The thick fog is not ordinary. After just staring at it for a while, Lu Chen's consciousness fell into a trance, as if falling into a dream. At the same time, the surface of the fog was also combined into countless angry faces and roared at the landing Chen.

The sounds of chaos and resentment seemed to ring in his heart. Their sound also raised resentment, anger, and the idea of destroying everything in Lu Chen's heart.

The fog, let alone contact, can make people sink.

Of course, although the fog is strong, Lu Chen can't do anything about it. At the same time, there is a green horror phantom rising behind Lu Chen and deeply sucking at Lu Chen.

The second ghost, the erosive pulimong, sucked all the negative emotions in Lu Chen's body.

However, Lu Chen's facial expression is not improved because of his good health. The tumbling fog in front of him and the constantly appearing face make Lu Chen feel a little scared.

Of course, Lu Chen is not afraid of the fog itself. Although the resentment fog is very strong, it has an impact on the outside. Entering it depends on Qi and blood to resist it. But with Avalon supplying energy, Lu Chen is not afraid of these things.

What Lu Chen was afraid of was that the fog appeared in the daytime!

Looking up at the sky, looking at the sun in the sky, and then looking down at the earth, looking at the fog rolling up, resentful faces appear from time to time, and the chill is breeding in Lu Chen's body.

"After the treacherous situation is broken, evil spirits can survive in the daytime!"

The sun still has a role. The vast sunlight sweeps all the evil things. Under the light, the fog and the bitter faces inside are like the first snow, which are constantly melting under the sunlight.

However, although the sun is fierce, the fog keeps on flowing. After melting, more fog will come out. Therefore, even under the sunlight, the filthy atmosphere here is also expanding.

When Lu Chen feels cold, there is white light around Lu Chen.

First there is a mirror, and then Lin Ye and others appear in the mirror.

"Hula La" is like dumplings, they fall from the air.

This made many people fall to the ground. Originally, they still complained, but as the scene in the distance came into view, everyone stopped talking.

"There's a ghost fog. It's troublesome. It's really broken."

It was Yang Su, who, like Lu Chen, was deeply troubled.

But Lin Ye, the leader who has been leading the team, looks extremely pale when he looks at the scene in the distance. His mind seems to be scared out of his wits.

"No, no, our world will never fall into this situation, never

Looking at a calm and calm Lin Ye's crazy face, not to mention Lu Chen, is a group of his companions who get along with him day and night, all feel astonished.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with you? Are you ok?"

Qinger, who has always worshipped Lin Ye, is awakened by her words. Lin Lin soon returns to normal. However, his face is always ugly and can not return to normal.

"I'm fine. Try to solve the problem here."

Lin Lin wants to change the topic. After thinking about it for a while, Lu Chen says, "what did you predict?"


Lin Ye still wants to deny it, but Lu Chen's logical thinking ability is not weak. From the fog in front of him and Lin Ye's fear of prophecy, Lu Chen has thought of some bad things.

"After that, our world will not be covered with black fog, and there will be no day for ever."

This is Lu Chen's conjecture. After this, Lin Lin's body shakes wildly and doesn't say a word. This makes Lu Chen understand and his conjecture is correct.

Sophistication is the key to everything.

It doesn't matter if a lot of them are broken and the fog is linked together, then the black fog that blocks the sky and the sun will be completely formed.

Without the sun, the situation of safety in the day and danger in the night will be completely broken. Evil will appear from time to time. Human beings will not be able to rest and plant all kinds of food.

At that time, under the attack of evil spirits and the invasion of evil fog, the whole world would sink to the bottom.

That's the real doomsday.

Lu Chen is right. It is the end of the world. Lin Lin has experienced it in his dream. Therefore, he knows more about this kind of terror. People are afraid, powerless and desperate under the dark fog that covers everything.

Lin Ye in his dream has become a strong man, but even if he has strength, he can withstand the attack of black fog for a year or two, but after ten years, he also

"It's all dreams!"

He shakes his head and throws everything out of his dream. Lin Lin says to Lu Chen seriously: "Prince Chen, we must keep this mysterious situation. If not, your royal court will send troops from other places to garrison. This will reduce the defense of other places. However, if the evil spirit finds a loophole in defense reduction and is attacked again, everything will be fine It's over. "

"You don't have to say that."After responding, Lu Chen took a deep breath. When the breath reached the top, Lu Chen rushed straight into the black fog with dragon shaped light and shadow.

However, although the wilderness has nothing to do with Lin Ye and others, he has seen the end of the world, and there is no one in Lin Lin's mind.

