Soon, the three gold crystals fell into Lu Chen's hands, and the gold combat skills had to enter the totem space to exchange. At the same time, it also cost experience value. However, compared with the God level items, the gold war skills were quite cheap. Only 2000 points of contribution value were needed, and the yellow and gold war skills were collected by Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen did not immediately enter the small world of totem after getting the crystal of divine power. After hesitating for a moment, Lu Chen took out several seals and handed them to the great witch.

"Lord Wu Zhu, this is the blood I sealed in the border city. Can they exchange for contribution value?"

"Of course. Handing over the materials to Wang Ting is a common method for ordinary small villages to obtain contribution value."

That is indeed a common method. Every year, in addition to paying taxes to the royal court, the richer tribes also turn over a lot of things to the royal court.

Of course, they will not suffer losses. After the goods and materials are exchanged for the contribution value, they can choose extraordinary goods or gold combat skills in Wangting. At the same time, when the village is in danger, they can also spend the contribution value to send out soldiers from Wangting.

It can be said that contribution value acts as hard currency in the wild.

Lu Chen's seal of God's blood is still quite a lot, a full nine drops of God's blood was collected by the great wizard Zhu, and then, the witch wish directly said: "God's blood is precious, do you want to exchange for the divine power?"

"Of course."

Lu Chen has divinity in the sky, but he can't make magic power. Therefore, he can only look at the powerful skills of divinity, which makes Lu Chen very unhappy.

Fortunately, Lu Chen was not the only one who gained in the war. Although the barbarian strongmen who fought with Shenju suffered heavy losses, they also gained many good things.

However, some powerful people could not use their divine power and blood for the time being. In order not to waste them, they used them in the royal court to exchange their contribution value to buy the rest. This also made Lu Chen find a new way to gather his power.

With Lu Chen's insistence, Lu Chen soon got three magic power crystals in his hand. So far, the number of magic power crystals in Lu Chen's hands has reached 6, which also means that Lu Chen can activate the divine power skills six times.

Without too much delay, after exchanging the items, Lu Chen found the gold fighting skills in the totem area - big and small Ruyi.

However, to Lu Chen's surprise, there are so many people there that many brave people in the realm of will are queuing here.

Lu Chen also found that all the brave people there were big and tall. When Lu Chen looked at the past, he explained to Lu Chen because of his talent.

"We are barbarians. There are a lot of strong and strong people, but as long as we reach a certain height limit, we will come here to learn the size of Ruyi."

"Is this for their wives? Yes, the brave have strong strength, but their wives are not able to compare with the brave ones, so they really have to learn."

This makes the old witch laugh.

"What's wrong with me?"

"You're right. There are some family reasons for big and big people to learn big and small Ruyi, but more importantly, big and small Ruyi can greatly enhance their strength. The bigger the physique, the more benefit they will benefit from learning this skill."

This made Lu Chen a little confused, but Wu Zhu didn't explain this time. He just asked Lu Chen to come forward and said that as long as he entered it, he would understand the truth.

Soon, it was Lu Chen's turn. When his hand covered the stone tablets of Ruyi size, Lu Chen's consciousness was sucked into the stele, and there, a giant of more than 20 meters, was stretching out.

When Lu Chen entered the giant's body, he didn't delay for a moment. The next moment, the giant roared and played his best.

He did not see any movement of the giant man. Just shaking his body, his height kept rising. In the blink of an eye, the giant's height changed from 20 meters to 200 meters.

The height of terror brings huge power to the giant. The barbarian giant with a height of 200 meters has even surpassed Altman. In such a giant, Lu Chen feels that there is endless power in his body. Now, even a mountain peak is in front of him, Lu Chen feels that he can directly push down.

"What a powerful force, this feeling, I can even break the space."

Lu Chen is pleased with the strength of his power, so is the giant. To Lu Chen's surprise, the giant seems to be able to shake fist with cattle and demons.

The strength made the barbarian giant eager to try, and then, the giant pulled back his right fist, and when he reached the limit, he suddenly swung forward.

"Boom", a violent explosion in front of the ring, in that explosion, the waves of concussion like the general tide toward the front.

Crazy surging concussion force, concussion everything, also smash everything, the height of 200 meters of a giant boxing out, it is really the world are shaking.

When the fist stopped for a while, Lu Chen looked in front of him and found that everything he could see within ten thousand meters of his fist was instantly turned into powder.

Even the hill ahead was smashed by the giant's tentative fist.

The feeling that can smash everything is really fascinating.At this time, Lu Chen also understood why Dawu Zhu said that the bigger the height, the more powerful it would be to learn big and small Ruyi, which was multiplied based on height and weight.

Therefore, the higher the height, the more bonus you get.

