Lu Chen was able to move freely. The smiling figure in the reflection of the lake soon became stiff and slowly dissipated.

It can only be said that the power of Qi and blood of barbarians may not be as changeable as that of Yunzhou, and they can also control the wind, fire and thunder. However, when Qi and blood are condensed to the extreme, it makes it extremely difficult for everything to hurt Lu Chen.

This is the case at this time. The ruined castle reflected in the lake is very strong. Lu Chen is in a normal state, and the castle can quietly map Lu Chen to the past.

Don't think it's very weak. You should know that Lu Chen, who is four meters tall, has reached 1000 Qi and blood in his body, which is burning like a furnace. It can transfer Lu Chen, which means that the sons of other leaders can't withstand the pull of the reflection in the lake.

However, the reflection in the lake can map the stove to the past, but when Lu Chen gets bigger and starts his endless rage, his Qi and blood will be like a volcano.

The reflection in the lake can drag away the stove, but it can't shake the volcano, so Lu Chen is safe and sound.

Eight meters tall, and the blood mist around him makes Lu Chen look like a ghost.

Keeping in such a state, staring at the reflection in the lake for a while, Lu chenmu has the intention of killing.

And when Lu Chen stares at him, he can feel that there has been a strange wave approaching him, trying to drag himself into the reflection of the lake.

However, once most of the breath is close, it is directly melted by the violent Qi and blood, and the incomplete one can not shake Lu Chen's body at all.

Therefore, before the lake, Lu Chen stood for a long time, but he still had nothing.

In the end, however, Lu Chen turned away without saying a word.

"The Apocalypse warning, but only at the last moment, the things in that are not what I can deal with now."

Lu Chen is very reckless. He always goes straight to the enemy, but he is never stupid.

If you have been watching Lu Chen's experience, you will understand that Lu Chen was very careful in the early stage. When he got a sense of straightforwardness, he was reckless.

Such recklessness is not stupid at all, but Lu Chen has a trust in his straightforwardness.

"Wild and dangerous everywhere, even if kept in one place all the time, it will encounter the aftermath of the battle of the strong. For example, the war of gods in the border city is a disaster free for the people there."

"I don't want to give my fate to others, and I don't want to die quietly in the aftermath of the battle between the strong. Therefore, I have to go out to fight, and I have to face danger when I go out."

"It's weird. I need to move forward cautiously, but I don't have the observation skills of seeing and hearing about color and domineering. It's better to rely on direct sense and sense to be useful only by observing by myself."

Because intuition has crushed his observation ability, Lu Chen relies on intuition for all his actions.

At the same time, Lu Chen, who is not stupid, is also trying to improve his intuitive ability.

Whether he gained experience or divinity for the first time, Lu Chen took the lead in improving the sense of straightforwardness. Later, he integrated the sense into the divinity and acquired the mythical ability apocalypse.

At the same time, Lu Chen also has a lot of trust in straightforwardness.

When the Apocalypse predicts danger, Lu Chen will not have the slightest hesitation.

However, although the determination to leave, unwilling mood, still appeared in Lu Chen's heart.

However, this kind of unwillingness will not let Lu Chen return immediately, but turned into motivation.

"It's not far away. I'll come again when I finish the quenching of the five internal organs."

So thinking, leaving Lu Chen did not look back, but the sword in his hand was pointing back.

With Lu Chen's movements, a magnificent sword, which can be called a spectacle, appears in the sky of the gray and shadowy land.

The sword was red, just like the sun, which dyed the sky of the shadow boundary red. Then, the magnificent sword with the glory of justice fell straight down towards the lake.

There was no sound from the falling sword, but after a breath, there was a loud noise from the sky. There was also a violent shock wave with a hot wave hitting Lu Chen's body.

It was the shock brought by the explosion of the mythical sword. The terrible shock not only impacted Lu Chen's body, but also everything around him.

Lu Chen in giant form will become a blood red giant after opening the endless fury. This is because the body can't bear it and will be injured all the time.

But although such a form is uncomfortable, the power it exerts is far more than that of the ordinary state.

This is the case this time. Although we don't see how big the giant sword is, the explosion brought by the mythical giant sword has shaken the land of five or six kilometers.

However, although the mythical sword is powerful, Lu Chen is dissatisfied. He does not hear the sound of the system, which also means that the reflection in the lake is safe and sound.

"Although there is a premonition, but the feeling of powerlessness is really bad, we need to improve our strength quickly."

In this way, Lu Chen did not go hunting evil spirit, but returned to Chen Er tribe.If a worker wants to be good at his work, he must sharpen his tools first. If Lu Chen wants to improve his strength rapidly, he must have experience value.

After the barbarians established a tribe, they could gain experience points for Lu Chen. Therefore, Lu Chen planned to establish the tribe first and then go hunting.

