"In the shadow, the totem fire is clearer?"

Thinking about this, Lu Chen looked at Chen tribe, the first established tribe.

When all the evil around the world was killed by Lu Chen, Lu Chen found that there is only a little light point totem coordinates in the real world, which is clear in the shadow boundary.

And this, also let Lu Chen have a thought.

"The shadow is the shadow of the present world. All the existing places in the present world have projections. If I find Chen tribe from the shadow realm, I should be able to reach Chen tribe directly when I come out from there."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen shook his head quickly.

"The shadow is almost identical with the present world. It is almost the same from the shadow to the projection place of Chen tribe. It is almost no difference from the distance between the present world and Chen tribe. It is useless to know this."

"Unless the shadow world has a shortcut and can reach other places faster than it is in the present world, it is of value to explore."

If there is such a capability, it is a kind of space transmission.

And such ability can also solve the big problem of Lu Chen.

You know, although Lu Chen did it easily when he set up the totem column, it was Lu Chen, and his people could not do it.

Even after the establishment, if there is a strong sneak attack, Lu Chen will have to rescue. If the rescue is not timely, the village that has been built in hard work may be completely destroyed.

Lu Chen, the village building, didn't care, but the death of the people was heartbreaking.

Let alone, when the village protected by Lu Chen is broken, other villages will be panicked. That will be a huge blow to Lu Chen's prestige.

Prestige this kind of thing land Chen originally did not care, but now is not concerned not to be able to.

Thinking like this, Lu Chen looks at the system panel, where Lu Chen's experience value column has a new number.

[experience value: 81470]

this number is not a lot, but it is impossible. Although it is easy to kill evil, the experience value of Lu Chen harvest has also been reduced accordingly.

However, this time, when the property panel is opened, Lu Chen does not look at the experience value, but looks at the system prompt.

Lu Chen in the shadow of the rest, the system of the prompt, but in succession to ring.

[system prompt: the host has obtained 7 experience values]

br > system prompts, the host has obtained 9 experience values]

system prompt, the host has obtained 3 experience values]

br > br > br > the host has obtained 3 experience values

The sound of continuous increase in experience value echoes in Lu Chen's ear. Although Lu Chen gets little experience value every time prompted, it has a lot of speed, even, sometimes several tips in a minute.

If such a prompt continues, one day, Lu Chen can even harvest 56000 experience value.

Such data seems very few, but don't forget that Lu Chen has no action at this time, that is, these experiences are all given nothing.

People sit at home, but experience value is rising, which is like the system is broken.

But the system is not bad, Lu Chen continuously gains experience value because of other tribes.

Don't forget that even if you enter the court and know that being a queen of man has a blood baptism, Lu Chen still has no plan to form a team.

He even prepared to be a soldier at that time, fighting all the princes and their subordinates.

What makes Lu Chen change his mind is the value of the experience that has been constantly appearing.

When fighting with other people in teams, Lu Chen found that as long as someone is fighting with himself, they will also gain experience value for killing Lu Chen. Although this experience value is very small, only one tenth of the normal killing.

But with hundreds of people around, the experience is not a decimal point.

Then, under Lu Chen's grope, he found that if they did not obey themselves, those barbarians could only gain experience value when they fought with themselves.

When someone obeys himself and obeys his orders, even if it is far away from Lu Chen, Lu Chen will gain experience value continuously as long as they kill the enemy.

More importantly, these experience values do not need to be too much heart.

"Build a village backward, I just need to be responsible for the rescue when the event occurs. In other times, even if I go to fight, the experience value will also be constantly energy sources, and this resource will be constantly broken down."

The more strength grows, the more experience value is needed. Now there is a sign that the experience value needed for washing the five zang organs is too much, which has forced Lu Chen to wash with Qi and blood instead of relying on the experience value.

Therefore, in order to obtain experience value, Lu Chen was ready to form a tribe.

Now, Lu Chen's idea is right. As long as the tribe is established, those who listen to Lu Chen can provide him with constant experience value.

"Although the experience value is very small, I have only established two or three tribes. If hundreds of tribes submit to me, even if I don't do anything, as long as I sleep at home, I can get the experience value of 100000 in a day.""What's more, the soldiers of the tribe can not only gain experience value for me, but also trade with Yunzhou people or explore relics. Such trade will surely bring benefits to extraordinary items. As a leader, I can help exchange for those extraordinary items. If I sacrifice those things, my aura value will continue to increase, which is definitely much faster than I collect alone. ”

experience value can improve strength, and aura value enables Lu Chen to extract the skills he wants from the huge skill pool. It can be said that as long as there are enough of them, Lu Chen will dare to kill even God.

