
after knocking down the body of a dragon less than 100 meters in one hand, Lu Chen directly sat on the dragon who had fallen on the ground, and his old fist hit the dragon's head one after another.

After a hundred punches, the dragon was stunned.

Although in this process, it constantly struggles, but the world is still very realistic, body shape is proportional to the strength, 800 meters of body shape, the dragon can crush Lu Chen to bite, even if Lu Chen uses gravity, it is difficult to suppress the dragon.

But when the dragon was only 90 meters, everything turned around. Lu Chen, dressed in heavy Kai, was beating the Dragon violently.

After being beaten, Arnold felt afraid, and his fear made him recover from his rage.

"Asshole, I Ah I will not let go of Wait for me to complete... "

After being beaten dozens of punches and smashing most of his body into mud, Arnold no longer roars, but his body splits. This is to escape like the first time, turning into countless Warcraft.

Just, let it feel familiar words ring up.

"The same trick, don't use it twice with me."

The words fall, a cold meaning with Lu Chen as the center spreads around.

In that frost, the earth covered with frost, the sky fell snow, and the living creature felt the body was stiff, the soul also had a sense of cold, everything was frozen because of the frost.

The same is true of the runaway dragon Arnold. After only a few dozens of steps, they stood stiff on the spot. Soon, a strange shape of frost ice sculptures appeared around Lu Chen.

The fourth ghost God, saya of frost!

With the blessing of frost grief, the Dragon Arnold is frozen.

Of course, this is only a part of the body. If it is the whole body, the fourth ghost will not freeze even with frost grief. This is also the reason why Lu Chen split the dragon.

Meanwhile, although the frozen body of Arnold could not move, it did not die immediately.

"Ordinary creatures are frozen. After a few minutes, they will turn into ice sculptures, which can be broken into pieces of ice with a little force. However, the Dragon Arnold's body has broken through the legend. The activity in its body is too strong. Although the frost of the fourth ghost and God has the artistic conception of cold and death, it can make everything quiet, but the vitality of the dragon's body and the inherent flame can just resist the cold. "

"Of course, this kind of resistance is relative. It can also be put in another way. The frost of the fourth ghost God just suppresses the vitality of the dragon's body and the power of fire. As long as the frost is enough and frozen long enough, the dragon's body will lose its vitality and become a pile of rotten meat."

Looking at the frozen creatures around, Lu Chen knows that Arnold the dragon has been suppressed.

Of course, Lu Chen is the only one who suppresses Lu Chen. If Arnold is a complete body, it is not the fourth ghost that suppresses the dragon, but the Dragon melts the frost of the fourth ghost.

While Lu Chen suppressed the dragon, another battle broke out fiercely.

Thirteen hundred and thirty thousand crazy soldiers formed 13 squares and fought with the monsters in the square array crazily.

The other avatars of the Dragon Arnold also have their own responses. Some turn into monsters and want to gather together in other places, while others turn into smaller dragons to fight with crazy soldiers.

Compared with Lu Chen directly crushing a part of the dragon's body, the fighting there is more intense, the fighting sound is shocking.

Fortunately, crazy soldiers all have blood flags linked together. As long as they are not killed by one blow, the damage will be shared. Therefore, although the battle is fierce, the casualties are not very heavy. At the same time, the 13 battle groups did not let the dragon's flesh and blood escape.

Among them, those Tianjiao also played a great role.

When the Dragon Arnold is complete, even Lu Chen is suppressed, and the role of Tianjiao is very small.

But when the dragon was split by Lu Chen, those Tianjiao became very powerful. Although they could not crush the dragon, they could compete with the dragon.

As long as they entangle the dragon, the rest can be handed over to the crazy soldiers, and among them, monks and Taoists are still crushing the dragon.

"We can win with this kind of attrition."

Looking back at the fourth ghost God, the Saiya of frost, he found that it could suppress that part of the body perfectly, and even had some spare power. After that, Lu Chen found a most ferocious battle group and was ready to join in.

However, after walking a few steps, Lu Chen's steps suddenly stopped, and his consciousness felt a little wrong.

After looking around, soon, a shadow is perceived by Lu Chen.

"It's you. You're hiding here."

Being watched by Lu Chen, the shadow trembled on the spot and ran away quickly.

However, it was too late to escape at this time. When the shadow trembled, Lu Chen stretched out his hand, and all kinds of Tianyin was displayed by Lu Chen.

"Come here."

With Lu Chen's pulling, the space in the distance curls. The figure hiding in the shadow is also squeezed out of the shadow by the distorted space, and comes to this world and flies towards Lu Chen at a high speed.When the figure appeared from the shadow, a seductive figure appeared in front of Lu Chen.

After the dark, the girl who had planned to make a mockery of the dark was the master of the dark.

As a person who revenges all night, Lu Chen's first attack is the place where the Dark Goddess takes refuge.

