Of course, the things discussed in the front hall of the palace are not the same as those in the back palace. Many owners of the front hall in Yunzhou are concerned about the strength of Lu Chen and the ability to summon the great God of Reze.

"Even the incarnation of the great God Lazer has no way to live the barbarian prince. It seems that the rumor that he can clear away the mysterious situation seems to be true."

"I pay more attention to AI Zhi tribe. The last time he ranked in Yunzhou was only 47. All the 47 can summon the spirit of spirit. What's the situation of the first few places?"

When this was said, there was a moment of silence in the field.

As the center of the world, the strength of Zhongzhou is really different from other states. In other states, Shenzi can almost determine the top three, while in Zhongzhou, Eli can only rank in the top 50. What's more, such a ranking is still young people, and it is impossible to estimate the number of strong people who surpass young people.

Thinking of the most talented person in his own state, he couldn't even touch the edge of Zhongzhou. The whole palace hall was a little frustrated.

In the end, it was the head of the Xiang family.

"You don't have to be too sad. It's just a special moment. If it's normal, AI Zhi tribe's profit can reach the top 20 at least. Now it ranks 47th because all the big families in Zhongzhou have used the inside information and hidden natural materials and earth treasures. The supply of a large number of resources and the birth of the great relics between heaven and earth make Zhongzhou's genius so powerful."

It's good not to say this, but after that, the silence in the field was even worse.

"Ha ha, inside information, Zhongzhou families have a lot of details. Stronger families even have channels to connect with other worlds. Only we have nothing!"

The front office is suffering. But from their words, we can see that there are many talented people in Zhongzhou. It is the last battle of the whole world. It can be said that this era is the most brilliant era of stars. But whether such stars are bright, completely illuminating the evil haze, or disappearing directly like a meteor, is unknown 。

In the front hall of Yunzhou palace, she was rapidly selecting various portraits in the back palace, the seventh Princess residence, lying on the bed.

"That's good. Unfortunately, it's too high in the list of people. I couldn't be a real wife in the past. I could only be a concubine. I'm like a servant, no way."

"Zhu Tianming, ranking 138 on the list of people, looks good, but his strength is too weak."

"Mu Chengyi, 58, matches my position, but it's too playful But there is no man who is not playful. I should be able to tie him up with more beautiful maids. "

"Eli, the pride of the ancient Thor tribe, has forty-seven people. He has justice in his heart. This is very good."

From the words of the seventh princess, we can see that these portraits are portraits of many talented people in Yunzhou and Zhongzhou. The reason why these portraits appeared in the hands of the seventh princess has a great relationship with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is about to arrive. It is not the wolf who came to the level, but the demon king. Many of the princesses waiting to marry deeply feel Lu Chen's terror are using various means to push off the marriage with Lu Chen.

One of them is Lu Chen's choice of other princesses, and the other is the rapid combination with other talents.

Most of the princesses are in parallel with each other, and so are the seven princesses. Her mother family is prepared to inadvertently give the portraits of other princesses to his Highness Prince Chen, or tempt some ignorant princesses to run out to meet Lu Chen. While acting outside, the seventh princess is also ready to quickly find her husband in the portrait.

"The barbarian Prince is powerful, but the Zhongzhou aristocracy is also very strong. If I marry the Zhongzhou elite, my father will not marry me to the wild."

It can only be said that in order to get rid of the marriage with Lu Chen, the princesses did their best.

In order to quickly find the right husband, each princess's residence has a large number of portraits of Zhongzhou talents. They are also prepared to contact some talents according to their own wishes.

Among the Princesses' choices, it was surprising that few of the princesses chose Tianjiao, the top 20. Even the princesses with support from Yunzhou clans chose about 40 to 70.

It's strange at first, but it's normal to think about it carefully. The princess of Yunzhou is a high school for most people. But the gap between Yunzhou and Zhongzhou makes the Royal Princess unable to compare with the real talent of Zhongzhou. They married in the past, probably only as concubines, and the gap between concubines and their wives is very different. Let alone, a legitimate eldest son Enough to crush everything.

Therefore, most wise princesses choose to postpone their time. They choose 40 to 80 that match their own family. Some unpopular princesses even choose from the top 100.

Among these choices, li of Aizhi tribe is very popular. One is that his strength is not weak, but it is not too strong. The other is that Eli, who was born in the tribe of the great God of Reze, has a righteous heart and clear rewards and punishments. This is a very good quality. Lu Chen likes this quality, and many princesses are prepared to take him as the first contact person.

