"Your Highness!"

Looking at Lu Chen so "violent things", even if it is a blue night also can't help but exclaim.

Lu Chen is calm.

"It may be that in order to survive better, most of the magic eggs will recognize the first person they see as their mother after they are born. Even if the demon egg doesn't want to submit to me, I can subdue him with my strength, but a demon pet can't be compared with myself."

Yes, self, Lu Chen, who devours the devil's egg, can strengthen itself.

Lu Chen didn't ask him to wait more. Just a moment later, there was a system prompt ringing in Lu Chen's ear.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has devoured the magma insect King's egg and gained epic level enhancement]

[congratulations to the host, the grand banquet epic bonus is changed to (58)]

[the system prompts that the host's strength, constitution and Qi and blood are increased by 100 The resistance to fire increases by 10%]

epic level reinforcement does not increase skills, but increases a special item. Because the magma insect King belongs to fire, Lu Chen also improves fire resistance this time. Of course, Lu Chen pays more attention to basic attributes, especially the increase of physical strength.

With the completion of the epic feast blessing, Lu Chen feels that his physical strength has further increased, which is reflected in the increase of body shape.

"Feast is a skill acquired from void fear COGAs. The more heroes the feast devours, the bigger the body will become. I also gained this feature. Now, my normal height is six meters."

Six meters under normal state, and sixty meters under ten times of Ruyi's bonus. This is a solid body, not an embodiment of energy combined with heaven and earth's aura. Such physical strength is terrible, but what makes Lu Chen uncomfortable is that even so, he still doesn't feel the shackles of the body. He finds that his physical strength can continue to increase in exercise.

"What others worry about is that they soon reach the physical limit. However, because the physical limit is too low, it is difficult for one's own savings to obtain the immortality of the body in the ultimate exaltation. But what I worry about is that my own limit is too high."

"If my body is ordinary, I can be sublimated now However, after such a sublimation, I am at most a medium-sized level in the legend. I can't see the way of God. I can't work hard, I can't bear it. "

"There are three more epic level enhancements for the feast and three more for the demigod level enhancement. I don't believe it. Six fortifications can't reach the physical limit."

"In addition to the feast, I also have the ability to forge the body in the sun. Now I have developed the thunder forging body. With several means, I can reach the limit of my body slowly."

The idea is wonderful, but Lu Chen also has worries. Although his feast can make the body evolve, each evolution must take a period of time to make the genes in the body stable, otherwise, continuous evolution will make the body collapse.

It takes six months for an epic to finish its evolution.

"A month, not too much Wait a minute. Since experience value can complete the concept of divinity, can my body recover quickly? "

In this way, Lu Chen extracted the experience value and poured it into the feast.

With the experience, Lu Chen only felt that a warm feeling appeared in all parts of his body. In that warm feeling, Lu Chen found that his unstable genes due to epic strengthening gradually stabilized a lot under the erosion of heat flow.

"Useful, great, so I can improve quickly."

The omnipotence of experience value makes Lu Chen smile, but looking at the declining experience value, the smile on Lu Chen's face soon disappears.

"300000 is just a little stable. I don't need time to recover naturally. If I want to accelerate with experience value, I need 1 million experience points to make my body completely stable, too much!"

Shaking his head, Lu Chen wakes up from his meditation. After he wakes up, Lu Chen has made up his mind that unless there is a direct God son's body in front of him, Lu Chen will not waste his experience to speed up the phagocytosis.

At the same time, he wants to get experience value more strong mood.

"With the experience value, I can improve it very quickly. Whether it is skills or other things, I can use experience value to speed up. My friends in Yunzhou, for the sake of world peace, you should be wronged."

Lu Chen thinks a lot, but the rapid rotation of thinking makes real time very few. In blue night's view, Lu Chen just swallowed the magma egg, pondered for a while, and then went to the second shelf again.

This time in front of Lu Chen is a meal of gold like metal. Watching Lu Chen pay attention to the metal, he is sent to greet Lu Chen in the blue night.

The main reason is that Lu Chen's operation of swallowing the magma insect King's egg just now makes blue night feel that Lu Chen's actions are somewhat different from ordinary people's, and ordinary explanations may not work.

"Maybe this is genius."

