Dao prison is full of self-confidence, and feels that with the passage of time, he will win, and Lu Chen has the same idea.

In this way, the confrontation between the two lasted for more than ten minutes.

This kind of protracted war is also the normal state of legendary rivalry.

According to Lu Chen, after he arrived at the legend and his life changed qualitatively, each battle between the legends would last several hours, and the last time many powerful men besieged the God of fear and nightmare lasted for a week.

And this situation is very normal, after all, the level is high, unless the strength of crushing too much, otherwise, it is difficult to form a second kill.

No, it should be said that the second kill is useless. Think about the conditions for reaching the legend.

The body is immortal, the soul is eternal, and the will is immortal. Just from these three names, it is hard to kill this kind of existence.

The infinite energy is not as hard to kill as the first three, but the infinite energy makes the people who break through here can do too many things. For them, many consumptive tricks are routine abilities.

"Boom, boom!"

At this time, the crowd of onlookers had left more than ten miles away. There was no way out. The fighting in the distance was too loud. Although there was a small world of blood as a barrier, as the bombing lasted for 15 minutes, the prison had become thinner and thinner, and there were plumes of light or blood blades flying out from time to time.

The feather of light and the blood blade Lu Chen and Dao prison will not pay attention to them, but they are a super Title hero, and the other is a legend. Other people have no such ability.

Every time something flies out, there's a big hole in the ground outside.

At the same time, watching the continuous bombardment inside, the voice of Taoist discourse also sounded around.

"This kind of bombardment has lasted 15 minutes, why is the energy of his Highness Prince Chen so much?"

"It's really strong. It's not that there was no legend to guide the title hero before, but that kind of guidance was that the title hero fled for his life with various flexible skills. This kind of face-to-face bombardment..."

Outside the discussion knife prison and Lu Chen are ignored, at this time the two people are focused on the opposite side, simply do not care about other.

And in the bombardment, the self-confidence attitude of Dao prison slowly faded, at the same time, his brow was also severely wrinkled up, the power of light three times the damage, let him have been unbearable.

After all, the so-called "infinite energy" means that his small world can continuously absorb energy from the void, which makes him not worry about the fracture of energy supply no matter where he is. At the same time, because a small world in a secret place absorbs a lot of energy, which supplies him with energy and makes his energy a little more exhausted.

At this time, the only way to keep up with the fierce bombardment is to keep up with the fierce bombardment of the four wings in the sky, which means that we should not only maintain the force of the four wings in the sky, but also keep the strength of the whole body.

If only this is the case, the sword prison can support it. After all, a small world of secret places still provides a lot of energy. However, the power of light's restraint on filthy blood makes him have to spend three times the energy to offset Lu Chen's one share, and three times of his all-out efforts. This makes him uncomfortable.

"I can still hold on for an hour and a half with such drastic consumption. Can I win if I go on like this?"

He was worried, but soon, there was no time for him to worry. The higher quality of the power of pure light gave Lu Chen some advantages. However, he did not know when to bomb, which made Lu Chen dissatisfied.

"Swear here. I don't allow anything that I can't cut. And this sword is an invincible blade that cuts and cuts through everything on the ground

With Lu Chen's singing, there is a silver light emerging from Lu Chen. After the silver light appeared, it did not cover Lu Chen's right hand, but spread to his wings. If we say, the original wings of light give people the sense of holiness and light. At this time, after being covered with silver, the wings of light have become the wings of the sword, and the most sharp edge is from the light On the wings.

When the silver light covered the whole wings, Lu Chen slightly flapped his wings, and countless silver rays covered the feathers of light shot in all directions.

"Not good!"

I feel that the evil sword prison gathers countless blood blades and shoots them at the feather of light. In the past, the collision between the two would explode and then disappear.

But at this time, the feather of light is like a magic sword. It cuts off the blood blade and the chain in an instant. Then, the feather of light cuts the sea of blood, penetrates the blood mist and shoots at the outside.

"No, resist..."

"I can't stop it. Run away!"

In addition to the blood mist, there are some Tianjiao who are strong in strength and not as far away as ordinary soldiers. At this time, they are tragic. The feather of light covered by the power of the sword can cut everything.

Of course, Lu Chen doesn't pay much attention to the situation outside. At this time, he is still focusing on the sword prison. The huge amount of light plumes containing the power of the sword are flying everywhere, shooting the whole small world of blood into a sieve. What makes Dao prison tremble is that the holes pierced by the power of the sword can't heal at all.

The field of Dao prison is not an ordinary field, but the projection of Xuehai prison covers the present world. Therefore, his field is so powerful.But this kind of coverage is not easy. Even if the shadow of the secret world covers the main world, it is just like Lu Chen calling Avalon. It not only needs a lot of energy, but also needs to face the exclusion of the world.

