"Failure, what failure?"

Their puzzled words also make Ji hongdie's eyebrows frown.

"What kind of failure can it be? You only come back so many people, but the plan to build a village has failed?"

"For the others, are they lost? We need to rescue them for the attacks you encountered there?"

The second sentence is from manxiong. Although he is the same as Ji hongdie, he thinks Lu Chen failed this time.

But he had a last whim of hope that the son of a leader would be lost and saved.

In this way, even if they fail, they are not completely defeated.

Just, two people's questions, let those who follow Lu Chen's barbarians, a face of ignorant force.

After looking at each other, they said:

"how can you think that we have failed? How can we be defeated under the leadership of his royal highness?"

"You don't trust us, don't you trust your royal highness?"

At this time, these soldiers are a little angry, angry people here dare to question Lu Chen, can only say that once people get crazy, they are not allowed to speak ill of idols.

But at this time, Ji hongdie doesn't care about the attitude of these barbarians.

Their words contain a lot of information. Smart Ji hongdie and Yi Rong, as well as the businessmen in Yunzhou, have come up with something from those words.

"Your Highness has not failed. Have we succeeded?"

It's just that, after thinking about it, their faces are not happy, only endless shock.

"What do you mean, have we succeeded?"

"Of course, it's a success. Six sub towns have been built. None of the leaders died. They are defending against evil in the village."

After getting the exact reply from the returning soldiers, Ji hongdie was in a trance.

"It's done. How can it be?"

She couldn't believe it, and the bear was quite rude.

"Are you kidding? You've only been out for four or five days. I believe that two villages can be built in such a short period of time, but how to build six villages

The news is so absurd that those who stay here can't believe it.

Lu Chen is powerful, they admit, but Lu Chen has only one person. In their opinion, it is already a powerful performance of Lu Chen to establish two or three tribes in only four or five days.

No matter how much, they dare not think.

Their shocked expression made the soldiers who came back with Lu Chen laugh.

After a long time, a man began to speak in a somewhat arrogant tone:

"don't compare you with your royal highness. Other people really can't, which does not mean that his highness can't, and there is nothing that his highness can't do."

This is an exaggeration. Only those crazy believers who have followed Lu Chen for a few days and are convinced by Lu Chen's performance can say it.

But in the face of such words, hongdie and others do not know how to refute.

Because, from the expressions of the returning soldiers, they found that what these people said might be true. Lu Chen really built six sub towns in four or five days.

"Four days, six villages. How on earth did this happen?"

Puzzling, appeared in the hearts of red butterfly and others.

But Ji hongdie doesn't think so much about it.

"My husband, you have not failed. We have won. That's great."

Even if Lu Chen fails, Ji hongdie, who cares about Lu Chen, can accept it, but who doesn't want to win.

If possible, everyone wants to go higher.

In particular, just now that Lu Chen had been defeated and was in a gloomy mood, she was suddenly informed of the victory, which surprised Ji hongdie even more.

With Lu Chen's relationship, Ji hongdie's heart is more happy, but other people's hearts are most surprised.

At the same time, the feeling of disbelief also appeared in those businessmen who came around.

"It's a failure, a tragedy, an illusion? Or do you deliberately cajole us into making us invest more? "

Skepticism is not a derogatory term for businessmen, thinking more can live a long time.

But in addition to being suspicious, a capable businessman also has the ability to see people.

At this time, both the impatient businessman and the tall businessman could see clearly the expression of the barbarians coming back.

The faces of those barbarians were tired and sleepy, but there was no worry on their faces.

Looking at the adoration, excitement and excitement on man's face, the two businessmen were somewhat suspicious of their speculation.

"Did you really win?"

"It's probably true." After that, the tall businessman also said, "if our colleagues in Yunzhou may cheat us, but the barbarians are rude. Even if the prince explains to them, they can't master the ability of cheating so quickly. The adult may have actually established six villages in four days, but how can this be done?"

Just when the two barbarians felt puzzled, a delicate voice sounded in their ears."Hee hee, why are you here? Are you congratulating my husband?"

Talking is Ji hongdie, who knows that she has recovered her smart and capable nature.

At this time, she is smiling at the two businessmen.