In blue night exclamation, Lu Chen has already taken the gold like metal in his hand, and with the shining gold, the system prompt rings in Lu Chen's ear.[Ding, the system indicates that the host has obtained the gold of the flare, and this metal will condense the solar power under the sun's irradiation, and the host can absorb the sun's divine power to enhance the protection of the sun or penetrate the immortal of the Luocha]

"the metal with solar attribute."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen looks at his metal divinity. Originally, Lu Chen is a little puzzled about why there is a golden divinity in the God of death, but at this time, he has some conjectures in his heart.

"Is it related to the sun? Yes, I remember that in mystics, gold can be used to represent the sun in rituals."

This is Lu Chen's idea, but soon, he thought of something.

"I remember that gold is also related to death. In some areas, it is a tradition to put a gold or silver coin into the mouth of the dead, which shows that gold is also related to death Forget it, it's not the time to think about it. Next time, activate the divinity with divine power and watch it directly. "

In this way, Lu Chen first took the gold of Yaoguang into his hand, and then directly opened his mouth to blue night: "do you still have such metal? If so, please help me collect it."

This makes blue night's face bitter: "Your Highness don't know, this thing is called the sun god gold, together with the moon marrow liquid, star light and star dust, which are called the three wonders. Whether it is a refining tool or used for cultivation and absorption, it is very valuable even in Yunzhou."

Seeing that Lu Chen's face was unhappy, blue night quickly re said: "of course, your highness likes it. We will try our best to collect it, but we can't guarantee how much we can charge."

"Well, yes, I can feel the power of the sun in the sun god gold, and other people can also feel it."

Nodding his head, Lu Chen stopped talking and went to the third shelf. Like the first two, the third shelf was not a common weapon armor, but a kind of material.

The material is a skeleton. The red magma fire burns on the skeleton, and there are layers of chains on the strange skeleton. Lu Chen finds that the chain grows automatically from the skeleton.

When Lu Chen looked at the past, LAN ye thought for a moment and then said, "Your Highness, this thing is the harvest we got from killing a strange one. It is a powerful evil spirit knight who wields chains and burns the fire of hell all over his body. There is also a soul eye that can judge the sins of human beings and swallow the souls of the people who commit heinous crimes into their stomachs. This thing is very dangerous..."

Just now, Lu Chen's operation of swallowing the magma insect King's egg frightened blue night. He was afraid that Lu Chen would swallow this dangerous thing into his stomach. Therefore, he carefully pointed out the danger of Lu Chen.

Unfortunately, he knew enough about Lu Chen and reminded him, but it was still not enough to make Lu Chen change his mind.

Before he finished speaking, Lu Chen opened his mouth and swallowed the skeleton into his stomach.

At this time, as the Lord of the night, his ambition is still strong.

"Shit, I knew it would be like this. Are you a child? How can you eat everything? Are you afraid of eating something?"

Crazy roar in the heart indicates that the blue night still maintains his calm expression and asks about the landing time.

"Your Highness, are you all right? If you have any discomfort, please let me know. I have a doctor here!"

"It's OK."

As if safe words from Lu Chen's mouth issued, but looking at Lu Chen speaking, blue night's face is almost green.

"When you say it's OK, can't you look at yourself?"

It's no wonder that Lanye is miserable and has a broken character. When Lu Chen talks, the skin and flesh on his face are burned by the sudden fire of hell, and there are chains around Lu Chen's exposed gums and facial bones.

That kind of flesh and blood was burned by the fire, the chain wrapped around the skeleton of the state said nothing, let blue night take a few deep breaths to suppress the crazy roaring desire.

Not to mention the sad blue night, although Lu Chen himself was burned by the fire, and there were clattering chains around him, but he was really OK.

High constitution means you can do whatever you want.

Of course, there is a reason for him to swallow up Lu Xianchen.

