In this world, the inheritance of Title heroes can only be mastered by large-scale powerful families. Ordinary people have no inheritance at all. No, no, not only ordinary people, but also some small powerful families have not mastered such inheritance. Now, the opportunity to step up to the sky is in front of us, and countless people are excited.

In a very short period of time, the originally orderly crowd got into chaos. Some people called for their families, some wanted to bring their brothers, and many of the rich children who came to watch the ceremony directly rushed down from the audience and entered the waiting area, hoping to be tested with those poor children.

Lu Chen didn't think of such a chaotic scene, and he thought of what, but he roared.

"Not everyone can accept the gift of my strength, which grows up in suicide killing, but crazy killing will also engulf you. Therefore, you should have the heart of fighting bravely and have a strong will. Only by strengthening your heart in killing and constantly sharpening your will can you be strong."

This is Lu Chen's warning, but no one cares about such a warning, and even makes people more enthusiastic.

No way, no matter what kind of power is easily obtained. In this world, no matter what kind of power, all need resources, talent and efforts. Only by doing so can we become a strong one.

But now, according to Lu Chen, resources and talent are no longer needed. Just hard work and bravery are enough. Of course, they are happy.

As for growing up only in killing, it is better for human beings in this world.

"Evil is endless. We will fight against them and kill more than ever. We can improve ourselves in killing. This is the strength that suits me most."

"If I don't kill them, they have to come and kill me. Fighting is inevitable."

"Father, mother, sister, Qingqing, qianer, I will avenge for you. I will kill all the evil spirits and leave none of them."

This is a miserable world and a world of constant killing. It is more in line with the wishes of the people here to gain strength from suicide.

Soon, some people went to draw their relatives and friends, while more people were looking forward to Lu Chen's examination, hoping to gain the power of revenge (protecting family members).

People's expectation also makes Lu Chen laugh.

Behind the twelve wings slightly fan, Lu Chen came to the highest mountain here.

With Lu Chen's arrival, there is ice mixed with soil at Lu Chen's feet to form a huge throne.

High on the throne, Lu Chen looked down at the earth and nodded.

"Come on, those who study my Dharma must have a strong will. Now, show your will. Only those who have reached the peak can get the gift of my strength!"

As soon as this saying is said, countless people rush towards the mountains. However, there are also some smart people who look at the mountains which are very high for ordinary people, but for the strong people, they are also dignified.

"It's too easy to get the gift of strength just by climbing the mountain."

"It is true that the mountain is not steep. Although there is ice and snow on the mountain, even a savage can climb it. His royal highness definitely has other considerations."


As those wise people think, Lu Chen does have his own consideration.

Ordinary peaks can't select people with firm will, but although the mountain peaks are ordinary, when Lu Chen sits down, everything is different.

There is a frenzied momentum from Lu Chen. The domineering momentum is overwhelming, which makes all creatures unable to fly. At the same time, the domineering will also make mountain climbers feel depressed. They must have enough tenacity to come up against the pressure.

[tyrant territory]

"Berserker's power is gained from suicide killing. As long as there is a fight, their strength will increase rapidly, but it is easy to enhance their strength, and they can't suppress the enhanced power. However, they will become completely crazy warriors and become real prison blood demons to destroy everything. Therefore, what I choose is not strength, but will. Only those with strong will can reach By my side. "

The territory of the overlord makes it difficult for the weak willed to move. Because the first ghost is the strongest, the power seed that can be given now has reached 100000 (the power of the first ghost increases all the time). Lu Chen is too terrible to let others go crazy.

"If other people are easy to go mad, they will be the pawns of the first ghost, and they will bite me back. But if the selected people are determined, they will bear the first ghost's backfire with me. Then, I won't have to worry about the situation of the first ghost."

It is Lu Chen's practice to disperse the power of the first ghost to the people, and then rely on this connection to gather the will of the people to suppress the first ghost. As long as those people are not tempted by the power of crazy soldiers, they are the most firm foundation of Lu Chen.

Therefore, Lu Chen attaches great importance to this screening.

"It's better to be short than excessive, even if we can't fill the 100000 quota, we can't give our strength to the weak willed people."

In this way, the fourth ghost God, saya of frost, and the second ghost, Pu Meng of erosion, appeared beside Lu Chen's throne.At the same time, a bone chilling, cold death also covered the mountain, which made it more difficult for the climbers, and the second ghost also released his territory.

Different from the cold of the fourth ghost, there are countless illusions, temptations, and desperation.

The first ghost's frost field, the second ghost's erosion area, and the overlord's territory, make it very difficult for human beings to walk here.

