The tornado of the next day, together with the sharp sword blade, makes many evil spirits struggle.

Unfortunately, all they did was useless. Under the action of gravity, their bodies still could not help but approach the giant tornado.

When it is useless to ask for mercy, some evil spirits also want to attack Lu Chen with all kinds of abilities. However, not to mention Lu Chen's own defense power, the tornado within 500 meters is enough to make the evil spirit of attacking Lu Chen despair.

The attack distance of some evil spirits can't reach Lu Chen, who is in the center of the tornado, while the attack from another part is often completely destroyed in the tornado.

Therefore, most evil spirits can only be completely torn by the blade storm in the howl of fear.

There are a lot of evil spirits in the fog. In the past, these evil spirits would be the biggest obstacle for those who walk in the fog. For this, a group of young people behind them have a full feeling.

However, at this time, Lu Chen was elated by the huge amount of evil spirit. Every second, a huge amount of evil spirit was involved in the blade storm and was completely torn apart by Lu Chen.

At the same time, there is also a steady stream of system prompts ringing in Lu Chen's ear.

[the system prompts that the host has killed the black coffin level evil spirit and gained 4 experience points]

[the system prompts that the host has killed the white you evil spirit and gained 1 experience point]

Although the experience points obtained each time are very small, they can't hold the evil spirit in the fog.

In this way, keeping an excited mood, Lu Chen whirled the strong wind and moved forward at a high speed.

However, the Lu Chen of advance quickly frowned, he found a thing.

"The fog is blocking my field of will!"

Ghost fog, which is formed after the concentration of evil Qi reaches a certain level, contains endless resentment, despair and other breath. If absorbed for a long time, human beings will become monsters even if they do not die.

At the same time, such fog can corrode not only human beings but also aura.

Lu Chen, who was spinning his body, soon found that the ghost fog was interfering with his control of the blade storm, making him unable to control more aura.

As a result, the whirling blade storm is rapidly shrinking, which is the influence of the ghost fog on Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen, who was on the way, also found that the blade storm was shrinking, but the gravity of Vientiane had not changed at all.

"Power is indeed one of the benchmarks of all things. No matter how strong the evil spirit is, it can not infect the pure power."

"There was nothing wrong with my choice at that time. Power should not be adulterated with superfluous attributes."

Gravity doesn't change, and Lu Chen's killing speed doesn't change much.

After all, although the scope of the sword blade storm has been reduced, Lu Chen will drag the evil spirit from a kilometer away, and the blade storm of 100 meters is enough to destroy everything.

However, such hindrance still makes Lu Chen heart unhappy.

He did not stop spinning, but in the process of rotation, some holy words and spirits were chanted by Lu Chen.

"Come, in the name of justice, the highest fire!"

With Lu Chen's singing, first of all, a trace of Mars appeared in the whirling blade storm. The ghost fog has the concept of moisture. Originally, the wildly surging ghost fog should be able to eliminate Mars.

But the archangel Kyle's flame is not ordinary, the newborn flame just touched the fog, as if it had touched the oil, and burst up in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, Mars is spreading wildly and spinning with the speed of the storm.

Soon, the next day even the blade storm, was ignited into a flame storm.

This time, the attack on the evil spirit is more cruel. Originally, the evil spirit was only cut and smashed. Some powerful evil spirits can survive from the cutting.

But at this point, they not only have to deal with cutting, but also have a deadly flame burning them, which makes them have no way to escape.

Because of the explosion of the fire, this time, let alone ordinary evil, even the fog was burned out.

Therefore, the following young people do not have to worry about the invasion of evil. Instead, they should avoid Lu Chen and be careful not to be pulled close to the whirling flame storm by gravity.

The next day, the fire storm not only sheltered the barbarian youth behind him, but also Lin Ye and others who followed Lu Chen to catch up with him under the guidance of the flame storm.

In this regard, Lu Chen did not pay attention to it, but moved quickly towards the direction of the Guijing station.

The flame storm transformed from the sword blade storm lasted three minutes in the fog. Relying on the blessing of the feast for the body and Avalon's continuous energy, Lu Chen felt that he could still persist.

But at this time, Lu Chen is aware of the situation ahead, where the barbarian strongmen named Dashan are fighting with the evil spirits who pursue him.

Relying on his perception, Lu Chen finds that he is familiar with the evil spirit of fighting with Dashan. It is a monster with pig head and human body.

However, the monster at this time is totally different from what Lu Chen met in the past. Although the pig head human monster Lu Chen met in Manniu village is tall, it is only two meters close to three meters high.And the monster in front of him was as high as 50 meters, fat as a mountain.

