As a swordsman, sharp sword is the second life of a warrior. Therefore, I heard that Lu Chen Ran very fast after the weapon was made.

With the blessing of the strong wind, Lu Chen, who was running all the way, soon came to the volcano community of the craftsman's department.

After entering, Lu Chen found that the masters who made weapons for themselves were sitting on the ground tired, with blood in their eyes.

Obviously, in Lu Chen's practice these days, they have been busy for Lu Chen's weapons, which also makes Lu Chen a little moved.

"Thank you, gentlemen."

Lu Chen's words are very sincere. Although the masters are tired, they have finished a good work. The spirit of those barbarians is not bad. Hearing Lu Chen's heartfelt thanks, the masters all laughed. The first hammer Master said: "you are welcome, your highness. As you said, we are all for barbarians."

"Indeed, for the sake of barbarians, don't worry, I have received your request. Although I can't go to the front line now, I will try my best to build the largest tribe and let our people have a safe habitat."

"I will be satisfied with your highness, but your highness, everything is subject to your own safety."

After chatting with each other a few more words, master hammer took Lu Chen to a furnace, where two things were inserted into the hot furnace, one of which was the huge sword Lu Chen wanted.

It's a huge sword. The body of the sword is four meters high and has a one meter long handle.

The body of the sword is not exquisite, and there are no gorgeous patterns. But just looking at the huge sword, I feel fierce. At the same time, after looking at the sword for a long time, even my eyes ache.

As Lu Chen looked at the sword, master hammer opened his mouth to Lu Chen: "the sword is called Dragon hunting sword. According to your Highness's command, this sword is 5.1 meters long and weighs 3000 Jin. It is made of hard meteorite iron. The sharp teeth given by your highness to God are also ground into powder and integrated into the body of the sword. Now, anything precious will be cut off directly by this sword."

Lu Chen was very happy with the five meter high sword. When master hammer said this, Lu Chen had already stepped forward and dropped blood into the body of the sword. This was Kaifeng.

The advanced long sword has the ability to recognize the Lord, and it is connected with his flesh and blood, which makes it easier for Lu Chen to master the long sword.

After spending a lot of effort to separate his wrists, a large amount of red and hot blood was dripping towards the sword. In a short time, a full number of bowls of blood appeared and fell on the sword. As soon as the blood entered the sword, it was absorbed directly.

At this time, the hammer Master said: "OK."

However, Lu Chen did not stop after the hammer Master said it.

"It's OK. Wait a minute. I think it can absorb. Since it likes to drink, let it drink more."

Lu Chen, who had Avalon, was not stingy with blood. Soon, a bucket of blood was dripping on the body of the sword. Until then, the body of the sword had been completely dyed red. Until then, Lu Chen felt enough.

"That's all I have to drink. It's a pity."

In this way, those masters were speechless. If other barbarians had just appeared, they would have bled to death. Lu Chen's idea of putting blood as water was totally unexpected.

Without seeing the surprise of the craftsmen and masters, Lu Chen said happily:

"can't you drink it? In this case, come here."

With this, Lu Chen stretched out his hand, and the huge sword flew towards Lu Chen's hand.


the hand sank slightly, and the new dragon hunting sword fell into Lu Chen's hands.

After touching the sword, Lu Chen closed his eyes directly and touched the body of the sword with his hand. This is the ability to feel the Dragon hunting sword with his weapon master.

Soon, the ability of the new meteorite sword appeared in Lu Chen's mind.

"The sword is 5.1 meters long and weighs 3300 kilograms. It is good at chopping and has the special effects of burning fire, firmness, weight and extreme sharpness."

"Fire, heavier and stronger, retained? Extremely sharp because of God's teeth."

The new meteorite sword is only an enlarged version of the original one. Even the material has not changed much. Therefore, its ability has not changed much.

And that extremely sharp, in Lu Chen's induction, is the effect of God's sharp teeth after crushing.

At this time, Lu Chen feels that his meteorite sword can not only smash everything, but also cut everything.

He casually took out a long sword and put it on the body of the sword. With a little effort, the body of the sword was cut on the giant sword of LuChen meteorite, and the sword of Lu Chen had no trace of imprint. This scene satisfied Lu Chen very much.

