Lu Chen's earth shaking is just like the Q earth smashing of the bull head chief alista in the League of heroes. This is a skill that can be used with the strong wind to cut the dead.

The only difference is that Lao Niu's Q is weakened too much in the game, which can only arouse the people around him. Under Lu Chenyi's feet, with the addition of strength and concussion force, enemies within 500 meters around will die if they don't jump up.

And jump up and say, "ah, it hurts, it hurts." The sound of the sound, will ring through their ears.

This is the real death like wind, always accompany me!

At the same time, even if there is a strong evil, it is useless to dodge in the air, not to mention how fast the wind Jue Xi, who is "death is like the wind, often accompanies me" under the bonus of the son of wind.

It is that they can dodge. When they want to dodge, they will be directly suppressed by the terrible pressure. It is the tyrannical and domineering pressure. If they can't move under the threat, they will face the killing of the wind.

With the strong ability to move, Lu Chen not only killed all the escaped Shenxue evil spirits, but also completely killed other extraordinary powerful evil spirits.

"It's a pleasure to cross the battlefield and travel vertically and horizontally. It's really a pleasure to cut off the strong wind accompanied by the wind!"


Lu Chen is happy, but the evil spirit around him is fear, not just evil fear. When there is no strong evil spirit around, the barbarians and Yunzhou people around look at Lu Chen, and their eyes also show fear.

Lu Chen, who comes and goes, constantly releases terror and pressure, and even calls on the mythical giant sword at a word's disagreement, confuses them.

Of course, there are those who fear Lu Chen, and naturally others worry about Lu Chen. Among them, Ji hongdie is the most worried. Looking at Lu Chen's sudden outburst of power, she is elated at first, but Lu Chen's subsequent attack is too terrible, and she is also frightened.

When Lu Chen fell, she ran to Lu Chen and touched Lu Chen's body.

"How are you, my husband?"

"Well, of course I'm fine!"

When he said this, Lu Chen even grabbed his face with his hands. The powerful force made Lu Chen's face crack directly and the blood flowed. But as Lu Chen's palm left, after counting the rest, the scar was completely healed.

"See, now I'm, hi, it's a blast!"

Lu Chen feels comfortable for her state, while Ji hongdie, looking at Lu Chen's actions, is more worried.

"My husband, you are really OK!"

At this time, her words already had a cry.

"Of course I am..."

Looking at the frightened Ji hongdie, Lu Chen is impatient at first, but soon, Lu Chen sees his situation from Ji hongdie's eyes. The crazy attitude and the smiling face of Jie Jie Jie make Lu Chen confused.

"What's the matter? How did I become like this? Avalon is the land of goblins, not the Holy Grail of black mud? "

Lu Chen, who is a little sober, first doubts. Then, he thinks of something, and immediately looks to the side. After seeing the things there, Lu Chen's face also has fear.

"Almost, almost become a red Lord, fearless of life and death, strong strength, but only know how to kill the Red Prince."

Lu Chen looked at the place, there are red ghosts and gods in the air, at the same time, the blood color of the light continues to spread around, in that blood light, countless soldiers, in forgetting to die, that is really not afraid of life and death, they only kill the enemy, almost no longer defend themselves.

"Kazan of the soul of the sword, I knew that the black taboo is not so easy to use."

Yes, Kazan of the spirit of the sword, which can increase strength, increase the fighting spirit, and even manifest the double sabres, kill the enemy crazily. Although it is extremely powerful, it also has an impact on human will.

Affected by it, those soldiers will become crazy and belligerent, and this is still a good saying. After that, it is bloodthirsty and brutal.

Even Lu Chen himself was affected by the first ghost and became crazy.

Although Lu Chen used to love killing, he seldom did anything about self mutilation except fighting with evil spirits. Now, just to show his own healing ability, he destroys his face. This kind of thing can't be done by Lu Chen in a sober state.

"Kazan of the soul of the sword increases strength, but it reduces wisdom. Fortunately, I didn't turn on the fury. Once I was completely furious, I could even bravely rush to the kingdom of God and intervene in the divine war, which would be really troublesome."

