"Your Highness still loves to joke..."

As he said this, the master of tianwu, who was laughing, saw Lu Chen's eyes turn cold, and his voice gradually became smaller. Soon, he began to say, "Your Highness won't tell me the truth?"

"What do you say?"

"I see, sword, right? I'll report to Wang Ting and ask the Ministry of labor to make a beautiful sword for your highness."

"It doesn't need to be too exquisite. The main thing is to be practical. The heavier the sword is, the better it should be. It should be made based on the body of 100 meters..."

With Lu Chen's explanation, the Lord of tianwu city quickly understood Lu Chen's request, but after listening, his face was a little strange.

"Are you sure it's a sword? This is a door plate. No, it's not so thick. The gate is not so thick."

Although there are many ideas in his heart, Lu Chen's requirements are all recorded in his heart.

"You have written down all the requirements of swords. Now when it comes to armor, the most important thing about armor is hard and thick. It doesn't matter how heavy it is. If you can freely enlarge and shrink when transmitting the power of the sun, the maximum size is still 100 meters."

It's hard to imagine the steel cost of a hundred meters of armor, especially Lu Chen's requirement that the material for casting armor should contain the power of the sun, which is even more expensive. If you let the barbarian royal court cast it, it can not hurt your muscles and bones, but it can also make a large tribe in trouble.

But now, Lu Chen has better investors. Yunzhou is more prosperous than wilderness.

But the city Lord of tianwu city thought of the king's order, and even more thought that if the prince in front of him cleaned up all the evil spirits, the land of Yunzhou would return to peace. He gritted his teeth and nodded.

"I will report these to the king."

After listening to Lu Chen's two conditions and seeing that Lu Chen has nothing else to go to, the city master of tianwu city who is going to leave tells Lu Chen carefully.

"Your Highness, we will do what you need. However, it may take a little time to build weapons. Please don't go to the strange situation during this time. Sharpening the knife will not miss the wood cutting workers. We can still hold on for a short time."

Because Lu Chen is related to the liberation of the land of Yunzhou, the rich family owners and Wang Shang here are more worried about his safety than Lu Chen.

To this, Lu Chen also nods to agree.

"Don't worry. I cherish my life."

With the completion of the transaction, the Lord of tianwu city is ready to leave.

But before he left completely, Lu Chen's rich voice rang.

"Wait, I have one more thing I need your help with."

The sudden increase in demands did not displease the tianwu City Lord. Knowing that Lu Chen had the talent of becoming a God, he could help Yunzhou clean up all the weird places. Now, Yunzhou is not afraid that Lu Chen wants something. What they are afraid of is that Lu Chen doesn't want anything.

"The more you want, the deeper your connection with our Cloud State will be. If you can't leave our cloud state one day, you will be our Cloud State people."

With such an idea, the Lord of tianwu City respectfully and happily said: "Your Highness, please tell me what you want, as long as we can do it, we will try our best to do it."

"Don't exaggerate. It's a small matter this time. I need you to help me find powerful demons. Those things are useful to me. There are also information about the weird situation. You should also try your best to collect the mysterious situation with the son of God."

In the process of upgrading to the medium-sized level, his purpose is to get rid of the legend, but his purpose is to get rid of all the level of the legend.

Because he wants to improve his body quickly, he can only rely on the devouring of the feast. Therefore, Lu Chen entrusts Yunzhou to collect the data of powerful Warcraft.

For this, the Lord of tianwu city agreed easily.

"Don't worry, your highness. We will tell your highness all the information about the strange situation." After saying that, he thought of something and asked Lu Chen in a low voice: "Your Highness, do you need the magic things in the strange state?"

"That's not necessary."

"That's good."

Seeing Lu Chen a little puzzled, the city master of tianwu city said quickly:

"well, your highness, when the demons are in disorder, some of them have been sealed because of their unique use. If your highness needs magic objects, you can go directly to the magic objects in the seal."