"Good, good. Thank you, masters."

Two good words in a row are enough to show Lu Chen's mood. With the new meteorite sword in hand, Lu Chen feels that his strength has been improved by half.

However, at this time, this is not the real form of the meteorite sword. No, the present giant sword should not be called meteorite giant sword, it should be called Dragon hunting sword gun.So thinking, Lu Chen looked at another thing on the furnace, which was with meteorites Something matching dragon hunting sword.

You are welcome. Lu Chen reaches for the thing and takes it suddenly.

With the extraction of things, a dark iron stick appeared in Lu Chen's hand, similar to the Dragon hunting sword in his hand, and the iron staff was also five meters long.

One hand stick, one hand with sword, Lu Chen hands to the middle of one, and quickly a screw, with Lu Chen's action, the two weapons unexpectedly linked together.

So far, a ten meter long dragon hunting sword gun appeared in the hands of Lu Chen.

After the gathering, the ten meter long dragon hunting sword gun has six meters of spear and four meter blade. This kind of sword can be used as a long sword and can be used as a long gun weapon for the killing power of giant creatures.

"It is feasible. This dragon hunting sword gun, which can be used in my form."

At this time, Lu Chen's weapon was made by imitating a dragon hunting sword gun in the soul of darkness 3.

When making weapons, Lu Chen thought that he would learn the size of the weapons. But if he made weapons, he could only make one. At that time, the weapons were too small, and Lu Chen did not have the weapons to take advantage of when they were bigger. After all, most of the time Lu Chen was in normal form, too large weapons, and it was not convenient to use them normally.

In such a case, the divisible dragon hunting sword gun was made by Lu Chen.

"When removing the iron stick, it is used as a giant sword. After pressing the iron stick, it is the Dragon hunting sword gun. This weapon is very consistent with me."

With weapons and a few waves, Lu Chen thanked the craftsmen for a while.

More seriously promise them that they will do their best to open up the territory.

Later, Lu Chen returned to his residence with weapons, and with his return, the whole Prince's residence was completely busy.

A large number of soldiers are sharpening their weapons, and Ji hongdie, with his servant, carried a box of things back to Lu Chen's residence.

This is preparing for the expedition. With the completion of weapons production, the war of establishing tribes tomorrow will begin completely.

So, in the busy, the night passed quickly.

The next day, it was not bright. Under the leadership of Lu Chen, a group of armed men set out directly in the direction of the military camp.

In front of the door of the mansion, looking at Lu Chen going far away, Ji hongdie clenched her fist and his face was worried.

"Sir, be careful."

Ji hongdie is worried, beside it, Lu Chen's maid Xiaoqian is also hazy with tears. But in the place where they don't know, a cold and clear woman with long black length, who looks at the direction of Lu Chen's departure, also stands for a long time.


Lu Chen didn't know and cared about the matter behind him. At this time, his mind was on the establishment of the territory.

"Open territory, it's a hard fight."

"If the totem column is erected, will it be attacked by a large number of evil forces, let me see how strong the sneaking attack is."

The open territory is never an easy thing. When there is no evil, when the barbarians open their territory, they will be attacked by brute animals.

Ordinary brute animals may not be rational, but the king of those brutes has already understood in their long life. The totem column stands up, which means that the footsteps of barbarians are inserted into the nearby area, and also represents the erosion of the beast's territory.

Even the brute kings can foresee that even themselves will be hunted and killed by barbarians.

In order to survive, more for territory, the fighting between the two has been constant.

When the totem column is erected, it is the most intense time for the two to fight. Because, after having totem column, they will enter the barbarian village, and those brute animals will be suppressed.

Therefore, when the barbarians are not stable, the king of brute beast will take a large number of brute animals and attack the villages of barbarians. This is the origin of beast attack on the city. The king of brute animals will not allow the barbarian tribe to expand.

In such a fight, the barbarians failed, but more successful. Under the long-term open up of the barbarians and the Central Plains, the territory of brute animals was eroded step by step.

But it is also because of this, brute animals bring evil spirits and evil gods.

