At Lu Chen's call, the sons of the leaders who were willing to follow him gathered in the hall of the mansion in a short time, and Ji hongdie was also called by Lu Chen.

Without polite meaning, Lu Chen placed a map in the middle of the hall. He pointed to the diagram on the map and said, "gentlemen, it's the time to choose the territory. That's the focus of our future development. If you have any ideas, just say it."

In the Prince stage, expanding territory is the most important thing. Territory is the basis for ordinary princes to fight for the throne. Therefore, Lu Chen wants other people to discuss it.

However, Lu Chen soon found that he thought too much. The sons of the leaders were powerful and powerful, and they were good at fighting, but it was difficult for them to give advice.

After the sound of Lu Chen's voice, one after another of the voices sounded quickly, but the words of those voices made Lu Chen very helpless.

"Your Highness, you are a prince. I will listen to you."

"Yes, your royal highness, choose for yourself. If you go there, I will go there."

"Indeed, your highness, any place will do."


A large number of the leaders' sons did not use their brains at all and just wanted to follow Lu Chen. Seeing this, Lu Chen could only focus on Ji hongdie, but she did not let Lu Chen down. Soon, she pointed out several circles.

"My husband, these are the best places to choose from."

"Wula plain, there are rivers passing through here. There are fertile land on both sides of the river. We can support a large number of clansmen here. However, I heard that there are a lot of evil spirits wandering here. If we are stationed here, we need to guard against the invasion of a large number of evil things."

"This is the junction of kecha basin and dark forest. There are many spiritual supernatural things in kecha basin and dark forest. If you stay near here, you can harvest a lot of spiritual herbs."

"There is also Heishan, where there are a lot of minerals, but it is difficult to walk in the mountain area..."

Ji hongdie, who had done a lot of preparation, quickly delineated several places for Lu Chen, and those places all had their own specialties.

However, after explaining to Lu Chen, Ji hongdie finally puts her slender finger in an ordinary place.

The map given by Dawu Zhu is very detailed. Therefore, Lu Chen is surprised to find that there is no specialty in the place where Ji hongdie finally points.

"You look good here. Is there anything special here?"

In the face of Lu Chen's question, Ji hongdie smiles with a smile:

"my husband, this is not special. Although this is a plain, it is not as fertile as ulah plain, and there is not much mineral resources there."

"Then you let me choose here."

When talking about this, Lu Chen is not angry. He knows that Ji hongdie will not choose a place at will.

And Ji hongdie quickly gave Lu Chen a reason.

"Husband, although there is nothing else here, it is one of the connecting points with Yunzhou."

Speaking of this, Ji hongdie no longer talks, but Lu Chen has thought of something.

"Hand over with Yunzhou and resell things."

No matter where they are, smuggling between the two countries is profiteering. Of course, it is also a business of killing heads.

But the barbarians don't pay attention to these. Lu Chen is also a prince. He may become a man king in the future. He is sure that Wang Ting will turn a blind eye.

"If you master here, trade with Yunzhou, and even sell things in Yunzhou into the wild."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen has nothing to hesitate about.

"That's it."

Although other places are good, they can only develop slowly. However, smuggling with Yunzhou can make huge profits.

Especially when Lu Chen has enough strength to connect with other tribes, he can be a middleman. He can sell the barbarian things to Yunzhou and import the things from Yunzhou into the wilderness. In this way, it is an important commercial town.

And a commercial town on the main road of traffic, no matter how fast it can develop.

Not to mention, the place where Yunzhou was handed over was not too bad, but it was not as good as the ulah plain.

"However, if it was not for the invasion of evil spirits, I would not have the chance to choose the plain of ula even if I became a prince."

Heishan is certainly a good place, but because of its good qualities, it was contested by many leaders in the past. Therefore, at that time, there were more people and less land. Now, the invasion of evil makes the wilderness more and less populated.

But Lu Chen is not too happy to choose a good place. The more places are available, the more difficult the barbarians are now.

After the map is selected, Lu Chen looks directly at the children of the leaders below.

"All go back and wait for a moment. In just a few days, when my weapon is finished, we will leave here."

"Hongdie, you should also take care of some materials. Also, contact the businessmen in Yunzhou. Those who are willing to support us should prepare the materials. When we have a firm foothold in langyuan, let them deliver the materials.""Don't worry, your highness. Those people will deliver the supplies."