“…… I see. Give me the information about the seal. "

After a long silence, Lu Chen can only lament that it is good to have the help of big forces, especially those with profound information. This makes Lu Chen not waste time searching. As long as he reaches the place, unties the seal and swallows it directly.

Even, because there are a lot of sealed demons, Lu Chen can still choose the talent of demons.


Lu Chen's talent once again makes Yunzhou want to flatter him. Even the king of Yunzhou also wants to have a good relationship with Lu Chen, which makes Lu Chen's request proceed with the fastest speed.

First of all, Lu Chen's body data has been sent to the king's court in Yunzhou, and countless craftsmen and foundry masters have also been sent to the royal court. As for the materials for casting armor and weapons, the big powers are scrambling to get out.This is an opportunity to have a good relationship with a genius who has a chance to become a Shenju. Even now, Yunzhou doesn't think that Lu Chen is more likely to die at any time, but only in this way can they be qualified to approach Lu Chen. When Lu Chen becomes a God, they will not be able to invest at that time.

This is the same as when Lu Chen was developing. Because Lu Chen needed materials, many small traders in the early development risked bankruptcy to invest in LuChen. Now, their investment has gained many benefits. With the expansion of the business road of the Chen tribe, those merchants have become medium-sized business groups.

At the same time, at that time, some small businesses that felt too threatened were ready to wait and see. This is not wrong. But now, they can't even ask Ji hongdie for an interview. This is the advantage of early investment.

The businessmen will invest, and those powerful ones will.

In order to please Lu Chen, and even more to clear the treacherous situation in his own territory after casting his armor, all the families did not care about their own capital, which made Lu Chen's armor materials quickly collected.

At the same time, Lu Chen entered the array center of tianwu city and absorbed the power of the sun.

There is still someone to accompany him this time, but this time it is no longer Jin Li and the Lord of tianwu city. After Lu Chen enters the master's house of tianwu City, several beautiful girls accompany him.

There are a lot of girls with different styles. Some are Jasper, some are enchanting, some are mature and solemn, and some are lively and lovely. Even Lu Chen saw a few weeping little Lori who didn't grow up among the girls.

These girls have different manners, but Lu Chen can find that they are all spoiled. They are the legitimate daughters of a powerful family.

"Yunzhou, it's hard work!" Exclamation Cloud State practice at the same time, Lu Chen also clenched his fist: "I am right, strength can get everything for me."

In ancient China, there are books in which there are beauties like jade, and books contain golden houses. In this world, power means everything. Moreover, this rule is more savage and more direct than ancient scholars in China.

Thinking like this, Lu Chen did not touch those girls.

It was not Lu Chen who suddenly became a saint, but he knew what was most important.

It took Lu Chen three hours to absorb the power of the sun. After three hours, Lu Chen's body was filled with the power of the sun again, which made Lu Chen feel satisfied.

When Lu Chen has absorbed the power of the sun, the Lord of tianwu city has been waiting outside the door.

"Your Highness, this is all the sealed demons in Yunzhou. Do you have what you need?"

"Hard work."

Taking over the catalogue, Lu Chen found that there were dozens of demons sealed by Yunzhou, some of which were sealed by the royal family of Yunzhou, and more were sealed by the major families.

Eyes from the top down to the bottom of the screen, soon, the data of the three demons were extracted by Lu Chen.

[swallowing the moon toad]

[the offspring of swallowing the moon toad has the ability to swallow the moon and natural aura. After swallowing a huge amount of energy, the body of the swallowing toad will increase ten times. The skill of the Terran is as good as swallowing the moon toad. The atavistic swallowing Tianchan can not only swallow the moon and natural spirit, but also swallow everything in the world Record of the Army]

[swallow moon toad fell into hibernation due to serious injury. It was found three years ago, but it was unable to kill because of evil invasion, so it needs to fight to deal with the swallow moon toad.

