As an epic demon, the moon swallowing toad still has the ability. It can not only swallow the spirit of heaven and earth, but also make itself expand and expand. Its skin membrane also has greasy protection. No matter the physical attack or the element attack, the skin membrane of the moon swallowing toad will slide away. That is to say, Lu Chen's stomach fluid is the same as the myth, and only the moon swallowing toad has corrosion traces. However, it can be predicted that only If the stomach juice, the toad can persist for a long time, at least ten days and a half months.

And when gastric juice erodes, it is also pounding against Lu Chen's stomach wall.

Of course, such an attack can't help Lu Chen's stomach wall with a trace of space protection.

"Although it can't be worn, it's not good to hop like this. I can't wait ten days and a half months."

In this way, Lu Chen put his ferocious left hand on the skin of his stomach. With his left hand pressed, several ferocious virtual shadows penetrated into Lu Chen's stomach.

The first ghost, the Kazan of the sword, the second, Pu Meng of erosion, and the third, Kaijia of the shadow

Several ghosts and gods invaded together, which made Lu Chen's abdomen lively. However, the excitement lasted for a short time. After a few minutes, the second ghost penetrated into the toad's mind and competed with it for the control of his body.

Although toad swallowing the moon is an epic monster, even if the second ghost wants to take control of the body, it will take some time, but when his mind is disturbed and his body can't move, the fifth ghost God · plague's rosha relies on the ability of plague to make blood blisters on the skin of toad swallowing the moon, and the ability to smooth the skin disappears. Then, the first ghost God has waved double knives Like a meat grinder, it completely ground the moon swallowing toad into meat paste.

"Now, if the ghosts and gods in my ghost hands cooperate with each other, the descendants of gods can also be killed!"

In Lu Chen's imagination, the cold voice of the system also rings in Lu Chen's mind.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host killed the epic monster moon swallowing toad and gained 600000 experience points]

when several ghosts and gods returned to the ghost's hand, Lu Chen waited for another half an hour, and a salivating aura appeared in Lu Chen's heart. The light was weak, but it was full of dazzling light. Under the light, Lu Chen felt that his body was filled with one What, at the same time, the tearing pain also comes on Lu Chen.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has devoured the true spirit of the moon swallowing toad by feasting, breaking the restriction of the body, and now the host body continues to grow 】

it's a great pain for Lu Chen to swallow up creatures with a feast, break his own limit and allow him to grow rapidly. However, Lu Chen has endured this kind of pain for a long time, and now the pain can't affect Lu Chen at all.

In the body of severe pain, Lu Chen not only did not find a way to alleviate the pain, but also a bite of the teeth, calling up the system.

"System, use experience value to strengthen the true spirit of moon swallowing toad."

With Lu Chen's call, the huge amount of experience turned into a fire and rushed into the spiritual light suspended in Lu Chen's heart.

The influx of huge experience value makes the aura explode like a flame, and Lu Chen also sees something in this burst aura.

It was the growth experience of a toad. The initial toad was very small, but small things also had the spirit of swallowing heaven and earth. With its big mouth opened, the spirit of heaven and earth was sucked into its abdomen like water.

After the aura of heaven and earth enters the abdomen, the toad's body is growing almost at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, there is the scene of toad swallowing the aura of heaven and earth and moonlight. Between breath and breath, the aura of several miles is being swallowed up by it, and its figure is also swallowing a huge amount of energy, and its figure is getting bigger and bigger, until it reaches a certain limit.

"The moon swallowing toad is very talented, but even if it is not sublimated, it can not break through the 100 meter limit."

Looking at the growth of toad swallowing the moon and feeling its experience, a glimmer of enlightenment appears in Lu Chen's heart.

Before Lu Chen recovered from the image, the moon swallowing toad, which devoured the moonlight and the aura of heaven and earth at night, suddenly changed with the burning of huge experience value.

Its appearance did not change, but its body size was a hundred times larger. A mountain like toad squatted on the ground.

The giant toad is sleeping, but with the unconscious breath and puff, there is a scene of wind and clouds. The heaven and earth around a hundred miles are trembling because of its breath, and the aura is more like the sea tide, rising and falling with its breath.

"Divine beast: toad swallowing, monster swallowing heaven and earth. Sure enough, with experience value as fuel, the true spirit of swallowing moon toad can be reversed to swallow toad! Experience is really useful. "

Looking at the huge body of tuntian toad, Lu Chen feels that he has realized something, which makes Lu Chen a little excited.

"I'm not far away from the heaven and earth when I reach the level of magic power and Dharma."

