The roar of the sky is still in my ears, and the burning dragon breath has already rushed.

If you are an ordinary person, after being frightened by the roar of a dragon with dragon power, you will be unable to escape the breath of the flame that follows, and then be burned to ashes by the flame.

But Lu Chen is not an ordinary person. The roar of the dragon has no effect on him.

Even Lu Chen didn't dodge the coming Dragon breath.

"Fire is filthy."

With Lu Chen's trial, the white light around Lu Chen's body suddenly trembles. Then, the flame slowly becomes smaller after being washed by the light released by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen also promoted the sunshine to perfection. As long as Lu Chen appointed the perfect level of sunshine, it could purify everything, even the flame.

The flame is weak, Lu Chen's figure is a flash, appeared in front of the dragon, his left hand is shining with scarlet dark light, grasping the dragon's body.

"Don't try to use the same trick twice for me!"

Under the grasp, the dragon in front of Lu Chen suddenly turns into a mud dragon. The mud dragon also wants to move forward to wrap Lu Chen.

But the power of darkness had no effect on everything, and the mud dragon only trembled and stopped.

Lu Chen's power of darkness will be invalid even if the casting spell is released.

However, the mud dragon is useless, but Lu Chen has a bad feeling in his heart.

Lu Chen wanted to take off from here, but before Lu Chen took off, a terrible pressure came down from the sky and suppressed Lu Chen's death on the earth.

"Gravity, as will the great Arnold. It's up to you to taste gravity."

"By the way, there is a big gift waiting for you."

But when it comes to the moment of gravity, the force of gravity is suddenly counteracted by the land.

However, just when Lu Chen was reeling, the soil around him flowed up a hundred meters like a city wall, and then flowed towards LuChen like the sky collapsed. At the same time, under the earth, a violent force was also pouring out.

After a breath, the endless soil covered the earth and buried Lu Chen under the earth. In this strange situation, a mountain of soil was created. The mountain peak was shaped, and the next breath, "bang bang bang" came The landslide.

It was like being bombed by a ten thousand jin bomb. The earth rose to the sky and ran to all directions. The sharp eyed Taoist priest was even more frightened to find that the soil washed up into the sky had a red color. At the same time, a thick, thousand kilometer long pillar of fire rose from the sky where Lu Chen was buried.

"Volcano, your Highness has been hit by an eruption."

Looking at the explosion of the volcano, Ellie and other people's eyes have some heart tremor, after heart tremor is grief and death.

"Even if it's death, I'll gnaw a piece of meat off you."

"Ridiculous, even if you dare to fight against the great Arnold, as you wish, I will Well. "

After the eruption of the volcano, Arnold's huge body reappeared on the ground, and rushed towards the human pride and crazy warrior array.

But in the middle of the charge, he suddenly sensed something and looked suspiciously at the erupting volcano.

It's not only it that feels like this, but those Tianjiao also look there.

Then, they found that the raging eruption of the volcano was slowly extinguished, with the breath of frost spreading around, which cooled the magma and made everything silent.

In the frozen frost, a huge ice like a coffin slowly floats out of the ground. Lu Chen's figure is frozen in the huge and dead ice. At the same time, behind him, there is a girl with long white hair wearing frost armor and holding an unknown frost sword standing behind Lu Chen.

The girl is very beautiful, but everyone, no matter Tianjiao or Arnold, has a cold feeling full of soul and body when they see the girl and the frost sword in their hands.

A full twenty-three snake heads emerge from its body, and those heads devour themselves as they bite around.

"Are you mad because of the laxity of consciousness? However, the body can nourish the soul, and it will not go mad for a long time."

With these words, Lu Chen also thinks that it is right to bring Eli and others in. As Tianjiao, their strongest point is to be able to hurt the legend.

The only pity is that they only have the strongest point to hurt the legend, and other aspects are not as good. What's more, their endurance is too weak. At this time, after releasing the thunder, Eli collapsed directly to the ground.