[Bi Fang]

[the fierce bird with the blood of Phoenix, whose color is blue, has one foot and two wings, will appear strange fire around. At the same time, this monster Phoenix has strong blood, although it can't desire to be reborn However, under the fire, its body injury will recover as before]

[locked in the ancestral land by Zhu jialock]

[twelve link snake]

[a strange snake with the blood of a snake with a thread of snake's blood, this snake has 12 segments. When it is fatally injured, it will not die, but will cut itself off. Only by killing 12 times can the monster be completely killed.

moon swallowing toad, Bifang, twelve rings Jie snake, this is Lu Chen's choice of three kinds of monsters.

The reason for choosing these three is that Lu Chen's feast can not only gain the basic physical and strength bonus, but also obtain some talents of the monster itself when swallowing the true spirit of epic monsters.

Of course, this talent is not strengthened much because it is epics rather than deities.

For example, Lu Chen first swallowed the waiter of the God of fear and nightmare. The ability he acquired was not a complete fear skill, but a 10% increase in the opponent's fear when he released the threat skill.

This ability is good, but it's not worth Lu Chen's active search for powerful demons.

If it was before, Lu Chen would devour an epic monster and would not choose.

But before, Lu Chen had a new idea about the choice of epic monsters since he knew that experience value could not only improve skills and levels, but also enhance divinity.

"In the normal state, only by swallowing the divine child can you get a talent. If I devour an epic monster, I can only gain some reinforcement. But what if I consume a lot of experience points when swallowing epic monsters."This idea appears in Lu Chen's heart, why he chose these three monsters is also clear.

"Swallowing moon toads is related to the skills of big and small Ruyi. If I use experience value to strengthen the true spirit of moon swallowing toads when swallowing them with feast, I will probably break through the limit of big and small Ruyi and turn them into magic power and Dharma

"It's also good for Bifang's body to recover after taking a bath of fire. The power of the sun in my body is very strong. If the fire can make my body recover, I will be more flesh. If the desire for fire becomes the rebirth of desire for fire, it will be really perfect."

The reason for choosing the moon swallowing toad and Bifang is very clear, and the twelve link snake is not much different from the treasure of Hercules, the Hercules who has been through the twelve trials.

It can only be said that the serpent is worthy of being the great God of the creation level. Even if there is only a trace of power, it is also strong and terrible.

Of course, the twelve link snake, after all, has only a trace of blood. Therefore, it has no other special ability except to avoid 12 fatal crises. This is why the twelve link snake is a powerful demon rather than a divine beast.

After giving the information of the three demons to the city master of tianwu City, Lu Chen is ready to ask about the specific location of the demons.

"Your Highness, I'm going to prepare the flying apparatus. With that thing, we can..."

"No, just tell me the location. I'll send it directly."

The flight is fast, but Lu Chen has a transmission.

Looking at the blue halo at Lu Chen's feet, the master of tianwu city was surprised and said more respectfully: "yes, your highness, I will mark the place for you."

After saying that, the Lord of tianwu city went to look for the drawings in a hurry.

Soon, three sites were marked.

After Lu Chen remembers the three places, people also step into the dark blue aperture and disappear without a trace.

When the halo in the mansion of tianwu city disappeared, Lu Chenren appeared in a wilderness hundreds of miles away.

It was day time, but there was no one in the wilderness.

"Yunzhou is also desolate here!"

After sighing, ignoring the silence around, Lu Chen continues to transmit.

In fact, the consumption of winding path is quite large, especially Lu Chen's transmission is far away. However, Lu Chen's power of the sun in his body is too sufficient.

Although the power of the sun can't directly drive the winding path, every time Lu Chen's blood is consumed, the sun's power that fills Lu Chen's cells will consume some to supplement Lu Chen's deficit. This makes Lu Chen's internal solar power continue, and he won't be tired. What's more, the sun's power in LuChen's body is as vast as a mountain like a sea The amount is almost infinite.