Ji hongdie is full of confidence.

Of course, her confidence is enough. Trading with barbarians, even in the interior, is profiteering. Now, Lu Chen has chosen her territory near the border.

This means that businessmen in Yunzhou don't have to risk their lives to go to the wild interior. As long as they leave Yunzhou a little bit, they can get a lot of benefits. How can they not do their best.

After choosing the place, Lu Chen immediately went to report with the map.

This was something that had to be reported to the king of man, but when Lu Chen resisted the palace, he found that the king had left. There was no way for Lu Chen to hand over the matter to Da wuzhu.

The old man becomes a fine man. When he looks at the place Lu Chen chooses, he knows what Lu Chen thinks. However, he doesn't say that Lu Chen is doing wrong. Instead, he asks Lu Chen to be more careful.

"Yunzhou people are very cunning. You should be careful when dealing with them."

"Don't worry, Lord Wu Zhu. I understand."

Knowing that Lu Chen wants to trade with Yunzhou, Dawu Zhu not only does not blame, but reminds Lu Chen that this is the treatment of genius.

No way, in the world where Weili belongs to itself, as long as you have talent, the benefits will continue to come.

In the big witch wish to help Lu Chen deal with the process, several witch wish was also appointed by the big witch wish.

"Ah Chen, they have followed you since then. In the future, you can give them the treatment of injuries and injuries in your territory, the maintenance of totem pillars, the connection with the royal court, and the abbot of sacrifice."


Nodding, Lu Chen didn't refuse Wu Zhu's entry, but some common things, Lu Chen would not give them to deal with, he has more trusted people.

Soon, everything is done. Lu Chen also takes the witches back and doesn't care about them. Lu Chen gives them to the sons of the leaders. He himself returns to the bedroom and opens the property panel.

"It's time to improve my size. After I recover my body size, I can also play well."

Her body is strong, which also drives the body's desire. But now Ji hongdie is no longer a former slave. She tries her best to make Lu Chen regard her as a concubine.

Although not his wife, Lu Chen will not be happy for a moment, and make her too cruel, therefore, these days, Lu Chen is holding back.

But after today, Lu Chen can enjoy himself.

After opening the attribute panel, Lu Chen is ready to invest 90000 experience points to learn big and small Ruyi, but before putting in, Lu Chen suddenly thought of something. Instead of immediately improving the size of Ruyi, Lu Chen picked up a magic power crystal and held it in his hand.

"I remember that the power crystal can drive the divinity. Try to see what the divine power is like."

Although there is an introduction to the system, it is not as good as the real experience when looking at the introduction. Therefore, Lu Chen is ready to consume a crystal of divine power to experience the divine power in person.

This is a very necessary thing. After all, it is very likely that Lu Chen's card will be the trial divinity of consuming divine power crystal, and the base card must be completely mastered before it can be used safely.

His mind has been decided, Lu Chen first closed his eyes, and when everything was ready, he immediately absorbed the crystal power in his hands.

The supernatural power crystal given by the barbarians has been treated, but even so, as the divine power crystal is absorbed into his body, Lu Chen still feels a hot lava flowing in his body.

It's not the attack of divine power, it's just the flow of divine power, but that's what makes Lu Chen's blood vessels unbearable.

As if he was burdened with a heavy load of ten thousand catties and swallowing mercury, Lu Chen's body was burning with intense pain, and his body was even heavier than before.

However, this feeling comes and goes quickly, and the divine power and the divinity seem to have an attraction. As the divine power crystallizes into the body, it does not need to be driven by Lu Chen. The magic power that melts the divine power crystal quickly enters the divinity.

After that, Lu Chen's divinity, which had been shining like a big sun, became even more dazzling. At the same time, because of the direct feeling of the soul fragments into the deity, Lu Chen also had a kind of feeling of being immortal.

Without neglect, Lu Chen directly started driving.

With Lu Chen's idea moving, the divinity that absorbed the divine power was activated.

In Lu Chen's consciousness, the whole divinity suddenly burst into endless light.

The light of the light, so that Lu Chen only feel his soul is constantly rising.

Yes, Lu Chen feels that his vision is constantly improving, and the scope of his perception is also expanding rapidly, just like the soul out of the body.

But unlike the out of body soul, Lu Chen has nothing out of consciousness.

