He could see his blood flowing in the blood vessels, and the powerful beating of two hearts. Even, he could see the appearance of the skeleton in one, and the appearance of a gorgeous sheath nestled between the two hearts.

When looking at himself, Lu Chen also found that his extraordinary blood was reduced at all times. This is not a white disappearance. The abnormal blood of qualitative change is constantly infiltrating into his muscles and bones, which makes the musculoskeletal of Lu Chen stronger.

At the same time, the battle just now also caused some damage to Lu Chen's body. But now, those injuries are recovering rapidly in the healing of blood and meat of the barbarian blood. Among them, the extraordinary blood is the energy source of blood flesh healing.

Even, relying on the perception brought by direct sense, Lu Chen can sense that during the process of healing of body injury, his internal organs are slightly strengthened, and all of these make Lu Chen understand the process of ordinary barbarian advanced.

"Ordinary barbarians have no system, but they can also be advanced. This advanced step is the process of blood gradually penetrating into muscles and bones. Under the reinforcement of extraordinary blood, the body of barbarians will gradually become stronger, and after reaching a limit, they will break through to the middle level of barbarian bone, and then the high-level of barbarian bone."

"Although the body will be damaged after hard training and after fighting, the body repaired by extraordinary blood will be stronger after the injury. Therefore, the fighting and training can accelerate the speed of strengthening the barbarians"

from the perspective of the interior, Lu Chen also found that although the barbarians are divided into brute blood, brute body and bone, the basis of the barbarian extraordinary is qualitative change Extraordinary blood, that is the most important thing, and it is the basis of everything of barbarians.

"However, this kind of strength is a little slow, it needs to be accumulated over the years. And one thing is that the extraordinary blood is not plain, and the human needs to eat a lot of nutritious food to produce bleeding fluid."

The fire of will makes Lu Chen feel a lot, and Lu Chen understands the advanced route since then.

"In the past, my reinforcement was unconscious and systemic. But now, I have the fire of will, can look inside the body, and can change the blood flow with will. That is, in brave stage, I can mobilize blood to concentrate on strengthening weak places such as heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney."

But those organs, although weak, are related to the human body, they are strengthened, and the overall physical quality of human will become strong.

After a while, when Lu Chen opened his eyes again, he had already understood the benefits of the advanced brave, and at the same time, Lu Chen also understood the key points of the will stage.

If all the blood and flesh are extraordinary blood, the fire of will is the fire of will. Lu Chen has great bonus whether he controls blood to strengthen himself, or will condenses to resist the attack of spiritual power or attack enemies.

"Although the breakthrough of state will not immediately increase my strength, it is only to break a barrier and let me have the ability to continue to improve, but indeed, the breakthrough in the large stage is different. If it is a common soldier, the emergence of fire of will will will be enough to double their strength by twoorthree times."

From killing enemies with blood, to the light of will to strengthen itself, and will to resist spiritual power, this is a huge addition.

This is like the ordinary sea thief suddenly has the tyranny general, or the overlord and armed color bully slightly combined, although both are weak version of bully, but also enough to show the strength of this promotion.

When Lu Chen thought about the fire of will, the system's prompt sound also sounded in Lu Chen's ear.

[system prompts that the host breaks through the ability of the fire of will for the brave. The fire of will is the condensed will. Because of the will, the host's resistance to mental state is the will multiplied by two]

br > congratulations to the host, strength +10, agility +10, constitution +15, HP + 15, bone strength +10, will +5]

[system prompt, affected by the bloodline of brute king, "It is suggested that when the host is advanced, the host will is +10]

br > when the host is advanced due to the influence of the second heart, the host will +10]

br > is good and the basic attributes are added well. This upgrade also adds will and makes a lot of money."

Lu Chen is very happy to add so many basic attributes.

However, before Lu Chen was completely happy, the system then prompted to ring, and those prompts, let Lu Chen do not know what to say.

[the system suggests that the host breaks through the blood and flesh and reaches the brave. After five times of strengthening, the host will be the main practitioner, but the body practice cannot be down. The way of braver, besides will, body assistance is also required.

[system prompts that the host needs to strengthen the five viscera with Qi and blood later: heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and each organ is upgraded once. After five strengthening, the host will be brave The cultivation of the five organs is perfect.

note: the five viscera are the same level, and the blood required for each enhancement is the same.

it is not a level-1 improvement, but only five upgrades can be completed, and each promotion is to strengthen an internal organs, which is exactly the same as it is now"However, the five zang organs need the same Qi and blood, which is very good."

Thinking that in the past, the training value needed for each promotion was soaring. Now, it is the same every time. Lu Chen is very happy. However, Lu Chen's expression of joy can not be maintained immediately.