"Wait This is not the infinite energy of one of the four gates of the gate of God. "

"It seems that the way I can achieve infinite energy is not only to promote Avalon's small world, but also to achieve the immortal level of my body. If I plant something in the sun's core in my body and let it continuously release the sun's energy, my body will absorb the power of the sun and transform it into blood gas. As long as the conversion is fast, this is also a way to infinite energy."

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was feasible.

"The core of the sun, or the magic core of mysteries, or the energy reaction furnace that can produce nuclear fusion. When my body is immortal, I can install one in my body."

In the process of transmission, suddenly solved the infinite energy, Lu Chen's face more happy.

In this way, maintaining the joy of the mood, Lu Chen came to the location of the moon swallowing toad, and at this time, there are already people waiting for Lu Chen.

This is the king's court passing the news from afar through the transmission crystal. The man who is guarding here is a middle-aged man. He looks a little unrestrained and unrestrained, and his strength has reached the title level.

However, he is also a little timid in the face of Lu Chen. The eight meter old Lu Chen gives people too much pressure.

"Here you are, your highness."

"Well, the toad is there."

"This way." The uninhibited middle-aged man also reminded Lu Chen: "the swallow moon toad is only in hibernation because of injury, it is not sealed. Your highness wants it to have some small trouble. You'd better wait a moment, we can prepare something to restrain the swallow moon toad..."

What human beings are more powerful than Warcraft is wisdom. In the face of powerful Warcraft, human beings can use various methods to weaken them. At this time, the uninhibited middle-aged man thinks so, and he really knows several ways to weaken the moon swallowing toad.

But all his proposals were rejected by Lu Chen.

"I'm in a hurry. Go straight."

"Your Highness has done enough Be forthright

The middle-aged man would like to say reckless, but looking at Lu Chen's huge body, that recklessness becomes forthright.

Ignoring the idea of the handsome middle-aged man, Lu Chen quickly walked towards the swallow moon toad.

Because Lu Chen didn't cover up his tracks when he passed by. Before he got close to the place where the moon swallowing toad was located, the earth there began to drum up, and then a huge cry rang through the sky."Quack

Accompanied by the sound, a blue toad collapses from the soil and falls in front of Lu Chen and uninhibited men.

Toad sounds like thunder, with the ability to shake people's hearts, feel the threat of Lu Chen, it constantly issued a "quack" call, to drive Lu Chen away.

Of course, this was impossible. Lu Chen didn't retreat in the face of Toad's chirping, which made toad angry.


After another call, the toad opened its mouth and sucked in the air.

"No, not only air, but also aura, but also sunlight?"

When Lu Chen used the unity of heaven and man to sense his surroundings, the moon swallowing Toad's body skyrocketed after swallowing the aura.

"Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters Fifty meters, eighty meters. Soon, a giant toad like a hill appeared in front of Lu Chen

"Well, I knew it would be like this. Just wait a moment. If you make some magic incense, toad will swallow it when swallowing aura. It will be easy."

The uninhibited middle-aged man sighs that this is also the common method for human beings to deal with demons, but there is not much time for him to suffer.

Without hesitation, the skyrocketing toad swallows the moon directly in the direction of Lu Chen. At the same time, a red line is bound to Lu Chen like lightning, which is the tongue of toad swallowing the moon.

When toad swallows the moon, he is ready to swallow Lu Chen. When he opens his mouth, the uninhibited middle-aged man has already left with a special method. However, Lu Chen stands still and is tied up by the toad.

"How can this happen? Is it not that the barbarian Prince is reckless, but his strength is not bad at all?"

The middle-aged man who escaped from the sky was at a loss. When he was puzzled, with a roar, a huge creature appeared in the world again.

It is a black hair, 80 meters tall, a team of cattle horns from the sky.

It is Lu Chen who turns into a Bull Demon. The sudden enlargement of his body makes him unable to bind Lu Chen any more. At the same time, the two bodies are similar, which makes the moon swallowing toad unable to swallow Lu Chen.