While Lu Chen was feeling, the giant opened his mouth.

"The Qi and blood is insufficient. My heart has only six, which is not enough to support my growing to the extreme battle. Whoever you are, you should remember that if you practice big and small, you need to cultivate a second heart and build as many hearts as possible. Only if there are enough hearts, can you not wilt in three seconds."

"Er!" The sudden words made Lu Chen a little speechless, but he understood the meaning of his words.

It's good to get bigger, but everything in the world abides by the law of conservation of energy. When it gets bigger, the consumption must be terrible. Therefore, only if there are enough hearts can we support such a strong body.

After Lu Chen understood all this, the giant's body size quickly shrunk up.

After counting the rest, the giant changed from 200 meters to 2 meters. However, at this time, the feeling of depression appeared in Lu Chen's heart, just like a huge body squeezed into the box. At this time, Lu Chen had a feeling of being unable to stretch. At the same time, Lu Chen also found that his strength was very weak in this body state.

Lu Chen didn't experience it for a long time. Soon, the giant returned to his original 20 meter figure. At this time, there was a mark of Ruyi on Lu Chen's mind and spirit, and he himself was shot out of the stone tablet.

Back to the reality of the first time, Lu Chen's mind on the sound of a systematic prompt.

[system prompt: congratulations to the host for learning the big and small Ruyi's combat skills. Now the host has 10% of the big and small Ruyi marks, and the host can consume 90000 experience points to learn directly, or constantly explore the big and small Ruyi marks, understand the profound meaning of the big and small Ruyi, and learn by themselves]

[Note: big and small Ruyi are physical skills, and only strong enough bodies can learn them]

[the system indicates that the host can learn the second stage (intermediate level) of Ruyi to change its own shape at three times the size]

[size Ruyi · form 1: it can change twice the size freely. Only the primary blood vessels of gold and the physique reach more than 200 can they learn it]

[second form: it can change three times the size, only when it has three times the size Gold intermediate blood, and let the constitution reach 1000 before learning]

[Third Form: can change five times the size, only gold advanced blood, and let the Constitution and Qi and blood reach 5000 can learn]

[final form: can carry out ten times the size of free change, only gold perfect blood, and let the Constitution and Qi and blood reach more than 10000 points To learn]

"is the minimum golden blood? Sure enough, the strong are always strong!"

Shaking his head, Lu Chen is ready to go back to practice size Ruyi.

"I haven't enjoyed it for a long time since I got the banquet and my height is over three meters. Although I'm still 2.1 meters tall after doubling down, I remember that hongdie practiced snake dance, which is free to play."

The feeling of excitement appears in Lu Chen's heart.

But soon, thinking that 90000 points of experience is about to pass away, Lu Chen's heart rises again helpless.

"No matter how many experience points, there is not enough time. If you want to be big or small, you need to practice, and your level needs to be improved. I also have to practice the second heart. When I refine the internal organs of the brave, I also have to consume the experience points to refine the extra heart."

"Experience value, so deficient!"

Lu Chen is short of more than experience value. Without Avalon, Lu Chenguang, who is constantly improving, needs energy, and will have to bankrupt a small village.

The existence of Avalon in the small world helped Lu Chen solve the energy crisis. Now, he only needs experience value, but after conversion, Lu Chen finds that the gap of experience value is also a little big.

"No, I can't stay in the royal court. I have to go to the territory quickly."

Other princes expanded their territory for the purpose of developing tribes, while Lu Chen was for killing evil spirits. However, although the purpose was different, the idea of eager to establish his own territory was the same.

After a few greetings with Dawu Zhu, Lu Chen is ready to return to his residence, but as he walks, Lu Chen thinks of something, turns his body and goes to the forging Department of barbarians.

It was the Department that built a volcano. However, although the volcano was active and magma appeared from time to time, it was sealed by the barbarian strongmen in any way.

The magma inside flows in a certain size, which also allows barbarians to use the power of lava to forge weapons.

However, although the volcano is sealed, the temperature inside is frightening.

Of course, all this has no effect on Lu Chen. In the past, Lu Chen came here when he forged a meteorite sword. Therefore, he is very familiar with this time.

As he went inside, in the hottest place, Lu Chen quickly found the master craftsman's hammer who made the meteorite sword for himself last time. Without beating around the Bush, Lu Chen directly explained his intention."Master hammer, I'm going to build weapons again."

This made the master craftsman frown: "what's the matter? What's your original weapon?"

As masters, craftsmen here also have their own pride. Their weapons are their children and their glory. A good weapon will make these craftsmen and masters proud.

But if someone changes a better weapon frequently, it will also make them angry. They think it is an insult to them.

Lu Chen's last weapon building was not a month ago, so the speed of changing weapons was a little fast. Therefore, the master named heavy hammer was angry.

