Dayuan is the foundation of heaven and earth. Going in and out of Dayuan is closer to the unity of man and nature than understanding the geography of mountains and rivers.

No, it is not the unity of heaven and man, but the highest level of integration with the way of heaven.

Of course, to achieve this step is very difficult, ordinary people need to first observe the mountains and rivers, and then understand the rules, step by step to improve, and finally reach the state of integration with heaven and earth.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, is the most advanced.

Of course, this is not Lu Chen's high realm, but the role of divinity.

You know, the divinity is originally the power of heaven and earth. Lu Chen with his divinity is just like going home with a key. He doesn't need any understanding at all.

Of course, this is not without danger. There are endless wonderful points in the world's great source. But just because there are too many wonderful points, those who lack the will are easy to fall into the big source and be consumed by the big source, until the soul is integrated into the source.

In fact, Lu Chen is dead, even though he is not dead.

Fortunately, the gods are omnipotent, but they also ask the Shenmen gate to reach the requirements for four days. At the end of the day, Lu Chen's weakness drags Lu Chen's hind legs, which makes Lu Chen out of the state of omnipotence before he is addicted to it.

Without the divinity activated state, he was naturally rejected by Dayuan, which also let Lu Chen recover a life.

However, although it was a blessing in disguise, Lu Chen was also a little frightened.

"You can't be so careless next time you use divine power. Although there are many benefits of divine power, even if you don't have enough strength, you can't accept it."

Fortunately, Lu Chen's heart has not recovered, but soon, his attention was attracted to meditation in the past.

"The completion of the trial task of the unity of man and nature means that I can upgrade meditation to gold and acquire the skills of Wuji kendo."

At the thought of this, Lu Chen wanted to improve immediately, but soon, Lu Chen thought of something and looked stunned.

"Wait a minute, I need to learn big and small Ruyi, which needs 90000 No, it's 85000. In other words, if I want to improve two skills together, I need 185000 experience points, but my current experience value is only 180000. "

Yes, 180000. This is the training value that Lu Chen had only after the collapse of the kingdom of God, after the heaven and earth praised 30000.

There are a lot of experience points of 180000. When he was at a low level, he had so many experience points, which even made Lu Chen upgrade one level directly. However, as his strength increased, his experience value was not enough. Now, his experience value of 180000 could not make Lu Chen learn two gold skills.

And this also makes Lu Chen hesitant. After a long time, Lu Chen has a decision in mind.

"If you can only choose one, the system will choose the size as desired."

Naturally, the Wuji sword blade is very strong. However, Lu Chen does not lack the offensive skills, but the ability to reduce the power is very much needed by Lu Chen. Therefore, Lu Chen can only put the infinite sword edge aside.

"However, it's not far away. When I form my own tribe, the fighting will be constant, and this skill will be learned soon."

Under the command of Lu Chen, 85000 experience points were put into the skill mark of Ruyi.

With the golden light of the skill mark, countless knowledge about flesh and blood, and about growing up, are reflected in Lu Chen's mind.

A lot of knowledge into Lu Chen's mind a little bloated, which also let him some sigh.

"When the divinity is activated, I can understand what I see. There is almost no reaction process. But now, I have to use my own brain to understand. The gap between gods and human beings is really big!"

In exclamation, Lu Chen took nearly ten minutes to digest all the knowledge in his mind.

After digestion, Lu Chen understood how to use Ruyi when he opened his eyes again.

After a little hesitation, Lu Chen didn't use the ability to get bigger, but used the ability to shrink.

"It takes too much energy to get bigger. I have to recover all my energy now, but I need less energy to reduce it."

As Lu Chen closes his eyes and releases his ability, Lu Chen only feels his body is constantly compressed.

Bones, flesh and blood, have a part of the direct exchange for blood gas, stored in the body.

In a short period of time, Lu Chen changed from a small giant with a height of four meters to a "normal" human being with a height of more than two meters.

He closed his eyes and looked around his body. Lu Chen also found that his strength has nearly doubled.

"It's unscientific to be able to get bigger and smaller, but it's fantastic enough!"

Lu Chen was able to move freely when he was smaller, but bigger was a card. Although his body was more bloated after he became bigger, his strength had some special effects.

In short, the size of Ruyi or Lu Chen quite satisfied.

More importantly, Lu Chen feels that this skill is probably more than gold level.

When Lu Chen made the mobile game at that time, he not only added the skills in animation games, but also added a lot of mythological abilities. Among them, Lu Chen remembered that there was a Dharma like heaven and earth, which was the ability to enlarge itself by tens of thousands of times.Of course, this ability is no doubt a magic power. When converted to the world, it is a myth, or the highest level. Without the luck against the sky, this skill can not be extracted at all.

"However, although it can't be extracted, if the size is as good as it is, I can get the Dharma image heaven and earth directly if I am more lucky to complete the advanced level."

