of evil with a sword. But it can be predicted that when more and more words are woven on the evil body with black patterns, it will be more and more difficult for Lu Chen to deal with it.

Finally, the evil of fighting with Lu Chen is not a problem. If such evil causes another drop of divine blood, Lu Chen will be completely dangerous.

This crisis stimulates Lu Chen, which makes Lu Chen fight almost ceaselessly.

During the fighting, some barbarians gradually failed to keep up with the army of Lu Chen. Not that they didn't work hard, but the intensity of the battle was too high. He almost kept on attacking with the team and killing evil. Such killing, the barbarians were unable to support the body of iron beating.

Lu Chen did not force to do so, but let the soldiers who could not bear to return to rest.

With the passage of time, more and more people fell behind. They were just ordinary barbarians at first, then barbarians. Then even the barbarians who awakened their blood could not hold on.

Even at the end of the day, even the son of the golden leader and several princes, were a little tired.

The princes looked at Lu Chen who was killing them in front of him, and they were helpless on their faces.

"It's too much physical strength."

It is normal for them to be tired. At this time, Lu Chen and others have been fighting for hours. A small part of the whole border city has been pushed out by Lu Chen.

Looking at the son of several leaders sitting on the ground, Lu Chen looked around again. He found that the evil around him was indeed less, but the remains of the activated corpse were all written on him.

Even some of the living bodies have more than five characters, and each of them represents a kind of protection. This feeling that our staff are constantly tired and the enemy is constantly strengthening is really despairing.

What's more, although the number of activated bodies has been reduced, some of the surrounding items stand up stiff. Although they are difficult to move now, when the spirit breath reaches a certain extent, those items will also have lethality.

"It's a desperate world, but there is also a chance that we don't need to kill all the lurks. We can win if we get rid of the evil gods in the upper battlefields."

When Lu Chen thought, the voice of the seven princes sounded.

"Brother 13, let's go back. We can't fight all the time."

"You go back first, and I can hold on for a while."

Such words make several princes and the son of the leader look at each other. They are brave enough to continue fighting. However, even if they devour blood supply pills, they have to rest for a while to continue fighting.

It is necessary to digest the blood supply pill, and the curative effect of the pill needs to spread to the whole body. At the same time, they also have to relax the muscles which are tight all the time.In short, even the barbarians with golden blood should have a rest after continuous fighting.

And Lu Chen, dare not waste time, but for the sake of experience value, he will deal with them at will and attack again.

The body slightly squatted down, the next moment, "bang" a startling sound, in the ground broken, Lu Chen huge figure directly soared into the sky.

One hundred meters, the next moment, Lu Chen with a startling momentum, from the sky.

"Boom" is another violent sound. The gravity falling from the sky is transformed into potential energy, which shakes everything around. Lu Chen, taking advantage of this moment, sweeps his sword directly.

"Concussion sword spirit!"

In Lu Chen's roar, the broad sword spirit cuts off all the evil spirits that have been shaken off.

Without cleaning up the remaining evil spirits, Lu Chen, like a shell, kept jumping to the place where the evil spirits gathered.

He wanted to kill the most evil spirits in the shortest time, and the effect was very good. In a short time, a large number of evil spirits died in Lu Chen's hands.

[the system indicates that the host kills the zombie and gains 20 experience points]

[the system prompts that the host kills the zombie and gains 30 experience points]

The system's prompt is continuous. Unfortunately, although there are many murders, Lu Chen's experience value gained by killing Baiyou level evil spirit is almost zero, and that of Heiyou is very few. Therefore, although Lu Chen has worked hard, he has been jumping for a long time, and his training value has only increased by 10000.

"Well, it's not enough, but if I keep fighting, I'll probably accumulate 500000 experience points in five days."

If Lu Chen keeps fighting all the time, it is possible for Lu Chen to gain enough experience points in five days. If the gods do not die, his breath will never stop. Even if Lu Chen kills all the activated corpses and the dead things stand up, there is no lack of evil spirits around him.

All this makes Lu Chen seem to be able to achieve his goal, but it seems beautiful, but it is a bit troublesome to implement it!

After two hours of separation from the sons of many leaders with golden blood, Lu Chen, who is in the process of jumping, stops. Relying on his last strength, he jumps back to the station. Lu Chen stands with the talented people who are breathing back with sadness on his face.

"It's still too weak. I can't keep fighting for hours in a row."

This words, let originally rest for a while sons of the leaders, as well as cloud state top talent face relaxed moment stopped.

Looking at the Nightmare City which has been turned into ruins, and looking at Lu Chen's uninjured body, listening to him say that he is too weak, the expressions on the faces of the sons of the leaders can not be maintained.

"Shit, you're weak. What are we, trash?"

"It's weak to fight for several hours in a row. What do you want to do, keep fighting?"

"Elder brother, you are a savage. You have not reached the realm of will. You have been invincible for several hours in a row with such a state."

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