"After all, I'm not a devil either."

After Lu Chen said such words, the barbarians at the bottom became more silent, which also made Lu Chen very satisfied.

"Very well, no one speaks. I'll take it as if you agree with my decision."

"Remember, I won't blame you for opposing at this time, but don't blame me if you admit defeat and disobey orders when I leave."

"Yes, your highness."

After getting the answer from the clansmen, Lu Chen looked directly at several masters and said with a gentle face:

"you see, the problem has been solved. I have discussed with the people, and they have agreed to my approach."

This sentence made several masters grin.

"Solve it. That's how you solved it."

"It's also discussed that you are suppressing."

Of course, that's just what they think. Facing Lu Chen, these construction masters, like barbarian warriors, dare not have the slightest objection. They are all nodding their heads.

And one of them directly said, "Your Highness is wise and considerate to his subordinates. Having such a leader is the admiration of the barbarians."

"I'm just a little bit more open-minded."

These words made the faces of those architects almost distorted. The one who spoke just now also had five words to say. He didn't expect Lu Chen to really think so.

At the same time, they are also the first time to see such a way of persuasion.

In this regard, Lu Chen can only say that as long as the strength is enough, no one will object to all his decisions.

Although such a dictatorial way is somewhat overbearing, Lu Chen has never thought of benevolence and righteousness. Hegemonism is the way Lu Chen chooses.

Moreover, the barbarians are simple and only obey the strong. Lu Chen's way, on the contrary, makes those barbarians feel comfortable.

They don't need to think about anything. They just follow Lu Chen.

Relying on his own force and prestige, Lu Chen solved the problem of construction workers.

However, when Lu Chen is ready to disband the barbarians, the red butterfly next to him suddenly opens his mouth.

"My husband, you haven't named the tribe yet. Take this opportunity to ask your husband to name the tribe."

"Tribe name, really should take one, called" Chen ", after that, we are Chen tribe."

"Chen, I still want to take thunder Animal Department."

"What thunder beast, fire ox is more powerful."

"Don't mention it. It's the name of his royal highness. It's the best to name it."

"The name of his royal highness? That's a good name."


Both prestige and force enable Lu Chen to do a lot of things, and the name of the tribe is soon decided by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't care about the name of the tribe.

But when Lu Chen took Chen's name and was engraved on the totem pole by Wu Zhu in a special way, a strange feeling appeared in Lu Chen's heart.

That kind of feeling, as if this place has become their own "home", this kind of feeling, let Lu Chen some at a loss.

"What's going on?"

Confused, full of Lu Chen's body and mind, but, soon, Lu Chen left these things behind.

Lu Chen has already delayed a lot of time here. He needs to go to the next place to erect the totem pole.

Instead of flying in the sky whale, with a large team, carrying supplies, Lu Chen and others are moving forward in the prescribed direction.

When he came here, Lu Chen knew that he had established more than one village. Therefore, when he was in the Royal City, Lu Chen and Ji hongdie discussed several places for establishing tribes.

At this time, Lu Chen and others are heading for the second predetermined tribe.

As they moved forward, Lu Chen also found that the place they were walking on was a road to see some traces.

However, at this time, the road is full of weeds, and it is about to bury the road.

The existence of the road made Lu Chen understand that there was communication between the two tribes before the evil spirit came.

Unfortunately, with the arrival of evil, the relationship between tribes gradually faded, and then the tribes were broken, and the road was completely abandoned.

At the same time, roads are buried and villages are abandoned, which also represents the retreat of human civilization.

"After the tribes are completely established, the passageways of each tribe must be opened. It is not necessary to pass people at night, but it must be safe during the day."

At this time, Lu Chen is still determined to build a road, but he has not decided to make his own way.

However, Lu Chen, who was walking, soon put aside the road. He did not perceive the enemy or arrived at the destination.

But as he left the first "Chen" tribe, Lu Chen found that his perception of Yuchen tribe did not disappear.

In Lu Chen's perception, there is a fire, even if it is violent and far away, it can still be clearly perceived.Even, relying on the fire, Lu Chen could feel the voice of prayer around the fire.

In this case, Lu Chen was a little surprised.

"What's the matter? I'm so far away. Why can I feel the totem pole of Chen tribe Well, it's the prayer voice of the witches, and I can hear them

Yes, after he left, Lu Chen, who was worried about the situation of the tribe, found that he could feel the totem pole even though he was far away.

This kind of feeling is quite wonderful, just like:

"how can this be like inserting an eye in Chen tribe

Puzzling appears in Lu Chen's heart. In this confusion, Lu Chen and others arrive at the second destination, which is still a broken tribe.

It's no surprise that barbarians are not all fools, though they are savages.