At this time, after Lu Chen shot through countless holes, the external natural energy and internal confluence, just like the submarine broke a hole in the deep sea, and was in imminent danger.

In this case, the blood sea prison of Dao prison was immediately pressed back into his body. At the same time, the blood sea prison was closely related to projection. The projection was cut by the power of the sword, and there were countless holes in his small world. Although the gap was not big, there was also a void storm blowing into his small world.

"No, the world is broken. Even if I don't die, I will fall into the realm."

The uncomfortable feeling appeared in his heart, but now is not the time to think about it. With the destruction of the blood sea prison, the man in the sword prison has appeared in the world, and Lu Chen's tall figure is like a demon.

The first move is the wings. With the wings waving, Lu Chenren burst forward like rockets. At the same time, countless feathers are like shells, bombarding the front.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

"I should have won."

Lu Chen thinks that he will win. After all, Dao prison is an advanced legend based on the small world of blood. After all, his ability should not be strong after breaking the sea of blood.

However, Lu Chen still underestimated the legend. In the face of Lu Chen's attack, Dao prison roared directly.

"The true body of Shura!"

The only difference is that the blood shadow of crazy Dao is only ten meters high, while the real body of Shura in Dao prison is 380 meters.

What's more terrifying is that the shadow of Asura behind the crazy sword is illusory, which is the mixture of his sword spirit and momentum.

The sword prison, who has unlimited energy, directly fills the body with a huge amount of filthy blood into the real body of the Shura. The figure of the Shura turned into the real body in an extreme time.

Soon, a king of Shura with three heads and six arms, and a full 380 meters, stood on the ground and looked at Lu Chen.

"This is my strongest form."

Lu Chen's eyes squint at the words of Dao prison, but soon, a voice comes from Lu Chen's mouth.

"This is indeed your strongest form, but such a large body can not be manipulated by consciousness. Your will and soul are here. Kill it and you will die."

Can the real body of Shura be manipulated by distraction? The answer is feasible.

But this kind of manipulation requires the legendary soul. If they break through the soul, the split soul will be like a real person, but the sword prison can't have such ability. If he can separate his mind and control, because the soul and will do not match with the powerful body, such a true body of Shura will be like a child holding a sledgehammer, which is only superficial and even slow. Therefore, Lu ChenKe To be sure, everything in the sword prison is in the real body of Shura.

"It's true that you have the strongest side, but the strongest aspect is also the weakest aspect."

"You really don't look like a stupid brute!" After sighing, Dao prison opened his mouth and said, "if you defeat me like this, you can win, but I am not afraid even if it is the legend of immortal body!"

Before the words fell, one of the six arms of the great Shura's body moved, and a long sword had already come out of its scabbard. There was a huge sword light that could cut through the heaven and earth, and the light of the sword cleaved to LuChen like a wave.

Lu Chen's sword is 800 meters long. Facing this Dao, Lu Chen doesn't mean to retreat at all. He steps forward and forms a bow. All Lu Chen's strength is concentrated on his right fist.


When the sword Qi comes to his body, Lu Chen shouts and blows his fist to the mountain like sword Qi.

"Boom There was a violent vibration in the field.

Lu Chen used to like to press people with strength and pressure, but before, he was also the biggest.

But this time, it is obviously the sword prison with infinite energy that makes the real body of Shura bigger.

He can make the air roar with one fist, and the earth can crack with one foot. However, this kind of power can't break the sabre Qi like the sea.


The sound of plowing on both feet sounded, and Lu Chen was pushed back 500 meters by that Dao Qi, and then broke the Dao Qi with the force of concussion.

Looking at the body in front of him four times, as high as 380 meters of the real body of Shura, Lu Chen really understand, big is strong.

When Lu Chen is pushed back, the voice of the sword prison has sounded.

"You know, condensing the momentum and virtual shadow into the real body is the best way to enhance strength and also the most energy consuming method. The bigger the shadow is, the stronger it is, and the more energy it consumes. However, my energy is infinite, so it doesn't matter at all. Give up. You are not the real opponent of Shura. "

Dao Juan is confident of defeating Lu Chen, but his inner world is cut by Lu Chen and needs to be repaired quickly. Moreover, he has a premonition that although he is four times higher than the prince Chen in front of him, it is not easy to deal with Lu Chen. It will take a lot of energy to deal with Lu Chen. What's more, he has no profit at all."It doesn't hurt to beat that kid, but it doesn't matter if you play all your cards and you don't get any profit."