The Dark Goddess was just watching. After discovering that the situation of the dragon was not good, she showed a trace of fluctuation, which was noticed by Lu Chen.

When Wanxiang Tianyin pulls her out from the shadow world, she is in a crazy struggle and makes a sound of enchanting voice.

"Let me go Please let go of you. As long as you let me go, I will listen to you I can be your slave and let you do what you want... "

She can't escape from the pull of Wanxiang Tianyin. In the end, she shows her body and wants to tempt Lu Chen.

That beautiful figure is really tempting, and thinking of a goddess can be ravaged by his own unbridled, Lu Chen's abdomen also shows a desire, and then

Then Lu Chen opened his mouth to swallow the Dark Goddess.

"Women may be good, but strength is more important."

Seeing her body getting closer and closer to Lu Chen, the Dark Goddess's face became more and more pitiful and frightened. But just as she was about to be put into Lu Chen's mouth, a smile suddenly appeared on her frightened face, which made Lu Chen feel bad.

However, it seems to be late at this time. When the Dark Goddess is about to be put into her mouth, a figure suddenly jumps out of her mouth. Because Lu Chen wants to swallow up the Dark Goddess, she is too close to Lu Chen's face. When the figure jumps out of the Dark Goddess's mouth, it just falls on Lu Chen's face.

One hand pressed on Lu Chen's forehead, a voice sounded.


With this voice, Lu Chen first felt a force drill into his mind, and then, a piece of meat of his buttocks suddenly twisted up.

Sensing all this, Lu Chen took a breath of cool air.

"Hiss You just hit me with a fatal blow

Lu Chen is sighing. The shadow of the palm pressing on Lu Chen's forehead is even more glaring.

"I've broken your brain. Why are you all right? Is your brain no longer in your head? "

The figure in front of him shows Lu Chen's idea when he stormed the dragon. Unfortunately, Lu Chen didn't mean to answer.

With a strong grip of his hand, the Dark Goddess in his hand suddenly turned into a scarecrow, crushed by Lu Chen.

Leaving the scarecrow behind, Lu Chen's voice of regret also rang.

"Sure enough, Shenzi is very cunning." The voice fell down, looked at the God son, Lu Chen face with indifference: "want to kill me, with you are not enough."

As he spoke, Lu Chen's forehead suddenly cracked open, drilling out countless chains.

Chain like a dragon toward the figure lying on Lu Chen's forehead wrapped in the past, which made the figure scared, the figure was dim, and immediately wanted to escape.

However, its shadow dim to a certain extent, it appeared again.

"What did you do?"

"Didn't your partner tell you that with me, you can't escape with the power of space?"

The right hand clenches contains the white light, lets the space unceasingly vibrate, Lu Chen another palm grasps to that figure.

Naturally, the figure struggled with all her strength, but just as the Dark Goddess couldn't get rid of Lu Chen's Wanxiang Tianyin, so did the figure. Soon, he was going to be caught by Lu Chen's left hand.

Seeing this, the figure in front of me is also desperate.

When his body was in the middle of the air, his palm suddenly extended. After that, the front end of his palm disappeared. When Lu Chen was confused, he suddenly felt a palm on his stomach, and the palm twisted again against Lu Chen's stomach. The twist made Lu Chen's stomach ache suddenly.

And then Then there was No. then, the heart was throbbing, but because Lu Chen's heart was tough, it was not broken.

At the same time, there are too many hearts in Lu Chen's abdomen. Even if a heart is broken, it has no effect on Lu Chen.

Not to mention, the heart is not broken, just pain.

When the palm of the hand is close to Lu Chen's chest, Lu Chen also grabs the figure who can't resist. Because of the dark power of his left hand, after being caught, his whole human ability is sealed by Lu Chen.

"Why are you all right?"

Although the figure was caught, he was more concerned about why he didn't hurt the barbarian in front of him. To this, Lu Chen replied:

"it's good for you to trigger my damage transfer. However, I didn't expect that this small scam should Well, you are the original fulcrum of this strange state. "

Lu Chen was very surprised that there were evil spirits with good strength in this strange situation, but he soon realized that this was the original fulcrum in the strange state. It was the Dark Goddess and the Dragon Arnold who were from other countries.After carefully perceiving the state of the evil spirit in front of him, Lu Chen is even more surprised to find that the evil spirit is also a divine Son.

The sudden discovery let Lu Chen surprise smile: "your ability is good."

Lu Chen laughs. His ability is sealed. Although the Shenzi, who is held by Lu Chen's big hand, is scolding his mother in his heart, he can only smile at the smile of the barbarian in front of him. He wants to make the barbarian Prince happy in front of him and let himself live.

"Thank you..."

Only, half smile, his face smile turned into panic, Lu Chen palm force, he directly crushed to death.

Looking at the death, there is a smile on the face of the God son, Lu Chen touched the back of the head.

