"Cut it off, cut it off!"

When Lu Chen pursues the blood knife, the grand blood knife kills Lu Chen with a huge amount of resentment. The hundred meter blood knife, coupled with the special rule that the body can be broken, makes Lu Chen dare not resist with his body.

But dare not hard to resist does not mean that Lu Chen has no way, "hum" a, there is a white halo on Lu Chen's fist.

Bull Demon concussion fist!

"I can smash everything

The power of terror flows in his body, which makes Lu Chen have a feeling of smashing everything. Then, Lu Chen blows out the shock fist which is full of strength.

In the fierce roar, Lu Chen's fist was stained with blood, and his phalanx was broken. But the next moment, a chain wound up again, making Lu Chen's phalanx recover.

Lu Chen is injured, and the blood knife itself is even worse. Countless cracks are all over the blade. After a breath, bang, the 100 meter blood knife is blown to pieces.

Even blood sea prison has ripples because of Lu Chen's fist, which is the expression of the force of concussion in space.

One blow, blood knife collapse, space rippling, this is shock fist.

However, there are also doubts in Lu Chen's heart.

"Won, so easy?"

The broken blood knife makes a moment of confusion appear in Lu Chen's heart, but in the moment when he is stunned by the death of the knife prison, a gorgeous sword light suddenly rings from Lu Chen's back, and cuts into his neck rapidly.

The blade light is gorgeous, but it has a high speed. When Lu Chen senses it, the light of the knife has already reached Lu Chen's neck.

However, this did not let Lu Chen fear, but a smile from his face.

"I've been waiting for you."

Words fall, his hand back a grasp, Shua, a figure was absorbed by him.

At the same time, a "Qiang" voice also came from Lu Chen's neck. It was after the knife edge cut the neck, it collided with his throat bone.

Ignoring the wound on his neck, Lu Chen looks at the man in his hand.

That's just the Dao prison. It's just that the captured Dao prison doesn't have the slightest worry, some are just full of ridicule.

"You've done well, but the power of legend is not something you can resist."

"The situation is not right!"

Lu Chen also feels a trace of discordance in the sarcasm of the sword prison. Just as the idea comes out, Lu Chen's palm has already flashed white light and grasped it one step at a time.


the body of Dao prison is like a tomato, which is crushed by Lu Chen.

But after pinching and exploding, the broken body of Dao prison did not scatter and splash, but turned into Dao Dao Dao Qi and drilled into Lu Chen's palm.

The blood gas is as poisonous as corrosion. Once it enters Lu Chen's body, it brings him endless pain, just like countless steel wires twisting in his body.

More terrifying is that Lu Chen's flesh and blood seem to melt in general.

"Blood knife, my body is not easy to kill."

While Lu Chen is in pain, the sound of the sword prison reverberates around, and a sword light lights up from around,.

However, as soon as the gorgeous light of the knife appeared, it was scattered, and the person who wielded the light was arrested again.

"You can resist the attack of huaxue Dao. Your will is really strong Wait, how did the blood knife disappear? "

It was originally a condescending praise, and thought that Lu Chen's body was fighting with the intense pain in his body, but soon the voice of surprise rang out. On Lu Chen's body, the blood gas which was still spreading just now had disappeared.

At the same time, Lu Chen also found that although he killed two bodies of Dao prison in succession, the body of Dao prison was reborn in those Dao slaves at the next moment.

"Is it the body that attacked just now? Or can he be reborn infinitely? Or the immortal body after the breakthrough of the physical barrier. "

Lu Chen, holding the sword, is thinking. When he thinks about it, the figure he holds suddenly turns into a blood knife, and wants to absorb the blood and turn it into a giant blood blade to break Lu Chen's fingers.

However, just as he had a move, Lu Chen suddenly grasped the white light in his hand. When he grasped it with all his strength, the force of shock constantly stirred the blood knife. Finally, after three breaths, the light of the red knife was directly crushed by Lu Chen.

The broken blade body turns into a blood light and penetrates into Lu Chen's body. However, after a breath, the blood disappears from Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen is not surprised. Although the so-called blood melting knife is fierce, the solar power stored in his cells is not vegetarian.

The immeasurable power of the sun can burn all foreign matters.

When Lu Chen is thinking about whether it's Fen Shen or something, the voice of Dao prison rings again.

"Forget it, I can kill you without using a blood knife."

After the words fall, another Dao prison directly rushes to Lu Chen.

In this regard, Lu Chen's response is also a blow in the past.

In the roar of the air, the figure is hit by Lu Chen and spits blood in the air.One blow!

