"Why don't you attack me with thunder all the time? Forget it. Knowing that thunder can speed up my evolution, I can find this guy to let him chop me with thunder. Now, I'd better defeat him first."

Lu Chen, who has not forgotten his original idea, is ready to make a real move.

When Lu Chen walks around, Ai Li's face also shows excitement.

"You son of a bitch, finally moved."

Ellie has a good upbringing, but no matter how good he is, he can't hide his pride. For example, when he tried to persuade Lu Chen, he also regarded himself as a referee, ready to mediate the dispute between Lu Chen and Yunzhou.

This kind of mediation as a referee makes it clear that Eli thinks that he is higher than Lu Chen or even Yunzhou. Of course, this is not a big evil. Everyone has his own small problems. At the same time, in the past, as the son of God of AI tribe, he was also qualified to do so.

But this time he met Lu Chen, Lu Chen did not give face, and then the war, it is "extreme humiliation.".

"If I stand still, you can't kill me!"

This is the thought in Ellie's heart, and it is also the idea in the people's heart of the surrounding cloud state. Such humiliation makes Ellie's mentality collapse.

"Asshole, I'll beat you anyway."

In this idea, after seeing Lu Chen move after being injured, he directly launched his own big move to completely defeat Lu Chen.

"Sacrifice of six animals!"

In the roar of Eli, six of the Twelve Gods' Generals directly killed themselves in front of Eli, and Eli himself made a state of offering sacrifices to heaven and knelt on one knee.

With the making of such a state, a scene of ancient sacrifice appeared in front of Lu Chen. At the same time, there was extreme danger in Lu Chen's heart.

"Not good!"

This is Lu Chen's idea, but before he can make a response, the dragon head of the body of Eli issued a sacrifice after the move.

"Six animals sacrifice, Thunder God calls in!"

The ancients revered heaven and gods, and prayed for the blessing of the dead ancestors. Therefore, there was a sacrifice. Now, Eli, an ancient tribe, opened a pre ancient ceremony to sacrifice the gods with six animals.

The most important thing is that he offered sacrifices to the great God of punishment, Reze, who was the ancestor of Eli. Therefore, when Eli sacrificed, a scene of terror appeared.

With Ellie kneeling down and calling for the return of Thor, the endless thunderstorm clouds are condensing towards Ellie.

Soon, the dark thunder clouds in the tens of miles gathered behind Eli to be the incarnation of a 180 meter tall dragon head.

The reinze incarnation of dragon head is dressed in brocade with black clouds. His abdomen is as high as that of Eli. But this time, no one laughs, and everyone feels terror and dignity.

At the same time, the God Razer, dressed in a black robe, also has the dignity of a prison. When it appears, all human beings who have made mistakes are shivering and have the initiative to disclose their sins.

It's LuChen who doesn't pay attention to the reincarnation of human beings.

"See, this is my card. Zushen incarnation can defeat you, and Zhongzhou is better than me..."

The ritual of offering sacrifices to the six animals and ancestors summoned the ancestors. He also wanted to persuade Lu Chen to make harmony the most important thing. But then he heard a word that made him completely angry.

"So, your big idea is to call dad directly if you can't beat it?"

"Asshole, die for me!"

In the heart roaring Eli's arm is raised high, along with his movement, the God Lazer, who is called by him, also raises his right hand.


With the great God Razer's right hand held high, countless electric lights condensed in his hands. Soon a 150 meter long long gun of thunder appeared in the hands of God Razer. The spear radiated endless dazzling light. When the God of Reze held high, it was like the sun, which made people dare not look directly.

"Ai Li is mad. The sacrifice of the six animals is not a casual ceremony. The spirit ceremony is good. There is the will of the God Razer in heaven and earth. As the descendants of the God, they can gather together. But the six animals who summon the will of the God need him to coagulate with the blood essence of lazer. So quickly, they come up with a big trick It's very likely that you won't be able to keep your last place

The God of thunder was improved by AI Zhi tribe with the spirit ceremony of summoning gods and generals. However, other people only summoned gods and generals, but AI people could summon ancient Thunder God. The reason is that the mystery lies in the sacrifice of six animals.

The six animals were all condensed with the blood essence of Lei Ze in their bodies. However, as time went on, the blood essence of thunder god of everyone in the Aizhi tribe became thin. Even if it was Eli, it took a long time to condense the six animals.

But after months of cohesion, the outbreak is also very strong.

Looking at the terrible Thor, the fat monk and the Taoist priest with jade eyebrows, they all felt that such an outbreak was hard to defeat.

While looking at the monk's words, he also responded to the Taoist priest's praise."No, it's no good. Although the barbarian Prince is a bit stupid, he is really powerful. If you look at his real ox demon, if you don't summon Lazer, Eli will probably not be able to fight."

