How could they not be on guard against fear when such a horrible figure appeared in front of the bitter couple.

"I didn't expect that such a small pawn like us should let the principal here appear."

"Monster, come on, I'm not afraid..."

Without begging for mercy, Yuanyang is yelling at Lu Chen and even preparing to charge.

But what happened afterwards made them dull.

With the arrival of the demon figure, the sun disc guarding them flew directly to the terrible figure.

Originally, Yuanyang thought that this was the sun disc and felt the enemy was attacking. However, what happened afterwards made them feel like they were in a dream.

The sun disc burning the fire of justice stopped when it approached the figure of the devil, and then turned into a huge sword and suspended beside the young man. This scene undoubtedly shocked the pair of bitter mandarin ducks.

"Monster, even if you..."

They wanted to say something else, but at this moment, a flurry of footsteps came from the distance, and at the same time, some eager tones sounded from the distance.

"Don't attack. This is the thirteenth prince. His Royal Highness Prince Chen is invincible at the same level in the royal court. He is not a demon. Don't attack."

Until this time, the pair found that their companions had returned, but because Lu Chen's figure was too terrible to attract all eyes, they did not find their own people's arrival.

And at this time, hear the call of teammates, and then look at Lu Chen does not attack the idea, they are also a sigh of relief.

Without paying attention to the two bitter mandarin ducks below, Lu Chen is paying attention to the long sword suspended by his side. On the other side, the others are the daughter who quickly cures a broken bow. During the treatment, one of them seems to think of something and asks them quickly.

"You have offended your royal highness. I will apologize to his Highness Prince 13."

"Well, I will. Thank you, your highness."

The simple and honest young man nodded, but the daughter of the bow heard something wrong.

"Yes, you are offended, too?"

This made a group of young people back look embarrassed.

"Your Highness was too much at that time It was so shocking that we couldn't help but... "

"Stop talking, I understand."

Without the group of young people, the two people lying on the ground could already guess everything behind them.

However, although I had guessed, the benefactor was still the prince of his family's royal court, which was not much to say. Soon, the group of young people turned their attention to other aspects.

"Your Highness is so strong! Along the way, he killed all the evil spirits. "

"Well, it's good-looking (well, how do you see that)!"


Ignoring this group of young people's comments, Lu Chen is sensing the Dragon hunting sword floating nearby.

"I didn't expect that the sword soul and super strong will could do this."

At this time, the immortality of penetrating Luocha has faded away, but the sword is still hovering around Lu Chen instead of being held in his hand by Lu Chen.

In this situation, there is already a kind of flying sword.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't learn the art of flying sword. The reason for this situation is that Lu Chen dissolved the sword soul into the Dragon hunting sword unconsciously.

However, to be able to achieve this step is also related to the super strong will. When the will is broken, Lu Chen can rely on his will to twist the spoon and other situations.

This is similar to the power of the mind. However, only by the power of will, the effect is very weak. Therefore, Lu Chen didn't care. But when the sword soul combined with the will control power, things changed. At this time, Lu Chen could make the sword fly.

"Although I can only fly, the speed is still very slow, but if this skill is combined with penetrating the immortal of luochazhi, I can rely on the sword soul to control it from a long distance and let it fly freely according to my mind when the power in the treasure is not exhausted."

The Dragon hunting sword is too big, and Lu Chen has never learned how to control the sword. Therefore, even if Lu Chen can control the Dragon hunting sword, he can only swim within three meters of his body.

But the advantage of more skills is reflected here. The immortal through the Luosha has a special effect of flying at a high speed. When this skill is combined with the spirit of the sword, everything becomes different.

It is also with this ability that Lu Chen can remotely control the rotating sun compass and fly around this pair of bitter mandarin ducks for a week, sweeping everything.

Lu Chen also wants to have a try at this time, but considering that the situation is not right, Lu Chen interrupts his mind and asks the youth at the bottom.

"Your station is there. Show us the way. We'll go back now."

Relying on the Raptors cutting through the sky, Lu Chen quickly rushed into the mysterious realm. However, because the ancient castle was integrated into the strange environment, the area became much larger. In addition, with the fog and ghosts, Lu Chen could not find the residence of the clansmen.In this case, Lu Chen can only choose to launch wisdom. After thinking for a few minutes, he chooses to close his eyes and rush towards a place.

"I am not reckless, but the result of careful consideration."