Lu Chen is quite calm about this.

"Master, your weapons are very good, but look at my figure..."

Lu Chen's words did not finish, but the master quickly understood what Lu Chen meant.

"It's like this again. I see. Let's make the weapons bigger. Give me the sword."

Master craftsman has experienced a lot of things, such as the size of the body becomes larger, and the original weapons become useless.

Touching the sword, he seemed to think of something, and said directly:

"with your current body shape, I suggest you use heavier weapons, whether it is a heavy hammer, a mace, or a Tomahawk. The sword is a little light."

This makes Lu Chen's mouth grin.

"I'm a swordsman. Why do so many people want me to use axes?"

Unfortunately, master hammer is not from Yunzhou. Lu Chenneng, the genius of Yunzhou, admits his identity as a swordsman, but he can't deal with master hammer. Therefore, he can only bend and say: "master, I'm a swordsman, the sword is with people, and I won't change weapons."

As soon as this remark was said, Ruo aogui was disheartened and Lu Chen was speechless. The hammer master even laughed: "swordsman, ha ha ha ha, you are a swordsman. Ha ha ha, I'm so laughing at you. This joke is really funny, ha ha..."

Looking at the "ha ha ha" laughing hammer master, Lu Chen's face expression can not be maintained, and since then, the hammer master is to give Lu Chen a blow.

"I've said for a long time that you don't want to read the novels of Yunzhou, swordsmen lovers and swordsman love. It's useless. A good sword technique will not make you like the girls in our family. We are barbarians. We should show ourselves with our strength."

While saying that, he also put on a show muscle operation.

Master hammer thought that Lu Chen had read too many novels and thought the sword was handsome, so he chose to use the sword as a weapon. This made Lu Chen feel helpless and said:

"master, I didn't use the big sword because of the handsome swordsman. I'm really a swordsman."

Although the hammer master still didn't believe Lu Chen was a swordsman in the end, he was willing to build a huge sword for Lu Chen under the condition of Lu Chen's insistence.

Then there was serious discussion.

"Your contribution value is enough. You are the brave among the barbarians, and have won great honor for us barbarians. I can make it for you for free, but you have to provide the materials."

"Thank you, master. But I still have to pay for the labor cost. I still have 5000 contribution value in my hand, which should be enough."

"Of course, that's enough. You don't add divine level things to your weapons. Besides, don't be polite to me. I'm almost in the ground. My son is also building weapons here. What do you need to do with so much contribution value? You'll get free of charge this time."

This is the invisible benefit of fame. Although it is only one day after returning to the king's court, Lu Chen defeated many talented people in Yunzhou and obtained a lot of materials for the barbarians.

Under such circumstances, many barbarians have a good feeling for Lu Chen. At this time, the hammer master was so fond of him that he was willing to make things for himself for free.

Under the insistence of the hammer master, Lu Chen can only agree to free, but seeing the material he chooses, Lu Chen frowns a little.

And this was also seen by master hammer, and he comforted him: "5000 points contribution value is indeed a lot, but your weapon is too big, it is Epee, and you need too many minerals, so you can only choose the worse one. But rest assured, even with these things, I can make a good weapon for you."

The purchasing power of 5000 points contribution value is not weak, but Lu Chen is too big to forge a weapon for him, which is heavier than ten ordinary weapons. Therefore, the contribution value is somewhat less.

Although master hammer said he could make do with his technology, Lu Chen didn't want to.

"Master, please wait for me."

So said, Lu Chen quickly returned to his residence, from where he took out a pile of extraordinary weapons and ran back.

Returning to the master craftsman again, Lu Chen pointed directly at those extraordinary weapons and said, "master, I remember that the appraisal of extraordinary weapons is also here with you. Help me identify the contribution value of these weapons, and then use the contribution value obtained in exchange for my weapons."

The master craftsman gave Lu Chen a look.

"It's not ordinary. Are you sure you want to change it?"Those extraordinary weapons were found by Lu Chen from the kingdom of God. Of course, they are not ordinary. Even, many weapons are more powerful than meteorite sword.

If you take those weapons out alone, you can sell them at a high price. Therefore, turning them in is not a good choice. Unfortunately, although the weapons are good, they are not suitable for Lu Chen.

"I'm too big. I need to build a huge weapon to cooperate with me. Although these weapons are good, they don't match me very well."

Therefore, Lu Chen did not hesitate.

"Master, I'll exchange them. You can see how much contribution they are worth."

"Just a moment. I'll make an estimate."

As a prince, Lu Chen is looking for a craftsman with a high status, and he usually does some identification work.

After all, the weapons handed in by the barbarian tribes are not standard, and the types of weapons are more diverse, which means that the contribution value of those weapons can not be measured according to a standard.