Not only Lu Chen, but also the barbarian soldiers who worshipped Lu Chen, were influenced by Kazan of the soul of the sword. They sacrificed their lives and died one by one.

In this case, Lu Chen is scared and quickly takes back the soul of the sword Kazan. At the same time, Lu Chen also sighs.

"Unexpectedly, Kazan's regurgitation is not one-time, but continuous."

It can only be said that Lu Chen misunderstands that there are ghosts and gods who are really cunning, but Kazan, who only knows how to kill, will not be like this. At the same time, just now, it was not Lu Chen's back bite. It was the Kazan of the spirit of the sword strengthening Lu Chen.Of course, just as some animals are courting to share their own food, many powerful creatures reward others with their best, but their best is not necessarily suitable for human beings.

As a madman who only knows how to kill, the reward of Kazan, the first ghost God, is naturally to let Lu Chen go on the road of killing.

In Kazan's view, the greatest reward given to Lu Chen is that there is no irrational killing and destroying everything.

Of course, Lu Chen would rather not.

After taking back the Kazan of the soul of the sword, Lu Chen's reason was much more sober, and the soldiers around him gradually recovered their consciousness.

However, although they were sober, they did not have the fighting intention of the blessing of Kazan of the soul of the sword. They were also knocked down by fatigue and collapsed to the ground.

And this, also let Lu Chen understand.

"The first ghost is a double-edged sword. With him, my soldiers will never be short of courage. They will never retreat from a dead battle. It will no longer be a dream to fight to the last soldier. But similarly, with him, my soldiers will become more and more cruel and bloodthirsty."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen did not wake up the soldiers.

Just now the first ghost really made Lu Chen have a kind of high explosive trend, but his strength is not virtual. Avalon's continuous supply of power enables Lu Chen to eliminate all the evil spirits around him without any other people. After all, it is a world that provides power for Lu Chen.

Later, waking up, Lu Chen, although not in the wind, cut repeatedly, but a variety of big moves, also one after another.

What should I do when I see a powerful evil spirit? I'd like to rush into a close combat. Bah, a big sword is the most correct way to attack it directly.

With the power provided by the colorful myth, Lu Chen broke out endlessly. When the God of nightmares and fear was killed by the strong men above, no one cheered on Lu Chen's side, but they were shocked.

No way. No one even died in this battle. Most of the evil spirits were killed by Lu Chen alone.

Of course, the death of the gods also made Lu Chen feel a little tired. Avalon provided a lot of energy, which was more continuous, but Lu Chen's big moves also consumed a lot. More importantly, it took a little time for those energies to be transformed into Lu Chen's own strength. Therefore, Lu Chen felt that he could make a series of big moves, but only about ten times Take a break.

Although, this is known by others, they will envy death.

Sitting on the ground to rest for a while, and not long after, under Avalon's recovery, Lu Chen's physical strength recovered.

Feeling the full of physical strength, Lu Chen's face shows joy.

"I used to have enough physical strength. Under the sun, I was like a hero with the tears of the goddess. My Qi and blood were not small, but the tears of the goddess could not support me to continuously release big moves. Therefore, I could only release small skills. Big moves had to be calculated carefully. Without the sun's protection, I dare not use big moves."

"But the existence of Avalon makes me totally different. It's like the tear of the goddess upgraded to the scepter of Archangel. I can release the big trick when I have it."

"But the archangel staff is still a little weak. If only we had a holy grail."

This is Lu Chen some greedy, can only say, people are not satisfied.

However, Lu Chen, who is thinking of nothing in a hurry, smiles on his face.

"It's possible to get the Holy Grail. Although it's not the Holy Grail of the League of heroes, but the Holy Grail is stronger than the Holy Grail of the League of heroes. I remember that the Holy Grail of that world is the collection of the energy of the earth. Some heroes once let the Holy Grail live in their bodies, and then the big moves can be continuous. No, it should be said that after the Holy Grail, with the support of a huge amount of energy, Ordinary moves have become big moves. "

Thinking of the black saber who has the Holy Grail and can kill uncle B with his magic power, Lu Chen's face shows a desire.

"The Grail is a passive state, and that skill, I remember, was put into the skill pool, that is, I had a chance to have the Grail of the fat world."