Therefore, several invitation cards were sent by the princesses. This is to invite the talented people who value them to meet, which is equivalent to the modern blind date.

Of course, this era is not so advanced, even the princess also has the defense of men and women No, it should be said that it is the princess. They have more etiquette.Therefore, there should be a name for the conversation. Most of the titles made by princesses are poetry appreciation clubs (the protagonists can't write poems). In this name, a large number of talented people are invited to gather. As long as the princess covers her face, separates herself from many talents with a curtain, and does not look directly at men, this is not a gift.

"The date of my invitation is March 17. I must look for a good man before the barbarian prince. I will never marry a barbarian."

When the date was fixed, the seventh princess was relieved. At this moment, she suddenly heard someone coming outside the door.

"princess, your nine princess is coming."

"Nine younger sister, what is she doing here at this time?"

In the heart ponders many, but Cloud State seven princess still lets nine Princess enter the room.

When the ninth princess arrived, many portraits in the seventh princess's room had not been completely removed, which made the only 16-year-old Princess nine smile.

"My sister looks very anxious to get married?"

"You're not. Come on, what's going on?"

Because of Lu Chen's affairs, the princesses also fought openly and secretly. This kind of resistance attitude was perceived by the ninth princess. Her face was a little sad: "Oh, my sister didn't treat her like this before."

In the past, it did not. There was almost no conflict of interest between the princesses and the prince.

After all, there is only one throne, so the prince will fight for the highest position, but there are many talents in the world. Princesses don't have to stare at one person, so there will be no conflict.

That is, when Lu Chen comes, there will be a gap between the princesses.

Lu Chen: I am a villain!

Nine younger sister's sadness was sensed by the seventh princess. She also wanted to restore her former ease and ease. She could talk to her sisters at will. However, she put back her relaxed expression when she thought of the terror of the barbarian prince.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I'm going to unite with seven sisters."

Seeing that the seventh princess was not clear, the ninth princess said quickly, "there is only one barbarian prince, and there is only one he wants to marry. We don't have to fight each other like this. We'd better unite to give the thirteen sisters to the barbarian prince, so that we don't have to be afraid."

It seems that the tender nine princess is also a werewolf, but her words moved the seventh princess.

"You're right. If we have confirmed it early, we really don't have to be afraid, let alone choose quickly."

Soon, two girls whispered in the room, and in the words, they even planned to unite with several other princesses to be married to send the thirteen Princess out.

It can only be said that there are few good people living in the Royal harem.

While the two princesses were discussing, there was a sound outside.

"What's going on?"

just when the seven princess frowned, her maid ran to her side and lifted an image crystal. "Princess highness, it's not good," she said.

"Slow down. What's going on?"

"Yes Huhoo... "

took several breaths, and the maid named Qing Er quickly said, "Princess highness, what you value is Prince Ali fighting with the barbarian prince."

"Fight. What's the result? Forget it. Show me the crystal. I'll see for myself."

With the crystal in her hand, the seventh princess was ready to open the video, but she turned to think that her nine sisters were at her side, which made her movement stop in an instant. However, the delay was only for a moment, and soon, she continued to play it out.

"With nine younger sister's ability, this crystal will appear in his hand sooner or later, there is no difference between early and late."

As the crystal was shown by Princess seven, the battle between Eli and Lu Chen appeared in the palace. At the beginning of the battle, it was the scene where Eli persuades Lu Chen. After seeing Ellie's figure in the image, the seventh princess was quite satisfied.

"Tall and brave, I want to comfort even in the face of barbarians. I have no mistake. This is a good man to trust."

So thinking, seven princess also looked at nine princess, this is afraid of nine Princess and their own fight.

In this regard, the ninth princess is very polite: "sister, this is not the time to say this, we have to find a good marriage partner for the barbarian prince, so that no matter which one we choose, it will not be worse."

"You're right."

When the seventh Princess and the ninth princess are talking, the image shows that Ailey is unable to persuade him. He has already incarnated the real body of the dragon head. With the cooperation of his real body and spiritual method, he says "the evil spirit retreats" and turns more than 3000 crows around Lu Chen into fly ash. This is quite shocking. There is a feeling of saying what he says and what he says.

This scene also makes the seven princesses and several other princesses who have obtained crystal smile even more.