Of course, the people here are not fighting alone. The power is distributed to millions of people, which makes them just suppress. Even if they can't hold on, they will just faint and will not hurt them.

At the same time, Lu Chen at the level of perfection can also control the territory of the overlord, so that it can influence the people he wants to influence, and also can let go of friendly forces. Ji hongdie takes the hands released by Lu Chen to rescue those who are unconscious.

"I won't get hurt this time, but I won't have a chance to pass the coma I don't know how many people can be gathered in. Can 10000 people be so strict? "

Ten thousand is Lu Chen's guess. The first ghost is too strong and Lu Chen's oppression is too great. Therefore, he thinks that too many people will pass through.

But the people who gathered together gave Lu Chen a great surprise. After Lu Chen's meditation, one of them climbed to the top of the mountain.

It's not the title of the strong. The territory of the overlord that Lu Chen has completely mastered makes Lu Chen's suppression of everyone different. The powerful people of the title are more oppressed. They have to be more tough than others to arrive. The first one to come up is the brave.

At the same time, the one who came up was not the iron and blood soldier expected by Lu Chen, but a middle-aged man who looked ordinary.

Arriving at LuChen, he knelt down on the frost covered land.

"I will serve your highness and die for him."

"Wanjihong, can you be the first to come up? You are very good. Can you tell me what supported your arrival?"

After just thinking about it for a moment, Wan Qihong said with a sad look:

"my child, I have four children, three of whom are dead, and only the last one. I need strength to protect him. In any case, I will never lose him."

"Family? I allow you to move your family to the Chen tribe. As long as I don't die, it won't be broken. "

"Thank you."

"You deserve it. Now, accept the power."

With Lu Chen's words, a red light pops up from the shadow of the red devil behind Lu Chen and bounces on WAN Qihong's right arm.


The blood color light such as body let wanqihong send out a cry, the whole person is holding the right hand to kneel on the ground.

In a very short period of time, wanqihong's right hand had a mutation, with blood vessels exposed and cyan and purple veins coagulated together, which made wanqihong's right hand like a ghost hand.

And wanqihong's shrill cry also scared many people.

"What's going on?"

"Is that power unknown?"

Just when they were puzzled, wanqihong's integration was over.

At this time, he also climbed up from the ground, and the pain of the fusion was still in his heart. But at this time, he had forgotten these things, and there was only excitement in his heart.

"Power, great power."

Holding the mutated right hand, Wan Qihong's face was excited. With the sudden grip of his ghost hand, the sound of "bang", the explosion of the air sounded here. He felt the surge of strength in his body and the moves he learned naturally. He had too many surprises in his heart.

Lu Chen felt this. After a glance at wanqihong, Lu Chen nodded slightly toward the fourth ghost. Then, with a wave of the fourth ghost's hand, the endless frost condensed into a frost white ice wall under the mountain peak.

Pointing to the ice wall, Lu Chen smiles.

"Let go and feel your new strength."

"Yes, your highness."

After accepting Lu Chen's power, Wan Qihong changed his mouth directly. Then, the blood in his right hand flowed into his whole body. His whole body was red. His Qi and blood gushed. He jumped down from the mountain directly, and the huge sword in his hand hit the frost white mountain peak that Lu Chen had just condensed.

With the sound of "bang", the frozen snow mountain and the earth were smashed into a hole by Wan Qihong.

Wan Jihong did not come alone. Many people knew him. Even, he brought some of them with him.

At this time, these people looked at the momentum of wanjihong's whole body, looked at his strength, and their faces showed horror.

"How strong, just accepted the strength is so strong, this has been close to God's bestow."

"No, what we are given is God!"

Wanqihong's power has greatly increased, which shocked many people. After the shock, it was a surprise.

"As long as we pass the examination of your highness, we will also have such power."

"I will make it."

Because of wanqihong's success, countless people's hearts are burning up.But Lu Chen looked at wanqihong's situation, also some slightly surprised, but soon, he thought of what, dumb smile.

"I forget that the first ghost, the Kazan of the sword and soul, besides the name of the God of destruction, also has the name of the God of power. In the game, the effect of the array of swords and spirits is to increase the strength."

Different from the fancy skills of other ghosts and gods, the power of the first ghost is very simple, which is to increase the strength and lethality, but this increase is also the most obvious.

After wanqihong got the blood of Kazan and became a crazy soldier, his strength increased dramatically.