"It's only one shot, but it's enough."

In this way, Lu Chen raised his sword in both hands and recited the holy words and spirits.

"Swear here. I don't allow anything that I can't cut. And this sword is an invincible blade that cuts and cuts through everything on the ground

With Lu Chen's words, the long sword in his hand becomes silver.

Holding the silver sword to the dragon, Lu Chen waved his hands and chopped the sword."Oh..."

At the last moment, even if it was the crazy state of loose soul, the dragon's body was still biting towards Lu Chen because of its strong body and biological instinct.

However, the dragon is too crazy. Only four heads are biting Lu Chen. After losing his soul, the 23 heads of Arnold are still attacking each other, which gives Lu Chen a chance.


along with the cutting of the silver sword, the four heads that attacked Lu Chen first were directly chopped by the power of the sword that could cut off everything.

Later, the giant sword waved down, and the remaining head was also cut off by Lu Chen Shua.

In the process of wielding the sword, Lu Chen also feels a trace of resistance.

if we say that the enemy we used to face, such as paper, is the power of the sword, and the body of the dragon is like a stone. Fortunately, Lu Chen is strong enough. The power of the sword is awesome enough, even if it is stone, Lu Chen can also cut it off.

In a short period of time, all 23 heads of the Dragon Arnold were cut off by Lu Chen.

However, after all this, Lu Chen did not look happy, because he clearly saw that even if the dragon's consciousness was lax, even if all 23 heads were cut off, the dragon's body was not dead.

A new head grows out of his body, and the severed head swam to return to his body. Of course, this can't be achieved. Although the cutting power of the sword power is not permanent, its duration is amazing. In a short time, those heads can't recover the flesh, but they can't restore the body, and the snake heads are not dead.

After a period of twisted growth, strange creatures have emerged from those skulls.

Such a scene also made Lu Chen sigh.

"Sure enough, I knew that legend is not so easy to kill."

When he rode on the dragon for the first time, Lu Chen wanted to cut off the dragon's head with the power of the sword, but in the end, he did not do so. The reason why he didn't do it at that time was that he considered that the power of the sword could cut off the Dragon's body. However, the legendary body was too active and the broken body would not let it die, it would only split it.

At this time, the facts proved Lu Chen's idea.

Of course, I think so, but Lu Chen still holds a sharp sword and Shua Shua several times to completely split the Dragon into 14 pieces. Then, Lu Chen uses his great power to throw the 13 pieces of dragon flesh and blood into the 13 squares formed by the crazy soldiers around him.

"Tear them up. Don't let them come."

So saying, Lu Chen looked at the surrounding Tianjiao people.

"You go and help."

"I see."

After the command, Lu Chen looked at the biggest piece of meat in front of him.

"It's too hard to kill together. Split it."

While Lu Chen is thinking, the consciousness of the dragon being shaken has begun to recover.

When the consciousness returned, the dragon, who found his body torn into dozens of pieces, roared on the spot.

"Bastard, I want you dead!"

When roaring, the limbs, head, wings, and even the heart were dug out of a meat mass slowly deformed, and soon, a smaller dragon appeared in front of Lu Chen.

The giant dragon, furious because of its division, is very frightening.

Even if it is divided into 13 pieces, the giant dragon is more than 90 meters long, which is a huge thing for human beings.

But for ordinary human beings, it is not the same when facing Lu Chen.

"Kill me, come here, I'll wait for you."

Looking at Lu Chen, whose fingers are like calling a dog, the dragon's eyes are completely red.

The dragon, who just woke up, prepared to gather together immediately, but was humiliated by the split and provoked by Lu Chen, so that the Dragon roared at Lu Chen and bit him, and then Then he was knocked to the ground by Lu Chen's fist and didn't get up for half a day.

"I can't beat you for 800 meters, but now it's only 90 meters. You can't beat me!"

"Get up, keep fighting!"



"I call you ow."

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