Without paying attention to those things, Lu Chen soon found that his consciousness had reached a height of ten thousand meters, overlooking everything on the ground, and the huge King City was reflected by Lu Chen.

In addition to the high field of vision, after the divinity is activated, the time seems to slow down in Lu Chen's induction, just like the leading character's ability before he dies. In Lu Chen's eyes, one second becomes very long.Lu Chen feels extremely new by elevating and expanding his vision to the limit and slowing down the time, which can also make Lu Chen see a lot of things.

From a height of 10000 meters, Lu Chen can see anything on the ground. With Lu Chen's gaze, he can see some barbarians moving slowly and walking slowly, as if they were slowed down. Even now Lu Chen can observe hundreds of people at a time, which is the incidental ability of the divine spirit.

His incidental ability is not only a novel vision, but also a myriad of voices while seeing countless things.

The voice was made by vendors, by barbarians and Yunzhou people. Lu Chen even heard the voice of the leader's son.

There are not only one person, but tens of thousands of them. However, the endless noise in Lu Chen's mind does not make Lu Chen feel any discomfort. Even when he hears any voice, he can understand the meaning of it.

"his highness is going to choose his territory, and he doesn't know where he will choose."

"If your highness Chen chooses us here."

"I hope your highness Chen can beat back the evil spirit quickly. The things in my family can't hold on."

"Prince Chen, help us."

"Boss Chen is good at everything, just listen to the girl's words and choose her territory."

"That is, we barbarian women are strong enough, that woman can only see but not play, and do not know why the boss took her with her."

"My Lord, we must not let the barbarian Prince Chen grow up. Please kill him."

"Shut up. Now our enemies are evil. Show me the sky. There are eleven evil spirits in our world. You still think about the inner bars."


There are too many voices calling out, but no matter what kind of voice, Lu Chen's name rings out. With Lu Chen's consciousness pouring into the past, it is more possible to understand the words of those people before and after calling out Lu Chen's name.

Even Lu Chen felt that nature could punish those who insulted him from space if he was willing to give his divine power.

However, Lu Chen also sensed that it was very easy for Lu Chen to lower his divine power when he praised and worshipped Lu Chen physically and mentally. However, it took a lot of magic power for Lu Chen to descend to punish those who were hostile to Lu Chen.

All this made Lu Chen understand the nature of the gods and understand the situation at this time.

"The most important thing about gods is their divinity, which is the power of heaven and earth, and the foundation for gods to accomplish everything. Now I have divinity and have been activated by divine power. Now I am a hypocrite, the weakest hypocrite."

"However, although weak and not durable, I can still acquire some abilities of the hypocrite. When I activate the divinity ability, I will find out all those who call my name and think of my image in my mind."

"This is not to call the true name of God."

The false god is also a God. Lu Chen doesn't know that his real name has changed, but his dignity and manners have also changed.

Now Lu Chen, the whole person is emitting a glimmer of light, if ordinary people see Lu Chen, girls will be directly addicted, men will also be intoxicated, the beauty of the gods is beyond gender.

No matter who they are, they will recognize Lu Chen's "beauty" and admire Lu Chen's heart. Even if they see Lu Chen's figure and hear Lu Chen's voice, people and even animals will have a good impression on Lu Chen's heart.

This is not to look directly at the face of God, and not to listen to the oracle of God.

Now, Lu Chenguang is in the crowd, can distort the human will, so that countless people have a good feeling for Lu Chen heart.

In this case, Lu Chen is very weak. If the true God comes and looks at the God directly, as long as his will is not firm, he will become a crazy believer who can give everything to the God.

At the same time, some evil gods become confused because they are often sacrificed in blood.

looking directly at them will not only distort their consciousness, but also turn their bodies into monsters.

This is the spirit, can not call, can not look directly, can not listen to their words, of course, because no one saw all this, Lu Chen did not know his own state.

At this time, his attention is still on the consciousness.

After activating the divinity, Lu Chen found that he not only saw the time around him, but also felt that everything was slow, and his thinking was extremely active.

Lu Chen took a look at the big and small Ruyi marks in his mind, and after only a little observation, a series of knowledge entered Lu Chen's mind and was quickly understood by Lu Chen.

It's all about the size of Ruyi knowledge, at the same time, the system's prompt, also rings in Lu Chen's ear.