However, after the bloody knife was seriously injured, he didn't want to recover. Instead, he used a trick similar to the disintegration of demons to explode directly and turned into a hundred meter blood knife to chop at Lu Chen.

In this regard, Lu Chen's response or a punch hard top!


The fist and the knife collided, sending out a fierce roar. In the roar, the 100 meter blood knife directly exploded, but Lu Chen's palm was also cut a wound by the blade.

Before Lu Chen gasps for breath, another slow and leisurely figure suddenly trembles. Then, he bursts into a violent breath and rushes to Lu Chen again, waving a knife light to exchange his life with Lu Chen.

In this way, Lu Chen smashed one after another with his fists, and Dao Guan tried his best to chop the blades on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen often uses the method of changing injuries to fight. With his strong body, Lu Chen doesn't mind getting hurt in exchange for death on the other side.

Now Lu Chen is more vicious than Lu Chen.

At the time of attack, the sword prison is not lethal at all. As long as you are injured, it will open the self explosion of the disintegration of the demons. Just ask for a knife on Lu Chen.

In a short period of time, Lu Chen broke dozens of knife prisons and was also chopped dozens of knives.

At the same time, Lu Chen's fist is also full of scars.

Of course, in the process of boxing, Lu Chen is not without action. He is looking for the body of Dao prison with the apocalypse.

Even, Lu Chen also opened the posture of God, in which way he activated the consciousness of the end of the universe and wanted to search for it.

The attitude of God is really powerful, and Lu Chen soon finds the essence of Dao prison.

Just, after finding, the situation makes Lu Chen a little surprised.

"The Dao prison has completely integrated into the blood sea prison. The blood sea is the sword prison, and the knife prison is the blood sea. All the Dao slaves here are his own body, or part of his body."

"This guy is not a man at all."

When Lu Chen sighs, the 100 meter long blood knife cleaves towards Lu Chen again. This time, Lu Chen, with his fists wrapped in the chains of evil spirits, no longer concentrates his strength on his fists.


in the roar, Lu Chen smashed the blood knife and destroyed nearly ten thousand Dao slaves behind the sword prison because of the spread of concussion power.

"It's not stupid. I know I'm immortal, but I can make as many Dao slaves as I want. Laozi is a legend."

Dao Nu is broken by Lu Chen, but the next moment, the broken Dao Nu rises again from the sea of blood.

Lu Chen even felt that it didn't take much energy to condense these Dao slaves. After all, although the Dao slaves were broken by Lu Chen, the broken blood did not spread out, or was still in the blood sea. What Dao prison did was to condense the scattered blood gas into shape. If it was only coagulation, it would not cost much power.

"Ordinary attacks don't work for legends at all."

Lu Chen really felt the power of the legend this time. First of all, it was the suppression of the field, which could turn the title hero who absorbed the aura of heaven and earth into a barbarian who could only fight with his body.

Secondly, the energy is unlimited, which makes it easy to condense a hundred thousand points of body, as well as all kinds of hundred meter blood knives and Dao mountain.

This kind of consumption is that Lu Chen can fight against the other Tianjiao, even if he has a card to resist one or two moves, he also tries his best to die.

"Consumption, legend never fear."

Finally, it is the combination of the secret realm and wireless energy that can't kill people, and the self exploding killing of the sword prison.

Although Lu Chen's battle was very easy just now, it was because Lu Chen's blood lineage and feast had swallowed up too many real spirits of powerful creatures, which made Lu Chen's body too strong, even some super. His basic strength in all aspects crushed the Dao prison, so Lu Chen was able to resist and even crush the Dao prison's separate body.

If it's an ordinary Tianjiao, or even Eli, they can resist the attack and killing of Dao prison. After all, Dao prison is an energy breakthrough, not a physical breakthrough. His body can't be promoted without limit, and can only be similar to the title hero.

However, with unlimited energy and the self explosion of life for injury, Eli and others can only resist at most once or twice. You know, it is similar to the self explosion of the disintegration of the demons. Tianjiao can only withstand the self explosion of the same level once. It can only resist two times with cards. If the third attack, such Tianjiao will surely die.

But how many times can the sword prison explode itself.

Feeling the connection between the sea of blood and the sword prison, Lu Chen understands that this is a bit exaggerated. The soul and will that the sword prison has not broken through, as well as the secret world, can not bear it, but thousands of times or so.

Thousands of times of self explosion equivalent to the title hero are enough to make those Tianjiao despair. They can only say:

"it's really difficult for the title hero to defeat the legend."