When Ailey summoned Lazer, Lu Chen was also surprised. He didn't expect that Eli was so strong.

It can only be said that this is the advantage of people above. As the offspring recognized by God, they naturally have special abilities.

In this case, Lu Chen naturally did not dare to make it bigger. He immediately used Ruyi to make his body soar to 56 meters. The height of Lu Chen was increased by 10 centimeters by thunder quenching just now. After ten times of Ruyi's size, Lu Chen became one meter.

While his height soared, Lu Chen also connected his body closely with the earth. He wanted to use the gift of the earth to fight against thunder. At the same time, Lu Chen was ready to open a Luocha and directly defeat the opponent.

The reason why he didn't summon the black rope God to punish the Ming king to fight with the opponent, but to resist the opposite move and attack the opponent again, because Lu Chen had a fist attack on Superman The title of "one sword Superman" is still coveted.

"As long as I can beat the opponent with one stroke, even if I can bear countless blows, I can also get the title of" one sword Superman ". Moreover, after being injured, as long as I don't show it, who knows my situation."

"As long as I play well, the ability of human beings to me will be infinitely higher."

Lu Chen thought very well and did so.

When the thunder gun is released from the hand of the God Lazer, Lu Chen does not dodge, but directly connects the chest.

At the same time, on his demon like body, the skin directly cracked, the red blood vessels appeared directly, and a knife Luosha was opened!

"Swear here. I don't allow anything that I can't cut. And this sword can be cut and cut... "

With the attention paid to Ai Li, Lu Chen not only opened a sabre Luocha, but also directly recited the oath of the torn silver hand. He was ready to rely on the extreme explosion after the opening of the one blade Luosha and the power of the sword that can cut off all things in the world to win the final victory.

Just, Lu Chen thought very well, but when the thunder gun shot at Lu Chen, the accident happened.

There is no doubt that the thunder spear released by the great God raze has divine power. After the magic gun is released, it turns into a streamer and shoots Lu Chen in the chest.

Lu Chen felt that the time slowed down five times even after the Luocha was opened, but he still didn't see the trajectory of the gun. He could only see a flash of light. This made Lu Chen understand that the thunder gun has the speed of light and can't avoid it. Unless he has the ability to predict, the moment when the gun is released is the one that hits the target a short while.

The second surprise to Lu Chen is that although the thunder gun is composed of lightning, it is accompanied by extreme penetration.

Because the thunder gun is too fast, too Li, when Lu Chen reacts, his chest has been opened by the thunder gun.

A huge cavity appears in the middle of Lu Chen's chest, where the bone plate armor, big and small intestines, all disappeared without trace.

They were all destroyed by the thunder gun. It was only when the bone plate armor in front of the chest was penetrated that Lu Chen reacted.

At the same time, because of the speed is too fast, Lu Chen's high-level gift of the earth simply can't transmit the power to the extreme.

"Big, this magic gun can penetrate everything!"

Thinking like this, Lu Chen spurts out a mouthful of blood, and then Then Lu Chen returned to normal.

No way, Lu Chen's constitution is too thick. Although the thunder spear is very strong, it can't dodge and penetrate everything, but unless it can blow out Lu Chen's head, no matter where he is stabbed, he can't kill Lu Chen.

"This guy is still merciful. He didn't attack the head or even the most important heart. He just hit the abdomen. However, it's useless for him to aim at his head. My Apocalypse will predict in advance. In that way, I won't fight hard. Instead, I'll turn on the bullet time and dodge the key points with the help of a raptor, or attack directly."

"And even if I get hit, I can do it again."

As Lu Chen ponders, Eli's voice rings again.

"Give up. You've lost."

"No, it's you who lost."

So said, the abdomen is punctured Lu Chen's right hand raises suddenly grabs the magic gun.


When Lu Chen clenches, the magic gun suddenly turns into a terrible current, sweeping all over LuChen's body.

This is the real thunder gun. It can't be avoided. Penetrating everything is just the beginning. After penetrating the enemy's body, the magic gun can still explode in the enemy's body.

At this time, the endless electric current is rampant in Lu Chen's body. The extreme electric current can burn human viscera into coke.

Unfortunately, such an attack is useless to Lu Chen. His constitution can absorb thunder and lightning. The only thing that makes Lu Chen feel uncomfortable is that it is difficult for him to fully absorb the thunder because of too much thunder. However, there is no invincible penetration of the thunder gun due to the explosion of electric current. Therefore, Lu Chen has time to introduce the power of current into the earth It was.Lu Chen can feel that although Eli can summon the spirit of Reze by the blood connection, just as Lu Chen has avaron's small world, he can only use the black rope to punish the king for a very short time, and Eli can't control the God for a long time.