Therefore, after showing his strength, he wants Lu Chen to admit defeat.

Unfortunately, he didn't make any profit. Lu Chen did.

Looking at the real body of Shura in the distance, Lu Chen laughs.

"It's big. As long as it's big enough, everything can be smashed. I like this real body."

"Since you know that if you're big enough, you'll be able to conquer everything. Don't you admit defeat?"

"Of course not! Big is really strong, but you are not as big as mine


He is puzzled, but Lu Chen's momentum has already erupted wildly, and a majestic voice comes from Lu Chen's mouth.

"Roar, black rope, heaven punish the king!"

With Lu Chen's voice, there is a terrible momentum from Lu Chen. The momentum makes the wind surging and the earth shatter. At the same time, dark clouds condense from the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun.

In a very short time, the world is like night No, it's not night, it's hell.

The black rope prison of eight hot hell came into the world.

But most of the people who are crying in the sky are attracted by the burning fire of the mountain.

One of the eight hot hell masters, the black rope God punishes the Ming king!

The black rope God punishes the Ming king. This ability comes from the world of the God of death. It is the soul chopping Sabre of the left formation of Yaocun. In that world, the performance of this soul chopping Sabre is almost the weakest among the team leaders.

However, this weak is in the left hand of the village, the host strength is good, but can not compare with the present Lu Chen.

"The essence of the black rope God punishes the Ming king is the Lord of hell, and the external performance is a huge warrior figure. Without mentioning the identity of the Lord of hell, the greatness is enough for me!"

For ordinary people, this ability can only summon a warrior figure of more than ten meters, even if it is the left array of Yao village, it does not call a hundred meters.

But Lu Chen is different. His vigorous Qi and blood, and his body shape of 90 meters high are enough to show the strength of Lu Chen's essence.

After the black rope God punishes the Ming king into Lu Chen's soul, it is already the embodiment of Lu Chen's soul essence. At the same time, its huge development is also based on Lu Chen's standard.

In the past, when he was weak, Lu Chen summoned a figure of 180 meters. At this time, Man Wang's blood reached the top level, his size and size were satisfactory, and his second heart was complete. The feast devoured a huge amount of real spirits. All these things made Lu Chen's essence extremely huge.

How great is the greatness based on this essence.

This point, along with the black rope God punishes the Ming King's figure thoroughly after the world, some people cry out in horror.

"How big

"Hiss, this is half as high as the real body of his highness in the sword prison."

"Five hundred meters. This is at least five hundred meters."

"The battle of giants, are we in the ancient mythology era?"

"In the mythical age, legend also belongs to the top. This is the war between the incarnations of the two gods."

"Darling, Prince Chen is really strong."


"Run what?"

"What else, those two monsters The battle between your highness is not something we can watch. "

"Wait for me..."

"Let's go together, quick!"

When the real body of Shura of the sword prison and Lu Chen's black rope heavenly punishment King Ming both came into the world and confronted each other, those slightly weaker people were the first to react and ran out of the country crazily.

The second is Tianjiao, who was defeated by Lu Chen in the past. Looking at Lu Chen's majestic figure like sea and mountain, they all feel frustrated.

"I can't even get close to it!"

Among them, Hongchang is the most complicated. When Lu Chen started to challenge the sword prison, she was very happy and secretly let her martial uncle teach the son of a bitch a lesson. But now it seems that it is hard to say who wins or who loses.

"Uncle, come on!"

Her voice of cheering could not reach the heart of Dao prison. Looking at the five hundred meters high black rope behind Lu Chen, the sword prison's eyebrows were completely twisted together.

"This guy, what kind of monster is it? How can he summon a monster bigger than my Shura? How much energy does it take?"

"What's more, this monster has no lack of power and connotation. How strong is his soul and will?"

It's not only energy that can summon a huge figure. In that way, the summoned shadow is only large in appearance and powerful at most. However, this kind of shadow has no interior. Just like the left array of Baicun village, the original host of black rope Tianbian king, it can only exert its strength advantage, but it also has slow weakness.

However, the incarnation of the black rope God punishing the Ming King behind Lu Chen is different. In addition to the huge and frightening body, it also has the general majesty of heaven. At the same time, the appearance of this place makes the scene of hell, which shows that Lu Chen can safely play the power of black rope God punishing Ming king.Such a safe play shows that Lu Chen is at the top level in terms of energy, will and soul.

"Will, soul, physical quality, these are not weaker than me, but master more divine level skills than me. This guy is really a monster But I haven't failed yet. I have more energy than him. As long as I don't kill me with one hit, I can win

Not willing to be the negative material, Dao Yu tried his best, but Lu Chen was not willing to be outdone. The two people who gathered the Dharma together first competed in the field of momentum.

