Because there was no conflict or even help, Lu Chen didn't mind taking the path of totem God before he advanced to the true God.

"Well, something evil is coming."

Lu Chen, who closed his eyes and thought about it, suddenly sensed something. He didn't mean to be polite. After perceiving the evil, a sword Qi was shot out by Lu chenbiao.

The sword Qi was separated from the body, but it was growing under the aggregation of natural aura. Soon, it was as high as 50 meters. The sword Qi, like a mountain peak, flashed over the evil spirit.

The sound of "hissing" is like crossing a piece of thin paper. The evil spirit is directly eliminated by Lu Chen's sword spirit.

[the system indicates that the host has obtained 21 experience points after killing the black wandering evil spirit]

"although there are few mosquitoes, no matter how small they are, they are meat."

Although ready to become the totem God of this land, Lu Chen will not slow down his ascension.

The reason why many totem gods can't become gods is that they only care about enjoying the power of totem gods and give up the promotion of themselves.

Therefore, when the villages they sheltered were destroyed or driven out of their own gods, that is, when they died.

Different from Lu Chen, he has decided that the totem God is only to protect the people here. His real strength is still his own strength.

In this way, even if he left this land, Lu Chen only lost the power of God, but his own strength would not decline.

Time passes quickly in the killing. There are not too powerful creatures on the first night. Most of the creatures can be cleaned up by the two ghosts and gods. Lu Chen only needs to find out what is missing.

As for Lu Chen's people, they waited for the night in the broken tribes.

However, although there was no great threat, there was a small episode in the process of killing. Suddenly, a systematic voice sounded in Lu Chen's ear.

[system prompt, host feast digests elite creatures - crying and laughing bride, congratulations to host, banquet elite level plus 1]

[feast elite bonus, 80 constitution bonus, 80 Qi and blood bonus, 50 strength bonus, 50 defense bonus]

the sudden sound of the system prompt scared Lu Chen, and he would have forgotten if it were not for the sound of the system prompt I once devoured an evil spirit.

However, as the evil spirit completely disappeared, Lu Chen also realized that the nihility fear of kogas was ultimately the top biological body evolution.

If it's flesh and blood, even if it's divine blood, it's digesting fast, but spiritual objects are not so digestible.

"In addition to the slow digestion of spirituality, the reason why it has been so long also lies in the strange ability of the crying and laughing bride. In my stomach, she must have been supporting for a long time, and she has been resurrected. However, the status of void creatures is equal to that of gods. The suppression of God's inborn talent still makes the bitter smile bride die in her belly. Moreover, I have the feeling that after this swallowing, it should be easier to swallow up spiritual creatures next time. "

"It's just that if the conditions are right, it's better to eat the flesh and blood later."

At the same time, Lu Chen is also thinking about the ability of crying and laughing at the bride. At that time, because of anger, Lu Chen directly opened a feast and killed the bride unreasonably.

However, Lu Chen is interested in her immortal ability.

"When you cry, you smile, and when you laugh, you can see that there are two cores of this evil spirit: one will not die, the other will not die. Therefore, no matter how you kill it, the other will live. You need to kill two at once, or at the root. "

"Maybe the other one was hiding in the heterodox space. I was so angry at that time that I forgot to go to the heterodox space. Otherwise, I should be able to kill by force."

Touching his stomach, Lu Chen thought and endured the pain of physical growth. Soon, this episode passed.

Even, with Avalon's supplement, no one else found Lu Chen's advancement.

It was not until the next day, when it was light, that the barbarian soldiers found that Lu Chen's height had increased a little.

Ignoring their surprise, when the sun rises, a group of barbarian soldiers who have been idle for a night are driven to the forest by Lu Chen and cut down trees. It is obvious that Lu Chen, who was born as a capital construction maniac, is accumulating building materials again.

"I don't need tall buildings. If I only build two stories of small buildings, rocks and trees will be enough. When my first Chen tribe is completed, I will let some of the masters come here to build houses."

In the morning, Lu Chen spent his time in the process of felling, but Lu Chen was not idle. He found a highland. Lu Chen was bathing in the sun and refining his internal organs.

The sun's irradiation makes Lu Chen warm and produces blood continuously.

The blood in qualitative change is constantly impacting on Lu Chen's heart, continuously strengthening it.

Even, because Lu Chen's blood quality is too high, there is a big noise like a splash of water coming from Lu Chen's body, and there is also blood mist around Lu Chen's body.

They were all visions caused by too fast reinforcement, but this vision did not affect Lu Chen at all.