The skeleton of the evil spirit is also a kind of creature, but this time, it is not a feast to devour the evolution of the true spirit, but the skeleton vein derived from the steel and iron bone has risen again.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has found the skeleton of the evil spirit knight, which is very suitable for the skeleton vein of the golden skill. After merging the evil spirit knight, the host can directly increase the skeleton vein level without consuming experience points]

[warning, warning, warning, the evil spirit knight is very dangerous. The host can integrate this skeleton into the body, but it will be extreme in the process of integration If the evil spirit Knight's will is defeated by the pain, or the evil idea of the evil spirit Knight takes control of himself, the host will become an unconscious and crazy killing spirit]

the skeleton of the evil spirit knight is a double-edged sword, and the benefits are very obvious. By integrating this thing, Lu Chen doesn't need to consume experience points, which is very important for Lu Chen, who lacks experience value Useful, but the negative effects are also obvious.Whether it's pain or the evil spirit's reaction, it's not a small matter.

But even so, Lu Chen did not hesitate.

On the one hand, Lu Chen is really lack of experience value, and steel and iron can increase his own toughness, so Lu Chen chooses this thing, on the other hand, Lu Chen is sure to suppress evil spirits.

The chains of evil spirits twined around his bones, the fire of hell burned on his body, and the pain broke out constantly on Lu Chen. What's more, the fire of hell not only burns Lu Chen's flesh and blood, but also burns Lu Chen's soul.

This is also the reason why evil spirit knights are afraid. The body is good at defense, but the soul is easy to be attacked.

At the same time, the soul is hard to repair after being hit.

But in the face of the burning fire of hell, Lu Chen has no fear. Instead, he looks at the blue night and asks for his voice.

"It's not weak. How did you get it?"

"It was sealed by the elder of my family."

"Elder Taishang, the legend has made a move. How can its skeleton be put here Yes, it's too dangerous though it's strong. It's not as good as thunder crown's family card. "


Lu Chen's Frank words, let blue night some can't bear, finally, he or careful mouth way: "Your Highness, your body."

"My body, don't worry, it's OK."

Looking at Lu Chen, the whole person is about to be melted into bones by the fire of hell. He also said that he was OK. He didn't know what the situation was.

And in his uncomfortable time, Lu Chen saw the fusion almost, also drank a low.

"That's enough. Now, surrender to me!"

With a low roar, Lu Chen's soul suddenly shines, and then, a terrible figure of dark warrior rises from behind Lu Chen -- black rope God punishes Ming Wang!

The Lord of hell is the Lord of hell, or the Lord of eight hot hell. The Hellfire of evil spirit knight is really terrible, but it is still under the control of the Lord of hell.

With the figure of the black rope God punishing the Ming King appeared behind Lu Chen, the fire of hell burning Lu Chen's flesh and blood stopped instantly, and the clattering sound of the chain was as static as a seven inch snake.

"The evil spirit knight is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, it is just the peak of the title hero, or it may reach the legend in some way. But my black rope God punishes the Ming king is a myth. How can hell fire hurt me?"

With a higher position to suppress the hellfire and chain of the evil spirit knight, Lu Chen's fusion has no interference.

Soon, as he had expected, the system's cue had already sounded.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host's skeleton vein has obtained 89.97% of the fitness of evil spirit Knight's skeleton, and the skeleton vein has been improved]

[congratulations to the host, the skeleton vein has been upgraded to gold successfully changed to evil spirit skeleton]

[evil spirit skeleton]

[level: Golden perfection]

[skill introduction: evolved from the fighting skill of steel and iron, which was originally just The bronze skill that makes the body skeleton hard, because the host has integrated the bone beads of thousand handed Bone Demon to manipulate the skeleton vein in the body, now the host has fused the skeleton of the evil spirit knight and changed it into the skeleton of the evil spirit.

[skill effect:]

[①: the bone is hard. After the bone beads of the thousand hand bone demon and the skeleton of the evil spirit Knight are fused, the host's bone strength is improved The host can freely manipulate the bones in the body, and let them grow or deform. The special form is: skeleton battle armor.

[③: evil spirit chain. Because of the fusion of the skeleton of evil spirit knight, the host can convert his own skeleton into evil spirit chain. The chain can attach hell fire, burn the enemy's soul, or hook out the enemy's soul 】

[④: evil spirit transformation, the host can change the object of or or death into the state of evil spirit, such as motorcycle]

"is the new special effect the transformation of evil spirit chain and evil spirit?"

With Lu Chen's mind moving, the fire of hell is burning on his palm. The burning flame melts the flesh and blood of Lu Chen's hand, revealing the thick bones inside.