Lu Chen feels the difficulty, and the sword prison is also surprised. He doesn't have to deal with the title hero, and even a lot of broken city level evil spirits which are equivalent to the title hero have also dealt with a lot.

He does not have the body to die, and those evil and strange abilities are strange. Many of them can kill him once, but the sword prison never cares about these things. With unlimited energy and the fusion with the sea of blood, he is equivalent to immortality.Moreover, after his death, his memory will not disappear. He can know the strength and weakness of the enemy. Such weakness, together with his not weak ability, can only look for the enemy's weakness for the first time, and the same thing for the second and third time. However, if consumed, he will always win.

However, Lu Chen's situation makes him helpless. The comprehensive and powerful Lu Chen makes him unable to think about it at all and can only consume it.

But even so, he thought he could win.

"Ten times, a hundred times, a hundred times, a thousand times, I don't believe it, and I can't beat you."

"What's more, you need to consume strength to resist, and you need to use willpower to suppress the sea of blood. When you are tired, I can win with a knife."

After being fierce, the sword prison explodes again and turns into a hundred meter blood knife. It rises from the sea of blood and cuts towards the landing time.

But anger is endless. Lu Chen's fist can crush everything.

However, after smashing two blood knives again, Lu Chen no longer bombards with his fist, but with one of the four wings of light behind his back, the man rises to the sky.

"Is this tiredness? But you can't escape. This is a bloody prison. "

At the same time, under the control of his will, ten thousand thick chains rose from the sea of blood and wound towards Lu Chen.

The scene of Lu Chen flying to the sky also makes many people who can see through the blood mist sigh.

"Still failed."

"That's for granted. You know, the top three and some special Tianjiao have the ability to fight against legends and even kill ordinary legends several times. After all, not all legends are Tianjiao in the top 10. Ordinary legends may be top 100 or even break through after that. They are just a highlight, and the other three aspects lag behind Tianjiao, the top ten in the list of people, makes it possible for those Tianjiao to win

"If your Highness Prince Chen is strong and powerful, he can crush and kill his highness of the sword prison again and again. Taiyi, the son of the sun, can defeat ordinary legends several times with the war skills of light and the speed of light. Even Lord Eli can summon the great God Lazer to kill the legend that has just broken through once."

"But the reason why legends are legends is that their essence has risen, and they have the characteristics of God. The body is immortal, the soul is eternal, the will is immortal, and the energy is infinite. The first three can not be killed by ordinary methods, and the final energy infinity seems to be able to kill. But the strong who break through this aspect can rely on the infinite energy to achieve immortality from the side."

"For example, his highness seems to have died again and again, but in fact he did not die at all. What he fought with his Highness Prince Chen has always been his incarnation."

Dao prison did not die once. Lu Chen feels that he has integrated with Xuehai prison. Unless Xuehai prison is destroyed, he will not die. As for the external body, it is just a separate body.

This kind of hard to kill is also the reason why so many Tianjiao fell into the medium-sized spooky situation.

In the war legend, the legend can fail several times, even dozens of times. However, Tianjiao, once defeated, can only die. This is the reason why countless Tianjiao dare not enter the mysterious situation after being marked by evil spirit.

Looking at Lu Chenfei in the sky, many people are sighing, but some people wonder why his Highness Prince Chen can't fight the legend, but can destroy the mysterious situation.

"Was it just an accident last time?"

Chenjia, but with the end of the air, the more fierce the battle, but did not send out.

The endless chain winds around Lu Chen, and a hundred meter blood knife flies to cut Lu Chen. All these make Lu Chen unable to escape, but he does not mean to escape.

In the middle of the sky, Lu Chen pointed to the sky and the ground with one hand, and made the gesture of "being the only one in the sky and the earth.".

"Let it be nothing."

With the establishment of the posture and the singing of the spirit, there is a light blooming from Lu Chen's fingertips.

As soon as Guangpu appears, it shines on the world, like the sun exploding at the fingertips of LuChen.

this is the skill of the Taizhi people. The pure power of light repels everything, and when it reaches the extreme, it can "purify" everything.

Of course, Lu Chen is not able to purify all things now, but he can specify a "filthy" because of the intermediate sunlight.

This time, Lu Chen designated blood!

When the assignment is completed and the light is in full bloom, the blood is treated as "filthy" and is not only washed and purified by the power of light.

Everything in Xuehai prison is made up of blood. The flying chain and the hundred meter long blood knife are all blood in essence, and all of these are designated as filthy by Lu Chen.

As the purification begins, the blood is wiped away without a sound.