On the other side of the sword prison is an endless sea of blood and a large number of prisoners. On Lu Chen's side, this is the infernal industrial fire, the drawing of the hell with the rope tied, the axe and the saw.

One red and one black, the heaven and earth are affected by Lu Chen and Dao prison, and become two colors crazy fighting.

Logically speaking, the legendary momentum and field can crush Lu Chen of the title level, but first of all, Lu Chen's momentum is not weaker than that of the opposite. Secondly, the essence of the black rope God punishing the Ming king is higher than the opposite.

Even, as the incarnation of the king of hell, he restrained the filthy blood and all kinds of things, which made Lu Chen's momentum not only weak, but also rushed up.

"No, momentum can't match."

Feeling bad, knowing that he can't move, the sword prison controls the real body of Shura to rush to Lu Chen with his own soul and will. The arms of six swords are waving one after another, bringing up a series of sword lights. The light of the sword sweeps like a bloody storm and rolls towards Lu Chen.

Before the man arrived, the bloody knife light made the land around LuChen crack.

Lu Chen did not evade the attack. His response was to step forward, form a bow, close his right fist and fist under his abdomen, and his whole body strength was converging there.


The intense gathering of strength, especially the shock force, makes the white halo appear on Lu Chen's fist, and at the same time, there is the sound of air Weng.

The white halo is not the color of concussion force, but the essence of it belongs to pure power without any color. The reason why the white halo appears is that the strength on Lu Chen's fist is too condensed, which distorts the surrounding air and space. The violent distortion appears in people's sight, which makes the white halo appear.

At the same time, it is frightening that at the beginning, the white halo only covered one layer of Lu Chen's fist, but after only a breath, the halo extended to 100 meters, which also means that Lu Chen's fist just can't move, which distorts the surrounding air and space.

This kind of influence is not all. There is a white halo within 100 meters, and it is even more terrifying when it is 100 meters away. The air is shaking like a ripple, and the earth is constantly splitting. It seems that there is something unbearable in the world.

Such a terrible vision, such a cohesive force makes Dao prison feel afraid to look directly at it.

Just in terms of prestige, the white halo is not as good as Lu Chen's incarnation of the sun, but Dao Xun would rather face the sun than face this move.

"I can't take it. If this blow comes down, I may die!"

With such an idea, he wanted to turn around, but it was useless.

"If it's only 10 meters, you can avoid it, but now, where are you hiding? Wanxiang Tianyin, come here to me!"

His right hand condenses all his strength, and Lu Chen's left hand becomes a claw, showing endless suction, and grabs the real body of Shura directly.

"Demon prison kill!"

Unable to avoid, unable to escape, in the end, the sword prison can only wield six blades, set off endless blood to kill the front, layers of blood like the tide of the sea.

But even the real sea can't bear Lu Chen's opening the black rope to punish the queen of Ming, which has condensed the whole body's strength!


the great sound is hard to hear. The great form has no shape.

In silence, Lu Chen's fist, which is covered by a hundred meters halo, rushes forward!

Under this blow, there was no sound, but with the fist forward, a terrible scene happened.

under that fist, everything in front is vanishing, first is stacked like the sea knife gas, the knife gas is turbulent, facing the fist to come to be like the bubble general to be broken directly, then is six tenacious blood knife.

When his fist broke the sabre Qi without a sound, Dao prison already felt something bad. He held six bloody knives in front of him.

But all this was useless. Before the fist arrived, just the white halo rolled over, and the six bloody knives in the Dao prison's hands trembled violently, and then suddenly broke.

"Not good..."

There was a sound coming from the mouth of Dao prison, but when the air and aura were broken by Lu Chen, the sound could not be transmitted without any medium. He could only watch the white halo of the sun cover everything.

And then it's over.

The real body of Shura, which is composed of filthy blood, has no resistance to the fist containing concussion force. Just like the castle where the sand is piled up by the waves, his real body of Shura collapses directly.

At this point, the exposed body shape of the sword prison disappeared directly.

The real body of Shura disappeared, but the strength of Lu Chen's fist was not completely released.

"Boom!"The mighty force is going straight ahead, 100 meters, kilometers, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000 To the last 80000!

In front of Lu Chen's powerful force, 80000 meters away, anything higher than the ground in front of Lu Chen's body was flattened and smashed.

Lu Chen and Hong Chang were on a cliff when they were fighting. The cliff was near a mountain range. Now, hundreds of mountains are completely flattened by Lu Chen's concussion force, and endless dust and sand particles spread to the sky.

One punch, the plain appears!


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