Now, the man who fights with the barbarians is no longer a brute beast, but it becomes a sneak.

But the opponents have changed, and the same thing is that the barbarians are the tentacles of barbarian civilization. Where the barbarians' tribes are broadened also represent where the barbarians' power is expanded.

And whatever creature wants to capture the world, it is necessary to destroy the spiritual Lord of the world, human beings.

Therefore, when the totem column is erected, it will be the most intense time for the barbarians to fight against the evil, which is inevitable.

This matter not only Lu Chen knows, but also a group of barbarians behind Lu Chen.

So they were all very solemn.

In this solemn atmosphere, Lu Chen and others entered the military camp to apply for the air whale, and took the air whale to the territory designated by LuChen.……

Above the sky, the sons of several leaders, with their bows and arrows, kept hunting the evil spirits flying in the air.

Looking at this scene, Lu Chen sighs. The continuous appearance of voodoo crows, corrosive Double Dragons, and ghost sculptures shows Lu Chen that even the sky is not safe now.

Even if the air is attacked, the underground will be very difficult.

At the same time, looking at the sky whale, Lu Chen also has some heartache.

In the past, Lu Chen didn't care about anything. Even when he went to war, he took the sky whale with Xianfeng camp. At that time, he thought it was nothing. But now, after opening up his territory, Lu Chen realized the value of his contribution.

The sky whale is not Lu Chen's, but Wang Ting's material, which also means that he needs to rent the sky whale from the royal court, which also means the contribution value.

"The sky whale uses one day, it gets 100 contribution value, 10000 contribution value can exchange for a divine power crystal, shit, this is too expensive."

Of course, although things are expensive, Lu Chen can not blame Wang Ting.

Because there are not many sky whales in Wangting, but there are many places to use them. If there are no restrictions, all people will apply for sky whales, which makes their number not enough.

However, although he can understand it, Lu Chen can't bear it for a long time.

"I can't use the skywhale all the time. I can't afford it. After laying a foundation, I have to find a way to open up a safe land road."

Although the evil spirit has been wandering around all the time, if the powerful evil spirit in a region is cleared up, after that, as long as a small number of soldiers are allowed to protect, the large army can get back and forth safely.

"Besides soldiers, there are also civilians in the territory. Compared with soldiers, there are too many civilians. I'm going to go bankrupt on the spot, and when the civilians come, they have to come. "

To open up a safe road is what Wang Ting and the big tribes must do. At the same time, they have been doing it all the time. Lu Chen, while thinking in this way, is also looking for ways from the system.

"I can't support the cost of using skywhales, but barbarians can tame skywhales, and I can find a skill to tame pets."

"It's decided that the next skill choice is to tame pets. If I tame some pets myself, my troops will be able to travel quickly."

"Sure enough, it's right not to upgrade immediately."

Lu Chen is happy with his decision, and quickly thinks about what ability can make the pet submit.

And soon, he did find several.

"Dark ranger in the frozen throne of Warcraft III, I remember her spell was to control enemy units."

"In the League of heroes, the fox's charm is OK. Although in the game, that skill is to let the enemy units come towards them, but in reality, the charm is to let the enemy obey their orders."

"Druids also have a lot of ability to summon partners."


In retrospect, Lu Chen really found many abilities to control flying creatures, but these skills made Lu Chen feel helpless. He found that although those skills were good, they were not swordsmen.

"It's a mistake. Swordsmen are good at attacking and special skills. They have to look for them from the public skill pool."

As Lu Chen looks for skills and sighs, they are getting closer and closer to their destination.

After flying in the sky for half an hour, the bear came directly to Lu Chen.

"Your Highness, the destination is here. Below is the original cattle tribe."

The wolf was not without tribes, but now that there are tribes, they are still vacant. Naturally, it is because of the drastic changes that have taken place here. In this era, it is hardly necessary to ask what kind of upheaval was.

Some evil spirit broke through the cattle tribe, and the tribe was removed from its name. In this way, this piece of wolf could have become a land of no owner, but it also means that Lu Chen and others are in trouble.

Although some evil spirits will leave after conquering the tribe, there will always be evil spirits left here.