Absorbing the light of the sun, like Superman, Lu Chen evolved in the sun.In the process, Avalon is constantly releasing natural energy, and not just these.

Lu Chen, who arrived at the realm of harmony between man and nature, also absorbed the natural aura around him.

Thanks to the three restorative powers, Lu Chen didn't need to take drugs, but his cultivation progress was growing rapidly at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

The only pity is that although the enhancement is fast, Lu Chen's heart can also withstand the heavy pressure and strengthen rapidly.

But too strong constitution, also let Lu Chen need more blood gas to wash a viscera.

In particular, after the banquet once again won the elite promotion, Lu Chen's strength increased, but the heart and other organs that needed 1.5 million "to" advance "became 1.6 million.

"Forget it, the more blood you need, the stronger your strength will be after your success. More will be more."

With such an idea, Lu Chen spent the morning in training, and in the afternoon, under Lu Chen's order, his people went to rest again.

When night came, the fighting began again.

However, as if it was inland and bordered on Yunzhou, the battle did not happen unexpectedly.

All night, there are some small evil spirits, although these evil spirits are not lack of "powerful" evil things of blood level.

But the power is relative. Now it is obvious that Lu Chen is stronger. Therefore, before these things enter the village, Lu Chen's two ghosts and gods will thoroughly clean them up.

Therefore, the next day, when it was light, Lu Chen's subordinates were as tired as they were yesterday, and all of them were safe and sound.

This also makes a lot of barbarians who follow Lu Chen sigh.

"It's better to follow his Highness Prince Chen. If you have a prince, you can't beat in any evil spirits."

"That's of course. Next time I'll take over my wife and children, as well as some brothers of my tribe. I don't know if I can enter the adult's tribe."

"The village protected by Lord Chen is really safe. I will go back and bring my family."


Mature barbarians all have fetters. After seeing Lu Chen's strength, they are ready to bring their wives and children here.

In this regard, Lu Chen has no opinion, and the family members of the soldiers should take the lead in resettlement.

But at this time, Lu Chen didn't care about the little things. Before dawn, Lu Chen didn't stay in the village, but ran around the village with his eyes closed.

When it was light, Lu Chen returned to the center of the village again.

At the same time, he returned and made a new decision.

"All of you, gather here."

Under the totem pole, Lu Chen roared and gathered all the people.

When all the people gathered below, Lu Chen said directly: "we have cleaned up most of the evil spirits here. I have also used my own methods to detect that there is no strong evil spirit around. Therefore, I am going to leave some people to guard the totem. Others will continue to build other tribes. Who would like to stay?"

Because of his high strength and great prestige, there were no barbarians against Lu Chen's words. He said that when the place was cleaned up, his people would believe it.

After Lu Chen's voice sounded, several people stood up.

"My Lord, we would like to stay here."

"Although it's good to follow your highness, there has been no battle like this. I also want to stay."

After taking a look at them and estimating their strength, Lu Chen said directly:

"Shidang, Mao, mangosteen I wish the rest of the tribe to stay and help me

Without waiting for the totem pole to be completely established here, Lu Chen took the lead in running to the site where the third tribe was established. Naturally, there is a reason for this.

"I will help my people when I can, but I'm not a nanny. I can't do everything in all aspects. It was the most difficult two days before the establishment of the tribe. Now I have led my team to kill all the evil spirits gathered in the previous two days. On the third day, they can't survive. Don't forget such rubbish. "

With such an idea, Lu Chen and his team rushed to the planned third tribal site.

This address is not to move forward along the second tribe. The tribe established by LuChen is centered on Chen tribe and seeks six suitable places to live around.

So, instead of drawing a straight line in the center of these tribes.

During the day, the threat of evil spirit was very low. In a very short time, Lu Chen arrived at the third village.

After arriving there, Lu Chen also figured out the name of the tribe after that.

"The tribe under my direct management is called do Chen, and then the first sub village is called Chenyi, the second vice village is called Chen2, and so on, chen3, chen4 Well, that's the decision. "

Such words, Lu Chen is not stuffy in the heart, but told the surrounding a number of witches and the son of the leader, in this regard, of course, their words are: "the prince is wise.""It's easy to remember. The name of his highness is good."


After getting everyone's approval, Lu Chen was also satisfied.

"Sure enough, I still have a talent for naming."

In complacency, Lu Chen and others arrive at the place, and then they are stationed to rest and wait for the night to fall.

Of course, in this process, youwuzhu directly danced a sacrificial dance on one side, to erect the totem pole.

During the day, there was no big event, that is, a few barbarians felt bored and went to the surrounding forest to find some wild animals to roast and eat.