But, staring at by that smile, the two businessmen have bitterness in their hearts.

"Damn it, why does the prince want to find a Yunzhou girl for material distribution? Like other people, it's more traditional to find a barbarian to act as the material supply officer."

It is true that it is in line with the tradition, but straightforward barbarians are easy to be cheated by businessmen from Yunzhou.

This is also the reason why businessmen from Yunzhou blame Lu Chen for marrying Yunzhou women.

There are red butterflies who understand the nature of Yunzhou merchants. They don't want to take advantage of Lu Chen at all.

Ji hongdie stares at her with a smile, but the two businessmen are turning their brains at a high speed. They understand that the smiling Ji hongdie has understood the reason why they came here.

And this also made the two merchants have to give Lu Chen an account, otherwise, they know that Ji hongdie would not say anything at this time, but when Chen tribe had a firm foothold, it was almost impossible for them to obtain benefits.

After thinking of this, it was the impatient businessman who first came back to his mind. Looking at the smiling Ji hongdie, some fat businessmen wiped the sweat on their faces and said, "excuse me, I didn't expect that the prince's Royal Highness was so powerful that he built all the villages in such a short time." Here, the businessman said boldly: "I thought that his royal highness failed and came here to give support. When I came here, I thought that if his highness failed, I would give all the goods I brought to his highness, so that his highness would have the capital to make a comeback. Now it seems that I underestimate his highness."

This remark almost made the tall businessman's eyes almost stare out.

"Shit, I just agreed to raise the price. Sure enough, there are two brushes to come here."

Thinking of this, the tall businessman echoed his words: "I think so too. The power of the prince's Royal Highness is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like us. Please forgive me. I also thought that the prince's Royal Highness failed. This is my fault."

"Of course, you can't understand the power of your highness. When you see the battle of your highness..."

Ji hongdie didn't say anything about the two merchants' stories, but the soldiers who came back believed it.

Later, they also boasted about Lu Chen's achievements against the two merchants, and they had already identified with the two merchants.

Fortunately, Lu Chen knew the character of barbarians for a long time, and did not distribute the materials to his own people. Otherwise, everything he fought might be sold.

However, the words of the two merchants even made Ji hongdie smile. Of course, she didn't believe the lies of the two merchants. What she was happy about was another thing.

"I'm just a concubine of your highness, but I can't be called a princess."

"If you refuse, don't laugh so happy!"

This is the thought in the minds of the two businessmen, but they will not say it on the spot. Instead, they will directly say, "you are not the princess, who is still the responsibility of material distribution entrusted by his royal highness."

"That is to say, when you were young, I went to see you at Ji's house. At that time, I thought you had the image of a mother in the world."

"Ha ha."

The impatient businessman did go to Ji's house, but Ji hongdie at that time could only watch from outside, and could not connect with each other.

And now, looking at the past unattainable existence in flattery, pride and sense of achievement also appeared in Ji hongdie's heart.

But such an idea was interrupted by a cold hum.

Yi Rong comes over and looks at the flattered Ji hongdie. Her face is not happy.

In ancient times, the real high-level did not value merchants. Yi Rong, who was born in Yinshan school, did not value hongdie, the merchant's daughter.

She can't compete with her daughter in the palace.

For their own rights and interests, and for the status of their children, the women who follow Lu Chen are doomed not to be peaceful.

They looked at each other for a long time. Finally, hongdie, who was in a bad mood, had to end the negotiation with the two businessmen.

Of course, hongdie, who knows the minds of those businessmen, has gained some benefits from this conversation.

The two businessmen, while scolding hongdie for being careful, complimented Ji hongdie with a smile on their faces and said that it was right to pay more.

From the beginning to the end, the two businessmen did nothing wrong, but Lu Chen was too powerful, but they just had an idea and had to pay some price.

This is the era. The strong are right.

In this way, a confrontation started in laughter and ended in laughter, while the people who came back with Lu Chen did not find anything from the beginning to the end.

They just think the two businessmen are really good.……

Lu Chen is not clear about the hidden confrontation. He sleeps to the evening when he is extremely tired.

After stretching out in the water, Lu Chen feels that his body is like the land with long drought and sweet dew, and has recovered completely.