Because Lu Chen killed all the evil spirits in the shadow place when he came over, there was no accident when he returned.

After finding the village ruins full of scorched marks (just burned), there are black shadows around Lu Chen's figure, which appears with black fog. Under the cover of the black fog, Lu Chen's figure is constantly fading.

The shadow of Kaijia is guarding Lu Chen, and let Lu Chen shuttle between the two realms.

However, during the shuttle, Lu Chen thought of the reflection in the lake just now and felt it with the apocalypse.

It is these feelings that Lu Chen finds that he can not only cross a clear boundary and return to the present world, but also cross a dark boundary and go deep into the shadow again.

"Is there more than one boundary in the land of shadows? Yes, if there is only one floor, the ruined castle in the reflection of the lake will not appear at all. "

What lake did Lu Chen pass by in this world, but there was nothing different in it at that time.

Lu Chen's attack in the shadow of the ground, but also can not hurt the reflection in the lake.

All this makes Lu Chen feel that there is more than one layer of shadow. Now it seems that he is right.

At the same time, from this experience, Lu Chen also thought of some things he saw in Wangting.

"I have read ancient books, which said that the human world is called the material world, and it is also called the central world. Now it seems that this central world is not like the solar galaxy, where other worlds revolve around the human world."

"In the center of the human world, it should be stacked like a thousand layers of cake. Breaking through the barrier of space, there is heaven and the star world, which is the place where gods live. Breaking down the barrier of space, there is the land of shadows, the land of the dead and purgatory. "

"If it's the spatial ability without attributes, I should be able to go up to heaven and go down to the shadow land. But my shadow's Kaijia is a dark attribute. It's hard to go up to heaven, but there are gains and losses. It's hard to go to heaven, and it's easy to go down to the shadow land. Now, even if the shadow's Kaijia hasn't been consolidated, I can still cross two lower boundaries."

However, Lu Chen, who was thinking like this, did not continue to deepen the idea.

Because, just as Lu Chen moved, the Apocalypse revealed to Lu Chen.

Enlightenment is nameless, only vague information, but by virtue of his divinity, Lu Chen still understands the meaning.

"Is it easy to go down, but difficult to come out? What's more, the shadow land of this place is the boundary of nightmare at the lower level, where chaos is incomparable? "

"This place? Is there any difference between different regions when the boundary of shadow goes down? "

From the apocalypse, Lu Chen gained a lot of knowledge, but he didn't understand much more.

However, those are not what Lu Chen can solve now, so he did not think too much.

But despite this thought, Lu Chen is still ready to have time to come down. Because Lu Chen has a vague feeling, his ability to quickly travel through several tribes is likely to fall on the land of nightmare.

"Although this feeling is vague, I have the apocalypse. The vague feeling is a kind of indication..."

Murmuring to himself, Lu Chen's figure quickly disappeared. After opening his eyes again, Lu Chen has returned to the world full of natural aura.

Although there has been no smoke in this place for a long time, which makes this land have the evil spirit, even so, the atmosphere here is much more comfortable than that of the shadow land.

After taking a few deep breaths and letting the sun shine on his body, Lu Chen's wound healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The external injuries have the natural aura brought by the unity of man and nature, as well as the sunlight.

The wounds in his body heal faster. Avalon, who belongs to the secret place of nature, sends out a breath that makes Lu Chen recover quickly.

Taking a few deep breaths, Lu Chen feels his capillary vessels are healing rapidly, and his body's cells are also greedily enriching energy.

Soon, Lu Chen felt like everything was back to normal.

This is the terror of Lu Chen. His blood is magnificent and his strength is strong. This enables Lu Chen to compete with the strong at the top of his will at the brave stage.

What's more terrifying is that Lu Chen's strongest strength is not his strength, but his physical strength. As long as he can't kill Lu Chen at once, he can continue to fight, relying on Avalon and the sun's protection to death.

Even if he was killed, there would be endless fury of manwang's moves, which made Lu Chen's anger immortal and his body immortal.

Even though Lu Chen died with all his might, Lu Chen still had a chance to revive perfectly after the time of endless fury.

It can be said that Lu Chen, who cares about Zhijing, may have an immortal enemy, but it is more difficult for others to kill Lu Chen.

"There is only one life, no, I have two, but no matter how many times I have, I have to pay attention to my life. Therefore, meat is the king's way."

After coming out, Lu Chen is recovering his body. When his body recovers and his eyes open, Lu Chen is startled."What's the matter with you? What are you all doing around?"

"Your Highness is fine."

"Where have you been, your highness?"

"Prince, please take us with you next time you go to war."

"Even your highness, we know that you are powerful, but your evil spirit is also very strange. You can't fight alone!"


In the shadow land, Lu Chen killed evil spirits and looked for a shortcut to other tribes. Then he made a continuous experience with reflection in the lake, which made Lu Chen's departure time not short.

