[the system prompts that the host's subordinates killed the firewolf. Congratulations on the host's obtaining 3 experience points]

180000 experience points, which are still increasing while Lu Chen is watching. This is the harvest of Lu Chen's fighting in several days.

"The totem pole is a challenge for others, but I'm different. A lot of evil siege will only make it easier for me to hunt."

"Unless you break into the treacherous situation, it's better to go hunting in the wilderness than to clear the evil spirits around the village. The human breath attracts the evil spirits, and the evil spirits attract me."

"What's more, compared with the killing in the wilderness, building a village will not only attract evil spirits, but also provide me with experience value as the village is built."

"What's more, after the village is built and has enough fighting power, I can take my team to the front battlefield. I heard that there are many evil things coming from the North Sea, which is dangerous, but there are many powerful evil spirits. On the battlefield, as long as I don't die, I can quickly accumulate experience points."

Lu Chen is thinking about the future. The more he thinks about it, the more cost-effective it will be to build a village.

While Lu Chen is thinking, Ji hongdie comes to Lu Chen.

As she rubbed her shoulders to the two meter old Lu Chen, she said, "husband, are you awake, are you satisfied with the construction of the village?"


Until then, Lu Chen had time to see the construction of the surrounding villages and towns.

Lu Chen was a little surprised at this. He found that in the short time he had left, hundreds of small two-story buildings had been built here.

The small buildings made of wood and rocks do not look very beautiful, but they are very neat. There are gravel roads laid on the ground. As for drainage channels and large public bathrooms, they are quickly established.

"It's fast. It's faster than the machinery of the 21st century."

Seeing Lu Chen, who is shocked to stand up, Ji hongdie's delicate little hand is also a fist.

Ji hongdie, who is attached to Lu Chen, will be happy as long as Lu Chen is happy.

Because his body has recovered and he is more interested in the town he is about to rule, Lu Chen walks in the built town.

Ji hongdie, on the other hand, tells Lu Chen why the village has been built so fast.

"My Lord, our people are very strong. With the right instruction, they can build several houses in one day."

Of course, Ji hongdie knows that if it were not for Lu Chen's order, those reckless soldiers would not have done such "rough work" as building houses.

Shaking her head and throwing these ideas out, Ji hongdie pulls Lu Chen to a place under construction. Pointing to a group of barbarians who are building houses, Ji hongdie says, "my husband, one of the reasons why you can build a house quickly is that your people are powerful. The other is Wei Song, the son of the earth family. His strength has increased a little, and seems to have awakened Therefore, we do not need to use rocks and stones to build houses, no matter whether we dig the ground or build houses. As long as we give Wei Song drawings, he can directly shape the house by his own talent. "

Ji hongdie is explaining, and Lu Chen sees Wei Song's hands pressing on the earth.

"Open it for me!"

With Wei Song's Qi and blood surging, Lu Chen found that under his will, the soil continued to separate toward both sides, and soon a neat underground channel was opened.

After watching this scene, Lu Chen people almost lost their wits. After a long time, he came back to his senses.

"This guy, one person is a large-scale construction team. If Weisong's strength is stronger, or there are more than ten sons of the earth family working together, they can build a fortress in a short time."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

"This idea is really feasible."

"Besides, it's not just about building towns. With him, I don't even need to build them in the plains. Just find them a mountain to shape."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen somehow thought of blue star in the 1990s, where people in Shaanxi did not build houses, but dug caves under the mountains.

"They just dig caves. For me, as long as there are enough people in the sons of the earth family, I can build a whole mountain into a palace."

"100000 mountains, 100000 palaces, this is a spectacle beyond the 21st century."

The family of the son of the earth is really a treasure. The more you think about it, the brighter Lu Chen's eyes will be.

However, when Lu Chen was excited, Wei Song, the son of the earth, suddenly felt a cold in his heart and felt something bad.

"What's the matter? Am I cursed by evil spirit

Looking around, he found that the sun has not set, his body is not in good condition, he slowly put down the heart.

At the same time, looking around, Weisong also saw the arrival of Lu Chen.

This made him immediately put down the construction of underground channels and quickly came to Lu Chen."Boss, you wake up. Are you ok? By the way, boss, when can I fight with you? I'm bored to death here."

"Fight, no, you don't have to fight." After subconsciously saying that, Lu Chen saw Wei Song's face a little depressed, and quickly changed his mouth: "no I mean. "

Speaking of this, Lu Chen's face suddenly became serious. He directly pressed his hands on Weisong's shoulder and said in a solemn tone:

"Weisong, what you are doing now is more important than fighting. I can see everything you have done to build the village well. And, if you do well, I'm ready to take decisive time to form an army and let you lead that team. "

"Head of the Engineering Construction Corps."

Of course, the last word Lu Chen did not say, and therefore, Lu Chen's promise made Wei Song's face laugh.

"Chief, I'm the first to be the leader. Great, boss. I won't disgrace you."

Seeing that he was so happy, Lu Chen was embarrassed to tell him that in the future, the team may have the opportunity to follow the team to fight, but it will be protected in the center when fighting.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chen soothes his conscience and finds an excuse for himself.

"I do it for his good. If there is no fight, there will be no killing."

Then, feeling that he was doing the right thing, Lu Chen directly said to Wei Song, "do you still have people who are free? If you have any, you can directly pull us here. The treatment is easy to discuss. If you don't grow up, you can also pull over. I've got the resources for their growth."

Originally, Lu Chen's requirements were not high. He only asked the town to be clean enough.

But now, seeing that the son of the earth family's architectural skills are even more superb than in the 21st century, Lu Chen has a new ambition in his heart.

Lu Chen is asking Wei Song important person, and Wei song is also very happy.