At the same time, the appearance of the monster is not only tall, but also disgusting. There are more than 100 arms, more than 100 mouths, and more than 300 eyes growing randomly in the belly of the pig head human body, and the fat meat is also rotten, and even maggots are crawling on it.

The pig man was fighting with the mountain, and his abdominal arm did not stop. He was grabbing everything around him and stuffing it into his mouth. Whether it was soil, human bodies, or even evil spirits, the monster was still devouring.

It can be said that the monster devoured everything around him like a glutton.

In addition to its own disgusting giant body and a large number of limbs, there are two kinds of monsters that attract Lu Chen.

One is naturally a butcher's knife carried by a pork man. In Manniu village, the butcher's knife was the root of this monster. In front of him, there was also a giant machete in the hands of the giant pig man.

In addition to the machete, another thing that Lu Chen cares about is the large number of chains around the pig head man.

Yes, at this time, the evil spirit was entangled in countless chains, and even some chains were pulled into the fat of white flowers. The rust on the iron chain made Lu Chen feel threatened.

At this time, such a huge monster is fighting the mountain.

Both are giant creatures, and each collision is earth shaking.

In the huge collision, the strength of the two is almost the same. The pig man has fat as a buffer, and the mountains have more mountain armor to protect everything.

In terms of attack, the strong man named Dashan not only has mountain like protection, but also has mountain like strength. Every collision, a mountain of more than 20 meters can make the pig retreat several steps.

It's just that the scene is dominant, but the mountain is not.

There is no way, or that sentence, the state of flesh and blood, the state of will, and even the realm of legend, the environment has a great increase for individuals.

At this time, the environment within the territory is not an ordinary element increase, but a field of blessing from the world.

The huge amount of ghost fog in the area was devoured by pig people. Nearly 100 fanged mouths on the huge body could absorb the fog in this area to repair themselves.

On the contrary, his armor can be replenished by the soil on the ground.

But once replenished, the rotten soil and the evil spirit in it will infect the will of the mountain.

As a result, he was able to supplement, but after that he would be infected, which made the mountain a little timid in fighting.

Now it's like this. The mountain armor is not pure soil. A trace of broken and miserable green soil covers the mountain. At the same time, some mushrooms with human face are rooted in the rotten soil, and constantly make various noises to the mountain.

The strongest evil spirit is always erosion.

The situation of Dashan is very bad, and Lu Chen dare not neglect. He doesn't mean to stop. He rolls up the flame storm and rushes into the pig.


The next day, even the earth's flame storm was killing the body. Before it got close to the pig man, a smell of rotten meat being burnt stimulated Lu Chen's nostrils.

The arms, lips and all kinds of maggots crawling about on the pig man were burnt to coke by Lu Chen's fire.

And the burned pig man, also issued a thunderous roar, at the same time, its arm holding a huge butcher's knife, also wildly towards the flame.

However, although the pig man's arm is long, Lu Chen's rolling fire is even bigger. Therefore, his attack has no effect at all. Instead, his chopping arm is burnt into coke.

But the scorched arm didn't break it, and the rusty black chain wrapped around the pig and the man fixed it.

But the pain is inevitable.

Therefore, the pig man is howling wildly, at the same time, the endless ghost fog is also attracted by it, wrapping itself.

The fire of justice has a strong killing effect on the fog. A little flame can eliminate dozens of fog. However, the mutual restraint between attributes depends not only on the quality, but also on the quantity.

And this strange place, nothing else, is the endless fog. Under the washing of the huge amount of fog and endless venomous head, the fire of justice burning on the pig man was slowly extinguished.

While protecting himself, the pig man did not give up the attack and did not dare to break into the high-speed rotating flame storm. He suddenly waved his empty left hand, and there was the sound of "clattering" the iron chain turning, and rushed straight towards the landing time.


The fire and storm destroyed everything around, but also covered Lu Chen's vision. Only the center of the storm was a peaceful place.

Therefore, it was not until the clattering sound of chains reached the center of the flame storm that Lu Chen found out what was attacking.

"Hook? Butcher? "

Hit is a hook, in Lu Chen see at the same time, the hook has toward Lu Chen's body mercilessly hook over."Bang!"

At the last moment, Lu Chen's Dragon hunting sword hit the hook.

However, the iron hook is like a living body. While Lu Chen resists, it directly catches Lu Chen's weapons.

Then "Hua La", the chain behind the hook has been, a huge force pulling Lu Chen forward.

In this regard, Lu Chen, who is invincible in his own strength, naturally wants to fight hard. His long sword plunges into the earth. Lu Chen is ready to fight with the pig man with the help of the earth.

Because of his powerful power, Lu Chen has crushed countless enemies, evil spirits, genius in Yunzhou, polluters and even Shenzi by his power.

But at this time, Lu Chen finally suffered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!