But Lu Chen did not continue to practice when his people were busy. After feeling the atmosphere here, Lu Chen directly called out Kaijia of the shadow.

Then, under the protection of the third ghost, Lu Chen's figure suddenly darkened and disappeared completely in this world.

Here, only Lu Chen's words remain.

"You wait here. I have something to leave."

"If I guess right, the evil spirit disappears in the daytime, it should be hiding in the shadow world That's true. "

The first sentence is to account for the people, so that they don't worry.

The second sentence is a guess that Lu Chen, who disappeared from the dilapidated village, is once again exposed to the shadow.

This is the world most closely related to this world. Everything in this world, except living creatures, has a projection here.

Tathagata's dilapidated villages also exist in the shadow.

However, compared with the colorful world, most of the world is gray black and white. Only when the extraordinary nature is revealed, can there be color.

In addition to the rare colors, the sun in this world is also gray, and there is not much light shining out.

Therefore, in the shadow boundary, Lu Chen sun's protection was abandoned again.

"Well, although the sun's protection is strong enough, it is affected by too many factors..."

"The smell of human beings."

"Roar, roar, roar!"



Exclamation appears in Lu Chen's mouth, but before Lu Chen's exclamation is finished, a large number of evil spirits send out strange roars and rush towards Lu Chen.

At this time, all the evil spirits disappeared in the daytime appeared around Lu Chen.

But in the face of the charge of these evil things, Lu Chen not only did not fear, but also showed a smile.

"Are you here? It's just the right time to be my advanced firewood."

In the cold laughter, Lu Chen lifted the Dragon hunting sword in his hand, and a holy voice sounded in the dark world.

"Witness the highest fire

With Lu Chen's words of prayer, the flame of red gold explodes on the sword in Lu Chen's hand.

When the fire starts, Lu Chen doesn't move, but with a wave of his long sword, a red sword Qi of more than 20 meters is swept forward by Lu Chen.

The sword is as red as the moon of red lotus, and the red moon is constantly advancing forward.

No, more than one.

Just like a golden lotus in bloom, with Lu Chen's high-speed waving, the sword Qi shoots around with Lu Chen as the center.

The sword Qi with terrible high temperature is really incomparable. No matter what kind of evil, as long as you pass the path of red sword Qi, it will directly burn and melt in the red moon.

Even if it is not hit head-on, but just rubbed, there is a flame from the injured place of the evil spirit. In a short time, those evil spirits will become a torch.

Master level swordsmanship enables Lu Chen to gather his sword power into his sword Qi.

The concussion force makes Lu Chen extend the distance of sword Qi several times.

The fire of justice is the fire of justice that makes Lu Chen's sword spirit burn everything.

The combination of the three forces enables Lu Chen to gallop thousands of kilometers away from each sword Qi, sweeping away all the filth along the way.

At last, when the red sword gas reached the limit, there was an explosion in the distance, which was as bright as fireworks.

But such a bright "fireworks", but let countless evil in the howl.

When the red sword was shooting wildly and the explosions were heard in succession, there were also Kazan of the first ghost and soul, and the "Jie Jie" laughter of pulimong, the second ghost and God eroding.

The evil spirit that escaped by chance is about to face a more terrifying threat.

Without Lu Chen's help, the first ghost waved his double swords and rushed up like a bloody Shura.

And the second ghost, even after facing the evil spirit, becomes empty directly and invades the evil spirit's heart.

In this way, the terror of the clearance began in the shadow boundary. When the flame on Lu Chen's sword dissipated, there were only two or three kittens around him. Not only the evil spirit, but also the broken village was completely turned into the ruins of fire.

Standing in the middle of the burning village, Lu Chen is guarded by two ghosts and gods. At this time, Lu Chen is like a red lotus ghost, which is frightening.

Even the remaining evil spirits did not dare to approach the village, but fled everywhere.It was all the evil of negative emotions, which was also awed by Lu Chen.

However, looking at the dilapidated time and the village that will be destroyed, Lu Chen's face is not excited, some are just dissatisfied.

"This world is the boundary of shadow. The power of shadow is very strong, but the power of nature is not very much. Many natural auras are polluted by evil spirits. Even if I have the realm of the unity of heaven and man, when there is not enough aura around, I can't make the sword Qi bigger."

Yes, Lu Chen is dissatisfied that Wuji Kendo's function of absorbing natural aura has failed at the boundary of shadow.

At the same time, Lu Chen understood one thing by sneaking into the shadow world and the fall of the divine kingdom.