"Do you want to eat? Don't worry, your highness. When I go back and say it, someone will definitely come here with your Highness's reputation. Moreover, our people are not afraid of fighting and will not let your highness down. "

Looking at Wei Song who praises his family's bravery, Lu Chen has only one idea in mind.

"It's a waste to let you fight on the front line. What I want is not for you to fight, but for you to help me build a metropolis."

After the words, Lu Chen did not say, just nod from time to time, echoing the words of Wei Song.

And soon, under Lu Chen's eye sign, a master architect pulled Weisong away and continued to build the town.

On the other side, Ji hongdie takes Lu Chen through the town, and Lu Chen already understands what his town looks like.

"My town has all kinds of facilities. It's almost the same as a small town in the 1990s."

After watching Lu Chen and returning to the central city master's residence, Ji hongdie comes up to serve Lu Chen once.

After the battle, the contented Lu Chen takes out the urban construction data and looks at it. Ji hongdie, struggling to get up, analyzes the number of people who can live in this place to Lu Chen in Lu Chen's arms.

"My husband, we are building houses very fast. We can supply a lot of people with food by fishing and hunting. Besides, with the investment of businessmen in Yunzhou, the two who just came here are ready to provide us with some materials free of charge."

Speaking of this, Ji hongdie smiles, and Lu Chen, also learned from her mouth that two Yunzhou businessmen steal chicken, not to eat rice.

"Regardless of them, how many people should I draw from the royal court?"

As a affairs officer, in order to show her role, Ji hongdie estimated the specific number of people very early.

After Lu Chen inquired, she didn't even hesitate. She said directly: "the main town has a husband. You can guard it in person, and you can bring 5000 people. In other towns, 2000 to 3000 people are the best choice. This is the number of people that can live in our town in the first year."

"Three thousand people a town, six towns eighteen thousand, plus the main city will bring a total population of 23 thousand?"

This is not a small number. In peaceful times, ordinary princes could not let so many barbarians leave their hometown and follow them to migrate.

Now, a large number of refugees have given Lu Chen a chance to draw people over.

But if the number of people is too large, bringing people here has become a problem.

Thinking, Lu Chen suddenly thought of the two merchants: "hongdie, call those two merchants to me."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Your Highness, you are looking for us."

The two merchants were very humble and came quickly, but Lu Chen was not polite: "as businessmen, how do you usually go to other villages and towns?"

Merchants have secret channels, suppliers and purchasers. These are secrets and are the foundation of merchants. They will not tell others easily.

While walking on this dangerous land is also a secret, it is already a semi public situation.

Therefore, after looking at each other, the two merchants told Lu Chen the process of their coming.

"Your Highness, you also know that the night is full of evil. Therefore, we are now on our way in the daytime. At night, we can find a free place to cover up our human breath with array and wait for the dawn."What they said made Lu Chen stunned.

"It's OK to walk fast during the day and cover up your breath with a shadow array at night?"

"Yes, my husband, although there are countless evil spirits in the wilderness, the density is not the kind of people being hit by people. If there is a shielding array, as long as the luck is not too bad, the chance of encountering evil spirits is not high. Even if you encounter it, if you can kill the evil spirit in the array, you won't be detected by other things. "

Yi Rong, who came in with the merchant, was puzzled when she saw Lu Chen's face. She added: "many of the formation of the merchant's walking are made by us. If your husband needs it, my master and I will make it for you."

Seeing Yi Rong's promise, Lu Chen was not polite:

"I'm going to bring 5000 people in one time. How many shadowing array do you think you need?"

This makes her face dull.

Looking at Yi Rong's frozen face, hongdie smiles: "my husband, the Yin Mountain sect's array can only cover the breath of dozens of people. 5000 people, their array can't be covered."

For Yi Rong, Ji hongdie has an aversion. However, in this era, the powerful wives and concubines are numerous, and she does not dare to stop her.

Even, Ji hongdie has never stopped her mind. What she wants is just the status of her wife.

And Yi Rong's ideas are similar. Therefore, although they are tired of looking at each other, they never say in front of Lu Chen that they will not let each other get started.

In this era, this practice is one of the great evils.

It can only be said that girls in this era are really miserable.

Lu Chen didn't feel the rivalry between them. He was thinking about how to bring ordinary people from the royal court.

"It's the fastest and best way to rely on the sky whale to transport, but in addition to the clansmen, I have to transport a large number of materials. There are ten of them, and the contribution value is too much."

Sky whale can't do it. Lu Chen feels that businessmen can travel between the two places. They should have their own way.

Therefore, Lu Chen plans to follow their method, but after some explanation by hongdie, Lu Chen finds that this method is not feasible.

The shadow array can ensure safety at night, which is also a common practice for small businessmen who are unable to hire sky whales and want to make huge profits.

But such a caravan has a rule that everyone should abide by, that is, goods can be brought more than people.

When a large number of human beings gather together, the breath of life and soul can not be covered by a small array.

As long as it is not extraordinary, it doesn't matter how much you bring. Evil spirit will not be interested in materials.

Although, even if they do so, there will be caravans with bad luck and will be discovered by powerful evil spirits.

But the merchants are profiteering, and those businessmen are willing to take their lives to gain a future.

And they can, but Lu Chen can't.

After arriving at the king's court, Lu Chen will lead at least 5000 people back. The smell of those 5000 people gathering together is just like the food that can shine in the wilderness, even if the evil spirit is felt several kilometers away.

Therefore, there is no way for businessmen to avoid.

After closing his eyes and opening them again, Lu Chen looks directly at hongdie and asks.

"Small caravans move from town to town through shelter. What do you rely on for large town migration?"

After a moment's silence, Ji hongdie replied:

"the strong lead the way, the army protects and blocks the way There is no amnesty for killing. "

"Stop, kill without mercy! I got it


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