When the skeleton is revealed, Lu Chen just has a thought, and the sound of "clattering" rings from Lu Chen.

Ning eyes look, Lu Chen found that his arm bones into a number of burning hell fire chain.

Lu Chen can feel that such a chain can bind and kill enemies. At the same time, it can also entangle itself and increase defense.

What makes Lu Chen more happy is that the evil spirit chain is transformed from the skeleton. For Lu Chen, who has a skeleton vein, as long as his blood is enough, his bones can be infinitely transformed, that is to say, "the chain I can make is far beyond imagination."

At this time, Lu Chen even had an impulse to rely on the evil spirit chain to destroy wantonly. Fortunately, he also knew that this was the treasure house of the blue family, and this impulse was well suppressed by him.

On the other side, seeing that Lu Chen's bones can be transformed into evil spirit chains, blue night is also astonished."Barbarian Prince is really human!"

Even though he knew that Lu Chen was extraordinary, the scene in front of him still made blue night feel that his world outlook was impacted.

However, Lu Chen's strong, let him quickly restrain his curiosity, after seeing Lu Chen safe and sound, he changed the topic intimately: "Your Highness can look again to see if you can find what you need."

"No more."

Lu Chen's refusal is a good thing, but blue night is in a hurry: "Your Highness, don't be embarrassed. Swords are matched with heroes, and pink is given to beautiful women. These things can be used by your highness, which is also their blessing."

"No, that's enough."

With that, Lu Chen took the lead to walk out of the door of the blue family treasure house. Even if blue night tried to keep it, Lu Chen did not stop.

However, at the door, Lu Chen stopped and gave blue night a promise.

"Although only three things, but these things are very useful to me, if I have the ability to survive under legend, you defend another medium-sized scam, I will help you break."

As soon as he said this, blue night's face suddenly showed joy.

The reason why he fawns on Lu Chen, and even gives his legitimate daughter to Lu Chen is for what, is not it for this moment.

After receiving Lu Chen's promise, he seems to see that there is no evil in his own territory, and the army can expand wantonly towards the surrounding wasteland.

"This catastrophe, for us, is likely not a disaster, but can make our family's territory to a higher level."

This is the advantage of people above. Natural disasters are disasters for those who have no power, but for some people, it is an opportunity for them to expand their power.

Of course, blue night also knows that this is only temporary, at the same time, Lu Chen also said that only can escape under the legend will help the blue family.

But this still makes LAN Ye happy and has witnessed so many things about Lu Chen. LAN Ye's confidence in Lu Chen is even higher than that of Lu Chen himself.

"Your Highness will succeed. Even the incarnation of God can defeat him. There is nothing that his highness can't do."

LAN ye, a fan of the barbarian prince, did not give Lu Chen a cold shoulder because he got the promise. He knew very well that as time went on, the barbarian prince would grow rapidly. If the world did not find a way to deal with evil spirits, it would always collapse. In this way, the blue family would need more and more help from Lu Chen. Therefore, it is necessary to have a good relationship with Lu Chen now thing.

"Although the sun god gold is very precious, it is easy to get property and rare human relationship. We must persuade the family members to collect the sun god gold for his Highness Prince Chen."


Lu Chen did not enter the treasure house for a long time. However, this time he came out again, Lu Chen's physical strength was higher.

What's more, whether it's the blessing of the feast or the upgrading of steel, it belongs to the category of physique, which makes Lu Chen further away from the shackles of physical fitness.

The only thing that Lu Chen sighs about is that his height did not increase again after he was promoted.

"It's just that the height has not increased, but the weight has increased a lot."

The world is still a bit scientific. With higher physique and strength, people's bodies will become bigger and stronger. Similarly, bones become harder, and people's weight also increases a lot. Just after walking out of the blue family treasure house, Lu Chen even stepped out of step by step. After walking hundreds of meters, the footprints disappeared.

Because he had to wait for Ellie's reply, Lu Chen didn't leave after Qilian City finished, but was ready to practice in the sun.

While Lu Chen was waiting and practicing at leisure, the Yunzhou palace, which paid close attention to Lu Chen, had already received the influence of Lu Chen's confrontation with Ailey. The scene inside made them boil again because of Lu Chen.


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