And those barbarian soldiers, after a long time not to see Lu Chen, are a little worried.

At this time, when Lu Chen came out, they were all concerned and prayed for Lu Chen to go out with escort.

"Guard, I don't need a guard."

Of course, if you want to think like this, Lu Chen is still very useful for other people's concern.

After a look at the sky, Lu Chen changed the topic directly.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. Besides, go around and watch out. Night is coming."

Under the order of Lu Chen, the sons of the leaders could only guard the four sides with their troops.

And Lu Chen's two ghosts and gods also went to ambush outside the village.

Barbarians are warlike. Some barbarians want to go out with the two ghosts and gods. However, as soon as the idea is put forward, Lu Chen scolds them.

"You go out, my experience is worth No, you go out. What if you are killed in the battle? Even if my guardian is broken up, as long as you spend some Qi and blood, you will be born again. If you die, your life will be lost. "

"Tell me, is it your lives or going out and fighting that matters."

"It's all important."

"Well! I didn't hear you, say it again

"Your Highness, fighting is glory, and we never fear fighting."

So said the young soldiers, proud of their bare chest, strolling around the sound.

In this regard, Lu Chen slapped the soldier on the ground, and directly reprimanded him:

"fighting is indeed glory, but protecting the clansmen and fighting for food hunting is glory. Let you fight for survival and prosperity, not for your bravery and ruthlessness, or unnecessary death..."

Soon, Lu Chen blurted out a great truth. After he said that the barbarians were dizzy, Lu Chen smashed his sword to the ground and said directly:

"of course, what I said just now is all my truth. If you don't accept it, you can stand up. We will do it according to the clan and defeat me. You can do whatever you want."

Looking at Lu Chen's height of four meters, as well as the huge sword in his hand which is similar to the door plank, the strange emotions of those soldiers disappeared without a trace.

"Your Highness is right."

None of them refuted it. All the actions of approval made Lu Chen very satisfied and proud.

"I didn't expect that I also have the talent of mouth evasion. In the future, I can open my mouth to escape and see if I can weaken the fighting spirit of the enemy."

When Lu Chen thinks about the battle after that, night falls.

However, this time it was strange that even though the totem pole had been erected, there was no evil spirit rushing into the village.

In this regard, the barbarian soldiers have been used to it. There are two big killing gods outside, which is not the most critical moment. There will be no evil spirit rushing in at all.

However, they are used to it, but Lu Chen is not very used to it.

Because, in Lu Chen's induction, not only in the village, there is no evil outside the village.

Lu Chen was not surprised.

"Sure enough, the evil spirits in the daytime do not disappear in vain, but enter the shadow land. After I kill all the evil spirits in the shadow place, there will be no evil spirits even at night."

In this way, there is a black fog around Lu Chen's body. After a few breaths, Lu Chen's body disappears directly in the present world.

The shadow boundary, that dilapidated village, Lu Chen's figure appeared again.

However, after the appearance, Lu Chen did not go wandering, but glanced around.

And it is this scanning that makes Lu Chen's eyes coagulate.

"It has been restored. Everything here is really the reflection of the present world. Even if everything here is torn up, as long as the world does not fall, all the materials in the shadow land will slowly recover to their original state."

Yes, after ravaging during the day, Lu Chen pushed all the village ruins into the shadow and burned them all.

But entering again, Lu Chen found that many buildings had been restored to their original state.

Of course, this can not be done by evil spirits. Therefore, Lu Chen infers that the shadow land is closely related to the present world.

However, Lu Chen didn't care much after just looking at it. This time, Lu Chen wanted to observe the evil of the shadow land.

There was no good news. In the shadow land, Lu Chen found that although he had killed all the evil spirits in the daytime, when night came, some evil spirits appeared in this world.Even, some evil spirits reflect their own figure into this world.

"The land of shadow is the reflection of this world. Therefore, as long as things in this world do not fall, things here will slowly recover. Those evil spirits can do the opposite and put the things in the shadow into the world. No wonder they can't kill them in this world. "

After understanding some things, Lu Chen found that this did not ease his situation much, and he could not kill the evil spirit.

Because, not only the shadow of the ground is casting, looking up at the sky, Lu Chen found that after the night came, there was an illusion in the sky.

The Qi and blood, the breath of blood and moon, as well as the filthy gas are mixed together to create a small evil spirit.

This makes Lu Chen understand that killing evil, even in the shadow of killing, can only be a temporary cure.

If you want to root out evil spirits, you can only go to the nightmare place and lower levels, and smash the evil gods in the air and the world behind them.

Even Lu Chen did not know whether the world behind the gods was the ultimate enemy.