[the system indicates that the training value required by the host for each organ enhancement is 300000]

"300000, and five times of reinforcement is 1.5 million, which is still acceptable."

Here, Lu Chen's face is still happy, but the next situation, completely beyond Lu Chen's expectations.

[the system indicates that the host is huge, different from ordinary people, and its internal organs can bear more than others. Now the training value required by the host to strengthen an organ is 1.5 million]

"shit, why don't you rob it?"

Because of shock and anger, Lu Chen's voice is called out, which also let the rest of the people around look at Lu Chen.

"My husband, what's the matter?"

"Your Highness Chen, is there a strong one?"


Because of Lu Chen's strength, his sudden outburst made others stand up.

In this regard, Lu Chen quickly waved his hand: "it has nothing to do with you, continue to rest."

With this, Lu Chen left the others behind and looked at his own attribute panel. However, after looking at it for a while, Lu Chen said directly in his consciousness:

"must 1.5 million yuan?"

Lu Chen didn't expect to get an answer, but the system answered this time.

Or the cold voice.

[the system prompts that after the host has invested 300000 experience points, it can be upgraded, with a maximum investment of 1.5 million]

in this way, Lu Chen is a little speechless: "300000 can be upgraded, but who is stupid enough to invest 1.5 million."

Lu Chen relaxed for a while, but soon he thought of something. He looked for some talents from Yunzhou. Looking at them, Lu Chen asked directly:

"you are a member of a big family. You should know some secrets. After arriving at the brave, will there be more time or resources for the strong to practice than others, If so, how did they do it? "

In this regard, the people of Yunzhou have not yet answered, and Zhongzhou Prince and son opened his mouth when he was still young:

"yes, there are a lot of them."

When he said this, he had yearning on his face.

That look, let Lu Chen some surprise: "practice time increased, how do you still happy?"

"Of course, I'm happy. The cultivation time of those talents has increased, but after this training, the strength of those people will also increase a lot. You know, my seventh brother in your brave stage, cultivation time, and resources are seven times as much as others, but after his training, his increased strength is much stronger than others."

After saying this, the young master hesitated for a moment, pulled Lu Chen aside and said in a low voice: "you have saved a lot of us. Let me tell you something that is still secret."

Looking back a little bit, he said directly: "you just made a breakthrough. You should feel that the brave need to reach a certain standard of physical fitness You are so powerful that you should not feel... "

Before he had finished his words, Lu Chen said, "I feel very high and have a vague feeling."

This said, let the young master smile: "since you have the perception, that is much easier to do, you know, ordinary small stage do not say, but the breakthrough in the big stage, all need a certain physical quality as the basis."

Such words, Lu Chen was originally indifferent to the state, but the childe left a year later, let Lu Chen thoroughly cautious.

"You should be very relaxed about the breakthrough just now, but don't be careless. The later you go, the more physical quality you need. What's more, it's not that you can achieve the physical quality required for promotion if you practice perfectly."

"Therefore, people from big families, or talents, will accumulate more profound information for the next stage every time they advance. You should understand what I mean."

Of course, Lu Chen understood and nodded. Lu Chen said cautiously to the prince of Zhongzhou: "thank you. I can find you something later."

What Zhongzhou prince told Lu Chen was very important. In this regard, the Zhongzhou Prince laughed: "don't be too polite. If you go back to the royal court, the strong people in your family will tell you about it."

"You've done me a big favor. If I can help, I'll do it."

"I'm not welcome."

After seeing off the childe to stay in the new year, looking at the system interface, Lu Chen sighed a little.

"I've come to understand what barriers are and why schools value talent."

In this world, the stronger the strength, the more things you can get. Although Lu Chen is very powerful in the exchange competition, one person defeated the whole Yunzhou youth. However, even if Lu Chen is so, he only gets a few percent of the benefits for the wilderness. Although this is not small, the victory and defeat of manwang alone account for half, which is enough to illustrate the importance of the strong.Therefore, the strong is pursued by all people in the world. But from the words of the son of the prince of Zhongzhou when he was old, Lu Chen realized that it is not a genius, it is really difficult to be a strong man.

"Without enough talent, it is difficult for those to break through the brave stage, and after the breakthrough, if there is no chance, they can hardly break through even if they make the brave perfect, because the basic attributes cannot meet the standards."

Yes, the basic attributes can not reach the standard. The world's thousands of skills, except for the golden level, do not have many attributes added to other methods.

While cultivating low-level skills, even if it is the practice of the following steps, when the brave are successful, the five zang organs have been strengthened once, but there is a great possibility that their basic attributes can not reach the standard of upgrading, so there is no possibility of breakthrough.