When they set up tribes, the barbarians also explored some territory. When the surrounding resources could support them, and there was arable land, forests, and water, they would establish tribes there.

Therefore, Lu Chen and others do not need to re explore at all, as long as they can establish new tribes on the original tribal sites.

Before that, however, one thing needs to be done, which is to seize the tribe.

The resources around the tribe have not been exhausted, but this place has become a site, which is certainly not without reason.

There are irresistible disasters, so that the tribes here will be destroyed, this place will be abandoned.

Therefore, Lu Chen and others had to take this place back to establish a new tribe.

After arriving at the second scheduled location, it was already late at night. Without hesitation, when there was still a lot of distance from the tribe, Lu Chen leaped and reached a height of 100 meters. Then, Lu Chen in the air grew rapidly. Soon, an eight meter tall terrible giant with a dragon hunting sword gun fell down to this place with terrifying potential energy.

[Tiaozha · landslides]

"bang" is like being hit by a meteorite. Originally, it was just a dilapidated village that was completely shattered by Lu Chen, and all the buildings collapsed completely.

Lu Chen, the "treasure of the city", was launched again.


"The original village buildings are not only dilapidated, but also extremely messy. Even if the village buildings are in good condition, I have to rebuild them. In this case, it is better to destroy them completely."

With such an idea, Lu Chen destroys the village without hesitation.

At the moment when the earth was shaking and the village buildings were destroyed, countless evil spirits standing and buried in the ground were completely killed by Lu Chen's landslides.

After sensing for a while, Lu Chen even found that all the evil spirits here were completely crushed to death by his own landslides, and none of them survived. This also surprised Lu Chen.

"It's strange that the evil spirits here can break through the villages guarded by totem pillars, at least at the level of blood. They die like this?"

Thinking like this, Lu Chen took a look at his system interface, where a large number of experience value acquisition information constantly flashing.

But Lu Chen also found that although the information obtained by those experience values was a little more, it was all at the time of several or more, and none of them reached three digits.

Therefore, Lu Chen understood that the evil spirits here were all weak things, and it was impossible to break through the village.

"Are you gone? Yes, not all evil spirits like to be buried in the ground. Many of them are wandering around. It is possible that they will go directly after killing the village or be killed by the experts of the royal court."

"What's more, I don't have to think so much. When the totem pole is up, if the evil spirit is still there, I will come by myself."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen no longer ponders, but let the soldiers behind come over and let them set up the totem pole.

Because of one experience, this time, the witches' movements were very fast. They were soon erected on a high map, and the barbarian soldiers were also in their places, waiting for the evil spirits to come.

Of course, before the evil spirit comes, we need to experience the interception of two ghosts.

Under the command of Lu Chen, the first ghost, Kazan of the sword spirit, and the second ghost, pulimon, the erosion, have already killed around the village.

Their killing will not only reduce the pressure of barbarian soldiers, but also bring direct experience value into Lu Chen's hands. Now, this achievement has achieved initial results.

As soon as his eyes narrowed, the system interface appeared in front of Lu Chen. At the same time, Lu Chen saw the specific number of experience values.

[training value: 138000]

[aura value: 780]

18000 experience value and 780 aura value are Lu Chen's three-day killing harvest.

However, Lu Chen was not satisfied with his experience.

"After removing the original experience value, I gained more than 30000 points in these three days. Sure enough, with the growth of my strength, it is easier for me to kill evil spirits, but the acquisition of experience value is constantly decreasing."

"If only you could get the same training points after reaching the divine level."It can only be said that such an idea is a dream. If the doctor can gain experience by doing the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, it is really abnormal.

"Well, at least that's enough for me to improve my skills, systems, and meditation levels."

Lu Chen opened the system panel this time, not only to see the number of his experience, but also to improve his meditation level.

He did not forget that at the moment of consuming his divine power to activate his divinity, he went directly into the great source.

Although it was almost assimilated by the big source, it only touched the big source for a moment.

However, the feeling of going deep into the root causes Lu Chen to get a higher level of integration with the way of heaven than the unity of man and nature. Therefore, Lu Chen, who has been in and out of the root, can already enhance master Wuji's meditation.

[the system prompts that the host completes the test task: the unity of man and nature can consume 100000 experience points to upgrade meditation to the golden level of Wuji kendo. Is it advanced? 】

there is no hesitation: "yes."

With Lu Chen's voice falling, a strange and familiar feeling appears in Lu Chen's consciousness.

Lu Chen felt that he was completely integrated with the surrounding natural environment. With the rotation of his mind, he could direct the natural energy around him.

"The unity of man and nature is meditation all the time?"

"No, more than that."

The feeling of the unity of man and nature is wonderful. At this time, Lu Chen felt as if he had broken through the bridge between heaven and earth, making his own small world and the surrounding heaven and earth into one.