Thinking of the combination of Avalon and the Holy Grail, Lu Chen's joy on his face could not be concealed, but soon, the joy on his face disappeared.

"The Holy Grail is also a colorful myth. If I don't have a lot of luck, I have to have 1000 spirit crystals to have a chance to extract colorful myths. And there are many skills in colorful mythology. I want to draw the Grail, and the probability is..."

Lu Chen did not dare to calculate the specific probability of getting the Holy Grail.

"No, I have to find a way to improve my luck. If I become the son of luck, my chance to draw the Holy Grail will definitely increase a lot."

Lu Chen is trying to figure out how to use infinite skills and infinite blue. But in the real world, there is no infinite blue, which can release great moves infinitely.

The release of big moves is never only a matter of Qi and blood, but also requires the body's bearing capacity. Therefore, there will be skill CD.

After all, the skill as a big move has a high load on the body. Every time it is released, it will cause pressure on the body. If there is no strong enough body, once a big move is released, the body will be tired.Of course, it's just tiredness. It won't let you continue to release like the game. If you release continuously, of course, you can, but be prepared for physical injury.

After the second release and the third release, of course, it's OK. But after the release, the body directly collapses and can't blame anyone else.

This is also a kind of invisible skill CD. In other words, the skill CD evolved from this aspect. However, this does not apply to Lu Chen.

No way, Lu Chen now strictly speaking, has two mythological skills. Avalon continuously provides energy support for Lu Chen, and the other feast provides Lu Chen with a strong physique.

With Lu Chen's strength now, he doesn't have to worry about the reverse injury of his skills. After more than a dozen big moves, Lu Chen's body and blood vessels will feel tired.

The recovery of Avalon makes Lu Chen's Qi and blood not lack, and the bonus of feast makes Lu Chen strong. The combination of these two skills is the foundation of Lu Chen's infinite explosion.

It can be said that although these two skills are not related at all, they are the best combination in Lu Chen.

"No, it should be said that myth skills are too powerful to match any skill. After all, any myth skill can be used as the core."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen thought of the blessing of the feast, his own power to crush a group of Yunzhou people, a random move has undergone a qualitative change, beating them crying father and mother.

However, if there is no feast and there is Avalon, Lu Chen, though unable to defeat Yunzhou people with one blow, can defeat one by one with consumption. From this, we can see that the colorful myth skills are extremely terrifying.


The existence of the two mythological skills made Lu Chen not afraid of evil. Even, the relaxed Lu Chen was ready to take advantage of the God's death to look up and see if he could gain some benefits.

Of course, impulse is only impulse after all. Lu Chen, who knows that he is still weak, finally shrinks in the border city.

However, after waiting for a while in the gap between the gods' death, Lu Chen feels that his strength is still somewhat insecure.

"Now I can't liberate Avalon's real name at all. Although Avalon's passivity keeps my strength flowing, if the enemy can kill me with the greatest effort, even if I recover quickly, it will be useless."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen thought of the horror of being seen as a fool when he went to the kingdom of God a few days ago.

"No, I'm too weak to be safe at all."

With such an idea, Lu Chen opens the property panel and looks at the barbarian interface.

The first thing he looked at was the grand banquet bonus. When he saw that the grand banquet epic bonus was still level one, Lu Chen had no choice.

"Alas, just now I was deeply influenced by the Kazan of the soul of the sword. I only cared about the killing, and I didn't want to swallow it. Sure enough, the Kazan of the soul of the sword will affect the mind and can only be swallowed up again next time."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen's eyes from the banquet above turn over, to see the barbarian bone and other steps.

There, Lu Chen's level has reached level 10, at the same time, there is a shining silver trial task, in front of Lu Chen constantly shaking.

[training task: the brave try to practice]

[the one with strength is a soldier. The soldier is strong in physique and exquisite in martial arts. He can dominate a village with his strength, but he is only a fighter with no ambition. Only those with strong will are brave. When the host body reaches the limit, he can strengthen his will by various means. When the will reaches a certain level, the host can advance. Br >

< 30, the one with the will to break through the Qi and blood of the host can break through the will of the host, and then the one with the will to break through the body will be able to break through the will of the host

Lu Chen didn't surprise Lu Chen that only 30 points were needed to practice the will of the brave. The will is not the body or even the spirit, but an indomitable attitude, which is very difficult to practice. Ordinary people only have to experience difficulties and obstacles, or even challenge the monsters that they can't overcome. Only after victory can they make their will firm.