Lu Chen convinces himself with this, and Lu Chen, with his eyes closed, also finds the group of young people besieged by evil spirit within a few minutes, and has a new clue.

It can only be said that having a sense of straightforwardness means that you can do whatever you want.

Although it was not pleasant to meet the youth at the beginning, they quickly identified Lu Chen's identity under Lu Chen's fist.

Then, they went forward together and found the pair of bitter mandarin ducks.

"The station is still ahead, but there is the title of my tribe. The heroes are fighting against the evil spirit. If we want to go to the station, we have to go around and pass the news here to the royal court."

That pair of bitter mandarin ducks said a lot, and Lu Chen is a smile: "let go, no need."

After saying that, Lu Chen also looked at the young man behind him.

"I have cleaned up most of the evil spirits behind. You can leave the mysterious place without fighting."

Words fall, Lu Chen's body also toward the front of the past.

Looking at the figure of Lu Chen leaving, those young people looked at each other for a few times, but did not turn around to leave, but called to the figure of Lu Chen in front of them.

"Your Highness, have you told the Royal Court of the news here?"

"Of course."

"Then we will go with your highness, and there will be our patriarch and companions in the camp."

After that, without waiting for Lu Chen to answer, they also ran.

Lu Chen frowned, but looking at the young man's firm face behind him, Lu Chen also knew that he could not dissuade them, which made him shrug:

"follow me if you want, but I won't take care of you."

Lu Chen had already delayed a lot of time when he was talking. At this time, countless evil spirits were surrounding Lu Chen, including ghost children, ghost spiders, paper men, and some lanterns that acted alone.

In addition to the evil spirit, there are also complaints in the fog from time to time and roar at Lu Chen.

However, as the pair of bitter mandarin ducks saw, those heads roaring at the landing Chen would be sucked into the body by Lu Chen in the next moment.

It is natural that the second ghost is absorbed by the head of resentment. The fog contains a huge amount of negative emotions, which can make people feel depressed and more likely to fear and despair.

But such a breath can be useful to others, blinded by the second ghost, who is in charge of despair and fear.

Even the second ghost, the erosive pleimon, feeds on negative emotions, so they are tragic.

With Lu Chen's advance, the concentration of the ghost fog is constantly decreasing.

The most obvious manifestation of this is that the group of young people behind them are comfortable. It seems that a huge stone suppressed in the heart seems to have been removed.

It was also because of his relaxed health that the young man who was willing to stay said to his daughter:

"mu, we have just agreed that you must marry me when you return to your hometown after the battle

As soon as this word is said, Lu Chen can't help but look at that young man.

And this kind of movement was also discovered by the youth.

"What's wrong, your highness?"

"No, it's just that you'd better be careful after that."

While speaking, Lu Chen also found that some strange voices sounded behind him. The voice was not directed at Lu Chen, but lured the youth behind him to leave.

Even, there are some illusory figures emerging in the fog, those figures are familiar to the people behind them.

It can be imagined that if they are attracted by familiar sounds or familiar figures and leave the army, their fate in the fog can be imagined.

It can only be said that there are many dangers in the fog. Ordinary barbarians must be careful when walking here.

But this time, those evil spirits met Lu Chen.

In the face of countless evil spirits, Lu Chen just waved his long sword in his hand. After a concussion sword Qi flew by, countless evil spirits were instantly shattered by the sword Qi.

However, there is a constant stream of evil, and the fog is immediately closed after being cut open, which makes Lu Chen's attack seem to have no effect.

Such a situation, also let Lu Chen cold hum.

"Let's try that signboard skill. I haven't used it until now."

After thinking for a moment in his heart, Lu Chen's sword straightened out, and the man suddenly spun.

[sword blade storm]

with Lu Chen's rotation, there is air flow along with Lu Chen's body.

Spinning faster and faster, and soon, a huge tornado formed in the fog.

The wind whirled the fog, and under the influence of the will formed a sword blade, strangling everything in the storm.Under the influence of the air quake, the blade storm has a full range of 500 meters.

Everything within 500 meters was completely destroyed by the tornado. Even when Lu Chen was spinning, he could not help using the universal celestial guide, which absorbed all things with Lu Chen as the gravitational point.

When Wanxiang Tianyin was launched, not to mention the evil spirits around Lu Chen. Even the evil spirits a kilometer away could not help being absorbed, and they were thrown into the giant tornado in the scream.



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