As long as it is a living and normal human being, he feels cordial.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to follow Lu Chen behind, toward the front of the past.


There is a dilapidated Castle outside the country, and it is the integration of the world and the world. In the process of integration, the dilapidated castle has also been copied into the strange land. The three medium-sized tribes originally stationed in this area to guard against evil invasion are almost all stationed here.

This dilapidated fortress has been wrapped in fog, and countless evil spirits are rushing towards the castle camp under the cover of fog.

However, barbarians have some abilities to resist the invasion of evil spirits. There is a bloody totem pole in the ancient castle. A large number of heroes and immortal souls appear in the totem column. They hang all the evil spirits in the totem field, and some barbarians are struggling to resist.

The appearance of the heroes and the immortal war spirit has not yet fallen here.

The two shining leaders, each time they launched an attack, let the barbarians stationed here shout, and their morale rose.

"Beheading, Hanmo, bowing, sheep, long live."

"Long live, chief."

Beheading, bowing, this is the title, the title recognized by all.

The title of the existence is the title of the hero, stationed here are two titles of hero.

In the wild world, there is only a wrong name and no wrong nickname. The man who is called beheading is extremely magnificent. He also holds an exaggerated axe in his hand. Whenever a powerful evil spirit rushes into the tribe, he will jump to his feet, hold a bloody Tomahawk and chop down at the evil spirit from the high altitude.

Just like the Knox guillotine, every axe he takes off can directly cut off the head of the evil spirit. No matter whether the evil spirit is a ghost or something else, it will be directly killed after being beheaded. Even if those evil spirits have some special abilities, they will die directly after being beheaded.

As a rule, if you behead, you will die.

Beheaded and majestic, the bow exploding is another look. She is a soldier holding a bow and arrow. However, as a title hero, she does not shoot fast. Only in a few seconds does an arrow shoot out. However, after each arrow is fired, there is a thunderbolt. Under the loud noise, her arrows are like heavy armor piercing bullets, which can shoot through everything and penetrate more than 2000 meters.

A long-range battle and a close combat are like a sea god needle, which prevents the dilapidated castle from being completely destroyed, and the morale of the barbarians is also high.

However, ordinary barbarians are happy. When killing evil spirits, these two leaders will also send out thunderous battle roars and let the team roar with them.

But in the corner that nobody saw, beheading and Han Mo frowned tightly together, and his face was even more pale.

"Beheading, when you can't hold on, don't mind me. Take the people away, and I'll give you a break."

"If you fart, I will run away like a coward and leave you a woman here."

Hearing the rude words of beheading, she felt helpless. However, although the words were crude, the firm will in the voice made her very moved.

However, although gratified, the bow still opened his mouth and said, "this is not to escape, but to preserve the living strength."

Seeing the beheading and talking, he directly said, "if you don't want to live, you have to take the soldiers and my daughter out. Here are the elite of our tribe. All of them died here. How can our tribe live?"

This made beheading silent.

After a long time, he began to say: "don't worry, Dashan has gone out for help. Maybe he can bring reinforcements."

The majestic beheaded man is holding the expectation, but he explodes his bow and is very indifferent.

"Reinforcements, we don't have any big tribes here. Even if the reinforcements come here, it will be three days before the cucumber dishes are cold."

"Get ready. If you can't resist, you will quickly withdraw with your team. Please take care of my sheep tribe. The leader of the tribe will pass it on to my son. If he can't keep it, you can help me organize it and find the strongest person in my tribe to inherit it. When he wins, I will marry my two daughters to him."

"I I see. "

Although agree, but beheading has a sad face.

"Damn it, why are there two strange situations here? If it's not a new castle, we won't lose."

"The castle is not a strange place. It's like other things Well, I always felt that there was something else in it. If we had really rushed into it, it might not have happened. "

So said the sheep, looked at his broken abdomen, face with a little regret.

When another castle was integrated into this place, they went to inquire about it, but because of their caution, they were stopped from sending out a large army.Then, the evil spirit quickly entered from the opening of the fusion expansion, and the fog soon surrounded everything.

The hopeless two men were ready to leave, and in the wilderness outside the castle, the leader of the mountain, was also heading outside.

Only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname. The man named Dashan is as high as 20 meters.

This is higher than Lu Chen. However, if you look carefully, you can see that the mountain is not all flesh and blood, and the thick stone adheres to his body, which makes him look so huge.

He was ready to send a message to the outside, but the situation was not very good. Without the protection of the totem field, the black fog directly submerged him.

At the same time, a large number of evil spirits were constantly pouring towards him. Although he seemed to have cultivated the shaking ability, and each blow could break a large number of evil spirits, but in the fog, the death of evil spirits would not make other evil spirits afraid. Instead, they would be more crazy, attacking the mountains crazily and devouring the dead companions.