"Comfortable. I haven't slept so comfortable for a long time."

Deep sleep is really the best way to restore body spirit. A big sleep makes Lu Chen clear of all fatigue.

In the body comfortable at the same time, Lu Chen also opened the attribute panel, where a series of system prompts appeared in Lu Chen's mind.

[the system prompts that the host has killed the wild beast - mountain pig, and congratulates the host for obtaining 17 experience points]

[the system prompts that the host has killed the wild beast - colorful viper, and congratulates the host for obtaining 21 experience points]

Lu Chen watched a series of system prompts for a long time.

After a calculation, Lu Chen found that when he was sleeping, he left his family in the village to hunt around, which made him gain more than 3000 experience points.

"Like the dragon, we can improve our strength in the deep sleep. This dream has come true soon."

3000 experience value is not a lot, for now Lu Chen is just a drop in the bucket, but it should be noted that these experience values are completely in vain.

Free things are always pleasant, especially when Lu Chen knows that it's only daytime. His people can only hunt wild animals, which is not much.

When the night comes, his soldiers will experience more wars, and he will gain more experience.

Therefore, Lu Chen can foresee that it is not far before he can improve his strength by lying down.

"No, I can't be careless. I still need to bring ordinary people from the king's court."

It is impossible for a village to have only soldiers. Only when there are enough clansmen to cultivate and work can the soldiers spare time to train and fight.

In particular, Lu Chen is preparing to become a totem God and build it into a land of gods, which requires many people to pray.

"The prayer of believers will bring the power of faith, and when the power of faith is transformed into divine power, it will not only increase my combat effectiveness, but also greatly increase my cultivation."

Lu Chen didn't forget that after activating his divinity, the state brought about by the acceleration of thinking made Lu Chen realize the 5% progress of Ruyi in a few seconds.

It can be predicted that if you can always use the divinity, all abilities for Lu Chen will be learned in a short time.

Gods are omnipotent people.

Although experience can speed up the process, even better than divine power.

After all, even the divine power can't change a person's bloodline without the corresponding clergy, but the experience value can.

However, Lu Chen needs to improve too many things, and his experience value is not enough. Therefore, while keeping killing evil and gaining experience value, he can also rely on his divine power to improve his skills. This is the best choice.

"Experience value promotion is the most convenient method, but in addition to experience value, I can also rely on absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to advance, and there is the thinking acceleration attached to the divinity. The three methods need to be carried out at the same time, so that I can achieve the fastest speed to improve my strength."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen looks at his heart, there, the progress of strengthening has had a qualitative change.

[left heart: 20%]

[right heart: 20%]

"has it reached one fifth of the progress? It's very fast."

Don't think that the progress of 20% is very small. You should know that Lu Chen needs 1.6 million experience for each heart quenching, and one fifth represents 300000 experience value. The two hearts together are 600000.

If it is an ordinary person, the quenching has been completed at this time.

In refining these two hearts, Lu Chen did not consume a little experience value, which was all due to Lu Chen's Qi and blood.

Of course, the ability to quench so fast has a great relationship with Lu Chen's Avalon. Unlike Avalon, Lu Chen wants to quench so fast, and the materials needed can be accumulated into a hill.

"Myth is myth. In this way, it will take me more than 20 days to complete the evolution of both hearts."

"No, I spent most of my time fighting a few days ago, and I didn't have much time to practice. If I went to the top of the mountain to practice in seclusion, I would probably complete the strengthening of my two hearts in 11 or 12 days."

Lu Chen's organs needed to be quenched were heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, and the time of these five organs was almost the same.

In this way, it also means that if Lu Chen devotes himself to practice, even if he condenses a few more hearts, he can finish the internal organs refining in half a year and reach the peak of the brave.

Moreover, with the unity of man and nature and the sun's protection, Avalon and LuChen, the small world, will be completed within half a year without any materials.

"If there is a talent, a treasure, or a heaven and earth, I will speed up the speed of refining again, and reach the peak of the brave within half a year. This speed is not slow for genius.""It's just, it's still too slow for me."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen looks at the column of experience value.

There, Lu Chen's experience has changed a lot.

[training value: 187845]

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