"Mountain It's collapsing

It's not to describe that the hill beside Qilian city was really knocked down by the bull of heaven.

The scene of the landslide is a bit shocking, but it's normal to think about it. Lu Chen just made a sudden progress at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

Low quality goods can also bring huge impact force when moving forward at a high speed. What's more, Lu Chen is 55 meters tall and full of muscles, which makes him overweight. Once Lu Chen has a huge mass, once it collides, it will be as powerful as the sky based weapon known as the spear of God, which is extremely terrifying.

Moreover, in addition to the impact brought by the quality of speed, Lu Chen also has a silver hand cutting everything on the sharp corner of his head, and the extreme explosion of a knife Luocha. The combination of these three makes Lu Chen able to smash everything. Even the legend can't withstand such impact.

The avalanche has a violent roar, and the broken stones are more like bullets blasting in all directions. Even when the landslide occurs, there is a mushroom cloud rising in the air.

"Wang Your highness

The power of the landslide makes the brave people in Yunzhou dare not approach. The town of Yunzhou, which Lu Chen has passed through, is also looking ahead with fear. Only Lu Chen's subordinates and his wives and concubines are frantically marching towards the place of the landslide.

Fortunately, Lu Chen, who started the Raptors to cut through the sky, was so fast that his subordinates were thrown away. Therefore, when they arrived at Lu Chen, the scene of the landslide had dissipated and they were not hurt.

Just, looking at the broken mountain, there are worries from their hearts.

"My husband My Lord, are you all right? "

When the landslide completely calmed down, Ji hongdie also found Lu Chen in the center of the hill. However, Lu Chen is still in the posture of a celestial bull, and his pair of bull eyes are also bloodshot, such as the posture of a mad bull, which makes Ji hongdie have to call carefully.

Unfortunately, Tianzhi bull didn't pay any attention to Ji hongdie's meaning. Instead, he looked through the big hole of Qilian city and looked at the Taoist who had pulled Ali to his side.


In a burst of angry cow barking, the bull's limbs kept digging the ground, and it was about to charge again. The Taoist priest was startled by this appearance.

He had a magic eye, but he clearly saw that the bull of heaven had smashed through the spirit of Reze, destroyed the two walls of the town, and even smashed the 800 meter high mountain peak. The Taoist didn't think he could withstand such a violent posture.

"Monk, don't you practice the golden body in Buddhism? Go on!"

"Amitabha, you are a Buddha. I'm not a Buddha. What can I do to stop the collision of collapsing mountains? You want me to die."

"You think I am Forget it, run first

Dare not face the anger of Lu Chen, the Taoist decided to pinch. In a flash of light, he disappeared with ally, the monk and the handsome young man.

There was no angry thing in front of him, and the blood color in the eyes of Tianzhi bull also slowly faded away, and gradually recovered the clear brightness.

After a few breaths, the giant body of Tianzhi bull vibrates, and Lu Chen's human body appears on the broken mountain.

Seeing Lu Chen's restoration, Ji hongdie and other talents dare to approach Lu Chen's side.

"My Lord, are you all right?"

"Don't worry. It's OK."

Saying nothing, Lu Chen is holding his eyebrow corner, secretly vigilant.

"You can't be angry at will."

Anger can weaken people's sense of pain and increase their strength, but at the same time, anger can also reduce rationality. In reality, too many homicide cases are caused by anger. Lu Chen just wanted to destroy everything in the form of a bull because of his anger.

Of course, anger alone won't make Lu Chen lose his mind completely. He has a tyrannical and domineering spirit. The blessing of his will can make Lu Chen control his body. However, tyranny can strengthen his will, but ghosts and gods also need will suppression. Lu Chen's will has been on the verge of limit because he wants to suppress ghost and God's counterattack.

Comparing Lu Chen's will to 100, 98% of them are used to suppress the will of ghosts and gods, and only 2% can make Lu Chen suppress his temperament. Therefore, it is often seen that Lu Chen does some rash things. Although Lu Chen argues that it depends on the prediction of the apocalypse, most of the will suppresses ghosts and gods, making Lu Chen act impulsively.

In addition to the will, Lu Chen also found one thing, that is, the body shape also has an impact on human will.

"Whether the will of the brain determines the body or the body determines the needs is a matter of constant debate in modern times."

"In this era, although there are souls, the influence of the body can not be ignored. The Central Plains people who practice aura are OK. Because of the cultivation of blood magic, the blood genes of barbarians and demons have been passed down from generation to generation. This inheritance has both good and bad sides."

