
With a sudden scream, the bloody general's head is smashed by Lu Chen's fist. Then, Yu Wei's fist continues to hammer, smashing the general's chest. Finally, in the sound of bone breaking, the general's thigh is completely crushed by Lu Chen.

One punch, general dead!

The power of terror makes many evil spirits standing in the distance gulp and swallow their mouths. Under the supervision of Shenju, the evil spirits of natural disasters dare not slow down. Therefore, the evil spirits in the distance are not physical.

But these evil spirits are very clear. In terms of the ability to bear damage, the physical side is the strongest. But now, the generals on the physical side can't get a punch from the barbarian prince. They feel that facing this blow, they will never return.

"Fortunately, the barbarian prince was so big that he killed the general, but he was also attacked by the bone demon How can it be! "

Lu Chen's speed is not invincible. He paid a price for attacking the general recklessly. The fat mountain evil spirit and the Bone Demon's spines attacked Lu Chen when Lu Chen smashed the general.

But the frightening scene also reflected a lot of evil eyes.

A group of fat people like a mountain launched their meat palms, which made the air burst into waves. Those who knew the evil spirit of the fat man also knew that the evil spirit had smashed a mountain peak with one hand.

But the palm that can destroy the mountain and fall on the barbarian Prince has no effect except for a thunderous buzz.

The hand that destroys the mountain, unexpectedly shakes the barbarian prince a little bit.

"No way!"

The evil spirit of fat mountain is unbelievable, but when it was shocked, it was found that the monster who smashed the general with one hand had turned around and looked at it with a grim smile, which made the evil spirit of fat mountain shrink instantly.

"Good power, let me I feel the pain. "

"Your Highness, this is a misunderstanding Bang "

the fat man, who can make children cry, shows a twisted and humble smile in front of Lu Chen, who turns around and turns around, as if to please Lu Chen.

Unfortunately, before he finished his words, a huge fist like a house fell from the sky and hit his brain.

"If you're ugly, don't try to beg for mercy, asshole. You're hurting my eyes."


This attack fat man evil spirit of course dare not pick up, while shouting for help while trying to escape.

Unfortunately, the metamorphosis into the body of them by Lu Chen restraint is too serious.

With his right hand, Lu Chen pulls his left hand into a claw, and the fat man with substance is caught by Lu Chen.

Vientiane sky guide!

Of course, while Lu Chen attacks, other evil spirits also send out all kinds of attacks to stop Lu Chen.

But for such a situation, Lu Chen did not have a trace of fear and hesitation, braved countless attacks, Lu Chen once again smashed the fat man's evil head.

This disdainful scene let countless evil spirits send out their strongest attack. They are not trying to save the fat man, but are completely infuriated by Lu Chen's ignoring attitude.

"Don't ignore us!"

Unfortunately, anger doesn't make them escalate quickly.



Countless attacks fell on the body of the impact, a broken head sound is so clear, this sound also let many evil attacks can not help but stop.

Lu Chen's fist or smashed the fat man's head, and it's full of fat body to completely smash.

Then, looking at the continuous attack, but almost no scar on Lu Chen's whole body, those evil spirits were afraid.

They originally brought fear to the world, and the fear became a more terrifying Lu Chen.

Just, they are afraid, Lu Chen can't let them go.

As soon as the scarlet light appeared in his eyes, Lu Chen's whole body was released with a violent and murderous spirit. At the same time, his body turned red with the rapid flow of blood. Even steam appeared on Lu Chen's head and side, which was the high temperature brought by the rapid blood flow.

Yidao Luocha: open!


clenching one hand makes the air roar. Looking at the ferocious blood vessels on the fist and the blood flowing at supersonic speed in the blood vessels, Lu Chen looks at the evil eyes and sees the crazy killing intention.

"Now, I'm going to kill you one by one!"

As soon as the word "smash" came out, Lu Chen's figure had disappeared. When the word "death" appeared, Lu Chen had fallen behind an evil spirit. His fists filled with white light inside were red inside and smashed fiercely at the evil spirit's head.


with the roar of the air and the earth, as Lu Chen said, the evil spirit was killed by his fist.

This scene, let evil spirit palpitation at the same time, also let them abandon the fight.

"Let's do it together."

"They must be killed, or we will all die."

In the roar, countless evil spirits rush towards Lu Chen. The physical body resists, the soul side summons, the endless evil spirit and the influence of magic. On the energy side, there are countless destructive lights and all kinds of magic with unwanted breath.Unfortunately, all this is useless. In the face of the huge amount of evil spirits that are summoned, Lu Chen can make the earth roll like a sea wave with one foot, and the terrifying shock can shock and kill all evil spirits in the area of tens of thousands of meters.

The obstruction of the body side evil spirit is also unable to succeed. There is no evil spirit that can stop his fist after opening a sword Luosha.

The evil spirit of soul attack is even more tragic. Lu Chen, who is guarded by the spirit, is not afraid of everything.

Also cast all kinds of energy magic, spit out the evil spirit of the dead light can cause a little threat to Lu Chen.

However, this threat is only a little bit. It is true that Lu Chen's magic defense is not as high as material defense, but most of the magic attacks are useless for Lu Chen.