That is to say, Lu Chen and others who have just arrived at the place will have to experience a fierce battle when they have no rest.

However, there is no trace of discontent among the barbarians around them. All they have is high morale.

And this also makes Lu Chen very satisfied.

But when Lu Chen is ready to speak, Wu Zhu comes to Lu Chen and reports to the landing Chen.

"Your Highness, from the survivors of Qun Niu village, we have inquired about the evil situation here."

"This is a group of worms living in the underground. They devour everything and build nests underground. The original soldiers of Qun Niu village were almost swallowed up because they did not expect the evil spirit to attack from the underground."

"From the original dossier, we have discovered that the evil spirits here are almost harmless. Even if the head is cut off, it is difficult to die. Please be careful."

The leaders of barbarians have always been the strong ones, and those strong ones have strong fighting power, but their ability to govern their territory is really hard to say. Therefore, in addition to the leaders of each tribe, there are also witches' wishes as auxiliary.At this time, the witch Zhu played his role and provided the information to Lu Chen, and this also made Lu Chen nod his head.

"I see."

After that, Lu Chen turned directly to a group of barbarian soldiers around him and roared at them.

"Brothers, there are evil forces occupying our territory. Tell me, what should we do?"

"War! War! War

Before the battle, roar a wave first. This is the tradition of barbarians. It is also a deterrent to the enemy and inspiring. With the roar of war, the atmosphere in the field becomes anxious.

When they roared, Lu Chen stepped out of the sky whale first, and the figure landed directly towards the earth.

It wasn't until it landed in mid air that a sound came from beneath the sky whale.

"Brothers, follow me."


In the roar, a barbarian soldiers as if under dumplings general, jumped toward the earth.

In this one, the fastest jump of nature is Lu Chen, and this time, the jumping Lu Chen in mid air, he suddenly roared.

"Big and small Ruyi, open!"

With a sharp pain in the sky roar, Lu Chen's figure suddenly lifted up and became bigger.

In a short time, Lu Chen in the air changed from 4.2 meters in height to 8.4 meters in height.

[size Ruyi · stage 1 · double increase]


In the growing howl, Lu Chen's figure is like a missile, landing vertically.

The landing of Lu Chen made the surrounding air quiet for a moment, but the next moment, the "boom" of the earth shaking sound resounded in the surrounding area of hundreds of meters.

On the earth, the remaining houses in Qun Niu village were completely smashed into powder by Lu Chen's falling.

Even the earth was completely trampled and collapsed by Lu Chen.

In one jump, everything is shattered. Now Lu Chen is already a "treasure for the city".

And the cause of all this, of course, is the accompanying landslides.

The collapse of the house, nearly a kilometer round the earth are in the depression, this is the real earth shattering.

And that earth shattering not only has the destruction to the earth, under the earth's many evil spirits, is the instant death and heavy injury.

Countless evil spirits were completely shocked to death by Lu Chen before they came out.

Although those worms have no key, although the worms have tenacious vitality, but the strong shock ability, which directly crush those worms, and even the body are crushed, they naturally can not survive.

The earth is the protective layer of those worms, but for Lu Chen, it is also the place where those worms are buried.

Lu Chen, who fell down, has a huge damage to the evil spirit. Ordinary worms are almost completely shaken to death by Lu Chen.

But such behavior, also thoroughly infuriated the worm Lord here, in the next second of Lu Chen's fall, there was a chaotic howl.

It was not a howl, but a wail of pain from hundreds of people. The howling sound also came from the same direction, which made Lu Chen look at the past for the first time.

With the transfer of Lu Chen's head, "bang", something penetrates the earth and appears in front of Lu Chen.

Just, looking at that thing, Lu Chen instantly has a kind of disgusting feeling.

It is also a long worm, but different from ordinary worms, it is 20 meters long when it is exposed to the outside. It is not only long, but also extremely ugly.

On that worm, countless basketball sized tumors are growing wantonly. Those pimples are not ordinary, and each one has a miserable and wailing face.

It can be said that the worm seems to grow underground without eyes to see, so it grows too arbitrary. It is an ugly monster that just looks at it and makes people feel sick.