However, before the joy on Lu Chen's face blooms completely, the system's prompt is introduced into Lu Chen's mind.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host consumes 1 million experience points, and condenses a trace of toad swallowing spirit from the moon swallowing Toad's true spirit]

[Ding, the system prompts that the host consumes 1 million experience points and condenses a trace of toad swallowing spirit from swallowing moon toad][Ding, the system prompts 】

"stop, stop, stop Wait, go on

When he found out that the training value almost passed at a speed of one million yuan per second, Lu Chen stopped on the spot. But immediately, Lu Chen thought about the mountain like figure of toad swallowing, and the scene that breathing could affect the heaven and earth. He gritted his teeth and nodded again.

In this way, the training value of one million in a second dissipated. Soon, Lu Chen's experience value that he desperately obtained in the strange situation dissipated.

[Ding, the system prompts that after the host's experience value has been consumed, it can't continue to refine the true spirit of swallowing toad. Now the enhancement has stopped]

[the system prompts that after the host feast has been strengthened, the host's constitution + 100, strength + 100 】

ignoring the blessing of ordinary attributes, Lu Chen looked directly at the new changes of the feast.


[skill level: myth]

[introduction: the true spirit that can devour other creatures can break its own limit. If the devouring creature is strong enough, the host has a certain chance to fuse the engulfed creature]

[ordinary bonus (33) elite bonus (44) epic bonus (68) demigod enhancement (14)]

[active ability: Dragon Transform, swallow the sky]

[swallowing the sky: breaking the limit with a trace of true spirit swallowing the toad, the host gains the ability to devour the aura of heaven and earth, the sun, moon and stars]

[Note: Dharma phase heaven and earth can gather tens of feet of real body, but the power of Dharma phase is huge, but it also needs huge energy. Swallowing the sky is the front of the Dharma phase heaven and earth]

"it's just the front, but it can't get a complete Dharma Realm Well, I thought I missed a lot of things when I knew that experience value can make strengthening stronger. Now, I don't know. Experience value can strengthen the swallowing effect of feast, but it needs too much experience value. "

It took hundreds of thousands of experience to gain a pre skill. Lu Chen felt that he was extremely bent.

"Hooray! Suck

Because of suffering, Lu Chen subconsciously took a breath, and accompanied by his long breath.

There was a terrible storm in the sky.

If someone is in the sky above tianwu City, you can find that a huge whirlpool appears over tianwu city.

The whirlpool is composed of a huge amount of aura mixed with the sun, moon and stars. Too much aura converges, making the sky gloomy.

"What happened?"

"A lot of aura. Is this tianwu city opening Huiling array?"


Countless people are surprised to see the aura cloud above their heads. Some ordinary people even kneel down on the ground due to heavy pressure.

Not to mention those ordinary people who are surprised, that is, Lu Chen, looking at the cloud of aura above his head.

"Is this the pre skill of mythology? It's so strong that the sky and the earth move as soon as you call it!"

Lu Chen is feeling, but the reason why tuntian is so powerful is not only because it is the front of the Dharma, but also the ability of Lu Chen himself.

When breathing, Lu Chen not only subconsciously started swallowing the sky, because of the unity of heaven and man, hegemony territory, black hole All kinds of abilities, this inspiration, Lu Chen also subconsciously launched these abilities, this is the reason why heaven and earth appear and become.

The unity of heaven and man makes it easier for him to attract aura. Although the territory of the overlord is not fully expanded, it is only a slight disturbance of will that makes the aura like a courtier. As for the final black hole, it is even more terrifying.

The mythical black hole makes LuChen like a whirlpool, which can affect everything in a circle of tens of miles. The combination of these abilities and subconscious swallowing the sky makes the aura of more than ten miles gather on Lu Chen's head.

Because the aura came too fast and Lu Chen's influence was too large, the scene of wind and clouds appeared in the sky. When the aura completely gathered, there was a cloud of aura condensing on top of LuChen. The cloud of aura was funnel-shaped, and the location close to LuChen was the smallest. Under the extreme compression of the aura, there was even spirit liquid.

Subconsciously inhaled the spirit liquid into his abdomen, and a feeling of satisfaction and fullness appeared in Lu Chen's abdomen.

"It's so comfortable. Moreover, with such pure aura, even my body can recover quickly."

After a long time, I felt the body moistened by the spirit liquid just now. After looking at the swallowing sky, Lu Chen's smile came out.

"Although it's just a front end, it's also a gold capability."

Yes, swallowing the sky is a golden ability, and it's also a kind of gold recovery skill.

"In the future, when the enemy is exhausted in the battle, I will be full of breath when I open my mouth, and I will definitely be angry."

The ability of swallowing the sky did not increase Lu Chen's meat, but this ability greatly increased Lu Chen's endurance.