Lu Chen even felt that he could command the natural energy by his will.

"Meditation is still there. I can put the natural energy into my body, so that I can recover quickly. I can also add natural energy to the blade, so that the ordinary blade has the power to break evil. This is the real damage of Wuji kendo."

This is the ability of Wuji Kendo, and Lu Chen feels that the unity of heaven and man can do more.

"If I can command the natural energy, I should be able to do this!"

As he ponders, Lu Chen takes control of his body. Then, Lu Chen, holding a long sword, swings in front of him.


With Lu Chen's action, there is a sword Qi of 20 meters thick tearing the air and being thrown out by Lu Chen.

The sword roared forward with a high speed.

But if it's normal, the sword Qi will continue to decline in the process of sudden advance.

There is no way. The resistance of the air, the gravity of the earth, all of which make the power can not be transmitted undamaged.

It's also because of this that ordinary people's boxing style has no lethality. After the fist is swung out, the strength can only spread over one or two centimeters and it will disperse.

Of course, there are also strong power to swing a fist, light fist can make the earth broken.

But they are just too strong, and even so, the boxing style will gradually weaken when it spreads to the kilometer.

If you have not practiced special skills, even the top strong ones, the power in their fists can not be transmitted far away.

Of course, there are things about the decline of power. Naturally, there are also some strong people who want to transmit their strength.

In this case, sword Qi appears. Most of the principles of sword Qi are easy to understand. It is just like blocking half of the water outlet of a faucet to let the water column shoot farther.

Sword Qi is often the pressure of the sword.

Of course, this is a fantastic world. In addition to gathering strength and sword pressure, there are other ways to transmit power. Lu Chen's concussion power is one of them.

Based on the understanding of the concussion power, Lu Chen's sword Qi has a very low attenuation in the air, which makes Lu Chen's sword Qi attack range doubled.

But even so, usually, Lu Chen Biao's sword Qi is still declining, and it is because of this that Lu Chen's sword Qi can only be shot a kilometer away.

But this time it was different. When Lu chenkong wielded his long sword and let the sword Qi soar out, the sword spirit did not decay, but kept expanding.

Yes, with the forward rush of sword Qi, it seems that it has eaten hormone and is growing bigger and bigger.

After 500 meters, the original width of the sword reached more than 20 meters, and now it has become more than 50 meters.

After that, Lu Chen's sword Qi shot forward rapidly. This time, Lu Chen's sword Qi shot 1500 meters. At the same time, the 50 meter wide sword Qi was much stronger than the ordinary attack.

All of a sudden, many of the soldiers were surprised when they waved their swords.

But for the doubts of the barbarians, Lu Chen has no mood to explain, at this time, his face full of smile.

"The unity of man and nature is the unity of man and nature. Ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect that my sword Qi could absorb and increase aura continuously on the way after I joined with heaven and earth."

Yes, it's not for no reason that Lu Chen's sword Qi suddenly increases. However, after the sword Qi is wielded, it is constantly absorbing the natural energy around. With the blessing of natural energy, the sword Qi will change from 20 meters to 50 meters.At the same time, because the sword Qi becomes bigger, its strength is also stronger, so it can fly farther.

However, this kind of attachment is also affected by the will. Only in the field of Lu Chen's will, the natural Aura will be attached to the sword Qi according to Lu Chen's will. Once separated from Lu Chen's field, that additional will disappear.

Therefore, the strength of the sword just now is only 50 meters in size, rather than growing infinitely.

"Will, Wuji Kendo and the unity of heaven and man are all influenced by will. Sure enough, besides the body, will is the most important thing. If I want to be strong, I have to constantly exercise my will."

At this time, Lu Chen has understood why the realm of flesh and blood is the realm of will. In this world, will is really too important.

While Lu Chen was feeling, the system's prompt came as scheduled.

[the system prompts that the host consumes 100000 experience points, and the advanced level of meditation is Wuji Kendo]

[Wuji Kendo: the Kendo inherited by Master Yi of Wuji sword can only be learned when meditation reaches the stage of harmony between man and nature. After learning Wuji Kendo, the host can control the natural energy to attach to the blade, and let the sword in his hand break the evil, eliminate the devil, open the mountain and calm all the energy power. At the same time, with limitless Kendo, the host can emit sword Qi. Within the host's will, the sword Qi can absorb natural energy and continuously increase]

[PS: Although there are many enemies, they will be killed with one strike! 】

in the game, Wuji swordsman does not have the ability of sword spirit. At the same time, his big move is of plateau blood, but this is obviously abnormal in reality. Wuji Jiansheng is a swordsman. His lineage is only auxiliary, and kendo is the strongest.

At the same time, as a swordsman, he absolutely has the ability of sword spirit. It is only because the game needs balance that the infinite swordsman looks weak.