"Although the performance of gold skill is perfect, it is only perfect in the normal world. Once it enters other world or is crushed by God level field, gold ability is still defective."

Lu Chen, thinking of Lanlin in this way, has a strong talent for water system, and his ability to incarnate into water has reached the golden level.

But Lu Chen feels that if he enters the red lotus hell, he will be completely abandoned.

Of course, gold skills are not weak, the ability to enter the red lotus hell full of magma is really useless.

But if he is in the sea, even Lu Chen can't say that he can be killed.

"Gold also depends on the environment. Unfortunately, neither the sun's protection nor the infinite Kendo of the unity of man and nature can play a role here."

"But without gold, I still have myths. Myths are completely different from gold."

Thinking in this way, Lu Chen touches his heart, where Avalon is still continuously providing energy for Lu Chen, so that Lu Chen does not have to worry about the danger of exhaustion of power.

At the same time, Lu Chen can feel that although he can't play the ability of the unity of man and nature, his rich Qi and blood here does not weaken, which also makes Lu Chen understand that the real powerful ability is myth.

"Unfortunately, although myths are good, they are not easy to smoke Forget it. I don't want to do so much. Clean up the evil spirits around first. "

In this way, Lu Chen looks around. Although all the evil spirits in the village have been cleaned up by Lu Chen, Lu Chen can feel that there are still a lot of evil spirits left outside the village, which also makes Lu Chen look ferocious.

"Evil spirit, don't you want flesh and soul? Now, flesh and soul are coming. If you want to devour them, please come to me!"

There is no intention to cover up. Lu Chen, who enters the shadow world, completely gives up the cover up and tries his best to encourage his own Qi and blood.

Lu Chen's Qi and blood are like a furnace, emitting high temperature.

Lu Chen's high quality Qi and blood can even smell the fragrance in his evil nose. Therefore, countless evil spirits are ready to move again.

Lu Chen this is with oneself as bait, in attracting evil spirit come over.

It can only be said that others are afraid, evasive and unwilling to fight against evil.

But Lu Chen is different. He is just like an old farmer with mature crops. His face is full of smiles about to harvest.

In this smile, countless evil spirits rushed towards Lu Chen.

Without using Lu Chen's hands, when the evil spirit comes out, Lu Chen's two ghosts rush forward in front.

Lu Chen is the rear pressure array, while sensing the threat of the surrounding, while guiding the two ghosts to kill the evil gathering place.

In this way, the battle began on the straight side of the shadow.

Lu Chen felt that the battle was more difficult than in reality.

The shadow realm has a lot of shadow power, and more evil power, which can be easily aroused by evil spirit.

Even in the sky of the shadow boundary, there is the 11 Blood Moon juxtaposed with the gray sun, all of which make the evil spirit very strong.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen is stronger than Lu Chen. Although he is only a brave man, his body has a feast and the blessing of man King's blood. His Qi and blood are provided by Avalon, which gives Lu Chen the strength and Qi and blood at the peak of his will state at the stage of the brave.

The strong willed people at the top of the mountain can already sit in a medium-sized tribe in the barbarians, not to mention Lu Chen has a lot of skills, which makes the evil disaster come.


"Justice will prevail!"


"The wind will be cut off!"

In the laughter, Lu chenbiao shoots out the red sword Qi, and the mythical sword falls from the sky.

With the energy provided by Avalon, Lu Chen is not afraid of the consumption of skills.

Therefore, the fire of justice in Lu Chen's hands has hardly been extinguished.

The fire from Archangel Kyle is really powerful for evil spirits. Everything here is ignited by Lu Chen.

Like arsonists, Lu Chen is crazy, while drilling into the evil group, wantonly let the fire spread.

In the end, Lu Chen even ran out of the totem realm, letting the flames burn for tens of miles around.In particular, there is a forest next to the village here. For some reason, the forest here can also be ignited. Therefore, Lu Chen, who started to kill, directly waved the flame and ignited the whole forest.

"This kind of wanton and extravagant feeling is really a blast!"

There is no human existence of the shadow boundary, so Lu Chen completely indulges himself. The flame burns around Lu Chen, and the sword Qi is constantly waved out by Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen stops to breathe a little, everything in the ten mile radius is completely destroyed by Lu Chen.

It can only be said that Kazan, the first ghost and soul, agreed with Lu Chen for no reason.

The will to kill and destroy always exists in Lu Chen's heart.

Of course, although the intention of killing is heavy, Lu Chen can control himself.

"It's time to leave, eh What a clear feeling. Can you feel the fire of totem more easily in the shadow , the fastest update of the webnovel!