"The pollution of evil spirit is too serious. If our world is defeated, the gods in this world will become chaotic and tyrannical as long as they are not killed in battle. This world will also become another source full of evil spirits, and then this world will turn into a bridgehead and pollute the other world again. "

"Our world can be polluted. Is the world hostile to us the same. What's more, is evil really polluting only one world? Can we really win by killing those evil spirits and smashing the world behind them? "

"Will there be more terrible enemies coming?"

Such a thing, just think about it, is hopeless.

However, despair comes quickly and recovery is quick.

"What do you want to do with so many things? The sky is falling down and there is a tall man standing there. I'd better establish my own tribe now."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen's figure directly faded and left the local world. After his appearance in this world, Lu Chen could feel that there were only two or three kittens here, which made Lu Chen realize clearly.

"There won't be a lot of fighting tonight. Even tomorrow, there won't be too much fighting."

Although the smell of the nightmare world, mixed with the evil spirit and the blood moon breath, continuously created the evil spirit, but this time was different from the fall of the gods.

Although there is only one God in the border city, the evil spirits created by him are only in his own divine Kingdom, and the evil spirits are made rapidly by constantly spilling blood.

Although the God's blood was not intentionally spilled by him, because of the God's blood and the God's breath, the evil spirits there are very strong and continuous.

Now, although there are eleven blood moons in the sky, they cover the whole world.

Therefore, even if there are eleven gods emitting breath, and the world behind them is constantly emitting evil spirit, but the vast world makes the evil spirit they create is very weak. It will take a long time for them to grow up.

Therefore, after Lu Chen killed all the evil spirits accumulated in this place for several years, there will be few battles on the first day.

"If there is no battle on the first day, that is to say, there is no harvest. However, evil spirits may come from afar the next day. What should we do? Do we have to wait for a day for evil spirits from afar to come?"

Now the situation is that Lu Chen killed so fast that all the evil spirits around him were killed by Lu Chen. Only some powerful evil spirits in the distance sensed the burning of the totem and were running towards here.

The evil spirits that can be sensed are not weak. Lu Chen is a little worried about leaving the son of the leader to garrison, but he is not willing to let Lu Chen stay here.

Time is experience. Lu Chen doesn't want to waste time.

After being reflected in the lake, Lu Chen now has a sense of crisis. He wants to accumulate experience value quickly.

However, if you want to gain experience points, you have to leave, and the strong evil spirit running from far away makes Lu Chen unable to leave easily. It seems that there is no solution.

"For ordinary people, there is no solution, but I am different, there must be a way to solve it."

Sitting on the ground, Lu Chen used his brain to think about the way to break the game, and a few minutes later, Lu Chen really found one.

"Guard me."

After giving an order to the people around him, Lu Chen, with a little effort in his hand, inserted the blade of the giant sword he was leaning on into the earth. Then, his legs were crossed and he sat directly on the ground.

Lu Chen took a deep breath to calm his mind. Then, when everything in his body was perfect, Lu Chen directly grasped the handle of the Dragon hunting sword inserted into the earth and pumped up his whole body's Qi and blood.

"Dong! Bang! Bang

The sound of beating drums rings in succession here. It is the sound of Lu Chen's heart beating. The fire of will allows Lu Chen to control the beating of his heart freely.

The drum sound became more and more urgent, and soon broke through 500 per minute, which was the beating sound that Lu Chen didn't reach when fighting the little drum demon.

At that time, the heart beat more than 400 times, which caused great damage to Lu Chen. But now, 500 flash away, soon, 600, 800, and even 1000.At this time, the rapid beating of the heart, even triggered the hearts of many barbarians, so that their hearts also beat, and make the blood flow faster.

But this is not the end.

One thousand, one thousand two, one thousand five, one thousand eight, two thousand!

By this time, Lu Chen's heart beat has become a sound, more like thunder.

At the same time, the heart beat so fast that Lu Chen's skin was constantly red, which was caused by the blood flow too fast.

Lu Chen's skin turned red, which is Lu Chen's current state. He is trying his best to encourage Qi and blood.

The effect of doing so is very good, under full encouragement, Lu Chen is surrounded by some heat, that is the blood flow is too fast, take up the heat.

At the same time, there is a smell of blood, towards the surrounding diffuse.

The smell of blood also represents Lu Chen's limit at this time.

Every minute 2000 times can bear, this is the physical strength, bring Lu Chen benefits.

However, Lu Chen's mood is not here now. When Qi and blood are stirred up, relying on the control of power with a fatal blow, Lu Chen injects all the Qi and blood in his body into his mind, which is the place where his divine status is located.

With Lu Chen's mind turning, endless Qi and blood flow towards Lu Chen's head, because the blood flow is too fast and too fast.

A large number of cyan blood vessels appeared on Lu Chen's head.

He is pouring out his whole body Qi and blood to fill in the divinity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!