Thinking of the power of FA Xiang heaven and earth, Lu Chen's face brightened. Unfortunately, the joy faded quickly. He thought of the difficulty of the trial training task.

"The trial task of bronze reaching the silver level is OK, and it can be easily completed, but the trial task of silver to gold is already very difficult. The unity of man and nature, the road of master, and the transformation of the three trial tasks are more and more difficult."

"Until now, I have completed a task of upgrading gold to mythology because of divinity."

Lu Chen thought of Heracles in Greek mythology inexplicably. He got the qualification to become a God after completing the twelve trials. According to Lu Chen's estimation, the test task of gold upgrading to myth is almost the same, even if it is not as good as the twelve trials. It is only when the force and luck reach the peak that it is possible to complete the test.

"Shit, it's too hard to break through the myth with a trial mission."

Lu Chen is a bit depressed by the task of Jinjin's practice in mythology. However, Lu Chen does not hesitate to go out to find Ji hongdie.

At this time, Ji hongdie is in her own boudoir to calculate the bills of material transactions. The appearance of her serious work shows a different and ordinary beauty.

After watching in front of the door for a while, Lu Chen didn't show any politeness, so he jumped up directly.

Ji hongdie, who is busy, is shocked by the sudden attack.

"Bold, I am the wife of the thirteenth prince, you..."

The red butterfly, who was attacked by surprise, resisted immediately and scolded.

After that, she recognized Lu Chen's appearance very quickly, but she had been with Lu Xiangcheng for several times.

Looking at her husband, Ji hongdie naturally did not have the idea of resistance, not only did not resist, she blushed, while actively catering to Lu Chen.

At the same time, she looked at Lu Chen's body, but also some novelty.

"My husband, have you learned how to be big and small

Ji hongdie has heard Lu Chen say before that he wants to learn big and small Ruyi. At this time, she is not surprised to see Lu Chen getting smaller.

It is catering to Lu Chen, and Lu Chen holds Ji hongdie in his arms, but does not immediately start, but let her continue to work.

"Material distribution is very important, you keep busy."

Barbarians cultivate Qi and blood. Therefore, even if they reach the realm of will, they can't make a valley. Even if they practice diligently, they need more materials. Therefore, the distribution of materials is the most important thing among the barbarians.

At the same time, Ji hongdie also knows that mastering material distribution means mastering power. Therefore, she has always mastered material distribution personally.

However, although material distribution is important, Ji hongdie understands that Lu Chen is the fundamental reason why she can control power. Therefore, even if she is busy, she is the first to respond to Lu Chen.

After seeing Lu Chen's statement, she was even more coy and said:

"my husband, you are the most important thing in my heart."

In response, Ji hongdie does not have a trace of reluctance. Lu Chen in the form of a little giant is a bit ferocious. However, after becoming smaller, and with the charm given by the deity, Lu Chen now, in any way, is inclined to be a strong and beautiful man.

Although such a figure is not quite in line with the aesthetic taste of Yunzhou, the girls there like the romantic young Xia in white and holding a long sword, but Lu Chen's appearance has surpassed Ji hongdie's expectation.

After all, after being given to Lu Chen, in her original idea, she would spend her life with a barbarian who was rude and scolded his wife's family.

Although Lu Chen is still a bit rude, he can be regarded as a hero and even more a king.

Originally, the only drawback is too big, but now, this shortcoming has been made up. It can be said that Ji hongdie is satisfied with all this and dare not ask for more.

And satisfied, her sentence Lu Chen is the most important, naturally is sincere, not in cajoling Lu Chen.

Just, she said very well, but Lu Chen ordered her.

"Keep working."

"Er Yes, my Lord. "

Although I don't understand why her husband let her continue to work, but looking at Lu Chen's serious face, Ji hongdie immediately agreed.

Even, Ji hongdie, who is back at work, still finds an excuse for Lu Chen in her heart.

"My husband, I am busy with my career. It's not like that my husband takes career seriously Mmm

Ji hongdie, who just lies down on the table to write, suddenly feels something. Her body trembles for a moment, and her face is suddenly blushing. She already knows Lu Chen's idea.Blushing, she looked at Lu Chen bitterly, and prayed with tears that Lu Chen could stop.

However, Lu Chen has never heard of all this, and this makes Ji hongdie have to endure the abnormal body and continue to concentrate on her work. But this time, her work efficiency has dropped several levels.

Three hours later, she was so tired that she collapsed on the table. She had not written a few pages about the distribution of goods and materials.

However, Lu Chen, after busy with Ji hongdie, felt a little refreshed.

Looking at Ji hongdie who is still on the table, Lu Chen instantly thinks of the Secretary in his previous life and that professional suit.

"If you have free time, you can restore those things."