"The barbarians became warlike because of their blood inheritance. The demon clan with blood inheritance has a deeper feeling about this. The snake clan is afraid of cold, the Phoenix is arrogant, the dragon is obscene, the wolf clan is cunning, and the bull It's impulsive and irritable! ""If I become a creature, I will also be influenced by that body."

Of course, Lu Chen will be affected because he has all the inheritance of those races. If there is no inheritance, only the body will not affect it. It can only be said that everything in the world is quite wonderful.

At this time, Lu Chen also made a decision.

"I can't be a bull any more. Kazan, the first ghost, has been awakened. My temperament is inclined to be belligerent. If I become a bull again, I will not bump into the mountain and never turn back."

This is Lu Chen's idea, but after changing back to his original body, he felt that he had grown up to 5.8 meters. Lu Chen felt uncomfortable again.

"The bull of heaven is compatible with thunder. It can manipulate thunder and lightning, and it can also swallow thunder and grow. Although I can swallow thunder in my present form, this kind of growth is very slow. If I become the bull of heaven and devour thunder and lightning on a thunderstorm night, my growth speed will be extremely fast."

On the one hand, it is the rapid increase of strength; on the other hand, it is the impulse and irritability of a bull. Finally, Lu Chen expresses that It's delicious.

"Forget it, as long as you don't get angry after the transformation, it will be OK."

Lu Chen is trying to calm his head with his wishful thinking. On the other side, blue night and LAN Ba, as well as a group of human beings in Qilian City, look at the ruins that Lu Chen steps out, with tears on their faces.

Lu Chen's body shape and weight are too large after turning into Tianzhi bull. Although Lu Chen has the gift of the earth, he will not sink into the ground, but the angry Lu Chen will not restrain his own strength. Therefore, Qilian city is in tragedy.

It can be clearly seen from the sky that the most Central Avenue in the prosperous Qilian city has been broken. With the collapse of the middle Avenue and the surrounding houses, Lu Chen has broken the most prosperous part of Qilian city just by walking.

This is the demolition ability of heavy creatures, but this is not Lu Chen's full strength. If Lu Chen uses the earthquake in the concussion fist of the Bull Demon in the process of galloping, as long as Lu Chen incarnates as the bull of heaven to walk freely, the square miles around him will collapse completely.

It can be said that Lu Chen, who is fully open, is a real mobile natural disaster.

Although Qilian city did not see Lu Chen's full strength, it was also destroyed by Lu Chen. The prosperous central road was lost. It was not easy to build the wall with magic.

It can be said that after seeing the tragedy of Qilian City, the two brothers were angry.

But this kind of anger disappears in the moment when Lu Chen encounters him, and their whole person also "calms down".

If you don't calm down, you can't do it. Looking at the place where Lu Chen is, thinking about the broken mountain peak, the two brothers of the blue family look at each other and still think that peace is the most important thing.

Just when they are ready to expose this matter and prepare to receive the wind and dust from Lu Chen, Lu Chen's strong voice rings out.

"And Ellie?"

The two brothers of the blue family suffered instantly.

"Your Highness, isn't this a contest? Eli has already admitted defeat. It's not as good as Forget it

To be sure, it was the Royal Court of Yunzhou who invited Zhongzhou people. They also thought that Lu Chen, who represented the wilderness, could have a head-on conflict with Eli, who represented Zhongzhou, which could ease the situation facing Yunzhou.

However, Yunzhou hopes that the conflict can be controlled, that is to say, injuries can be inflicted, but it is better not to kill them. After all, the injuries can be mediated, and the death will really happen.

Neither Zhongzhou nor the wilderness would offend Yunzhou.

Not willing to offend, but also want to get support, so Yunzhou can strike a balance between Zhongzhou and the wilderness. Of course, in the final analysis, this is still weak. Because of its weakness, Yunzhou needs the strength of Zhongzhou and the wilderness. Because of its weakness, Yunzhou must act carefully.

When Lu Chen is looking for Eli, the blue family thought Lu Chen was angry and wanted to continue to pursue him, so they were carefully mediating.

However, this point is that they misunderstand Lu Chen. Lu Chen really wants to beat Eli twice more, but this is just to drain the experience value of Ai Li. It has nothing to do with Lu Chen's anger (serious face).

At the same time, Lu Chen's search for Eli has another important significance.

