[real swordsman]

[host's words make many people regard them as wise sayings. In the minds of those who identify with their hosts, swordsmen will not only be sword bearers, but will be sword masters no matter what weapons they use and can kill enemies]

[Title Effect: as long as the host and those who identify with the host's Kendo are determined in their hearts, they can use axes and hammers Even blunt tools, wolf toothed sticks (my sword master, Sanjue! Alas...) When you cut everything and kill all the opponents, whatever you say is right.

[PS: when you kill all the opponents, whatever you say is right.

[I say I am a swordsman, who is in favor of it, who is against it! 】

Lu Chen was very happy when the false swordsman turned into a real swordsman. The only thing that bothered him was that the real swordsman, like the false swordsman, implied that he could use other weapons.

The only difference is that the false swordsman explicitly says that it is better to give up the sword, while the real swordsman is a hint.

"Come on, it's always good."

In addition to the real swordsman, what surprised Lu Chen was that after showing force in front of millions of people, Lu Chen got another title, which was still related to the sword.

[the host shows the power of the first ghost and God, its fierce killing intention and the momentum of destroying everything make millions of people feel that the host is like a demon. Because the host claims to be the sword saint, now the host gets a new Title of "the devil of the sword"

the sword demon also has its own special effects, but Lu Chen doesn't care about these at this time. With the two titles fixed, Lu Chen has been officially promoted In order to be named a swordsman, and the title of swordsman, in addition to the blessing of the title, also has a chance to draw a lottery.

[Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the host who has obtained the title of real swordsman and sword demon. Now the host is promoted to the title of Swordsman and will get a chance of skill extraction]

[Ding, the system indicates that because the host's title sword devil and sword saint match a certain skill in the same vein, so the skill is a myth. The host can directly extract this skill with 1000 aura points]

read it out Title swordsman can directly draw opportunities from the skill pool. Lu Chen is surprised.

"It can still be like this Wait a minute. Why didn't I choose the most suitable one when I was promoted to the title of hero? "

Lu Chen is feeling, and originally, he thought there was no answer, but in the end, there was an answer in Lu Chen's heart.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host sword master's pulse is complete, and each skill extraction is a sword vein or a general skill. At the advanced stage, when the host itself is well matched with a certain skill, it can also be directly extracted with aura value. The host barbarian warrior is not complete, so everything needs to be extracted by the host himself]

after reading the system prompt, Lu Chen is silent.

"Shit, I knew that working overtime would complete the whole process of the soldiers."

Of course, this is just an idea. Lu Chen can be sure that if he does, he will still have to die. Even, he may die suddenly before the first series of swordsmen is finished.

There are many doubts in his heart, but Lu Chen still says quickly: "system, extract the specified skill."

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has spent 1000 aura points. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the divine level skill - Damei.

[great destruction]

[skill level: myth]

[skill introduction: the host has the power of ghosts and gods. Now the host can integrate with ghosts and gods in a short time, completely liberate the power of ghosts and gods, and present the ghosts that can be integrated with the host God is the first ghost · Kazan of the sword and soul. After incarnating as a ghost, the host will have the power to destroy everything. At the same time, after killing the enemy, the host can consume the soul of the enemy to revive once]

[PS: the essence of the host is the same as that of the god child, and only by killing the god child can the host be resurrected unobstructed]

the great destruction skill comes from the dark born sword demon yatox in the League of heroes A fallen god warrior, he can only be temporarily transformed into a demon posture when he is integrated with weapons.

At the same time, this ability has also changed in the League of heroes. The initial skill has been resurrected, and the resurrection effect has been removed.

In principle, Lu Chen's ability will also be removed from resurrection.

But one thing to know is that when Lu Chen and others copy other game skills, they will not update with others.

"Your hero League skills have been updated. Does it have anything to do with the resurrection of extermination in my game?"

Therefore, Lu Chen, who did not change with the League of heroes, had the effect of resurrection.

At the same time, if the pure fusion of the great extinction, Lu Chen's incarnation of the devil will also be the dark born sword demon yatox. However, what Lu Chen gained in this extermination was that millions of people saw Lu Chen's power of ghosts and gods, and felt that Lu Chen was equal to a demon God. Only with the first ghost, the Kazan of the sword and soul as the benchmark, could Lu Chen extract this skill.

As a result, Lu Chen will become the first ghost.

Of course, the power of the sword devil is also integrated into the first ghost, which strengthens the first ghost. The most obvious thing is that the first ghost has devil wings, which is not the power it originally had.

"Demon incarnation? Not bad, not to mention power, at least increased the chance of resurrection."Lu Chen was still satisfied with his skills, but when Lu Chen watched his own skills, the selection was over, and 100000 of them became Lu Chen's crazy soldiers. Among them, 800 of them had transformed into crazy soldiers because of their profound knowledge and completed their first awakening.