With a bright future, Lu Chen has to care about the tribe and protect his prestige.

After all, only if the prestige is enough, can some barbarians follow him, and if the village is frequently broken, then no one will want to follow Lu Chen.

"I want my people to gain a lot of experience points for me, which requires the establishment of many tribes, but I can't protect myself with more tribes."

His own skills make Lu Chen dare to fight against any evil cause. However, Lu Chen has only one person. Even if he is confident that he can protect the village, the distance between the villages makes it possible that Lu Chen will not be able to arrive in case of danger.

"The shadow boundary is the projection of the present world. It would be nice if we could take a shortcut from the shadow boundary to other tribes."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

Without the intention of returning immediately, Lu Chen gropes in the shadow.

The search lasted a full hour, and in the process, Lu Chen ushered in a lot of disappointment.

"Well, the boundary of shadow is exactly the same as that of this world. No, it is not the same. Some objects in this world may directly change into evil spirits in the shadow world."

Thinking so, Lu Chen looks ahead. It's a huge tree. When he arrives at the chener tribe, which is under construction, Lu Chen once saw the big tree.

Passing through this world, the big tree is normal except that it is a little dry.

But in the shadow of the world, countless faces appeared on the tree. At the same time, a large number of roots were constantly emerging from the ground to drag Lu Chen away and turn it into flower fertilizer.

"You're not lucky to meet me. In the name of justice, I pronounce you evil! Go to trial

Lu Chen, who was angry because he didn't find a shortcut, called out the big sword directly. The magnificent sword falls from the sky and kills the evil tree with one blow in the roaring sound.

[the system indicates that the host has killed the tree of grimace, the evil spirit of blood level, and gained 200 experience points]

"shit, the blood level is only 200 points."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen is no longer concerned about experience, but ready to go back directly from the shadow.

When Lu Chen shakes his head and walks, suddenly, his steps stop and look to the side.

There is a deep lake. When Lu Chen came from this world, Lu Chen and others also saw the lake. However, there was no change in the lake at that time. However, when Lu Chen came from the shadow boundary, the lake had no change except that it was gray.

But the fall of the mythical sword was so loud that it seemed to arouse something.

When Lu Chen turns his eyes, he finds that the lake is abnormal. The originally calm lake is like a mirror, but at this time, there is a reflection of a castle in the mirror like lake.

The lake reflected the scenery. It didn't look abnormal, but Lu Chen's eyes narrowed.

"There is no Castle around the lake, and the style of this castle is not built by barbarians."

Although I don't want to say that, the barbarians really don't care much about the place they live in. Except for Wangting, the buildings where they live are just big and rough.

Although the castle in front of us is dilapidated, it can be seen that it is somewhat exquisite.

Lu Chen even saw a garden and an apple tree in the castle. Of course, all the flowers and plants in those gardens were withered, and the apple tree was extremely dry without a trace of green.

Such a beautiful castle has never appeared in this world. Therefore, it is unusual.

As Lu Chen stares at the lake, the reflection of the ruined castle in the lake becomes clearer.

This strange scene makes Lu Chen grasp the Dragon hunting sword in his hand.

"The sudden appearance of a castle in this shadowy land is not a good omen."

Lu Chen, who said this way, obviously forgot that the castle was probably caused by the fall of the mythical sword.

No way. The fall of the mythical sword was like a missile explosion. Even more than ten miles away, you can hear and see the endless fire rising.

However, this is not the time to think about it. Staring at the castle, Lu Chen is looking at what moths he has.

Lu Chen did not wait for a long time. When Lu Chen was staring at the castle, a knight in armor and riding a skeleton horse spewing black fire rushed out of the gate of the ruined castle.

The broken castle is the reflection of the water, but the broken Knight rushed out of the castle and rode on the calm water.And this scene, also let Lu Chen startled.

"What is this, Knight of the lake, Lancelot?"

The black knight in front of him is certainly not lancetrow, one of the Knights of the round table, but judging from the threat he brings to Lu Chen, he must be a strong one.

"Giant Get out of here This is my guard... "

The black knight had a tyranny in his eyes, and his mind seemed to be unconscious. He seemed to be trying to block Lu Chen's castle.

This also made Lu Chen a little speechless: "if you don't make any noise, I will leave directly. It's a complete exaggeration to let me leave now."

Such a move is not a normal person can do, and the black knight in front of him is not a normal person.

However, Lu Chen felt the evil spirit from the black knight. However, judging from his words and deeds, Lu Chen, who was polluted by the evil spirit, did not take it as his duty to kill human beings and devour flesh and blood, but to guard the ruined castle behind him. This made Lu Chen have some conjectures.