Besides the harvest, Lu Chen also thought of more.

"Swallowing the sky is the front of the Dharma phase heaven and earth. The restoration of desire for fire of Bi Fang should be the front of the rebirth of desire fire. After swallowing Bi Fang, even if I can't get the rebirth of desire fire, the recovery of desire fire is good."Thinking like this, Lu Chen even wants to devour Bifang immediately.

Just, after looking at his own exhausted experience value, Lu Chen wants to stop in the past.

"No, I can't. Even if I devour Bi Fang, I can only get fire resistance increased by 10%. If I want to obtain gold skill, I have to invest more than 5 million experience points, and I want to get the myth level of desire and fire rebirth..."

"Experience value, or experience value! Give me endless experience, I can blow everything. "

Now it's very easy for Lu Chen to strengthen and replenish epic level demons. He has found the magic objects and the location is clear. If he wants to complete the epic level blessing as quickly as possible, Lu Chen only needs to go there after a period of time. Even if he wants to be faster and has 2 million experience points, Lu Chen can use the experience value to stabilize his body's genes. In this way, Lu Chen can stabilize his body's genes in one day Complete epic level enhancement within.

However, Lu Chen is not willing to get the special effect of fire resistance increased by 10% due to the enhancement of experience value. He wants better effect.

Of course, Lu Chen, who had swallowed up before, did not regret it.

"In the early stage, even though I knew it, I couldn't be perfect because of the lack of experience. On the contrary, I would like to strengthen the effect of the feast and drag down the upgrading of the level. Now, I can be horizontal in the medium-sized weird situation I have been able to protect myself in medium-sized scams. During this period, my purpose is to blow up all medium-sized scams, and I have time to polish myself perfectly. "

With the realization in his mind, Lu Chen no longer thinks much about it. Instead, he looks at the intelligence from Yunzhou and thinks about how to deal with it. At the same time, he brings the Taoist priest and the monk to discuss how to deal with the real legend.

"All the information about Yunzhou is here. Take a look. Let's discuss where to go next time..."


After one night's discussion, Lu Chen had decided to go to the strange place in the early morning. However, the weapons and armor had not been obtained, and Lu Chen did not set out immediately. Of course, he did not waste the time on that day. When it was bright, Lu Chen went directly outside tianwu city.

Lu Chen did this with more than one person, countless warriors are walking toward the outside of the city, as if in a temple fair.

It's not a visit to the temple fair, but it's not much different. There's fighting outside.

The two sides of the battle, of course, are the omens of Lu Chen and renbang 21.

When he arrived in tianwu City, Lu Chen made an appointment to fight against the twenty-one leader in the list of men. Although Lu Chen went to the strange place on the first day of his arrival and had a new way to obtain experience value, the next day he swallowed the moon toad and found a way to make his body reach the limit.

But Lu Chen is not ready to give up the fight on the third day.

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's also meat. You can't ignore a little experience value just because you're used to eating big fish and big meat. You can't be boundless if you accept all kinds of rivers. I'll try my best to improve my experience value."

With such an idea, Lu Chen left the station and went to the challenge arena outside the city.

While Lu Chen passed by, Taizhao also came out of the closed room.

Lu Chen, the winner of LianZhan, still put great pressure on him. When Lu Chen arrived at tianwu City, he found that Lu Chen's strength was true and he closed down directly.

At this time, he had a full face of excitement.

"Shifu is right. Only when there is pressure, can there be motivation. These days, under the pressure of that barbarian, I have practiced a lot of moves. This time, I will definitely show the barbarian prince."

"I am not a stepping stone for others, nor a pawn for other geniuses! I will prove myself! "

Holding such an idea, too trillion high spirited out of the door, and found in front of their own Zhongzhou Tianjiao.

It's just that, soon, his brows wrinkled.

"Why are we less than half of the people? Is this not optimistic about me Forget it, I'll surprise everyone this time

As soon as he clenched his fist, Taizhao walked out of the gate first. However, Taizhao did not find out that he was full of vigour. Some of his stalwart companions were helpless, and many even wanted to stop him and tell him a few words.

Unfortunately, because the number of people is less than half, the feeling of being insulted by Taizhao has gone out quickly.

But I don't know whether it's luck or something else. When Taizhao goes out, it's just when Lu Chen goes out that the two meet directly in the city.

Of course, the two people who met did not have the idea of fighting immediately. Once they reached their strength, once they fought in the city, there would be countless human deaths and injuries. As long as they were not big traitors and evil people, they would not fight in cities and towns, and those people would also be wanted by the whole world.