[the system indicates that the host has activated the mark of Ruyi in size and realized its ability. Congratulations to the host, with 11%, 12% and 13% of comprehension 】

in a short period of time, Lu Chen's awareness reached 15%, which also made Lu Chen understand that with divine power and divinity, all ordinary abilities can be learned quickly for the gods.God is omnipotent.


However, although the gods can quickly perceive skills, Lu Chen also found that when learning, the speed of the divine power passes quickly.

In order to find out more abilities of divinity, Lu Chen did not continue to understand, but raised his consciousness again.

With the soul rising again, after a few breath, Lu Chen suddenly felt as if he had broken through something and came to a vast place.

It is a warm ocean full of everything and all inclusive.

Being there, countless knowledge poured into Lu Chen's mind, and seemed to be flowing in.

Lu Chen is a bit intoxicated by the constant influx of knowledge, and wants to integrate into this place forever.

In this world, it's like having all the wonderful knowledge in the world.

However, before Lu Chen is completely addicted, his body exudes a sense of weakness, which makes Lu Chen withdraw directly from his divine ability.

Without the support of divinity, Lu Chen would not be able to improve his will.

Like a falling elevator, Lu Chen's consciousness falls directly from the sky to the ground. After a few minutes, Lu Chen's consciousness bumps into his body.

At this time, Lu Chen found that his strong and strong body was a little shriveled, and countless Qi and blood were flowing out of thin air, and even his heart was only beating weakly.

All this makes Lu Chen understand that he is very weak now, just like a candle in the wind, which may go out at any time.

Fortunately, Avalon has been providing energy support for LuChen. With the help of Avalon's immortal nature, Lu Chen's condition is rapidly improving.

However, even so, Lu Chen was still half an hour away from the possibility of death at any time.

Although he is still very weak now, half an hour's charge also enables Lu Chen to move. Lu Chen, who stands up again, is full of fear.

"It's very dangerous. It's only 30 seconds to activate the divinity just now. I can't support my body for such a short time. I didn't expect that after the divinity was activated, I also had requirements for my body."

Yes, the reason why Lu Chen's situation is so dangerous just now is that his divinity is too powerful and oppresses the body.

"My body is ten times stronger than that of the same rank. Even, because of the feast, I have been able to make my physical quality comparable with the top strong one in the realm of will in the brave stage. However, compared with the gods, such a body is just like a firefly to the sun, which is not worth mentioning."

"But the body is not enough, but the consciousness is consistent with the gods. I don't die directly because I have two divine skills: feast and Avalon."

"Sure enough, gods are not good. Even if they have divinity and power, they can't support them without enough bodies."

After knowing the danger, Lu Chen did not dare to use his divinity again. At this time, Lu Chen understood that although the divinity was powerful, it was not his active use at all.

However, Lu Chen listened to countless secrets and understood who had malice towards himself and who had good intentions towards him.

Moreover, although Lu Chen's body was seriously damaged this time, he still had an unexpected harvest.

[the system indicates that the host soul enters the world source and undergoes the baptism of the world source, the source of the host soul is strengthened, the qi movement is + 2, and the impact on the natural aura is doubled]

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has completed the trial task: the unity of heaven and man]

[trial task: the unity of heaven and man]

[meditation is the mind of infinite unity Practice is also the foundation of Wuji Dao. As a descendant of Wuji, the host needs to temper the body and temper the mind until the body and mind are integrated, and finally make the inner universe and the external nature in a state of unity of heaven and earth. In this state, the host will obtain Wuji Kendo.

[Wuji Kendo: the host endows the sword blade with its own mind and will When the host's will is strong enough, Wuji sword can subdue demons, subdue demons, and cut off everything]

in the real world, Master Yi's strongest ability is not plateau blood, but Wuji blade. Meditation is not a separate skill, but the forelimb of Wuji blade, and it is also the root of Wuji's pulse.

Only when spiritual practice reaches a certain level, can we comprehend nature, integrate with heaven and earth, and exert the real ability of endless blade.

However, although the arrival of gold can be slightly integrated with heaven and earth, this kind of integration is only a superficial fusion with the mountains and rivers in the world.

But Lu Chen did something different in his divine status.

The divinity was activated, just like Lu Chen, a hypocrite. His consciousness rose to the end and broke through the limitation of the surface and entered the source of the world.

Dayuan is the foundation of heaven and earth, which is closer to the unity of man and nature than understanding the geography of mountains and rivers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!