"This knight should be a strong man. He is polluted by evil spirit, but the power of will can resist the pollution of evil spirit. Relying on his own will, he resisted the erosion of evil spirits, but he did not resist completely. Instead, he became a half crazy monster

Of course, this is just Lu Chen's guess, which may be wrong, but whatever he is, Lu Chen is not playing puzzle games.

"If you don't come out, I may leave directly, but when you come out, I want to see where your castle comes from."

As he said this, Lu Chen lifted the sword in his hand, pointed at the evil spirit, and said directly, "Hey, I want to go in and have a look, and let a passage."

"Get out of here This is my guardian... "

Looking at the black knight with two sentences, Lu Chen has no interest in talking to him.

"Come here."

As soon as the palm of the hand is extended, the terrible attraction comes from Lu Chen's palm.

Under that suction, the Black Knight's body was like a green duckweed, and Lu Chen directly caught him.

"Intruders Death... "

After being caught, the Black Knight did not have a trace of change in his attitude, but the knight's huge sword in his hand had a black flame burning on it. Then, the flame expanded rapidly. Soon, it waved a ten meter long pillar of fire and cut to LuChen.

Although the black knight was mentally disabled, he was very strong indeed.

Unfortunately, he met Lu Chen.

There is no intention of dodging. In the face of the ten meter high black flame, Lu Chen just squints.

As Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, there was a terrifying momentum, just like Mount Tai.

This skill, which Lu Chen extracted from the blood, has always been one of Lu Chen's main combat skills. With this ability, Lu Chen can resist the attack of ghost hands, and it is also Lu Chen's ability to kill agile enemies in the early stage.

Lu Chen also attaches great importance to this ability. After gaining experience value and divinity, he is the first to improve it.

A large number of resources to fill the overlord to a higher level, but also because of the relationship between the divine crystallization, it has the ability of nightmare fantasy.

At this time, Lu Chen is a small test, but the effect is terrible.

With the opening of the domineering color and domineering spirit, it was originally a quiet shadow land, which changed into silence in an instant, and even the wind was directly dissipated under the threat of domineering.

The Black Knight's chopping action was also momentarily stagnant, as if sealed in amber, and his whole consciousness was stagnant.

Even the black fire sword in the Black Knight's hand is shaking, and with Lu Chen's will, it has been able to influence the elements.

In the stagnation of the Black Knight, his body was seized by Lu Chen in his left hand.

Although Lu Chen has a feast, and even has the blood lineage of man king, Lu Chen's left hand is still extremely dry and has blood vessels exposed. It is the palm of the hand that is boarded by the power of ghosts and gods.

However, the ghost hand looks terrible, but its ability is undoubtedly very strong.

After grasping the black knight with the help of the Vientiane sky guide, Lu Chen's palm is slightly tight, and there is a terrible attraction coming from Lu Chen's palm.

Under that suction, everything of the Black Knight, whether it was soul or evil spirit, was sucked out by Lu Chen's ghost hand and squeezed into a ball.

Then, the left hand suddenly grasps, that is absorbed out of the thing, is directly crushed by Lu Chen.

With the breaking of things in his hands, the Black Knight's body, which was about to wake up, was suddenly stiff. Then, without Lu Chen's other actions, his body turned to ashes and all scattered.

[soul loving hand]

one of the two abilities of ghost hand. This skill has brought great help to Lu Chen at the beginning.

However, because he used too many ghost hands, Lu Chen ran away several times under unexpected circumstances. Although Lu Chen resisted the invasion of ghosts and gods by relying on his overlord and domineering will, this also let Lu Chen know the danger of soul loving hands. Since then, Lu Chen did not dare to use this skill because he was afraid of the advance of ghost hand.However, when the overlord arrived at a higher level and Lu Chen had the fire of will, he had a great resistance to all abnormal conditions. Therefore, the soul loving hand came out of the lake again.

Lu Chen even plans to use more soul loving hands since then. This is because Lu Chen has enough will to absorb some soul and flesh again, so that the ghost hand can upgrade and liberate a ghost again.

"It's good to absorb some souls. However, the dark breath absorbed is not as much as that of the shadow. As long as I stay in the shadow for a long time, Kaijia of the shadow will upgrade directly."

The place of shadow is not safe, not everyone can enter. Even if Lu Chen is here, it has been surrounded by dark atmosphere.

However, Lu Chen is strong and full of Qi, and Avalon provides energy. Therefore, even if there is a dark atmosphere around Lu Chen's body, he can persist for a long time.