It also means the end of the selection for 100000 people to become crazy soldiers, which makes many people sad. However, when they know that they will have a chance today next year, many people's sadness is less.

At the same time, at the end of the selection, Lu Chen was ready to leave. But not only for some reason, Lu Chen felt a little nervous when he left, which made him not leave immediately, but felt that it was getting late. He said in a loud voice, "you can stay here for one night, and return together when the sun rises tomorrow."

"Yes, your highness."

Everyone accepted Lu Chen's proposal.

Soon, when the garrison began, most of the people here were soldiers. They could survive on aura and starve for ten days and a half months. Otherwise, the meals for millions of people would be a big deal.

When the army was stationed, the cult members who were hiding in the crowd were ugly.

Many people here are ready to go to Lu Chen because of their fear. However, they have done too many bad things. Before they go up, many people find that many of the crazy soldiers who become Lu Chen's family members are their enemies.

These heretics had killed the families of those crazy soldiers, so they knew that they wanted to die.

"We can't turn to that rudeness Your highness, it is the right way to serve your majesty wholeheartedly. When your majesty comes here, it will become your Majesty's Kingdom, and the prince will not live. "

"Yes, your majesty is invincible. You can defeat the barbarian prince."

"The barbarian Prince is no match for your majesty."

Many evil gods in the sky calmed the minds of evil believers a lot, but these evil believers did not find that they kept suppressing Lu Chen with evil gods, which also showed that in their hearts, Lu Chen was the only evil god who could punish him.

And soon, the words of a population illustrate this point.

"If you don't inform your highness, we will cancel this operation."

Because of fear, the previously fanatical and brutal heretics did not dare to move, and wanted to avoid the barbarian prince like the devil.

And there's more than one person who has this idea, and so is the chief priest.

However, the chief priests who have joined in the past understand that these traitors can't command the coming gods. Even they don't deserve to mention their opinions. The chief priests can be sure that they will be devoured by evil monsters in the past.

He who did not dare to go there could only gnash his teeth and say, "don't be afraid. The glory of my God is destined to come to the earth, and the Lord of God will punish the barbarian prince."

There was a hot chat among the evil believers. Because there were too many people gathered this time, Lu Chen and many powerful people did not feel the message of evil believers.

However, Lu Chen has already felt wrong.

As for the perfect message of the God of shangzi, when she starts to talk about the perfection of shangzi, she only needs to be prepared to swallow up the spirit of shangzi.

Due to the underdeveloped communication and transportation in this world, the cult sacrificing to the Marginal Towns happens from time to time. The descendants of evil gods have come to this world by sacrificing the true spirits. Lu Chen's initial target is them.

However, with the true spirits of those sacrificed, the breath of the descendants of evil gods is like that of human beings. Even if they are in front of their eyes and mingle with the crowd, Lu Chen can not feel it

Just thinking of this, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly congealed, and his face was a little ugly.

"The third time, three whims. There are definitely accidents tonight."

In the evening, Lu Chen has the idea of flapping his wings and flying away, and then his mind trembles. Lu Chen stays down and lets everyone stay.

Then the night came. According to Lu Chen's previous code of conduct, he would fly with wings, destroying evil spirits and reaping experience value. But just as in the evening, Lu Chen had the idea of flapping his wings and flying away, the sea of consciousness trembled slightly.

This time, Lu Chen somehow thought that even if the son of the evil god was in front of him, because he was covered by sacrificing the true spirit of human beings, he could not feel it. Such an illusion is absolutely not illusory.

It's more correct to call the idea that the strong have an affinity with heaven and earth. In particular, Lu Chen has the apocalypse and is closer to heaven and earth. The three whims let Lu Chen understand that there is a change tonight, and there may be a god hidden in the crowd.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, and the whole person also stood up. At the same time, he was ready to find out the hidden people, and wanted to remind the two legends and millions of soldiers who have not left yet to alert them.

But as the main figure of this target, Lu Chen has been paid close attention to. As soon as he got up, the evil action was launched.

First of all, the heretics mixed in the human group were ordered to create chaos in the crowd. They also thought that they would launch their own ability to kill or set fire to frighten and confuse the crowd as before.However, Lu Chen's strength and brutality made them hesitate.

Then, they were tragic. The evil gods and evil spirits were more cruel and cruel than they imagined.

When the moment came, the evil believers were ready to wait for a moment. The sound of "bang bang bang" was constantly heard in the crowd. It was the explosion sound of evil believers hidden in the crowd.

This time, it was not the fireball explosion, but the self explosion of those evil believers.

The body with evil and strange forces explodes, like a real bomb, with dirty blood and meat splashing in all directions, and at the same time, a force of evil and strange things explodes towards the four sides.