In this way, others want to break through the skill, one is to change the skill, but it will waste more time. The higher the level of cultivation, the harder it is, not genius is difficult to succeed.

Therefore, they have only two ways for ordinary people, one is to be trapped in such a state forever, the other is to devour the natural materials and treasures, and there are many miraculous drugs, which can increase the basic attributes. However, this is just to treat the standard and not cure the root, not to mention the precious of the holy medicine. After swallowing, even if the advanced success reaches the next stage, the lack of basic attributes will be more, which requires more This is a vicious circle.

Therefore, genius is very important, their foundation is very thick, in the low-level, the advanced level not only has no pressure, but also can exceed the current basic attributes.

Just like Lu Chen, it is no hindrance to break through from barbarian bone to brave. Ordinary people have no such situation, even those genius need to hone their will.

Therefore, it is often seen that one can practice quickly in the middle of someone, but when reaching the bottleneck, it is stuck by the bottleneck for several years, even if it can not be broken through in a lifetime.

Therefore, all the big families and families like genius. They have a strong foundation. When they reach the realm, they don't need any natural materials and treasures.

At the same time, they can accommodate more things after advanced stage, such as Lu Chen. Because of the existence of banquet skills, it only takes 300000 experience to strengthen others, and Lu Chen's bearing capacity has been increased by five times.

This situation also makes Lu Chen even if the next step, also does not need the supplement of genius treasure, it is likely to go over directly.

This is why genius is precious. The more talented the young people, the less they need to hone in the future, the more passes they can directly cross.

As for ordinary people, even if they are lucky to advance to the higher level, they need countless natural resources and treasures to improve their basic attributes. Those things are precious without saying that they must take their lives to fight for them. But if they don't fight, they can not reach the minimum standard, that is, there is no possibility of improvement. This is the case A dead cycle.

"The difficulty now is to make it easier to follow, and it will cost 1.5 million Li to improve."

Lu Chen, who said this, had a little depression. One and a half million people were not a small number. Especially after thinking about his heart more than one, Lu Chen was more depressed.

Just when Lu Chen was super depressed, he suddenly found that his left and right heart had a strengthening value.

[left heart: 0.001]

right heart: 0.001]

this scene surprised Lu Chen.

"How could I, I haven't put in the experience value yet It's Qi and blood. "

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly thought that the world can be upgraded when they reach the brave, and they rely on their own extraordinary blood.

So, also let Lu Chen in front of a bright.

"There are many experience values needed to strengthen the five organs to the limit, but my blood is very strong, and the quality is very good because of the royal blood. Now, Avalon has been constantly supplying energy, that is, I can rely on Qi and blood to reduce the experience value consumption."

Thinking that Qi and blood can fill the experience value, Lu Chen's smile is finally blooming.

However, as soon as we find a solution, Lu Chen worries about his accumulation is not enough. In case of high-level, because the basic attributes are not stuck, we need to find Tiancai and earth treasures every day to supplement their own attributes, which is a mess.

So thinking, Lu Chen found the son to stay old: "your seven brothers cultivation resources are seven times that of ordinary people, what is his situation in Zhongzhou."

"Genius, super genius, although not the top, is also a great talent."

This words, let Lu Chen face a bit complex.

"There are countless treasures in the royal family of Zhongzhou, which is not comparable to me. It is provided by the royal family. The prince is seven times that of ordinary people, but I am five times, alas, it is not bad."

Although thinking like this, Lu Chen is still a bit uncomfortable. He has a kind of premonition. He is likely to be crushed by the seven princes later. After all, the seven princes have seven times, while Lu Chen is only five times more than ordinary people.

However, this is the difference between Lu Chen and the system starts with 300000 experience values. It is not a common value, but it is the value of the brave who can break through without obstacles.Ordinary people need only 10 experience points to convert the consumed Qi and blood once strengthened. That is to say, if Lu Chen is strengthened to the limit, it will be 15 times more than that of ordinary people.

Of course, no one said this to Lu Chen, and he didn't know. At this time, Lu Chen was still worried about other people than himself.

However, the upgrade at this time is not over.

There is a systematic hint that Lu Chen is still in Lu Chen's ear, and has echoed several times.

[the system indicates that the host has reached the brave and obtained the silver level skill - will deflagration]

[volition explosion: the fire of will will will is strongly burned, and the condensed will will will burst into fierce flame brilliance. This skill can double the host's mental resistance and break away from some mind control skills]

[Note: after burning will, there will be a period of weakness, At this time, the host's will is weak and easy to be possessed by evil spirits]

the fire of condensed will is the symbol of advanced bravery, while the will burst is the skill that everyone in this world will acquire after upgrading, just like the blood boiling, war roar and fury gained when Lu Chen advanced to barbarian.