Of course, if you don't win, you will naturally die. If you can't win, you will die, which makes it difficult to cultivate your will. Therefore, the 30 point will is not weak.

What Lu Chen didn't think of was that the effect of willpower was almost the same as that of armed forces.

"It can attack natural elements and hurt ghosts. It's almost the same as that of armed forces. It's not right. It should be said that different ways lead to the same goal. At the end of the evolution, the characteristics of the force of the universe and the world are similar. The difference is just different forms of expression."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen no longer thought about distant things, but looked at his eyes.

[the system prompts that the host's will has reached 64 points, and the basic attributes have reached the standard. Congratulations to the host, the valiant's trial has been completed]

[the system prompts that the host has completed the trial of the brave, and only needs to consume 100000 experience points to advance to the brave]

"the first level of the state of mind is the brave one."Thinking incessantly in his heart, Lu Chen also took a look at his own system panel, where the training value of the system has reached 110000.

This is a very normal thing. After upgrading to level 10 of barbarian bone, Lu Chen's experience value has indeed decreased a lot, but then Avalon let Lu Chen kill him.

The evil spirit infected by God's blood is really powerful, but also because of its power, Lu Chen gained a lot of experience points after killing them.

Each blood evil spirit contributes more than 10000 experience points to Lu Chen, which makes Lu Chen's experience value exceed 100000 again.

What's more, those supernatural blood evil spirits provide more than experience value.

When the gods are killed again and Lu Chen and others take a rest, the ordinary villagers in the back will rush to the battlefield for the first time to look for something that can be used. Soon, some items attached to the evil death came to Lu Chen's hand, many of them were extraordinary things.

Not every evil spirit will leave something when it dies. Only when the time is long or there is a special situation at the last moment, can there be something extraordinary left. However, it is very difficult for ordinary evil spirits to have extraordinary things, but the evil spirits of blood are different.

It is almost 80% more likely that items infected by divine blood will degenerate into special items. Therefore, those evil spirits not only provide Lu Chen with a lot of experience points, but also provide Lu Chen with a lot of aura values.

Of course, Shenxue is indeed an opportunity, but it is also a challenge. If Lu Chen did not have the mythical skill of Avalon, the situation just now would be totally different.

It can only be said that even if the opportunity comes, we must have enough strength to catch it, but if we can't, the pie falling from the sky can hit the dead.

After thinking for a long time in his mind and even closing his eyes to calm his mood, Lu Chen said slowly:

"the system can improve the level of savagery."

With Lu Chen's command, the system "Ding" sounded a sound of vibration.

[the system prompts that the host valiant has completed the training, and the basic attributes have reached the standard, which can be broken. Whether to consume 100000 experience points to break through as the brave]


At this point, there is no hesitation. Although Lu Chen has the two mythological skills of feast and Avalon, the combination of these two mythological skills also allows Lu Chen to release big moves without fear, which is enough to survive here.

But now it's a divine war, just above Lu Chen's head, there are countless strong men. No one knows what will happen. Therefore, Lu Chen doesn't dare to dally. If he has experience, he will be promoted.

[the system indicates that the host consumed 100000 experience points, breaking through for the brave]

at the moment of the sound of the system, Lu Chen only felt his whole blood boil suddenly, and a large amount of blood energy was exploding energy. The crazy energy burst out, which shocked Lu Chen's mind. In his sea of consciousness, there was a flame burning suddenly, which was the fire of will Flame is the glory of the soul.

The moment that the fire of will appeared, Lu Chen only felt the sound of a bang in his mind, a blank, I do not know how long the brain blank, when recovered from the blank, Lu Chen felt that everything in the world was different.

When Lu Chen was staring at him, he could feel that the fire of will separated a warm current. After the warm current flowed into his eyes, Lu Chen's vision suddenly changed.