The sudden explosion, splashing flesh and blood, as well as the spread of evil and strange gas, made the field instantly chaotic.

In particular, there were a lot of people who exploded, and more than 100 explosions were scattered all over the place. In addition, some evil believers who reacted because of their fear of evil gods kept shouting, which made this place like a chaotic battlefield, as if there were enemies everywhere.

"Who is it? The enemy is there?"

"Don't get close to me."

"Stay away from me."

"Run away, we'll all die..."


"All quiet, all quiet, all hands are treated as heretics."

At this chaotic moment, the legends guarding the place were launched. The one remaining here was Jin Li, and the other was an unknown legend. After they killed several shouting people, the place became calm for a while.

Lu Chen didn't say anything about it. What he just yelled at was just like a heretic. At the same time, even if he was not a heretic, he should be killed at this moment.

The legendary hand calms the crowd. Lu Chen is not motionless. He is closing his eyes and feeling something. After a breath, Lu Chen suddenly opens his eyes and looks at Jin Li's side with a claw. At the same time, there is a loud drink from Lu Chen's mouth.

"Be careful!"

When Lu Chen's face changes greatly, Jin Li has already sensed it. Then, Jin Li, who has experienced many battles, instantly dodges to the side. At the same time, there is a bright light from his body, which condenses into a golden God.

But at this time, it seems that it is too late to escape. At the moment of his departure, a black thorn without light directly stabbed his body. Even when he makes a move, the existence of the shadow itself is too low to frighten people. Ordinary people will forget the appearance of the person when they turn their heads a little.

No, not only looks, ordinary people as long as turn around, will not remember the shadow of a trace.

Lu Chen is also relying on the ability to foresee the apocalypse, but the shadow is not only low sense of existence, but also fast to frighten people.

When Lu Chen reminds him, the black thorn has already stabbed Jin Li's Jinjia God. Then, something happened that Lu Chen and Jin Li's eyes congealed.

The God of Jinjia, whose power is rippling, can't stop the lightless blade, which is like cutting a piece of paper, directly penetrates the defense of Jinjia God and stabs Jin Li's body.

"How could it be!"

At the same time, the more and more close the blade, he had a sense of imminent disaster.

However, Jinli was lucky, only stabbed a little, and the man was caught by Lu Chen like a stone.

[Vientiane sky guide]

no one has ever understood the attraction of the black hole. When you try your best, even if the space has curled up, the black shadow is flying towards the land star.

When the left Vientiane sky guide grabs people, the upper blood vessels are also bulging, and the blood vessels and tendons are entangled. The soul loving hand is ready to go.

"You can't let this monster who has a sense of being close to nothing."

This is Lu Chen's idea, and he does the same. Lu Chen, who is fully open, is ready to catch him and suck him to death.

When he flew to Lu Chen, the man also felt bad. He had thought of flying away, but Lu Chen was attracted by too much force. Even if it was a legend, he couldn't get rid of it.

Unable to fly away from him, he was once empty, but it was still useless. The curl of space made him unable to leave, and the last thing that pressed the bottom was evasion.

It's the way of assassins that you must kill with one strike and run away for thousands of miles. As a legendary assassin, the shadow naturally has a special escape skill.

But this time, the man's actions of escaping into the shadow were blocked, and the space curling induced by gravity made too many space abilities unable to start.

"I can't escape Then you die

Seeing that he could not escape, the black shadow accelerated to Lu Chen by gravity, like streamer.

In this regard, Lu Chen's response is to collect all the gravity in his left hand, and he must catch the enemy in his left hand.

"You can't escape."

Lu Chen and the black shadow duel speed is very fast, at this time Jinli just reflected that he was attacked. At the beginning, he was still glad that Lu Chen responded in time. He was only stabbed a little, but then, the bone piercing pain spread from his soul, which made him cry out.

"Ah Be careful, it's killing Soul sting

In the shrill scream, Jinli also faces Lu Chen to warn. Unfortunately, all this is late.When he yelled, the shadow had been caught in his left hand by Lu Chen.

When he approached, he wanted to suddenly speed up and fly to Lu Chen's head and chest, but his left hand, as the biggest gravitational point, could not get rid of it even if he suddenly accelerated, so he could only put it into Lu Chen's hands.

Holding the palm empty, the shadow is grasped from the unreal shadow into an entity in an instant, and a terrible attraction comes from Lu Chen's palm.

But when absorbing the enemy, the dark shadow's lightless blade also pierced into Lu Chen's left hand.

After a little bit, the black shadow's face showed the grim smile of "Jie Jie", and the gold Li in the distance was just like splitting his eyes.

"Don't pick it up. It's an attack that can directly hurt the soul. People with weaker souls can even kill with one blow."

"Late, die."