However, the smile on their faces was over, and what happened afterwards made them completely solidified.

Ai Li is undoubtedly very strong. Both the real body of Razer and the call of lightning make him shine like a son of God. However, the stronger he is, the stronger Lu Chen will be.Endless lightning can not kill Lu Chen, but let Lu Chen have a kind of comfort. Then six gods sacrifice themselves, and make the thunder in the air become a thunderbolt. They only opened some mouths on the barbarian prince, and those mouths are still healing rapidly.

Even if they were watching outside and standing on the side of Elli, they still felt palpitation and powerlessness. Standing like the mountain land Chen, they brought too much pressure, and they could hardly find a way to defeat the monster.

Fortunately, Eli is really strong, the last sacrifice of six animals, the God of thunder, let some princesses cheer out.

The thunderbolt was beating their hands to celebrate as they ran through the belly of the barbarian prince.

But the applause quickly disappeared, even though the thunder gun penetrated the body, such as the demon God like barbarian Prince still had no painful expression.

Later, he held the ray gun, which made the princesses nervous to stop breathing.

"It must not be pulled out."

"Absolutely, if you look at such a big mouth, you will die even if you pull it out."

This is the hearts of the princesses. Unfortunately, things did not unfold as they expected. Although a wave of lightning broke out in the end, the lightning did not kill the monster like the demon.

However, the subsequent picture, but let a group of princesses stare.

To be honest, before Lu Chen arrived, the princesses had a lot of understanding about Lu Chen for their own happiness. They knew Lu Chen was powerful, cruel and barbaric. She had seen Lu Chen become a cow devil. According to their mind, no matter what the prince of man did, they were not surprised.

It was like this, but they were still confused when they watched the thunder dissipate and the bulls of heaven came into being.

"What is that?"

"It's like a cow?"

"I know it's cattle, but isn't that barbarian prince, how can he become a cow?"

Seeing Lu Chen suddenly turned into a bull, the princesses were not only surprised, but they were confused.

Some of the intelligent princesses, even more can not contain the idea of a relationship with cattle, worship, and then into the cave scene.

When such ideas appear in the heads of the princesses, they shake their heads instantly and throw out the ideas in their heads.

"No, I'm not going to be married to an ox."

It is exaggerating to marry a barbarian. Now, it is beyond the capacity of the princesses to marry a "brute".

Princess 14 residence, a small loli, looked at the bull in the image, especially the bull under the abdomen of things several times longer than her entire people, she was stupid, and then directly took out things and hit the girl next to her.

"Roll, get out of here, I'll never marry."

Not all people are afraid of Lu Chen, or, married is not themselves, some people do not care about the interests of girls. Princess 14's family is such a group of people. Although their family has a princess, they are not favored because of their poor family. Therefore, these people pay attention to persuade Princess 14 to marry Lu Chen. Now, such persuasion has convinced the emperor 。

Brutality, brutality, barbarism, domestic violence are all negative effects. More importantly, it is not rumors, but it is true that there is something really happened. In barbarism, the status of girls is really not high.

Although barbarians were barbaric, the status and strength of Prince Lu Chen was a huge addition, which could let some girls ignore Lu Chen's weakness. But when Lu Chen showed a huge body and the true behind the ox demon, all the evolutionary people retreated. Now the bull of heaven shows up, and it has not been willing to combine with the livestock, which is beyond their tolerance.

As the princesses shook their heads, the scene changed, and Lu Chen, who turned into a bull, launched a charge with a great speed.

The bull that galloped broke the separation of the God of Leize, smashed the wall with array defense, especially the high mountain, which was also smashed by the bull of heaven. This made many princesses lose their voice. Even though they despised the barbarism and barbarism, they had to admit that the barbarian Prince Chen was really strong.

As the mountain was smashed and smashed, the whole picture was over.

But although the image is over, the scene of the mountain smashed by the bull of heaven in the hearts of all princesses can not be dissipated for a long time. After a while, the seven princesses made a sound.

"Unfortunately, if any of your highness don't turn into a bull, how good it is."

The seven princesses who said this still dislike Lu Chen, but even she did not understand. Now she has no doubt that Lu Chen was born too tall and wild. What she disliked was that Lu Chen turned into a bull rather than a human body.

Strong strength can really make up for a lot of things.

And when the seventh Princess sighed, the maid who sent the invitation to the Poetry Association ran back.