The aesthetics of the 21st century is different from that of this era. Those clothes can be called strange clothes in this era. If it was in the ancient times of China, wearing such clothes would be reprimanded by some old Dongs. But in this era, Lu Chen is powerful and powerful and can play around in his room.

After the establishment of the tribe, Lu Chen was able to become a local emperor. In this way, he could be unscrupulous.

Of course, Lu Chen also knows the priorities. Now, it is fundamental to establish a tribe and let the tribe stand on the wolf plain. Other things have to be put aside.

Therefore, pleasure can only be done after stability.

Just, although still want to be busy with something, but the material distribution Lu Chen handed to Ji hongdie, she is also better than Lu Chen.

Without weapons, LuChen will not need weapons.

In other words, Lu Chen had nothing to do during this period of time.

"What is that! Got a little bit of leisure. "

Lu Chen, who thinks like this, doesn't really have a rest, but practices.

Originally, Lu Chen was ready to return to his room to practice, but when walking, he felt the warm feeling from the sky. Instead of going to the room, Lu Chen found a high place in the king's court, bathed in the sun, and improved his own strength.

Lu Chen, who meditates with his eyes closed, controls his blood with the fire of will and washes his body continuously. In the process of washing, Qi and blood are constantly infiltrating into his body, making Lu Chen's five internal organs more tenacious.

Of course, as you get stronger, your qi and blood are also decreasing.

This kind of cultivation method is the practice of ordinary barbarians. When the experience value is insufficient, Lu Chen also practices together with ordinary barbarians.

Of course, although the cultivation methods are the same, ordinary barbarians need to rely on food to supplement the consumption of Qi and blood at this stage. Even so, Wang Ting has some skills to speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis to make food digest faster.

However, that way of doing things is ordinary people, things to Lu Chen here, there are new changes.

As long as there is a consumption of Qi and blood in the body, Avalon between Lu Chen's two hearts continuously spreads natural aura. As soon as those auras enter Lu Chen's body, they are quickly swallowed up by Lu Chen's cells and bone marrow. With the supplement of natural aura, the consumption in Lu Chen's body quickly recovers, and Qi and blood are continuously produced.

But this is not the end. Lu Chen's body is also absorbing the sun's light when the small world in his body emits natural energy.

Like the son of the sun, the endless sunlight is constantly absorbed by LuChen, which makes Lu Chen warm in the body at the same time, the energy in his body is always in an adequate state.

It can be said that the existence of the small world and the sun protection completely distinguishes Lu Chen from ordinary people. He doesn't need to wait for his Qi and blood to recover. He just needs to wash his internal organs with Qi and blood continuously. His training speed is five times, or even ten times, that of others.

After all, other people can't produce Qi and blood in a day, so they have to rest every hour or two of practice, while Lu Chen can practice all day. The gap is not a little bit.

But with such a fast training speed, Lu Chen's time to complete his practice was not much different from that of ordinary people.

There's no way. Although the training speed is fast, Lu Chen's amount of reinforcement is more than ten times that of others. Therefore, the time to reach perfection will not exceed.

Of course, although the time difference is not much, the strength after strengthening is very different. When the time comes, Lu Chen will be able to hang up those ordinary brave people with his internal organs strengthened.

What's more, Lu Chen can upgrade directly after the internal organs are strengthened to perfection, while ordinary brave people need to collect natural materials and earth treasures to supplement themselves, and even are trapped in the same situation all their lives. They are totally different from each other.

Lu Chen first strengthened his two hearts. A large amount of Qi and blood was injected into them, which made both hearts tough. At the same time, they could stimulate more Qi and blood, which means that Lu Chen's strength has also increased.

In this way, in the process of Lu Chen strengthening his internal organs, time slowly elapses, and Lu Chen can feel the strength of his strength gradually increasing.

Of course, people are greedy, even Lu Chen. It's really good to absorb the sun's rays to supplement physical strength, but Lu Chen wants more.

"If I have superhuman blood, I remember that great super's blood ability has extreme evolution. After having such ability, I don't even need to think about getting stronger. I just need to shine in the sun, and my strength can be improved continuously."The great super blood vessels of one of the three giants of DC are of course very strong. When they are raised to the limit, they can even crush the gods directly by virtue of the body. Unfortunately, although they have been entered in the skill bank, they are still that words. There are too many skills in the skill pool, and they are randomly extracted. Lu Chen does not know that the year and month of monkey can be extracted.

While greedy thinking of the blood of super, Lu Chen is practicing.

Time, in the time of Lu Chen cultivation, is passing rapidly.


On the fifth day of the king's court, a group of people were surrounded by the central square in the military camp, and the sound of cheers was also coming from the middle.

"Come on, Captain bear, come on!"

"Brothers, go on, Prince has said, if this contest wins, we all have meat to eat."