"Quack (leave here)"

the bigger Lu Chen makes the toad swallow the moon threatened. It is unwilling to fight with Lu Chen.

Unfortunately, it can't be stopped.

"My favorite thing is reciprocity. You've eaten it. Now, it's my turn."

So saying, Lu Chen big mouth opens, face forward fiercely one inspiratory.

"Come here."

"Quack, quack, quack!"

The moon swallowing toad, who felt threatened, absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, and made itself bigger. Soon, the toad with nearly 100 meters of moon swallowing appeared in the world. Moreover, its bigger body also gave the toad an illusion that it could swallow the monster in front of him.

Therefore, it also opened its big mouth and swallowed each other with Lu Chen.

But soon, something unexpected happened.

Its suction can't make the monster move a little bit. The monster is as vast and heavy as a mountain in the earth. On the contrary, when the monster in front of him opens his mouth and sucks, he can't stop it.

Even more frightening to toad, as he approached the monster's big mouth, his body was constantly getting smaller.

It's not a leak, it's the compression of space that makes it smaller.

The feast of myth level, but contains the law of space.

"Quack quack!"

At the moment of crisis, the moon swallowing toad keeps on singing and sucking, but unfortunately, all these are useless. Under Lu Chen's suction, he is sucked into his stomach without any resistance. At this point, the scene is quiet again.

"The moon swallowing toad is swallowed!"

The unruly middle-aged man was completely subdued, and Lu Chen recovered quickly.

"You go back, I should go too."

After saying that, the dark blue diaphragm appeared at Lu Chen's feet, "Shua" sound, Lu Chen fell into the aperture and disappeared again.


Three minutes after Lu Chen's departure, the Lord of tianwu city has not left his original place. He is talking with people from afar with a communication crystal. He wants to do what Lu Chen has ordered.

"Prince Chen has gone to your place. You must treat him well and serve him with all his heart. Besides, he must not let that monster run away..."

In the middle of the command, he suddenly sensed something and suddenly turned his head to look behind him.

Then, the Lord of tianwu saw that a golden giant shining like the sun appeared with a dark blue halo.

That golden giant is Lu Chen of course, full of the power of the sun, he is very difficult to cover up, a little strength can sense.

However, looking at Lu Chen's return, tianwu city master is full of doubts.

"I've only been out for three minutes. How can your highness come back? Is something wrong? Toad swallows the moon and runs away when he can't find the way."

The barbarian Prince is related to nearly one hundred million people in Yunzhou. At this time, unexpected things happen, which makes tianwu city master dare not neglect: "how did your highness return so soon? Is it the wrong place of the demon?"It's strange that the Lord of Chengwu is so respectful.

"Your information is very right. The moon swallowing toad has been eliminated. Why do you think the location of the demon is wrong?"

Lu Chen is very happy to swallow another epic level demon. Although he has not yet digested it, Lu Chen feels that he can get the epic level reinforcement blessing tonight.

Feeling happy, Lu Chen also gave an answer to the greetings of tianwu City Lord.

But the Lord of tianwu is frightened by Lu Chen's reply.

"It's gone, so fast! It's only three minutes! "

"Hey, this is just a Warcraft of the title level. If I can kill such a monster, I have to fight to kill it, and deal with the strange situation of fart. I can go home to wash and sleep."

"Er..." This made the tianwu City Lord have nothing to say. But soon, he thought of Lu Chen's calm nature in dealing with the title class hero, and then thought that he was "just" a title level hero, belonging to the kind of Prince who could be destroyed immediately. The city Lord of tianwu city was more respectful to Lu Chen.

"Your Highness, I'm being abrupt. I don't know if there's anything else I can do."

"Well, it's ok Will you go down? I have to digest it for a while

Waving everyone away, Lu Chen found an open yard and sat down to look at himself.

Because Lu Chen returned too quickly by winding the path, it took less than ten seconds (three minutes mainly followed the man). At this time, the moon swallowing toad in Lu Chen's abdomen was even complete.


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