Jin Li is worried, and the black shadow is in Jie Jie's smile.

However, no matter how the two people react, killing soul stab or stabbing Lu Chen's left hand, which makes Jin Li sigh and wants to rescue quickly. However, his soul is injured, his whole body is shaking, and he can't control his body, so he can't make it in a short time.

And the black shadow is ready to stab Lu Chen's head in pain and kill his soul completely.

Both have plans. At the same time, when the legendary assassin started, the heretics below also launched an attack.

The plan of the cult of evil gods is quite strategic. It starts with the self explosion of evil believers to seduce the legendary strongmen, and then, when the legend is launched, the assassins who are also legendary sneak attack.

The success of the sneak attack can greatly boost the morale of the evil believers. On the contrary, Lu Chen's side is somewhat chaotic. Taking advantage of this opportunity, more evil believers jumped out to create chaos.

At the same time, there are also several Shenzi, Shenshi and natural disaster evil spirits.

Among the descendants of this evil god, there is a legend.

Compared with the legend captured by Lu Chen, the descendants of those evil gods have higher essence and can do more things. When the legendary dark shadow was launched, the descendants of evil gods clapped their hands and called out several dark doors. With the gate opened, evil spirits swarmed out like a swarm of insects.

"Blood Meat, it's all mine. "

"My Kill... "

“…… Wuwuwu... "


All kinds of evil spirits are now on the earth. In a very short period of time, tens of thousands of evil spirits have come, and more evil spirits are rushing in.

With the entrance of the evil spirit, the field became more and more chaotic. The evil spirit's ferocious smile, crying, human's calling, fighting, and all kinds of voices came out, and those evil god's descendants set off one killing after another in the ferocious laughter.

During the killing, some conversations were also made in the mouth of the descendants of evil gods.

"Lynn, I want 100000 blood this time."

The God son who spoke seems to be like a human being, but a terrible spider phantom appeared behind him. With his progress, from time to time, some people were stuck by the spider web ejected by the phantom spider and swallowed in the mouth.

"It's really delicious. I haven't tasted this kind of delicious food for a long time. Cry and howl, pain, Jie Jie..."

"You're really a bad taste, but the blood food here is really delicious, and I want 100000."

"Blood food will be given to you in the future. When this matter is over, I will help you to butcher the city, one by one. You can enjoy all of them. I have great importance to the true spirit and flesh here."

"That's settled. However, don't kill them immediately when slaughtering the city. I'll let them live for seven days, take some people every day, or kill each other, ha ha..."

"I also said that I have a bad taste. Jie Jie, your practice is really good, and I will do the same.

Talking with spider Shenzi is a beautiful girl, whose beautiful face is full of temptation. When she walks, some people are even fascinated by her, but the words on such a beautiful face are frightening.

Wanton ferocious smile, as if nobody else's words, the scene of people as blood food, all show the arrogance of the descendants of these evil gods.

They thought that this operation would be a happy hunting as before. The two evil spirits' descendants even thought about how to eat delicately, but this time it was different.

This time, some of the people who came to participate in the selection of Lu Chen were really unbearable. In the face of evil, they panicked and confused and wanted to escape.

But more people have strength in their bodies. They have experienced many battles. Although the crowd is chaotic, they are not lambs to be slaughtered, but fight and fight below.

At the same time, many people with fear are also looking up at the sky. Lu Chen's strong performance in the daytime makes them feel that Prince Chen will not fail. This is the role of heroes. They are the flag and the hope of the weak. As long as the hero does not fall, even the weak dare to stand up.

"For the prince."

"For the tribe!"

In the fierce cry, the battle below actually maintained, no, not only maintained.

In the past, the confrontation between human beings and evil spirits depended on the strict and orderly military array. Only the military array could fight against the evil spirit army. Once the chaos got worse, the evil spirit with strange ability would be more dominant.According to the past situation and Lin en, the son of the evil god who planned the operation, thinks that the legendary assassins hold down the strong men above. They create chaos in the crowd, and then the evil army charges together, which can destroy the millions of soldiers. Then, with the millions of soldiers as sacrifice, they can make the Father God in heaven come.

Only, they thought very well, but that was normal. At this time, ordinary people gathered their courage because Lu Chen did not fall.

On the earth is Lu Chen's army of 100000 crazy soldiers. When evil comes, a group of crazy soldiers who have just gained the power of Kazan instantly turn red in their eyes, their hearts beat wildly, and their powerful forces are rampant in their bodies.

Later, they did not suppress the sudden increase of killing intention in their hearts. Instead, they encouraged the surging power in their bodies and rushed toward the evil spirit with a cry.


"avalanche attack"

"cross chop"

"smash mountain and split ground chop"

"kill all evil spirits."

"Give back my son's life."

"If you don't keep one, you'll kill them all."


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