"It depends on you if you can eat meat, please!"


The sound of the cheers made the scene very anxious.

And from the words of the barbarians, it seems that there is a game in the appearance.

It was a game indeed, and several entangled steel cables were pulled by two groups of people, a group of dozens of soldiers, and on the other, a giant as high as eight meters.

At this time, the giant is playing tug of war with dozens of soldiers with his own strength.

What is frightening is that dozens of barbarians in the opposite side have not fought the giant in strength even though they have exhausted their full strength.

The giant is Lu Chen. At this time, he is testing his strength after he becomes bigger and dealing with his own subordinates.

Lu Chen is not pedantic. Although he believes in his strength more, he doesn't mind taking some subordinates and making himself easier when he has subordinate.

But to make his subordinates devote themselves to the needs of some skills, let Lu Chen feel lucky that he came to be barbaric, here to honor.

As long as you are strong enough to be subordinate, unlike cloud state, you have to have various conversations, strategies and skills to bring others together.

Thinking in his heart, Lu Chen also felt the huge pull from the steel cable. Dozens of barbarians were not weak across the face. Seeing this, Lu Chen roared and opened up his endless rage.

With the increase of anger, Lu Chen's whole body is red. It is the blood flowing rapidly, making Lu Chen's body surface red. In such a state, Lu Chen feels like he has the power to destroy the mountain peak.

"Come here for me."

Under the increase of anger, Lu Chen's strength soared, and the sudden increase of power made the opposite side unable to adhere to it, and was pulled by Lu Chen in an instant.

See they all fly up, Lu Chen smiles, directly throws down the rope.

"You're all good at power, and you almost won just now."

This words, let the opposite of the head of the barbarian son some crying and laughing.

"Prince, you will not comfort us, this is not your full strength."

"Rest assured, Prince, our will is not so fragile."


Although the people lost, but those soldiers did not lose, but all showed a happy look.

They should be happy, of course, to know that wars in this era are ongoing, and death is also constant, especially as the blood month covers the sky, there are more and more people who die.

Even in the city of kings, they can see countless disabled barbarians retreat from the front.

But here, as soldiers, the barbarians can not escape from the danger, but they can only go forward to fight.

There must be death in the course of the fight, and even if the leader is not strong enough, they will even die all.

No one wants to die, even if these fighters are, so they want to follow a strong leader, which makes their chances of survival much higher.

Now, Lu Chen is strong, and they will be safer with Lu Chen. How can they not be happy.

This is also the reason Lu Chen shows force here, that is to tell them clearly that he is strong enough to eat meat with himself.

Now, the effect is very good. After Lu Chen beat dozens of people, the scene atmosphere reached the highest point. At the same time, the worship of those soldiers for Lu Chen reached the highest point.

And there are many soldiers who are asking how to join the tribe of Lu Chen.

Even some barbarians said they would like to work for free as long as they have a family member of the tribe permission to enter the tribe.

No way, people are not alone to survive, Lu Chen is good, as orphans not much.

But other barbarians, there are old people on the top and small ones below. Even if they are soldiers, they must also consider the safety of their families.

In order to get their wife and children safe residence, work for Lu Chen for free, those soldiers did it.

This time, the son of the leader of Lu Chen did not refuse, but told them that they would start soon and come and recruit when the tribe was established.

If there is any son of the leader who has been trusted in the affairs that other barbarians talk about, they will not have to come to the meeting with Lu Chen, and the other leaders' sons can do everything.And Lu Chen, after letting others disperse, closed his eyes and sensed the condition of his body.

However, after sensing for a while, Lu Chen's face sighed.

"Well, although I know that Avalon can't make me infinite blue forever, but it's too fast to fail. I didn't expect the consumption to be so high after growing up."

Lu Chen in the detection of consumption after the increase, but now it seems that the effect is not very good.

The essence of infinity blue is that recovery is faster than consumption. When Lu Chen is four meters tall, even if Lu Chen uses big moves, Avalon can provide continuous recovery.

But when the body gets bigger, everything is different. The bigger the body shape, the more powerful Lu Chen is. However, with the advantages, Lu Chen's consumption will inevitably increase, which makes Avalon's energy supply somewhat insufficient.

Of course, Avalon is not useless. Originally, Lu Chen, who has only two hearts, can become an eight meter giant for only one minute. However, the existence of Avalon makes this duration ten minutes.

Ten times the increase is not small, but people are greedy, Lu Chen wants to be forever infinite blue.

"I don't know how to upgrade the small world."

Lu Chen is thinking, but because the level of the small world is too high, Lu Chen can not think of it now.

As he frowned and thought, the bronze man ran to Lu Chen.

"Your Highness, I have found you at last. Come with me. Your weapons have been made. I'll wait for you to start the attack."

"Weapons are ready. Go."

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