What makes Lu Chen more angry is that he can feel that the wailing face on the worm is actually the remaining Soul here. After swallowing human flesh and blood, the evil spirit actually imprisons the victim's soul in himself.

Just watching, let Lu Chen feel a lot of news, and after reading, Lu Chen's anger is also Teng's burning up.

"Evil spirit, you die!"

Angry voice, enough to show Lu Chen's anger.

However, the evil spirit was also very angry. Hiding in the underground, he did not expect to be suddenly attacked.

Now, all of its offspring are dead, not to mention itself, but it has been severely damaged by the shock force.

Under the fury, the worm leader's big mouth opened directly and bit Lu Chen. At the same time, his pimples also showed a howling sound wave.

The sound wave seems to disturb people's physical condition. At least, many of the barbarian soldiers who jumped down with Lu Chen felt dizzy and dizzy, and many of them were lying on the ground and retching.

If there are small worms coming at this time, ordinary barbarian soldiers will be in danger.It's a pity that ordinary worms are killed by Lu Chen before they come out.

And the cry of the worm leader is useful for others, but for Lu Chen, it's just a little harsh.

Looking at the helminth leader who attacks, Lu Chen has no polite idea.

"In the name of justice, I pronounce that if you are evil, you will be punished!"

Under the oath of justice, under the dark sky shrouded by the blood moon, a light broke out. The light was like the sun, hanging high in the sky, and even the dazzling light made the land a few miles like day.

It was a mythical sword with the fire of justice. Because of the human soul in the evil spirit, Lu Chen was angry. With anger, Lu Chen directly summoned the mythical sword.

Now Lu Chen has reached the height of eight meters due to the use of Ruyi size. His huge body gives Lu Chen great strength and improves his maximum strength.

The increased Lu Chen, after using the power of demacia, directly drained one fifth of Qi and blood in his body.

Even Avalon couldn't make up for the drain for a while.

However, Qi and blood have been taken away, and the huge sword in the sky is also very terrible.

At this time, Lu Chen summoned the mythical sword with dazzling light. Looking at the sacred, it was more than 120 meters high.

At the same time, the terror of the sword directly below, even with a frightening pressure, that majesty let the head of the worm who rushed over had a feeling of immobility.

It was majestic. After receiving divine blessing and absorbing the divinity of fear and nightmares, all Lu Chen's skills had some prestige.

Awed by the threat, the worm leader even has some stagnation in consciousness, and his body is unable to move.

Then, the mythical giant sword fell like a meteor with a flame tail across the sky. Until the tip of the mythical sword came to his body, the worm leader did not break free, but it was too late.

"Boom," a startling explosion in the direction of the worm exploded.

The violent explosion made the earth shake constantly, and even small mushroom clouds rose. The aftershock of the explosion also made some barbarians around were directly blown away from the earth and soared in the air.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of the barbarians was good. Although they were flying in the air, they were not injured much.

When the smoke and dust of the explosion disappeared, a pit with a width of 100 meters and a depth of 10 meters appeared in the middle of Qun Niu village.

In the pit, the ugly and disgusting worm leader has disappeared.

It was killed by Lu Chen's sword.

It is not only the worm leader who died. Under Lu Chen's jump, all the ordinary worms buried in the ground were killed by Lu Chen. Now, even the worm leader has been killed by Lu Chen, which means that the threat of the cattle village has been completely eliminated by Lu Chen.

When the threat in the village completely dissipated, Lu Chen raised his hand and cheered.

"Brothers, we won."

Lu Chen, who raised his hand, cheered for the victory and was more ready to wait for others to join in cheering.

But an embarrassing thing happened. The barbarians who fell from the air to the ground looked at the ground which had been destroyed by the earthquake and the deep pit in the middle of the earth. They were all at a loss, and did not respond to Lu Chen's cheers.

After a long time, an uncertain voice sounded.

"We are winning."

"It's time to win."

"How can we win in this way? Isn't it that there will be a big war to clean up the evil spirits?"

"I thought there was a big war. When I came, I even asked Lord Wu Zhu to help me to keep it."

Ordinary barbarians are at a loss. Those leaders are in the same state. They have not responded.

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