"That guy can summon thunder and lightning, and I have thunder swallowing magic power. If he cooperates with me, he can not only bask in the sun to transform blood gas, but also have a way to increase my physique."

Lu Chen was looking for Eli for promotion. He also said it directly: "tell the guy with dragon head that I need his help, not for revenge."

Lu Chen thinks he has explained clearly, but no matter LAN BA or LAN ye, he is speechless.

"When you speak, can you take the anger off your face first?"

After all, the thoughts in their hearts are just ideas. They are also saying, "don't worry, your highness, we will convey your will to the past. Now go to our fortress first. The banquet has been arranged and is waiting for your Highness's past."

"And the treasure house, where your highness can choose more things."

"No hurry. There are still some things to do."

With these words, Lu Chen took the lead in returning to Qilian City, ignoring the broken road. Lu Chen directly built a challenge arena in a high place."Barbarian Prince here, Yunzhou soldiers dare to fight!"

For the experience value of infatuation, let Lu Chen regardless of embarrassment, directly shout in the town.

If thunder roars three times in a row, Lu Chen wants to copy the situation of an Cheng.

However, Lu Chen was helpless. After three consecutive sounds, the whole square was silent and no one came forward.

No way. It's one thing to hear a rumor, and another thing to see.

Before Lu Chen arrived, all the brave men of Qilian city followed the blue family soldiers out of the city to fight Lu Chen, but in the end, Eli couldn't help but take the lead.

Therefore, outside, they saw Lu Chen, the incarnation of the bull of heaven. The momentum that even the mountains could not stop made the warriors retreat.

It's not cowardice, it's knowing your own weight.

However, the soldiers of Qilian City judged the situation, and Lu Chen suffered.

At the same time, he didn't want such a sign.

"If one town does not fight, the next town may follow suit. If this happens, my experience value will be greatly reduced."

So thinking, standing on the thunder, Lu Chen turned his head and looked at Ji hongdie.

Lu Chen did not prepare any plans in advance, but Lu Chen believes that Ji hongdie absolutely understands what she means.

She really understood. After approaching Lu Chen, Ji hongdie sighed in his ear.

"My husband, this is for you

"What do you mean?"

All of a sudden, Lu Chen didn't know why. At this time, Ji hongdie said with a smile, "don't say it, your highness. People here are so smart that they don't want to challenge your highness. Because of this, I am willing to marry your highness!"

"My husband can have a good time this time. I think as long as you want, you can invite Yunzhou women to play. Anyway, the men here are very smart and know how to do it."

As soon as you say this, don't talk about Yunzhou people. Lu Chen is staring at Ji hongdie.

"Shit, you're putting Yunzhou to death

Lu Chen is right. This is really a sin to death.

After Ji hongdie opened her mouth, a huge crowd rushed to the arena.

"Bitches want to die!"

"Bitch, die for me!"


There are endless people crowding towards the challenge arena. Their eyes are full of blood and anger.

In the face of all this, Ji hongdie doesn't look at it. She just nestles in Lu Chen's arms and gently lies on Lu Chen's chest and says:

"my body has been abandoned by the whole Yunzhou. Please take good care of my wife."

Glancing at a circle of angry Yunzhou soldiers, Lu Chen looked down at the delicate man in his arms, and then Lu Chen directly laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

As the words fall, Lu Chen embraces the petite Ji hongdie with one hand, and looks forward with the other hand.

"Don't get the target wrong. I let my wife and concubine say it all. If you want to be angry, come to me."

"Of course, you have to have the strength."

When the words fall, Lu Chen's fingers have been gently knocked on the space in front of him.

"Dong!" Along with a burst of bell like boom, a ripple like water waves spread rapidly in all directions, centering on the place where Lu Chen struck.

"Be careful. It's space shaking."

"Defense, all defense."

"Hold on!"

What Lu Chen has done in an Cheng has spread. Therefore, people here know that Lu Chen's power in attacking space is extraordinary. Therefore, they are all on guard.

But sometimes, vigilance does not solve the problem.

Even though the people used all kinds of abilities to defend at the first time of the spread of the ripples, some released shields, some flew in the air, and used weapons to attack the ripples All kinds of abilities are displayed at will in Qilian City, but unfortunately, when the strength gap reaches a certain degree, it can not be offset by defense.

As the ripples spread in the space, the soldiers in Qilian city found that all their protection was meaningless, not that the protection was directly torn like paper, but that all the protection had no effect.