Many of the supernatural items handed in by barbarians need to identify their specific functions in order to estimate their contribution value. The hammer master in front of them has the qualification to identify weapons.

Master hammer identified it very quickly. After a few minutes, the contribution value of the weapons was estimated.

"17000 contribution points, because these extraordinary weapons are intact and can be used directly. They are of high value. You really want to build your own weapons with them."

Lu Chen sacrificed all the incomplete weapons directly, and the remaining extraordinary weapons were naturally in good condition. To master hammer's question, Lu Chen did not hesitate to reply:

"of course."

No matter how good other weapons are, they are not as comfortable as customized ones.

After getting Lu Chen's response, the master craftsman laughed.

"Good, now you have 22000 contribution value. So many contribution values are enough to make all your weapons made by meteorite. Wait a moment. I'll go to find some old guys to see your figure. This weapon is not easy to build."

"Thank you, master. I will pay you according to the clan rules."

"No, we old guys are very happy to build such weapons or to use them for heroes like you."

Seeing what Lu Chen still wanted to say, he said directly, "if you really want to repay us, we craftsmen can be safe only by killing evil spirits. We craftsmen can be safe if we have soldiers like you."

"Master joked, barbarians need us to guard together."

"You're a good talker."

Many barbarian soldiers are very rude and advocate bravery. They don't pay much attention to the barbarian craftsmen. There are few people who respect craftsmen like Lu Chen. Therefore, the master craftsman is more interested in Lu Chen.

With the master craftsman coming forward, soon, several strong old barbarians came to the forging room to discuss the issue of making weapons for Lu Chen.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Chen also took out a box with a heavy seal on it. After opening the seal according to the method mentioned by Yunzhou, the innermost one was a black sharp tooth.

When Lu Chen took out the box, the craftsmen didn't care, but when the black teeth appeared, the whole forging room suddenly sent out a sense of terror, more sharp feeling, filled around.

That kind of feeling, let a few craftsman masters around, is a congealed eye.

"What's this? It's horrible."

"It's the teeth of wild animals. After death, it still exudes such terrible prestige. How strong must it be in life?"

The appearance of black teeth made the whole forging room quiet.

After that, there was a lot of discussion. Many masters expressed interest in Lu Chen's sharp teeth. Among them, master hammer seemed to think of something, and his face was somewhat unbelievable.

"It's impossible. Your highness Chen has participated in the divine war, but I heard that he is only on the periphery."

Some unbelievable words appeared in the hammer master's mouth, which also made others a little puzzled.

"No way. You know where the tooth came from."

As for the questions of other craftsmen, the hammer didn't answer. He looked at Lu Chen and asked with some expectation and some disbelief: "you thing, don't you Is it God run... "

He did not say the latter words, but Lu Chen already understood his meaning and gave him a response.

"The master really knows a lot. This is the tooth of that one."

As soon as he said this, master hammer became more excited, and several people nearby were also confused at first. But when they thought that Lu Chen had just returned from the border city, they also understood what this was.

"That's the tooth."

"Hey, you can make weapons with such things."


The purpose of this weapon is to take advantage of the land.

And for this thing, all the people in the forge room were a little excited.Don't think Lu Chen has obtained a lot of divine blood or even divinity in the border city, so he thinks that the body organization of the gods is very good.

Lu Chen once said that if there is no dramatic change in heaven and earth, the fall of the gods is a great event only in hundreds of years.

Therefore, the objects of various gods are actually less than imagined, even those masters can hardly be seen.

After all, there are also masters above the master, and those who have the divine parts will look for the master to create items.

That is, Lu Chen is too weak and has only one tooth to find a master forging, but it is enough to make them excited.

"With this tooth, our highness Chen will surely make the best weapon for you."

"Give us a little time, we will put down everything and forge weapons for you."


The appearance of God's teeth makes the masters like beating chicken blood, and all the gods are excited.

And they try their best to make Lu Chen happy. Weapons are the second life of the martial arts, and they can not be underestimated.

Soon, the material was determined. Because of the sharp teeth of God, many masters also took out some of the materials they had collected before. After the material was confirmed, it was the weapon style.

Lu Chen has his own ideas, and after consulting with the masters, the building will start completely.

Of course, Lu Chen did a lot of preparation before the creation, but when the creation started, there was no Lu Chen thing. The identity of hero and prince also made those craftsmen try their best.

So when the masters made weapons, Lu Chen returned to his residence.

Of course, Lu Chen, who is in the mansion, doesn't do anything. A big map is put in front of him. Lu Chen is staring at the map and thinking about something.

After a while, Lu Chen directly said: "teeth, call the sons of the leaders."

"Yes, my highness."

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