"What about my defense?"

Lu Chen can bear the injury, but suddenly his body is seriously injured, Lu Chen can't calm down.

He was not afraid of being attacked, but such a sudden blow was confusing.

At this time, Lu Chen has a feeling of facing the army of tianwu city in ink painting. Such a strange situation can indeed cause human fear.

Fortunately, Lu Chen's fear is not serious, and soon, he thought of what.

"This kind of wound penetrating through the abdomen is the injury suffered by the person who died just now. After kicking the tombstone, his injury has transferred to me. It is not ink painting, but the curse of tombstone?"

"But it's not right. His injury is penetrating his body. I was just stabbed in the chest It's my defense that works with the power of the sun. "

After some thinking, Lu Chen quickly figured out the whole story. There was a curse on the tombstone. Anyone who attacked the tombstone would suffer the same injuries as those buried in the cemetery.

If Lu Chen just kicked the tombstone, the cause of death was stabbed through the abdomen. After ordinary human beings desecrated the tombstone, their bodies would also be stabbed and pierced.

Therefore, even Lu Chen, a hero of Title level, can't escape this curse transfer.

Of course, because Lu Chen is full of Qi and blood, plus the power of the sun, others accept it all, while Lu Chen takes half of it. What's more, at this time, he is healed. The power of the sun has played its initial effect. As an energy, it stimulates his body and makes his body recover quickly.

At the same time, Lu Chen also knows the evil situation here.

"This is not the evil cause of frontal combat, but the evil spirit of killing people by rules, just like ink painting. This evil spirit is more difficult than the legendary evil spirit in some aspects. However, it seems that I have found the rules of his killing."

The most frightening thing about this strange evil is that it is unknown. After knowing the rules, it will be much better.

Lu Chen didn't expect to find the law of this strange killing so easily. Of course, it may be that the evil cause here is not covered up at all.

However, Lu Chen also has a worry.

"Is it possible that the legendary evil spirit made a big move to attack me just now. The purpose of this is to make me dare not attack the tombstone. It's not fun to leave these things here."

Such an idea is superfluous, but Lu Chen does not dare to deny it completely. There are still some old Yin forces in the evil spirit. He doesn't want to be killed by Yin.

In this way, Lu Chen did not immediately stop the tombstone, but looked for it in the tombstone.

Soon, an image of a man who died of smallpox, drowned and had his head cut off appeared in front of Lu Chen.

Without hesitation, Lu Chen destroyed the three tombstones one after another.

"It's normal that the legendary evil spirit who came here can sneak attack me quietly. However, it's not normal to sneak attack me in different ways after four times in a row. It's not normal. It really has such strength. It can kill me."

Lu Chen made the reasoning and prepared to verify it. Of course, only Lu Chen dared to verify it in this way.

Other people don't have Lu Chen's terrible constitution and resilience. Any human death cause here that happens to ordinary people can make them die immediately.

Therefore, even if they know that this verification method is the fastest, they dare not think about it for their own sake.

Lu Chen can do whatever he wants because of his meat.

Lu Chen pushed down smallpox first. As the smallpox tombstone was broken, pea like acne appeared on Lu Chen, accompanied by weakness and weakness. Lu Chen's body was like the dying smallpox patient, suffering from illness.

But this kind of pain only lasted for a while, without the help of the fifth ghost God · plague's Luocha, Lu Chen's own power of the sun cleared all the abnormalities in his body.

The power of the sun resists the ghost hand, and at the same time, it also removes everything that threatens Lu Chen.

Soon, the smallpox virus was cleared, and then the drowning people were pushed down. This time, it was easier. Although there was water pouring into Lu Chen's trachea and lungs, the water choked Lu Chen and was digested by Lu Chen in one breath.

But the third time Lu Chen was much more cautious.

[Lin Jin]

[38, being beheaded by an executioner for murder]

[Tomb of death, not to be desecrated]

"beheading is really a terrible way to die. Even if my head is cut off, it is dangerous."

So saying, Lu Chen hand but suddenly a push.

With a loud bang, Zhang Jin's tomb was completely knocked down by Lu Chen. At the same time, accompanied by a "hissing" sound, a sharp pain sounded from Lu Chen's neck.

"Hoo, hoo, Hoo"

covering his neck, Lu Chen quickly exhaled, and it took Lu Chen a long time to recover.

When the pain disappeared, Lu Chen stroked his neck, which was already in good condition.

Just now, he was like Lin Jin. He felt like being beheaded. But the sun's power and Qi and blood blocked him from restoring the curse. So Lu Chen's neck was only cut in half, which made him recover quickly.Moreover, even if all of them were cut off, Lu Chen was not afraid.