Then, he realized another signature skill of crazy soldiers, namely, violent walking. The performance of violent walking in this world is the rapid flow of blood, driving the double acceleration of strength and speed, which increased his power of qualitative change, and therefore, he was so shocked.

"Come on, don't let me down."

After taking a look at wanjihong, Lu Chen's eyes turned to his own crowd step by step like a pilgrim.

After wanqihong came up, some people passed Lu Chen's triple test, came to the peak, knelt down under Lu Chen's throne, and accepted the gift of Lu Chen's power.

At this time, the level of heroes and titles given by Lu Chen was accepted.

Although Lu Chen suppressed them even more, they were not weak except for some wastes raised by a large number of resources.

Because of their super strength, many of them even awakened directly after receiving the gift from the first ghost, and they realized that the mountain collapsed and the earth was cut.

"What a powerful force. Thank you, your highness."

The awakening of these people, in addition to their own happiness, also makes people who are climbing the mountain excited.

More and more people climb to the top of the mountain.

Looking at the numerous people, Lu Chen was somewhat surprised to find that he seemed to be wrong. People's will was stronger than he imagined. In a very short time, more than 20000 people accepted his power.

"Why so many? Is it because my test is too easy?"

After perceiving it for a while, Lu Chen finds that his test is not weak. Only veterans of hundred battles can

"Veteran of the hundred battles I was wrong. The world of peace is fundamentally different from what it is now

Inexplicably, Lu Chen thought of the world in the 21st century. Because his country has been in peace for a long time, people's will is declining slowly, which is completely different from that decades ago.

In that red shining era, for the belief in heart and for the rise of the country, his ancestors had a strong will. During the 25000 Li Long March, millions of soldiers and people ate snow water to fight against the eagle emperor coalition army. It was a hard time and a brilliant era.

In the war years, people can burst out the ultimate will, and peace will slowly erode.

But his country is still good. The country across the sea from China has been weakened to the name of pig, which is not recognized by one person.

"There is no doubt that there are the most dangerous battles in the world I live in. There are veterans who keep fighting, Avengers who die of their families, and people who work hard for their families. This is the worst time, but also the most tough one."

"Mankind is a race with more tenacious life and greater potential."

Watching them gnash their teeth to climb the snow covered mountain, even if their fingers were frostbitten, people would be in a coma, still clench their teeth and climb up step by step. Lu Chen knew that the 100000 quota would not be empty.

At the same time, Lu Chen also knows that when the war is not over and the suffering is not over, their will will will shine forever. With the existence of the 110000 battle division, Lu Chen will never have to worry about the erosion of the first ghost.

"What a lovely group of people

After sighing, watching millions of people here become their own believers and listening to their voices after connecting with themselves, Lu Chen smiles.

"I've heard your wish. Don't worry. I'll kill all of you."


With the passage of time, there are more and more people climbing the top of the mountain. However, those who have not yet come up are in a panic when they see the huge number of people accepting the power. Even some people directly kneel down on the ground and cry. They have reasons to need strength and people to protect, but their own will is not very tough.

And some of the new people who were brought by their families were also extremely miserable.

In this regard, Lu Chen screamed and stopped their crying. At the same time, Lu Chen's voice also rang.

"I will not need cowards, but those who have not succeeded this time should not be too disappointed. On this day of every year, I will make a selection. If it fails this year, you will have another chance."

The power of Kazan, the first ghost, is growing. A year later, Lu Chen felt that he could increase 100000 crazy soldiers.

At the same time, Lu Chen also decided to select envoys of other ghosts and gods from here.

"Although other ghosts and gods are summoners, it's good if other people can suppress them. It's also a chance for these determined people."Lu Chen's words soothed some people's panic. At the same time, many powerful families, looking at the army of nearly 100000 crazy soldiers gathered together, felt the Qi and blood tumultuous sky, as well as the extremely violent power, and slowly made up their minds.

"Next time, all the children of my family will come."

And this thinking is not only the small-scale giants without inheritance, but also the large-scale ones.

One of them wanted the power given by Lu Chen, and the other was their frightened discovery that his royal highness, Prince Chen, had the essence of God.

"To give such power to others, or to give one hundred thousand at a time, is absolutely something that gods can do."

What they think is not wrong. The first ghost can indeed be called a God.

Of course, it is a weak God, but no matter how weak he is, his essence is still a God. Therefore, Lu Chen has given so many gifts.

This time, ordinary people get the power to protect their families and villages, and Lu Chen also gets 100000 troops.

This is not all Lu Chen has gained. With Lu Chen showing his strength in front of millions of people and "gaining" their recognition, Lu Chen's false title of sword saint has also changed.

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