It's more likely that there will be only one strike from the thunder spear. Therefore, Lu Chen, who wants to be named Superman with a sword, is ready to resist the attack and defeat the opponent with one blow.

This is a good idea, and Lu Chen has done it. Although there is an accident in the middle, the thunder gun penetrates Lu Chen's body so quickly that Lu Chen doesn't even have the time to launch the earth, but Lu Chen finally resists by virtue of his constitution and does not capsize in the sewer.

However, at the last moment, something unexpected happened to Lu Chen.

He thought that his body could not absorb the thunder gun compressed to the extreme, and could only lead the force of thunder into the earth.

But Lu Chen despises himself. The huge amount of thunder breaks out in Lu Chen's body, and he actually bears it.

The feast, Avalon, manwang blood, second heart, steel and iron, all kinds of physical skills, so that Lu Chen's endurance is far beyond his imagination.

However, the huge amount of thunder energy still makes Lu Chen in a state of Lightning Overload. When his body feels like it is about to burst, Lu Chen's body first consciously changes into a posture that is easier to bear the thunder and lightning Sky bull!

Therefore, a strange scene appeared. When the endless thunder broke out, there was no trace of human beings in the place where Lu Chen stood. There, a bull with bright hair and strong muscles appeared in the same place.

This scene also makes many people blink.

"What is that?"


"Of course I know it's a bull, but how did the barbarian Prince become a bull?"

"Does Reze have the power to turn a man into a bull?"

"The barbarian Prince is a cow?"


All kinds of comments appeared in the surrounding crowd, and Lu Chen, who was ready to seal the sky bull's posture, was also confused.

"I became a bull, or in front of everyone."

Blankness turns into shame, and shame brings endless anger.

Lu Chen, who was extremely excited after opening the Luosha, was angry and let the blood flow into his mind. After the blood came into his mind, more terrible things happened. The bull was already irritable, and Lu Chen was rushed into his mind by anger Completely lost his mind.

"Damn you!"

Lu Chen, exasperated, directly uses the most basic ability of Tianzhi bull, bowing his head to collide.

But Lu Chen's current collision is not simple. First of all, his one knife Luocha is on. Although it is called Dao, it is actually a skill to gather the whole body's blood and potential. Even if he incarnates as a heavenly bull, Lu Chen can also gather his whole body's blood.

Therefore, this collision opened a sword of Luosha, and in addition to a sword, Lu Chen's ox horn also changed into silver, which can cut off all the power of tearing silver hand. The tearing silver hand can add sword power to anything. Lu Chen changed his arm to silver and turned it into a heavenly bull, which was attached to the horn of the ox.

In addition to a knife Luocha and the torn silver hand, Lu Chen is still in a low head collision, unconsciously opened the Raptor cut.

At the same time, Tianzhi bull, which controls the thunder, is also accompanied by thunder collision.

All these add up, let the angry bull collide, become a shocking scene.

The huge bull directly with a violent roar, such as the flash of light and electricity, because of the speed is too fast, even some shadow is born behind the bull.

The first person to react to this is Eli. After seeing Lu Chen become a bull, he is as confused as the people around him. However, as a member of an ancient tribe, he also has some ability to predict dangers. When Lu Chen is completely angry, he feels bad.

Lifting his eyes forward, Ellie found that the bull's eyes were red with blood, his muscles were bulging, his blood vessels were even cracked, and his skin was leaking out of the air. All of these symbolized how angry the bull in front of him was.

"Not good!"

When the idea appears, his body is also a quick consciousness step, fiercely patted to his stomach.

What he did with Ellie was the reinze God behind him. He also patted his high bulging stomach.

With the strike of Shenju, the sound of a nuclear bomb exploded in the field.

The roar of terror has a huge impact, as if the release of the super Shenluo Tianzheng, with Eli as the center, the endless air bursts around, and the soil is pushed outward.

But in the process of resisting everything, there is a huge bull's blood shadow, with the authority of ignoring everything, rushed forward.


The fast expanding shock wave collided with the bull, but the shock wave that could make the soil, rocks, and even the earth be turned upside down couldn't stop the bull at all.

Crushing all the Bulls ran forward, more terrifying is that the speed of the bulls is still very fast, there are traces of shadows behind the bulls.The fierce dragon cuts through the air and the earth, and the angry Tianzhi bull rushes directly to Eli.

Fortunately, Lu Chen is too big to be like a lightning bolt like thunder's magic gun. Therefore, even if Lu Chen is fast, Eli still has time to control the great God Lazer to block Lu Chen.

Because the ox horn of Lu Chen's head is too conspicuous, the great God Leize directly bends down, and his arms are like thunder dragons, so we should catch Lu Chen.