When the two meet, Lu Chen has nothing to say. He just wants to finish the fight quickly, and then "take the opportunity" to confuse all the people watching the war around and gain a batch of experience value.

"With so many people, I should be able to gain 500000 experience, plus 600000 who killed the moon swallowing toad last night, which is more than one million. With them, I can take the gentle gene riots, and today I will be able to swallow up the square Forget it, if you swallow it, you can only gain 10% of your flame power, or wait. "

"However, I have something else to do today. The duel should be over in 15 minutes."Fifteen minutes and half a million Li training is worth, and it is extremely safe. Of course, Lu Chen will not give up such a good thing.

Not only will it not give up, but it will continue thereafter.

"I don't need me at all. Hongdie can help me do everything well. I just have to spend about ten minutes beating the other party on the day of the engagement."

Lu Chen is thinking about beautiful things. Taizhao on the other side is more polite. He clasps his hands and says politely:

"I'll ask brother Chen for more advice today."

"Well." After nodding his head at will, Lu Chen walked away. Such an attitude of indifference also made Tai Zhao look ugly, but soon, he began to laugh.

"It's a barbarian indeed. There's no etiquette at all."

After shaking his head, he looked at the crowd on both sides, and his heart was filled with excitement.

"No matter what the outcome, these are the people who support me."

Young people are always high spirited and have a good reputation. This is not a bad thing. After all, young people are enthusiastic.

At this time, Taizhao looked at tens of thousands of people waving and cheering, just like cheering heroes. His heart was full of excitement and more fighting spirit.

"These people see me as hope, and I will not fail them."

The cheers of the crowd made him have a good imagination. Even, he had already figured out how to reply when someone was cheering for him on the road.

And as he thought about it, he heard the cheers in front of him.

Although there were so many people and the cheers were not clear, Tai Zhao came out with his chest up, and even his hands were raised, ready to wave in response to the cheers of those who supported him.

"Here it is. Here it is."

"Wansheng, Prince Wansheng."

"Beat him with one blow!"

"Even at this time to challenge his royal highness, your highness must not keep your hand."


Fierce and even some noisy cheers, so that Taizhao proud to look at the side of Lu Chen, and then, he warmly waved around: "thank you for your kindness, but also please rest assured, I will not leave your hands."

"What's more, although my family has a high status in Zhongzhou, the title of Prince is still not appropriate. In Zhongzhou, not all cats and dogs can become princes."

Taizhao doesn't mind provoking Lu Chen with words before the battle. However, his provocation is indifferent.

Soon, Taizhao couldn't pay attention to Lu Chen, because he found a strange thing. People around him cheered when he walked. The cheering sound wave after wave and the smile on his face was sincere enough to show that these people were sincere, not actors.

But what makes Taizhao at a loss is that after waving his hand, many people's faces show disgust.

Even, many people are spitting at him, and the prefix of the prince has not stopped. Even if he says that he is not a prince, the cheers around him are still waves after wave.

"Are those people cheering the barbarian prince?"

The idea of making people laugh appeared in Taizhao's heart, but he quickly rejected it.

"How can it be that the barbarian Prince has been challenging Yunzhou people all the way, beating their young people violently. Without saying that, even their army has been beaten violently, and he has said that he wants to marry the most beautiful girl in Yunzhou. No matter what, Yunzhou people can't cheer that rude Barbarian."


"well, I heard that the prince's highness is good in everything, even if he is kind. That's why so many people challenge his royal highness. His highness, his highness, is heavy handed."

"Thank you, your highness, for bringing my husband back."

"My son is safe. Your royal highness must live a long life."

"Although your highness is not from Yunzhou, he has tried his best for the sake of our son lang. his royal highness is too gentle!"


Hearing the words around him, he recalled the kindness and gentleness of people's cheering Taizhao looks at the tall and majestic Lu Chen in front of him. He can't connect this praise with the barbarian prince.

"I must have thought too much, savage prince, kind, what a joke!"

"Moreover, the husband comes back, the son is safe, this is ironic, if the barbarian prince does not provoke, they will be OK."

"They cheered me, but I don't know who regarded me as a prince. This is a high opinion. But it is not too much for Tianjiao of Zhongzhou to be a prince in Yunzhou."

The confirmation of all kinds of news makes Taizhao certain. Although those people call themselves wrong, they are cheering for themselves.

"Well, who said I was a prince?"

But he still likes this tone.

"I will defeat the barbarian Prince for you..."

In response to the enthusiasm of the people around him, he called out.

But, before the end of the word, an egg was smashed towards him.Of course, he couldn't get close to him. Before he got close, he was crushed by his surrounding Qi.

But looking at the broken eggs, his mind changed.

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