Phagocytosis, eating, evolution, evil crazy attack, and the mountain in addition to resist, but also need to guard some barbarians.

Some young barbarians, as well as talented people, were brought out by Dashan.

Obviously, the leaders of the three tribes are not stupid people. After feeling that things are not good, they are ready to let some talents leave first, which can at least ensure the continuity of their tribes.

However, at this time, these talents have become a burden, so that Dashan can not exert himself.

The young geniuses are tough on this.

"Uncle Dashan, leave us alone. You go first."

"Shut up!"

His huge figure made his voice like thunder, and after the words sounded, he stepped on the earth with all his strength, making the earth crack, and most of the evil spirits on it were shaken to death.

After all this, he was ready to take the team to move on, but the effect was not very good. The most important thing about evil spirits is not that it is difficult to kill them. Although evil spirits will increase in secret places, the most important thing is that they continue to flow.

This place is connected with this world, and a large number of evil spirits will pour in at every moment. Therefore, although the mountain has killed many evil spirits, a large number of evil spirits will fill the void in the next moment.

However, the mountain's physical strength is not infinite.

Not everyone, like Lu Chen, has Avalon as an energy station.

Although some gifted people also have some recovery ability, such as the son of the earth family standing on the earth, the strength is endless.

The blue shower that controls water vapor can rely on water vapor to supplement itself, and the spirit Master's unity of heaven and man can also accelerate recovery.

But the recovery here is very important, that is, they can only absorb the unpolluted water vapor, the earth force.

The most powerful evil spirit is never lethal. Although the evil spirit is very strong in reality, it is weak for ordinary people.

If the abyss purgatory, whether it is the devil's own physical strength, or the ability to control the fire, the lethality can crush the evil spirit.

However, its lethality can be crushed, but the abyss purgatory is not willing to provoke evil spirits, because the strongest evil spirit is never killing, but erosion and pollution.

No matter what kind of things, life, inorganic matter, or even elements, will be polluted by evil spirit. After life is polluted and mutated, Zombie's reason will not be said much.

After all kinds of elements are polluted, rational creatures can't absorb them at all. If they are forced to absorb them, they will have one more companion without evil attack.

This is the case here. The earth is rotting and the trees are becoming evil. Soon, the air and aura will also smell rotten.

Therefore, Dashan is also in a dilemma. If it is normal, he stands on the earth to absorb the Qi of the earth, and can protect those cubs perfectly. But now, with his own energy, even if he is a hero, Dashan can't persist for a long time.

And soon, Dashan didn't have to be embarrassed. In the distance, he also felt the thorny evil.

"You go first, and I'll give you a break."

The title of hero is equivalent to the evil spirit of the broken city, which can make the mountain feel dangerous. The opposite is the evil evil spirit of the broken city. It is safer to let the talents leave than to protect them when they fight with each other.

"Well, it was time for the three to leave together But after leaving, it's all over here! "

It is true that leaving can ensure everyone's safety, but after such an evacuation, this mysterious place will be turned into a place full of evil and rotten. Even if they call for reinforcements, they can only garrison outside and can't invade in.

Although it is difficult now, with the totem pole, there is still a glimmer of hope. If reinforcements come quickly, they will still be able to stabilize the situation.

It can only be said that these are dilemmas.

The mountain is like a mountain in the back, but in front of it, the bowing, beheading and the children of the mountain, as well as the talent of their tribe, are running forward rapidly.However, without the protection of the mountains, their situation is more and more difficult, but even so, they can not go back.

Because, after they left, there was an earth shaking roar from the mountain. Obviously, the fighting there was even more fierce than here.

"After the wounded are cut off automatically, the living people will go quickly and report the news here."

Cruel orders, but no one here to refute, when the war for survival, everything will become extremely cruel.

Leaving behind the injured companions, the rest of the group quickly evacuated, and one individual was reduced in the line.

Soon, it was the turn of a girl with a single ponytail. Her abdomen was pierced. It was obvious that such an injury could not be fought violently, nor could she escape.

This is the daughter of the bow, but she has no privileges.

"You go, go back alive."

She was driving away her tribe, but there was still a male soldier who did not leave.

Seeing that the girl wanted to drive herself away, he said directly:

"you are an archer, and without protection, it can't take much time. I'll stop you and attack, so that more people can escape."

In adversity, there are traitors, timid people, ruthless rules, but more tender. Some strong people block the strong enemy to protect the younger generation. Some people do not want to drag down their companions and voluntarily stay behind. Others are prepared to live and die together for the sake of brothers and lovers.