No matter what they do, when they can't affect the rapid spread of the ripple.

"Is that space ripple magic?"

This is the idea of some people, but soon, their mind changed. As the ripples of space spread to them, all the people who had been swept by the ripples collapsed to the ground in the blood spurting.

Their internal organs were completely damaged by the shock force attached to the space.

The ripples spread quickly and spread far away. All the people who jumped up to besiege Lu Chen were swept by the ripples in space. Therefore, they all spat blood and fell to the ground.With one blow, just one blow, all the jumping humans will be destroyed.

However, if the warrior has the ability to attack the space, it can't even be affected by the magic of the space.

Of course, there are also some talented people who have the ability of space, but these people are even worse. They ripple and make the space fluctuate. In this case, they can't transmit at all.

Lu Chen killed all the people in this place with one blow. Of course, according to Lu Chen's previous practice, he was injured but not killed.

And Ji hongdie looks down at the collapsed crowd, is the heart has exclamation.

"You were right just now. Your husband's strength is too strong. You're just insulting yourself. It's the right way to preserve your strength, and the Yunzhou sisters will not look down on you. After all, the strength of your husband has been recognized by the world. No one will think it wrong to be defeated by God, but I'm sorry. I'm different from your camp. As long as your husband is happy, I'm willing to do anything. "

Lying in Lu Chen's arms, Ji hongdie is gradually relieved by the smell of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, is happy to add a full 180000 experience points.

"Very good, in this way, I can get at least 8 million experience points by walking along the cloud state, which will improve my second heart this time."

"Manwang's bloodline and size Ruyi have been promoted to perfection. If I upgrade my second heart and steel, I should feel the immortal sky "Yes

Lu Chen was not sure when he said this. Ordinary people only need a physical gold skill to successfully touch the shackles and have the chance to impact the Tianguan pass. Of course, the probability of failure in this way is very high, which is 90%. Even if he is lucky enough to break the barrier, there will be very few indestructible substances in his body, but this is a breakthrough after all.

However, Lu Chen is not ordinary. The strengthening of Lian fan makes his physical limit stronger than others. Of course, when Lu Chen accumulates to the extreme, he can hardly fail to impact the body, and there will be a lot of material for the impact to succeed, but the accumulation time is very long.

"It's not safe to strengthen only the second heart and the veins of corpses and bones to achieve perfection or not. Even if it is obtained, it also needs to be used to break the barrier. It seems that the goal still needs to be placed on the feast. After the epic level reinforcement is completed and the three gods are completed, I don't believe it. In this way, we can't reach the shackles of the immortal body."

In this way, Lu Chen thought of Eli inexplicably. According to Lu Chen's perception, Eli is converted into a demon, which is likely to be an epic creature or even a divine Son.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's saliva can't stop.


"Don't think about it. It's a man, not a beast But if he is the son of God, will I get thunder power? "

The dreamy Lu Chen followed the embarrassed blue brothers to leave. The insult just now was too much, even the two of them also had the idea of going forward.

But reason blocked this idea, at the same time, Lu Chen beat everyone, also left a very heavy impression on them.

Because Lu Chen has something to do, this time he stayed in Lanjia town for a day. There was nothing to say on this day. The only thing that made Lu Chen a little surprised was that the LAN family had never sent a woman to Lu Chen again. After a little thought about this situation, Lu Chen realized that they were still influenced by Ji hongdie's words.

"I'm now a public enemy of Yunzhou. The ordinary entertainers are OK. But if I send my daughter away, the blue family will be treated as a traitor by the whole Yunzhou."

"No, it should be more than the blue family. Once the red butterfly's words come out, other families, no matter whether they have the blood or not, dare not do anything to send their daughters on purpose. At least on the face of it, even the marriage of the princess will be yellow."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen, who is relaxing in the Lanjia hot spring bath, pinches Ji hongdie's chin and makes her look up at herself.

"Now think about it, your strategy is really good, not only infuriated the Yunzhou soldiers, even I have calculated in it."

With Lu Chen's palm slightly forced, tears flow from Ji hongdie's eyes.

"My husband, I was wrong. I thought that my husband didn't like too many girls to enter the house, so I came up with a solution."

Directly kneel down beside Lu Chen, Ji hongdie weeps pear flowers with rain, while pleading: "my body will not sweep the elegant interest of her husband. If the husband has a girl you like, you can tell me, and I will help you arrange for him."