Or that sentence, in reality, it is impossible for a certain Yodel scoundrel to kill a star spirit. The game is completely different from the reality.

This kind of difference, let the skill in the game to reality has some changes.

This is the case at this time. After acquiring Wuji Kendo, Lu Chen's ordinary not only can cause real damage, but also has the ability to emit sword Qi.

Although this kind of ability has some repetition, Lu Chen has long had the ability of long-range attack by virtue of the fire of justice and the power of concussion.

However, this does not mean that the emission of sword Qi in Wuji Kendo is useless. Even, due to the different relationship between the three kinds of sword Qi emission abilities, they will even enhance each other.

Concussion power can make sword Qi pass further, which is to expand the attack range.

The fire of justice can increase the power of light and flame for the sword Qi without attribute. It is also a high-quality enchant.

As for the final acquisition of Wuji Kendo, it can not only make the sword Qi in Lu Chen's will, but also can be continuously enhanced.

The combination of the three abilities makes it possible to swing the sword Qi of two or three hundred meters. At this time, it can swing a kilometer away.

Lu Chen was satisfied with the acquisition of Wuji kendo.

But in his happy moment, the evil attack never stops.

However, there are two big ghosts guarding outside. Those evil spirits can't attack at all. No matter what kind of evil spirits, they will be directly intercepted and killed by the two ghosts.

Because he didn't feel the super strong enemy, Lu Chen didn't pay attention to the outside. After learning the skills, Lu Chen felt a ray of fire in his consciousness.

It is the light spot named by Lu Chen as Chen tribe. Although it is far away, Lu Chen can still perceive the situation there by virtue of the special connection between divinity and totem pole.

Even Lu Chen has a feeling that if he pays the price, he can communicate with the human beings stationed there with the help of the totem pole.

"How can such a connection be the same as that between Shenju and the temple?"

The temple is the place where the gods are worshipped, and the real God can convey the oracle by virtue of the temple.

Even, the belief in the temple is enough, and the deity can even project in the star world with the help of the gods in the temple.

Some big shrines can even make Shenju incarnate. If the tribes established by the son of the leader are the tentacles of barbarian civilization, then the shrines are the sphere of influence of the gods.

Although Lu Chen and the totem pole's induction is weak, this essence is the relationship between the gods and the temple.

Therefore, Lu Chen is puzzled by this kind of induction. He doesn't understand why the totem pole has such a deep connection with himself.

But soon Lu Chen thought that he had a divinity and named the tribe "Chen", which made Lu Chen have some guesses.

"The totem pole is the product of sacrificing gods. When converted to Yunzhou, it is the combination of gods and temples."

"I am the weakest hypocrite with divinity. The totem is named after me. The people there worship me and recite my name. Combined with this situation, maybe, it can really form the relationship between gods and temples."

Shenjue is not achieved overnight. The four day pass of the Shenmen gate mentioned above is the ladder to become a God. However, not all people will strictly follow the four-day pass of the Shenmen gate, so it is too difficult to steadily upgrade.

If you want to be a God, but you can't accomplish the great cause of the four days pass for some reasons, some divine creatures will take a shortcut.For example, in remote areas, there will be divine creatures, or divine blood creatures that directly occupy some tribes.

Creatures that contain divine blood or divinity will protect the tribe's people, but the price is for the tribe's people to worship them.

Once this sacrifice lasts for a hundred years, the blood creatures and the divine creatures will call themselves gods, and they will also possess divine power.

Of course, if we don't follow the orthodox way of the four days of the divine gate, those creatures can only be called gods in the places where they are worshipped. They are still the weakest ones. Some strong people can even kill the so-called gods alone.

At the same time, once those beings leave the tribe, their status will drop and become divine creatures.

Such a god like creature is called the totem God.

Lu Chen is now taking the road of totem God. Of course, this is not Lu Chen's initiative.

At the same time, he did not condense the divinity on his own, but because he got the divinity by accident, Lu Chen could obtain some powers of the gods in advance, just like those totem gods.

At this time, Lu Chen also thought of this point and thought about the benefits.

"If I build enough tribes and shelter enough people, I can turn this area into a pseudo God realm by virtue of the divine power over each tribe. As long as I don't leave this area, I will have a part of the power of the gods."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

"So it was decided that although the power of the gods could not go out of this land, it was enough for me."

There is no conflict between the totem God and the real God, which is not to say that if you become a totem God, you can't walk the path of true God.

It can even be said that the God of totem is the preparation for those divine creatures to accumulate power. Once the time is right, they will ignite the beliefs accumulated by hundreds or even thousands of years, turn them into divine fire, hold high the kingdom of God to reach the star world and achieve their own divine position.

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