His face appeared on the tombstone, and even Lu Chen's eyes suddenly narrowed. But soon, he said with a smile:

"Hello, I'm not dead yet!"

With these words, Lu Chen has understood the evil way of killing people on the tombstone. First of all, the tomb of death can not be desecrated. Kicking and breaking the tombstone will directly trigger a curse. The cause of death of the dead on the tombstone will appear on the person who destroyed the tombstone.

Even standing still, after meeting certain conditions, the images and names on the tombstone will change. Although he has not yet experienced it, Lu Chen's premonition makes him understand that when the name and image on the tombstone completely become themselves, it is also the time of his death.

What's frightening about this method of killing is that the tombstone will not replace the remains in front of human beings, but will be replaced in other places.

The tombstones here are almost infinite, and there are millions of them according to Lu Chen's satisfaction. Therefore, if there is no special sensing ability, until the name and image are completely changed, the cursed person will not even know anything about it, and the moment when it is better completed is the moment when the person standing here dies.

"Apocalypse is still easy to use. Without it, even I would be in panic."

In this way, Lu Chen did not immediately break the tombstone. He wanted to see how long it took for the names and pictures on the tombstone to be transformed, and what the differences were after the transformation.

Looking at the change of the curse, some of them died, but Lu Chen had a strong constitution and did not have the slightest fear.

"I have the capital of trial and error."

Even when waiting for the tombstone, Lu Chen is still trying to resolve the curse in the tombstone.

Looking around casually, soon, an image of a tombstone appeared in front of Lu Chen, who was a person covered with coke. The cause of her death was burned as a witch.

"Burn, this is what I'm afraid of most now. I'll try it with you."

In this way, Lu Chen did not directly kick the tombstone as before, but concealed it on the tombstone with his right hand.

"In the name of justice, let the highest fire come to the world."

With Lu Chen's call, a terrible sun fire spurts out from his right palm, and the burning sun fire covers the surface of the tombstone in an instant. Lu Chen wants to try the sun fire representing justice and whether it can burn the tombstone.

The explosion of the sun's fire, the tombstone, was totally unstoppable. Almost instantly, it was shattered, and everything was burned to ashes by the sun's fire.

But when the tombstone exploded, the pain appeared on Lu Chen's body.


With a burst of cold air breathing sound, Lu Chen found that his skin has become burnt black, the fur on his face has also been burned to ashes, serious burns appear on Lu Chen.

Although only counting the rest, this fatal injury was restored by Lu Chen's recovery ability, but his face was gloomy.

"The purification of the fire of justice is not good at all. As long as the tombstone is smashed, I will be hurt. Fortunately, my resistance to the fire is really much stronger. The other injuries are only half of my body. Although the burn just now looks serious, its power is only one fourth of its original value, and my internal organs are not hurt at all."

Lu Chen can resist the curse of natural calamity level evil, recover quickly, and have more physical strength. This is a good thing for Lu Chen, but his face is full of ugly color at this time.

"There are too many tombstones. Even if some tombstones are weakened by half, they can cause fatal injuries to me. There are millions of tombstones here. If all of them are broken, I will surely die Damn, how can you meet such a strange person

Lu Chen is troubled by the evil of rules. He would rather deal with legends than encounter such strange things.

Unfortunately, things are changeable. It's not that Lu Chen will send anything he wants to encounter. Evil spirit can destroy countless worlds, and its terror is extraordinary.

The distressed Lu Chen no longer uses the sun's power to test, but uses his left hand.

"The first ghost is the one fighting head on. Come out."

With the appearance of the red destruction ghost, the air is filled with a bloody smell of killing. This is the ghost God who only knows how to kill, but it is also Lu Chen's skillful manipulation.

With his idea moving, the first ghost waved his double knives and directly broke a tombstone. That was a soldier whose heart was shot through by an arrow.


With the tombstone broken, Lu Chen looks forward to looking at the first ghost, the ghost of Kazan. He hopes that the first ghost will be injured.

Although it's not true to think so, the ghosts and gods are immortal. If the summoner can transfer the curse, it means that there will be no threat to Lu Chen.

Unfortunately, in the end, the injury did not appear on it. Instead, Lu Chen had a wound penetrating the heart.

Ignore almost through the heart injury, Lu Chen some uncomfortable.

"Can't you bear it with summoners? Come out to me the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth."

Unwilling to admit defeat, Lu Chen first used the second ghost to invade the tombstone. The purpose of this was to find out the human soul buried under the tombstone to see whether the eroded soul could control the evil spirits. The other was to see whether there was a subject in the endless tombstone."Don't let me find the subject, otherwise, I will definitely blow your dog's head."