"It's strange that he still smiles before he dies."

Shaking his head and no longer thinking about it, Lu Chen opened his mouth and swallowed up the God of death and started a feast.

"Although originally prepared to devour the Dark Goddess, the ability of the Dark Goddess is charm, which is useless to me."

Thinking of turning himself into a hundred meters to tempt others, even if Lu Chen is determined, he still feels a trace of cold.

"It's better to use this son of God to finish my last feast."

After swallowing the dark god son, Lu Chen also thinks of his attack. At this time, Lu Chen has already reflected.

That God son's ability should be space class, not to move this kind of public space in a blink, but like a cloud finder, can penetrate objects and directly hurt other people's vital points.

The first time I met it, it just wanted to stir up Lu Chen's brain.

"The evil spirit ability is too strange. The Dark Goddess should have the same shielding ability as the dark god son. With this ability, she can escape from the legendary pursuit. Just now she was discovered by me, and was not exposed because of heart tremor. Instead, she actively seduced me to be deceived, and used the shielding ability to hide the space God and wanted to kill me."

"Sure enough, the world is too dangerous. If I'm not careful, the boat will capsize in the gutter. If it wasn't for my tact just now... "

"Well, just now that God son seems to have succeeded But it's also my quick reaction. If he doesn't grab my heart, he grabs my brain I just

"I'm still OK. It seems that my damage transfer is still several times, and the resurrection ability has not been triggered once."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen can only say at last that the meat is invincible!

If you are a swordsman, you should be dressed in meat. Only when you are alive can you have output.

When Lu Chen sighs, the sound of the system also rings one after another.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has killed the thousand handed Shenzi. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 2.4 million experience points]

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has devoured Shenzi with feast, but the host has just fused with the true spirit, and now the body gene has not recovered, so it can't swallow the true spirit again. Whether to extract the divinity from the true spirit]

"if not, use experience value to accelerate gene recovery."

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has consumed 2.4 million experience points. Congratulations on the host, and the gene has been recovered]

after fusing the true spirit of Shenzi, it needs to rest for seven days. If you rely on the experience value to recover these seven days, you need 3 million experience points.

However, it has been some time since Lu Chen completely digested the dark god son. With the passage of time, the body genes have been smoothed down a lot. Therefore, it only needs 2.4 million experience points.

"It happened to be the result of killing the son of God. This son of God is destined to me."

The gene calming is still the same as before. There is a warm current in Lu Chen's body, which flows quickly to his whole body, so that Lu Chen can enjoy a hot spring.

And after enjoying, it is devouring the true spirit.

However, although his ability is good, he does not strengthen his true spirit to the limit like the dark one. Therefore, Lu Chen can spend his experience to improve his true spirit.

This time, Lu Chen spent 10 million experience points to change his original experience value from 30 million to 24 million, which only strengthened the true spirit of the thousand hand God son.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host consumed 1 million Li training points to strengthen the true spirit of thousand handed Shenzi]

[Ding, the system prompts that the host consumed 1 million Li training points to strengthen the true spirit of thousand handed Shenzi]

After ten consecutive rings, the system's prompt changed.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has consumed a lot of experience points, and the true spirit of Qianshou Shenzi has undergone a qualitative change. It needs 3 billion experience points for another qualitative change. Do you want to continue to improve]

"no promotion, fusion."

Even if Lu Chen had sold Lu Chen for three billion yuan, he would not have enough. With Lu Chen's order to merge, the true spirit of Qianshou Shenzi turned into a stream of heat, circulating all over Lu Chen's body, and his genes were changed.

However, after the integration, Lu Chen won little power.

It's not that the Shenzi just now is not strong, but Lu Chen has reached the genetic limit. Even if the remaining power flows through the whole body, it can't make his strength increase.

This shows that Lu Chen's height has only increased by 0.1 meters, so far, Lu Chen's body is 9.99 meters."Fortunately, although the power of breakthrough is wasted, it is better than that I haven't reached the limit after the feast is swallowed up." When the body grows, the most essential thing of the thousand hands God son is also melting into Lu Chen's body, and the cold voice of the system also rings.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has devoured the thousand hand God child and obtained a skill fusion opportunity. Because the host has consumed a lot of experience points, his divinity has changed. Now the host can choose one of the following three skills to solidify himself]

[six arms: the God of thousand hands or the demon of thousand hands is a monster with thousands of arms, and the son of thousand hands is a thousand hands This is the lineage of the devil. The host devours its true spirit and gains the ability to grow multiple arms.

[invisible hand: integrating the concept of arm, the host can control countless invisible palms to attack the enemy (Witch's indolent high priest ability)]

[hand of space: each arm of the demon with thousand hands has a special ability, and the God son swallowed by the host has the hand of space, After host fusion, the spatial ability can be solidified in both hands, allowing hands to freely enter and exit the space]

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