Such skills are all basic skills and can not be replaced, so Lu Chen doesn't care. What Lu Chen really cares about is the following system prompts.

[the system prompts that the advanced warrior of the host has got an opportunity to extract skills. Congratulations to the host, who has extracted the silver level skill shock wave]

"can I make a shock wave sweep forward? But I have the air shock ability of Bull Demon concussion fist. This skill has been restored a little bit."

"System, change skills."

Just after killing the evil spirit of blood, Lu Chen got a large amount of aura value after sacrificing their remaining items. Now Lu Chen has more than 240 aura value in his hand. Therefore, Lu Chen has no hesitation to change his skills after consuming Reiki value.

Even, Lu Chen still has some desire in his heart. If he can extract the myth again, it will be perfect.

Unfortunately, this is delusion.

[the system prompts that the host has consumed five spirit crystals and changed the skills. Congratulations to the host for extracting the bronze skill - ground fissure wave sword]

"I have been able to use this skill, why do I still come out?"

The earth fissure wave sword is a skill that sweeps out the sword wind and knocks people down. At a low level, Lu Chen has a sense of straightforwardness and is ready to rely on great efforts to create this skill.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen had only great strength at that time, and the creation of this skill was not smooth.

But now it's different. When thinking about it like this, Lu Chen holds his long sword and waves it forward. When he wields his sword, he has the force of wind and the force of concussion and gallops forward.

With the help of the force of the wind and the force of concussion, a fierce sword wind blows out from Lu Chen's sword. The sword wind is enough to spread hundreds of meters in front of Lu Chen. All the objects pointed to by the long sword are completely blown away by his sword wind.

The power of terror, so that the rest of the soldiers are a little frightened, to this, Lu Chen is calm.

"With the force of wind and the power of concussion, I'll hit the ground fissure wave sword at random."

The wind force of the earth shattering sword is more powerful than that of the earth shaking sword.

"It should be more than the ground fissure wave sword. With my current strength, most of the bronze skills are useless to me."

Thinking in his heart, Lu Chen is also constantly consuming Lingjing and quickly changing his skills.

Soon, one skill after another appeared in Lu Chen's mind in the system prompt. Because there were many Lingjing, Lu Chen changed quickly. Therefore, there were some skills that attracted Lu Chen's interest.

Even, there is a skill called Popeye. In fact, eating spinach can produce 200% power. Unfortunately, there is no spinach in this world, so Lu Chen can only give up this skill.

Of course, there are good ones. Naturally, there are also skills that make Lu Chen speechless. Originally, Lu Chen thought that as a soldier, he extracted the magic skill of ultimate flash, which was enough to make people speechless. But later, Lu Chen understood that some of his companions who made the game were totally ungrateful and dared to put any skills into it!

What's more tragic is that those skills are also drawn by Lu Chen, which makes Lu Chen have the impulse to return to the real world and beat them violently.

And the next moment, let Lu Chen more uncomfortable skills appeared.

[the system indicates that the host consumed five spirit crystals, changed their skills, congratulated the host, and extracted the silver level skill hormone fruit]

[hormone fruit: the devil fruit owned by Ivan, the demon king in the pirate world. This fruit can control the body temperature, pigment, growth and emotion, transform the human body from the inside, and even change the gender To become a new human, i.e. a human demon, the host can solidify the fruit, and can also consume experience points to improve it. When the host reaches perfection, it will eliminate the side effect of the devil fruit that is afraid of water]

tricolor domineering and devil fruit are all skills of the king of pirates. As a small studio for copying other game skills, Lu Chen and others naturally copied the skills in the king of pirates, and the inside skills were copied The most characteristic devil fruit, of course, has been copied.Devil fruit is very powerful, but even the characteristics of water, but its adaptability is a lot worse. But now, you can use experience value to improve, so as to eliminate the negative effect of devil fruit, which is undoubtedly excellent.

But looking at the name of the fruit, Lu Chen's face is almost distorted. How can Lu Chen solidify this demon fruit? What's more, he can't even scold him this time.

Because this skill was entered into the skill pool by himself.

"You can't be angry, you can't be angry. You have to calm down. I've just been lucky to extract the myth skills. Now it's just normal operation. To be calm, you must be calm."

"Shit, how could I have foolishly entered this skill. If the input was lightning fruit, I would have sent it."

The feeling of being blue and thin appears in Lu Chen's heart. However, Lu Chen calms down his mood very quickly. In a flash, Lu Chen puts all this behind his mind and quickly consumes his experience value and changes his skills.

[the system prompts that the host has consumed five experience points and changed skills. Congratulations to the host for obtaining gold level skills 】

[skill introduction: Mother Earth blesses you 】


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