The second ghost and God, Pu Meng of erosion, easily entered the tombstone as a soul, but the tombstone was just like the ordinary tombstone. Lu Chen also dug up the human bodies buried under the tombstone. But at the moment when Lu Chen dug up the land, the tombstone was directly broken, and the curse was transferred to Lu Chen.

"Another one died. It's OK!"

The second ghost is useless. Lu Chen directly turns the third ghost into a shadow of nothingness and penetrates into other worlds.

"Will the main body of the tombstone be hidden in other spaces?"

After that, Lu Chen kept a common vision with Jia Kai, the third ghost, and explored other space layers.

After counting the rest, Lu Chen shook his head: "the place of shadow, the place of nightmare, and the space interlayer are not."

"I hope the fourth ghost will work."

Inhale the third ghost into the ghost's hand, and Lu Chen makes the fourth ghost, saya of frost, appear in front of him.

The fourth ghost with dead and frost has no expression. Looking at its image, Lu Chen thinks about it for a moment, and then calls out Frost's sadness with his ghost hand. Later, Lu Chen integrates Frost's sadness into the body of the fourth ghost.


with the integration of frost sorrow, the fourth ghost God, the Saiya of frost, suddenly becomes an awakening posture, and the goddess of death and frost, who can fight with shenjue, appears in this land.

At the moment of its appearance, frost spreads around the earth, and gray snowflakes fall in the sky.

"The domain stops."

Afraid of breaking all the tombstones around him, Lu Chen tries his best to stop the fourth ghost from venting his power wantonly.

Fortunately, Lu Chen, who has the power of the sun, is still very strong in suppressing the fourth ghost.

Then, under the order of Lu Chen, the fourth ghost sealed the tombstone of a burnt man completely.

"I hope it works."

This time, something special happened. Lu Chen was not injured, but unfortunately, the tombstone was frozen and not broken.

"As long as the tombstone is not broken, there will be no accident. Is the power of death and frost useless?"

Lu Chen is dissatisfied, but before he continues to test, he suddenly turns his head and looks to the side. There, on the tombstone of the person who fell off the cliff, Lu Chen's name and image are shining.

"Here it is."

Condensing the power of the sun, Lu Chen is ready to resist.

Lu Chen is very confident about his body and defense. He has been reckless with his body countless times.

But this time, to restrain Lu Chen, the curse of the tombstone is totally unreasonable. Although Lu Chen has done a lot of things, when his name and image are really engraved on the image, the sudden injury still breaks out in his body.


with a burst of acid bone breaking sound, Lu Chen collapsed directly on the ground, most of his bones and flesh were broken, the whole person was like mud, and even his skull had cracks.

But this injury did not let Lu Chen fear, lying on the ground he was very calm.

"Sure enough, as I thought, when the image and name on the tombstone became me, that is, the moment when the curse hit."

The calm Lu Chen also has something to be thankful for. The man who fell off the cliff didn't hit the ground first. Although he died miserably and his head was cracked, he only cracked a part of it and didn't break it completely. As long as his head was not broken, the most serious injuries were few for Lu Chen.

At the same time, Lu Chen's physique and the power of the sun are not useless. His injuries are only half of those in the picture, which makes Lu Chen's body only broken on the surface. Although his internal organs have also suffered heavy damage, none of them are broken.

"I can bear it."

In this way, Lu Chen's broken body has been rapidly recovered.

The physical injury recovered well. The flesh and blood healed quickly like memory metal, and his bones were even more peculiar. The broken bones directly turned into chains, and then those chains were connected together and turned into bones again, so that Lu Chen was safe and sound.

Lu Chen is not afraid of physical injuries because of the unique steel and iron bone and the healing of flesh and blood brought by manwang's blood.

However, Lu Chen's body has just recovered, and before he gets up, his body is broken again in a loud noise.

Once again, Lu Chen has doubts on his face.

"What's the matter? I have recovered as usual It's the tombstone

Looking at the tombstone in front of him, as well as the broken remains of Lu Chen on the tombstone, a chill hits Lu Chen's heart.

At this time, he had a clear understanding in his mind.

"If my image and name are inscribed on the tombstone, as long as the tombstone is not broken, the curse of the tombstone will last forever, and it will be completely useless to recover. As long as you don't die, the curse will come again and again.""I guess wrong. The most important thing to be in a graveyard is perception. If I can't find the transformed tombstone before the image on the tombstone turns into myself, even I will die. No one can stop the eternal curse!"


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