"Your Highness, the invitation has been sent out, and it will be ten in March."

"No, please take back the invitation."


Suddenly, the invitation was taken back to make the maid a little unclear, so it was the nine princesses sitting next to her, and she felt the same.Born in the Imperial Palace, they have a deep understanding of power and the beauty of power. At the same time, their eyes are very high when they are exposed to Tianjiao all the year round.

Such princesses also have high requirements for their husbands. Some princesses will marry the poor for love, but few of them are like this. Neither the ninth Princess nor the seventh princess is such a person.

They hope that their future life will be as rich and glorious as they are now, and they want to be envied more than degenerate.

However, in this era, it is very difficult for women to struggle by themselves. If they want to live a good life, they must marry a good man. If their husband has any ability, they can get what kind of respect. It is no exaggeration to say that in this era, women's marriage is no less than reincarnation.

Because of the wild rumors and the savage Prince's ferocity, the princesses in the Royal Court of Yunzhou are not willing to marry the barbarian princes, and are ready to choose their favorite husband.

It's a good choice. If Lu Chen didn't stir up the game, they might have succeeded. But Lu Chen's performance in the video has made them fall behind.

"Allie is really good, but he can't beat the barbarian prince. If I marry him, I will be beaten by his sister who married the barbarian prince."

If Lu Chen didn't fight with Eli, even if they knew that Lu Chen was stronger than Eli, the princesses would not think much about it. But seeing Lu Chen beat Eli with her own eyes was two concepts. Even, they thought of the scene when they talked with their sister who married a barbarian prince.

"My husband has a clear distinction between good and evil, with justice in his heart."

"He was defeated by my husband."

"My husband's family is famous and has a long history."

"He was defeated by my husband."

"Can't you change your words?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, elder sister, my husband has consulted with his brother-in-law again. Ah Chen is not very important. He has beaten his brother-in-law seriously. It's good that if he kills you, you will become a widow. If you ask me, I'll go and persuade my husband."

Thinking of this, no matter seven princesses, nine princesses, and even other princesses, they do not want to lower their heads, especially those who originally have noble status, and they do not want to be oppressed by people of humble origin.

People have a strange heart, except for true love, blind date will choose the best conditions, and willing to take their barbarian Prince seems to become the standard.

"I don't want to marry a barbarian prince, or worse than a barbarian prince!"

In this way, the seventh Princess spoke directly to the ninth Princess: "although Tianjiao of AI Zhi tribe failed, his strength is not weak. Nine younger sister can invite him to talk about it."

"No, my sister will appreciate it. I'm still young. I'm not in a hurry now."

Ai Li, who is far away in Qilian City, doesn't know that he lost a lot of good luck by fighting with Lu Chen.

However, at this time, he did not pay attention to this matter. He was in the restaurant of Qilian city waiting for Lu Chen to arrive.

At his side, the fat monk, the Taoist priest and the handsome young man were with him.

When Lu Chen didn't come, Eli had already opened his mouth to the fat monk and Taoist priest: "although I feel that the barbarian Prince Chen comes to me and won't attack me, if he does, Sanchi, Qingyun, then I'll ask you for help."

"No, I'm here to eat and drink. I don't want to fight that monster."

This makes Ellie's face have helpless color, but also only helpless, obviously, he knows that Sanchi is just talking, really something will be done.

Waiting time is not long, a cup of tea, Lu Chen with the shadow of Ji hongdie appeared in the restaurant.

"You come Who are you? "

Seeing Lu Chen's arrival, the well bred Eli was greeting him, but half of the greeting, a voice of surprise came from his mouth.

Not only he, but also the three crazy people who eat sea and drink and the Taoist priest with jade eyebrows and eyes are also shocked. They look at Lu Chen with unbelievable faces.

The reason for this is that Lu Chen is not six meters in normal shape, but "only" two meters high.

Because Lu Chen has the sun's protection, this blessing not only makes Lu Chen's luck change, but also has a special effect to increase his appearance. This makes Lu Chen look good and has a masculine face. Such masculinity and a two meter body make Lu Chen like a strong hero in ancient Greece.

Even, Lu Chen can win the favor of many ladies just by walking outside with his present figure.

As for why it is a lady, young girls still like chic, while ladies know more and like to be durable.

Staring at Lu Chen's face, he was surprised for a long time, and then Ailey said, "why don't you use this form normally?"


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