"It's a strange feeling. Looking at other people now, I can see three lights for everyone. Is that their spirit?"

Lu Chen's vision is now able to see the breath of human life with his eyes. The strong have a strong flame, while the weak have a weak flame. In addition to seeing the fire of human life, Lu Chen also sees the stagnant air around him. This is not a direct feeling, but an intuitive vision with his eyes.

Such a scene also made Lu Chen understand:

"when the fire of will is integrated into the eyes, it can see the energy, which should be the basis for the brave to hurt the ghost."

The fire of will can not only make Lu Chen see the energy, but also feel that when the fire of will burns, his own will has been integrated. This makes Lu Chen's will become more concise and more able to resist curse.

This is just like the fog turning into water. In reality, Lu Chen has been able to release all the two concentrated ghosts and gods, and is not afraid of them to bite back.

Of course, this is not the time to release ghosts and gods. Lu Chen pays more attention to the sudden fire of will. At this time, Lu Chen feels that he can control the fire of will slightly.

Raising his arm and clenching his fist, Lu Chen's eyes are fixed on his fist. When Lu Chen's eyes are narrowed, a white light appears on Lu Chen's fist.

When the white light appeared on the fist, Lu Chen didn't say anything, and the people around Yunzhou stood up a lot.

"Brilliant will, your highness Chen, you have become a brave man."

"It's really done. It's impossible."

"Didn't my father say that it's hard for a brave man to succeed. He had to go through a lot of hardships. How could he succeed so easily?"


Startled, appeared in the eyes of a large number of cloud state people, those geniuses, but also feel that there is a sentence in the heart, I do not know when to say.All of them lost in Lu Chen's hands, and let them deeply hit, now, is feeling that there is no hope of victory.

But when the horror is over, what remains in their hearts is joy.

At this moment when they will die at any time, Lu Chen has become a brave man, and they have more chances to live.

The noise here attracted other people's attention. Those people who were already physically and mentally exhausted were numbly collecting goods, but when the news of Lu Chen becoming a brave man passed, there was a loud cheer.

"The brave are really brave. Are we really going out alive?"

"Father, with the protection of his Highness Prince Chen, we can certainly go out."


With Lu Chen's advanced bravery, the sound of cheering resounded here, and the originally numb crowd's eyes also bloomed with the color of hope.

Some people even congratulated Ji hongdie. As Lu Chen's closest person, Lu Chen advanced, and her status rose with the tide.

"Red butterfly, congratulations."

"Your Highness is determined."

Although Ji hongdie said so, the smile on her face did not stop. As Lu Chen's pillow man, Lu Chen was powerful, and she would naturally benefit from it.

Although, now she has benefited countless.

While others were struggling to survive, Ji hongdie's face was not hungry and ugly except tired, and her body was not scarred. Even her maid in waiting was ruddy.

With Lu Chen's protection, people close to Ji hongdie are at the center of the line these days, and food is also given priority to them. Therefore, when other people die from time to time and are suffering from hunger, they are not only safe, but also have no worries about clothes and food.

However, others have no objection to this. The world is of a clear hierarchy, and no one has ever thought that everyone is equal.

Lu Chen is powerful and deserves this treatment. Other people dare not even say that. Instead, they try their best to send good things to Lu Chen. They are afraid that Lu Chen will leave. Although it is difficult to survive, they are still alive. Once Lu Chen leaves, they will die completely. Therefore, no one dares to say anything to Ji hongdie, instead, they keep complimenting Ji hongdie.

Looking at other people, even many of the former royal daughters are also in a mess. Looking at herself, Ji hongdie has no resentment for following Lu Chen, and some are just happy.

In contrast, Ji hongdie can feel the benefits of following the strong.

Of course, although other people did not speak, they did not have a wild hope. Their wild hope was to become a superior person and a privileged class, not to be equal to everyone.


Others are excited by Lu Chen's strength improvement, but this does not affect Lu Chen. When others are excited, Lu Chen is still paying attention to his own changes.

The fire of will can not only hold his eyes on his hand. Under the light of the fire of will, Lu Chen feels that his body is also shining, and he can look inside himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!