"In this case, you can do something about it."

"Well, those big families don't dare to give it away, but if there is a girl who is in love with her husband, other people can't say anything."

"What do you mean by being in love with each other? You really let me understand." As he said this, Lu Chen rubbed Ji hongdie's tenderness and said directly: "it's much easier for me to be less entangled with a girl, but this is not the reason why you are good at making opinions. Why don't you communicate with me first?"

"Well..."In this regard, Ji hongdie doesn't contradict, but just looks at Lu Chen imploring, as if to let Lu Chen deal with it. However, there is a trace of grievance in her eyes, which is perceived by Lu Chen.

"Why, you still feel aggrieved if you don't inform me..."

Speaking of this, Lu Chen suddenly stops. He thinks that things are urgent on the challenge arena, so he can only express his ideas with his eyes. Ji hongdie seems to have little time to think about it, and can't communicate with Lu Chen.

"Is it my fault?" In this way, Lu Chen directly overwhelms Ji hongdie.

"In a word, you are wrong this time. Anyway, it's still a long time before the secret collection of the kingdom of God was opened. We are not in a hurry. You should accept the punishment tonight."

"Well I know I'm wrong. You can do whatever you want. "


One night's punishment, the next day, the refreshing Lu Chen walked out of the courtyard and directly met the blue night waiting in front of the door.

"Did Ellie find it?"

Although he has other skills to improve his physique, Lu Chen will not miss any chance to improve his physique considering that his limit is likely to be far beyond ordinary people. Therefore, Lu Chen is still greedy for Ailey and his thunder.

Lu Chen is in order to improve his skills, and blue night saw Lu Chen mention Eli again, and his face was a little embarrassed.

As an intermediary between the two, he did not want to offend the azhi tribe in Zhongzhou and the wild cattle totem King court. He was afraid that Lu Chen would turn back on the blue night and only wanted to delay.

"Eli went with his friends, and we didn't..."

"As I said, I won't fight him. Why, you can't believe me Well, you pass on my words to Ellie. It's up to him to see me or not. "

Seeing Lu Chen say so, LAN ye can only nod and agree. At the same time, in order to eliminate Lu Chen's displeasure, he immediately leads Lu Chen to the blue family treasure house.

"Your Highness, go this way. To be honest with your highness, there are still some good things in our treasure house. Your highness can certainly find what you want in the treasure house."

"I hope so."

The quality of things has little impact on Lu Chen. What he needs is a fit. Only things that fit his skills can be absorbed by Lu Chen. Therefore, he has expectations for this search for Lu Chen, but the expectation is not very heavy.

In such an idea, Lu Chen and blue night entered the blue treasure house together.

Naturally, Lu Chen experienced many levels on the way to enter, but Lu Chen also found that although the barriers were tight, they were not strictly guarded. After entering, Lu Chen felt that there was no thunder crown in it.

"But it's normal. The blue family won't give me anything like that."

Thinking in the heart, Lu Chen simply did not open his eyes, and directly closed his eyes in this room to find up.

After a walk, Lu Chen, who opened his eyes again, showed some slight joy on his face.

"There are really three things that are useful to me."

In this way, Lu Chen went directly to the place where the first thing was located. After arriving nearby, Lu Chen found that it was a metal block with lava color.

While Lu Chen was watching the metal block, blue night also came to Lu Chen and explained to Lu Chen: "Your Highness, this is what my ancestors of the blue family found in the volcano. Although it is a metal block, it has life characteristics. According to my ancestor, it is likely to be a biological egg living in magma. However, because I don't know much about lava, I We don't know how to hatch him. If your highness chooses this thing, his highness will have to look for the specific incubation steps. "

There are all kinds of strange things in the world, and the creatures living in the magma are not uncommon. At the same time, the environment of magma, polar region and deep sea belongs to extreme environment. There are few living things there, but the creatures that can survive there are very strong.

If it can be fed, it can be regarded as a combat power.

When Lu Chen thinks so, blue night's explanation continues: "if your highness wants to hatch, you can find Zhu family, not Yunzhou Zhujia, but Zhongzhou Zhujia. They also come. At the same time, as the descendants of the ancient fire god, Zhu family is very familiar with fire creatures..."

Blue night was originally explaining to Lu Chen, but Lu Chen's subsequent actions immediately startled him.

When listening to the blue night's explanation, Lu Chen actually picked up the magma magic egg and swallowed it Swallow it.


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