This is all human's good emotion, but no matter how good the emotion is, it can't resist the cold reality.

The boy tried his best to defend his lover. He played his peak, but he could not stop the endless evil. Although the girl tried her best to attack, even though she was injured, she could not stop the evil spirit for a minute.

More evil spirit crossed them and rushed to the front.

This is the reality, there is no fluke, no outbreak, the miracle is always weak.

"To die together, alas I'm going to finish this fight. When I return to the village, I'll ask Mr. Baogong to propose marriage and marry you home. "

"I would not have agreed to your proposal at that time."

It seems that there is a companion on the spot and is on the verge of death, but there is not much fear between them. On the contrary, they have a sense of relief.

At the same time, there is fire oil in their hands, which is to avoid the body of their own death from being polluted as evil, and people who go out to war take it with them.

Take out the kerosene, they are ready to light, do a pair of bitter mandarin ducks.

But before they opened the fold, the oil in their hands burned.

"What's going on?"

The sudden change made them turn their heads, and then they saw the "sun", the round sun.

The black fog filled the air and made everything around him gray. But in the distance, there was a huge burning disc, like the newborn sun, driving the darkness from east to west.

The circular "sun" is extremely large, with a diameter of 50 meters. It burns everything in the flying speed. At the same time, the disk with high-speed rotation of flame is also a powerful weapon.

Hit by that disc, whether it is gravel, dead wood, or evil body, will be completely cut in two, and nothing can stop the fast rotating hot disc.

After the evil spirit is cut into two parts, the flame on the disc will also sweep up and completely eliminate the evil spirit that turns into two parts of the corpse.

Evil is extremely difficult to kill, but the disc is even more terrifying. The ultimate lava cutting is invincible, and the red flame is burning everything.

The bitter mandarin duck who stayed here even saw an irrational evil spirit colliding with the flame disk because of his madness.

Naturally, the ending is tragic. It is a evil spirit composed of a large number of steel. The blade, nails, kitchen knife, chain and various broken metals are gathered together by the evil spirit and a cloak to form a powerful and strange one.

In the battle just now, this evil spirit brought a lot of trouble to these talented young people.

The whole body is made of steel, it can hardly be broken, but there is blood on the blade, which makes it extremely lethal to human beings.

This evil spirit left several companions of the bitter mandarin duck, but at this time, this powerful evil spirit is tragic.

It is covered with steel, but it can not block the rapid cutting of the hot disc. The steel softens under high temperature, and the extreme rotation makes the disc sharper, just like a hot knife cutting butter. The huge hot disc directly cuts off the evil spirit.

Subsequently, the blazing flame, is completely ignited the evil spirit of iron and steel.

"What is that?"

The blazing disc seems to be pointing at evil spirits. Therefore, a pair of bitter mandarin ducks are in doubt.

And when they saw the disc, the disc saw them, and then a surprising scene happened.

As if they had wisdom, the disc flew to them and flew around them.

After a circle, the flame on the disk of the evil spirits around them was swept away. Even the fog that made people tremble and the angry face appeared from time to time was also burned by the hot sun disk.Warm feeling, appeared in this pair of bitter life mandarin duck body.

"We're safe."

This is the boy's first thought, and the girl soon found something, quickly exclaimed: "quick, quickly put out the kerosene, there are reinforcements coming."

They were in a hurry to put out the fire, and when they finished all this, there were huge figures in the black fog coming step by step.

"Thank them very much Ok...! "

When they saw the black shadow, they were supposed to thank them, but as the shadow approached, they could not say a word of thanks. Instead, they grasped the sword in their hands with vigilance.

No wonder they are so, even the shadow out of the dark fog is too terrible.

The black shadow is tall, four meters and eight meters high. The whole body is covered with a layer of blood black armor. There are evil ghost heads on the front of the armor, and there are a large number of spines on the side. All of these make the walking figure look like a demon.

When the shadow walks, the surrounding fog is constantly churning, and there are more venomous faces from time to time.

Originally, such fog is frightening.

But at this time, the black fog can not be frightening. When the devil like figure appears in the black fog, all people's eyes will definitely look at the dark shadow in the fog at the first time.

Even, there is nothing wrong with the black shadow and the black fog. The ferocious figure is like the emperor in the fog, and the black fog seems to be the special effect of the demon figure.

When the venomous face in the black fog roars at the shadow, it screams from time to time, and is sucked into the body by the demon figure. This strange and fear feeling reaches the extreme.

Such scenes, no matter where they are, are demons, not heroes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!