Under the influence of the power of light, both the chain and the blood knife are gradually reduced to nothing. After erasing the blood knife and chain that attacked Lu Chen, the power of light is shining on the whole scam, so we should "clean up" all the filth.

Such a scene was naturally perceived by the sword prison, but after knowing this, he not only did not get angry, but laughed.

"Have you forgotten one thing? I broke through from the energy. I will never be short of energy!"The words sounded, and the prison suddenly sounded a surge of sound, and then, Lu Chen only felt that there was a wave on all sides of the prison. The tide surrounded the sky like the curtain of the sea, and rushed towards Lu Chen who stood in the sky.


the violent energy collision sounds in the blood sea prison, and the power of light and the power of blood collide wildly.

The dazzling power of light is purifying the filth of the world, but the endless sea of blood wants to cover the light, which is the purest energy collision.

Every moment, dirty blood is consumed, but similarly, Lu Chen, who continuously releases sunlight, is also consuming his own energy reserve.

At the same time, the wings behind Lu Chen are also expanding rapidly. In a short period of time, the four wings of light extended to 3000 meters. With the wings of light flapping slightly, countless feathers of light fell off from Lu Chen's wings and bombed everywhere in this bloody prison.

"Boom and boom"

tens of thousands of feathers fell off once the wings fluttered, and the continuous explosions were startling. In that thunderous sound, a layer of blood fog shrouded in Xuehai prison was thinner.

This is a matter of course. After all, the exploding feather is a pure force of light. After the explosion of the feather of light, the blood sea prison will lose part of its strength and cannot return at all.

However, the sword prison's counterattack also came soon. On the one hand, he tried his best to raise the sea of blood to cover Lu Chen. On the other hand, he also continuously gathered countless blood blades to shoot at Lu Chen.

The blood blade from the blood sea collides with the light feather falling from the sky, just like the air force against the Navy. The explosion completely covers all the fields of the blood sea prison.

Even, the series of explosions even made many people think that they came to the battlefield of fierce fighting, or the kind of war among hundreds of thousands of people.

This is the battle between the legends. The fight between the two is like the battle between two armies.

But in the time of bombardment, Dao prison's brow quickly frowned, and he found that the light feather was very restrained to his sea of blood.

Lu Chen is not surprised that the pure power of Qi and blood is not afraid of the sun, and even, in a way, pure Yang Qi and blood are equal to the sun.

But Qi and blood in Xuehai prison is not pure Qi and blood. There are too many impurities, resentment, hatred, despair All kinds of negative breath are in conflict with the power of light, and the power of light restrains these Qi and blood. In addition, Lu Chen has designated blood as filthy. For various reasons, one power of light can resist three parts of Qi and blood.

"Three to one, worthy of Tianjiao, energy quality is really high, but I have unlimited energy, three to one is still my victory."

Looking at the falling feather of light, Dao Yu didn't change its strategy, but let the sea of blood run against the barbarian prince. At the same time, countless blood thorns, blood blades, even Dao slaves, and Dao Jufen all jumped into the air to interrupt Lu Chen's sunshine.

But all of this is useless. After the expansion of the wings, there are six kilometers in diameter of the wings of light. Under the impact of the feathers, most of the things can't come to Lu Chen's side.

Of course, in most cases, there is something that can come. It is the hundred meter blood blade formed after the self explosion of Dao Jue's body. Although it is consumed most of the way, it is the same as Tianjiao's use of the method of disintegration. The hundred meter blood blade can still come to Lu Chen.

To this end, Lu Chen's response is to open the prison clothes of the high and the remnant sun, which are like flying body tracks, so that Lu Chen can enter the unknown space without being disturbed by most attacks, while the prison clothes of the remnant sun are like the sun burning armor.

As a feather coat composed of fire covers Lu Chen, his image becomes more dignified. In addition to the majesty, the prison clothes of the remnant sun are constantly releasing high temperature. Anything that wants to get close to Lu Chen's body will be burned by the feather coat.


in the face of such a bloody blade, Lu Chen didn't attack at all, but his bones just leaked out and turned into evil spirit chains around Lu Chen After circle after circle, he can withstand the bombing of blood blade.

In this way, Lu Chen and Dao prison formed a stalemate. With the sea of blood and the blood blade, blood thorn and chain that spread from the sea of blood, the sword prison wanted to pull down Lu Chen, while Lu Chen purified everything by the power of light.

However, one is supported by a small world of blood, and the other is a mountain like sea of energy stored in the body, which makes the fight between the two a bit protracted.

In this continuous bombardment, Dao Yu was full of self-confidence: "I have unlimited energy in my body. In such a stalemate, it is absolutely me who will win in the end."


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