At this time, although Eli felt the bull terror in front of him, he thought he would win this time.

After all, the great God Razer is different from the modern God. He is a God in the ancient wilderness. He is not only proficient in the thunder method, but also has a strong body.

However, such naive idea dissipated at the moment when the arm of the great God Razer touched the silver horn of the sky bull in front of him. Eli, who grasped the horn, felt that he had grasped two invincible swords and could not even breathe. The two Thunder Dragon like arms of the God Razer were directly broken. It was not that Lazer was not strong, but Eli was too weak.

"How could it be!"

Ellie didn't believe it, but his shock couldn't stop everything in front of him. After the terrible ox horn pierced the two arms of God Razer, he went all out to pierce the belly of the God Razer.

When the great God Razer's abdomen was broken, he sent out a more violent roar. Even the air was blasted out of a mushroom cloud, but all this still did not stop the bull's collision that day. It was no joke that there was a collision of a knife Luocha.

As Lu Chen expected, Eli could not bear the consumption of the great God Lazer for a long time. After hitting the spear of thunder and drum thunder, Allie was a little weak. However, the sound of Lu Chen hitting was too terrible, and Ellie didn't dare to separate himself from Lazer. It was only by stimulating the potential that he had the strength to stop him.

However, Lu Chen did not stop Lu Chen from arousing his potential. At this time, Eli was a little weak. Even because the separation of lazer was broken, he was implicated, and his mouth was constantly gushing blood. He could not stop Lu Chen at all. He could only watch Lu Chen collide with him.

Lu Chen also because of the bull posture, coupled with anger into anger, not too much reason, just want to destroy everything angry, there is no reason to worry too much.

As a result, Eli's death seems to be inevitable.

Unfortunately, there are still some strong people hiding here. At the last moment, the Taoist with jade like eyes directly said that he was not good at it. He directly crushed a spell when he had no time to cast a spell.

"Asshole, this is my life-saving thing, you must compensate me!"

In the distressed words, the spell in the Taoist's hand is broken, and Eli in front of Lu Chen is also transformed into a big tree.

Then, with a roar, the tree was smashed by an angry bull.

However, this is not the end. There are ten sections in the Raptor's duankong chopping. With a sword of Luosha, Lu Chen's potential is fully stimulated. With his rational zombie, Lu Chen is really like an angry bull. He has a kind of stubborn twist that he doesn't go back to the south wall.

After the big tree was smashed, the 55 meter tall LuChen continued to move forward like a meteorite, while in front of it was the magnificent and huge Qilian city.

"Don't come over here!"

"Array, all arrays open."

"General, do you want to attack?"

"Don't attack, but the defense array is all open."

The 56 meter high bull carries a high speed collision, which makes the general guarding the town dare not be careless. The guard array starts on the town at the first time.

Qilian city is a big city. The walls of Qilian city have been blessed by the array master for countless days and nights, just like refined steel.

The walls with inscriptions on them and the formation in the town make the LAN family, who controls Qilian City, confident that as long as the army in the city is not destroyed, Qilian city will survive forever.

The general stationed here was also very confident about the formation of Qilian city. Therefore, when the array was opened, he felt that the incident would come to an end. At most, a bull hit the wall of the city.

however, just when he was relaxed, "boom" was heard and the earth shaking sound sounded.

In the roar, something unbelievable happened. The bull collided with the wall, and the broken thing was City walls.

The continuous array, the strong Obsidian wall, all of which broke into pieces in an instant after touching the silver sharp corner.

In contact with the horn of Tianzhi bull, the solid wall was directly broken like tofu. The formation on the wall also had a little effect on extermination. Then, the body of the bull, like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, directly smashed the wall and entered the city.

"Boom and rumble"

this is the sound of bulls breaking through the city walls and rushing into Qilian city.

The speed of the bull blessed by thunder is very fast. When the general is dazed by the broken array, only three seconds later, there is a ring of roar from the rear.

It was the sound of another wall being smashed.

After that, the bull, who was still in full charge, broke down the two walls and moved forward again.

"Your Highness, stop."

"Your Highness!""My husband."

Tianzhi bull, which is covered with blood and electric light, runs with the shadow of his body. A large number of barbarian soldiers are chasing after him crazily, and have words to wake up the bull's mind. But all this is useless. The irrational bull goes ahead, while the barbarian is farther and farther away.

After the dragon was cut off, the bull was so fast that the barbarians could only watch the bull pierce through the two walls of Qilian City, gallop all the way to the mountain behind Qilian City, and then hit the mountain directly.

The peak is the branch of the blue family. They thought there was a monster attacking the mountain when they saw the bull facing the mountain, but they didn't care because the bull was straight ahead and bumped into the mountain peak. Then, the mountain It's collapsing!


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