No matter the waist is cut off or the neck is broken, people will not die immediately. Of course, ordinary people can't live for long. But Lu Chen can recover in three seconds even if his neck is really cut off because of his rich Qi and blood and the power of the sun. That's why he chose this to test.

This experiment proves Lu Chen's idea that the natural disaster level evil spirit here is indeed a dead thing, not a conscious legend strong person. Otherwise, Lu Chen's neck was broken just now, which is definitely a good opportunity to deal with him.

It's a pleasure to know the enemy's rules, but Lu Chen also has an ugly look on his face. Looking around, Lu Chen finds that there are many kinds of dead people on the tombstone, such as those who died of hunger, thirst, drowning, being killed by swords, as well as the bodies burned to death like coke, and even those killed by thunder.

Even Lu Chen is not sure that he can resist all kinds of death methods.

After all, a broken neck can be connected, but if his head is smashed, even if Lu Chen can weaken half of his attack, he will die Well, the endless fury of Lu Chen Man Wang's bloodline can make him survive even if his brain is broken.

But soon Lu Chen shook his head cautiously: "no, my endless rage has a time limit. I can survive a broken head, but a minute later, when there is a broken head, I still have to I still have a rebirth, but only once, and the dragon's body only once. This adds up to only three opportunities, and it can't wave. "

Thinking like this, Lu Chen even wants to find a place to lie down and wait for the event to end.

Unfortunately, this time, Lu Chen was dealt with as a natural disaster, not just by escaping.

As he looked carefully around, suddenly, a palpitation came from the apocalypse in his mind.

"This feeling, there is a situation, the crisis is there!"

Perceiving the crisis, Lu Chen originally wanted to stride past, but there were tombstones all around. These tombstones were not strong, so Lu Chen had to give up the idea of running past.

Afraid of the broken tombstone, Lu Chen did not squat and take off as before, but constantly pulled his body into the air by virtue of gravity.

Finally, Lu Chen's Avatar, the dragon, flies towards the place of perception in mid air.

When he became a giant dragon, Lu Chen had a very wide vision because he was in the high altitude. But this time, seeing everything didn't make Lu Chen's mind broaden again. Instead, there was fear in Lu Chen's heart.

Lu Chen has fear in his heart, which is incredible, but looking at the earth below, even Lu Chen can't restrain his fear. There are too many tombstones below.

Looking around from the sky, Lu Chen can see all the broken tombstones in his field of vision. You know, Lu Chen can see more than ten miles away. At this time, there is no cover of evil fog. Flying in the sky, Lu Chen can even see the boundary of the strange land. However, looking around, Lu Chen can not find a space, and endless tombstones stand quietly on the earth Like the dead.

"There should be a million tombstones here, a million curse of death, and I can only block half of each curse It's a big problem


the palpitation in his heart made Lu Chen go very fast. In the sound of the air breaking wind, Lu Chen drove the fast wind to the place where he felt palpitation.

Just like the place where Lu Chen was just now, the evil fog here has disappeared. Only the tombstone exists. Relying on his precise eyesight, Lu Chen quickly looks for a circle below, but after a circle, he does not find any abnormality.

"It's all tombstones. Just like before, there's nothing wrong with it Wait, the image of that tombstone is changing with the name. "

Lu Chen's super vision makes Lu Chen find some things, and then, relying on gravity, he slowly drops. Soon, he comes to a tombstone.

It was a tombstone that had been exposed to the wind and the sun for a long time. As usual, there were pictures and names of the dead.

[Bu Chong]

[39 years old, his whole body was smashed to death because of his foot falling off the cliff]

this is the name and cause of death of the victim, but unlike before, the cause of death on this tombstone has not changed, and there are pictures on the tombstone. The person in the picture has been smashed up and down, like a broken watermelon, which is extremely miserable.

But now it's not the time to care about others. When Lu Chen looks at the tombstone, the image on the tombstone is also staring at Lu Chen. What's more, when looking at the tombstone, Lu Chen finds that the name and photos on the image are slowly changing, and the trace of change is still very slight, but suddenly there is a shock in Lu Chen's brain.

"Crisis prediction!"

Thinking so in his heart, Lu Chen accepted an image in his mind. In the image, a corpse collapsed on the earth, and the corpse, like the remains in the tombstone, was crushed to death. When Lu Chen turned the broken man around, a palpitation appeared in his heart. Facing the broken body face, Lu Chen found that the reversed image face was …… own.


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