Moreover, now there is no need for Lu Chen to resist. Kaijia of the shadow guards Lu Chen, and the dark atmosphere around him is absorbed by him.

After killing the dark knight, Lu Chen walks slowly to the lake. Looking at the ruined castle in the reflection of the lake, Lu Chen's thoughts move.

With Lu Chen's will, the first ghost and the second ghost directly floated over the lake's reflection from two places. The next moment, the two ghosts and gods turned into two shadows and rushed into the castle reflection in the lake.

Just, the next moment, let Lu Chen eyes squint things happened.

The two ghosts went straight through the water and into the lake, but they didn't enter the ruined castle.

It's a bit complicated to say. The two ghosts and gods are under the water and the castle is under the lake, but they don't touch everything, as if they were in two spaces.

"Interestingly, the reflection in the lake is on another level."

In this way, Lu Chen is ready to let the shadow of Kaijia, with himself into the lake.

Just after entering the water, Lu Chen's divinity in the sea of consciousness suddenly burst into light.

The light blooms, and brings Lu Chen extremely dangerous foreknowledge.

It was the apocalypse, which told Lu Chen that there was great danger inside.

Without hesitation, Lu Chen immediately retreated to stay away from the lake at the moment when the divinity was in full bloom.

However, at this time, Lu Chen found that he could not move, as if his body was imprisoned in general.

"How can it be? There's nothing around me Well, how can my figure appear in the castle

At this time, the window of Lu Chen's castle was opened, and the window of Lu Chen's castle was opened.

What is frightening is that there is a figure sitting in the room.

And that figure is not other people, it is Lu Chen, however, it is some fuzzy Lu Chen.

But when Lu Chen sees the figure in the reflection, the figure is very clear. Lu Chen, dressed in a housekeeper's dress, smiles at the shore.

That smile is very light, but set off endless waves in Lu Chen's heart. At the same time, when the reflection in the lake is clear, Lu Chen's figure beside the lake is rapidly fading.

He is being pulled into the reflection of the lake.

"Shit, that black knight is not stupid. I am too stupid. He wants to arouse my curiosity and lead me into a trap."

At this time, Lu Chen's heart rises so clear.

But now it seems to be too late to understand. Lu Chen's figure on the bank is constantly fading.

Moreover, because of the reflection in the lake, Lu Chen could not attack anywhere.

However, at this time, Lu Chen did not worry too much.

"No matter who you are, no matter how weird you are, you can't take me away."

In the roar, Lu Chen's figure on the Bank of the lake is rising rapidly.

[size Ruyi]

twice the size, Lu Chen suddenly soared to eight meters, and his body's soaring also brought about a surge of Qi and blood. This changed Lu Chen from a fire to a furnace, and his strength became stronger, and the pull inside was naturally weaker.

This is not the end. When Ruyi, big or small, opens, Lu Chen is even more aroused by "endless fury.".

Anger makes Lu Chen's body red, which is the performance of blood flow.

At the same time, this is the endless fury when his body becomes bigger. In this case, Lu Chen's strength and Qi and blood have doubled and doubled.

Although the Qi and blood skyrocketed, it was maintained by the consumption of cell energy, but with Avalon to supplement energy, Lu Chen's cells had enough energy.

With the development of the two skills in succession, Lu Chen became an eight meter bloody giant, and his blood and strength were quadrupled.

Lu Chen's will can't even control the soaring Qi and blood.

There is a blood mist around Lu Chen, which is the impact of the continuous burst of blood capillaries in his body. Not only the capillaries, but also Lu Chen's skin is constantly cracking, with blood flowing out.This is an explosive skill. It's too violent for Lu Chen's body to bear.

Now Lu Chen is similar to kaihuang who opened the door of death in the shadow of fire.

It can be said that four times of Qi and blood erupted crazily, and there was no need for the enemy to attack at all. Only a few minutes later, Lu Chen was seriously injured.

But the physical burden is great, and the continuous opening of the two skills brings Lu Chen a lot of increase.

If Lu Chen's Qi and blood were like a furnace, now it is a forest fire.

The deflagration of Qi and blood makes the breath around Lu Chen burn up. It is the heat brought by blood flowing too fast.

And in this kind of explosion, Lu Chen feels that he can smash everything.

This is not illusory, there is no use of any ability, skyrocketed to eight meters, opened the endless fury of Lu Chen, just a little twist of the body, the imprisoned body again can move.

And this, also let Lu Chen expose the white teeth of blood.

"Sure enough, as long as the strength of Qi and blood is enough, I can break free of all strange abilities."

"You can't control me!"

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