Only the legendary Taoist attacks can hurt Lu Chen. Not to mention the difficulty of these attacks, that is, they can be launched, and the effect is not very good. In the face of spitting attacks, Lu Chen's concussion fist will tell them what it is to drop ten skills with one force.

In the fury of fists, most of the spells will be smashed.

What can't be smashed, Lu Chen can also resist with the help of his body. You know, in addition to the magic defense, Lu Chen's Qi and blood, or in terms of game terminology, is really unfathomable.

Moreover, there is a huge amount of power of the holy light in Lu Chen's body. Although it can't be elemental, the power of the Holy Light purifies everything. However, most of the energy attack will be completely dissipated after 30 cm deep into LuChen's body.

For ordinary people, the depth of 30 cm is death for ordinary people. For Lu Chen, it is just a layer of skin broken. Even because the holy light has the ability to recover in addition to purification, the broken skin will heal in an extreme time.

In this way, the soul attack immunity, physical defense invincible, the amount of blood immeasurable, and the infinite power of light recovery, Lu Chen completely become an immortal Xiaoqiang.

When Lu Chen rushes into the evil spirit group, he is attacked from all directions by the evil spirit. However, no matter what kind of attack, Lu Chen will not defend. He allows those attacks to fall on him, and his pair of iron fists are constantly greeting the evil spirit.

"Come on, kill me!"

"Hard, didn't you eat?"

The battlefield is full of Lu Chen's arrogant roar. Listening to these voices, those evil spirits felt fear and despair after their anger and shock. They found that no matter how angry they were, most of their attacks could not hurt the barbarian prince. Even if they did, they only hurt their skin, and everything recovered in less than a millisecond.

No matter how you fight, you can't die, which makes the evil spirit despair.

What makes them even more afraid is that the red savage Prince is not only incomparable in physical strength, but also infinite in strength. If one punch is used, the sky will fall apart, and there is no evil spirit to stop him.

"Don't come here. I told you not to come here Bang

"Help me Bang "

" I'll fight with you Bang "

in the secret collection of Shenju, there was a constant roar, and each evil reaction was different, but the final result was broken by Lu Chen's fist.

In this process, the Wanxiang Tianyin has a great use. Cursed by the perfect blood, all the evil spirits here have turned into flesh and blood. They can't be elemental or ghost like at all. No one can easily escape the pull of Wanxiang Tianyin and can only resist it with strength.

However, the gravitational strength of Vientiane Tianyin is equal to that of Lu Chen. How can the evil spirit at this time compare with Lu Chen's current strength? The result is that even if the evil spirit is not low, it will be pulled by Wanxiang Tianyin and killed by Lu Chen with one blow.

However, although it is difficult for natural disaster evil spirits, one is that there are many people, and the other is that legendary evil spirits all have plural lives, which gives them a chance to revive. Therefore, they can still hold on. Although, resurrection is just a matter of getting more punches.

"Cool, that's it. Come on, fight to the flesh and kill me!"

Surrounded by flesh and blood can be hit by the fist monster, so that the advanced legend after Lu Chen comfortable to.

Seeing the scene that the evil spirit broke and burst under his fist, and then the whole body was smashed, endless comfort appeared in Lu Chen's heart.

He wants to keep killing like this and fight all the time.

Even in the frenzied battle, Lu Chen would not feel pain when he was injured. He just felt happy. He liked the feeling of tearing up everything. Whether it was tearing up the enemy or someone else wounding it, Lu Chen was extremely excited.

This excitement is also the reason why Lu Chen does not protect himself.

Although it is easy to capsize in the gutter, Lu Chen is not afraid of eight great achievements.

"What if I die? I have eight lives. Come on, kill me all!"

The extreme fanaticism makes Lu Chen's body excited and attacks everything around him crazily.

The space roars with Lu Chen's fists, and the earth trembles at his feet. The evil spirits of Lu Chen are even more crazy. They dare not confront Lu Chen head-on.

"Aren't you evil? Don't you think you can play tricks on everything? Why do you want to run away and fight with me

"Asshole, what kind of monster is this?""How can it be like this? He is just a legend of the advanced stage. Isn't it that it takes time to develop just now? Why is he the peak when he is promoted?"

This makes a lot of evil spirit crazy nod, Lu Chen hears but sneer.

"Peak? No, this is not my peak. "

Now Lu Chen is not the peak. He only fuses a drop of God blood. If all four drops of God blood are fused, Lu Chen can kill God by his flesh.

Thinking of killing God, Lu Chen's mind calms down a little.

"Killing gods should not be possible. All the gods are the four days pass of Shenmen At least three days pass, perfect creatures can attack by soul for the ability of single body side. Although I have the protection of divinity, it is hard to say that they will not be attacked. Moreover, after I integrate four drops of God's blood, the physical strength will be huge to the limit, and I can fully play it out. I really have the power to kill God, but I don't have enough will and soul. My ultimate physical power is fundamental It's out of control. "

Even now, Lu Chen can't completely control himself. With the help of strengthening without killing God's blood, Lu Chen's height can reach a hundred times the height of his body, that is, 1500 meters. But now Lu Chen is fighting with a height of 500 meters, because his soul is too weak to take care of everything. According to blue star's network terminology, the software is too simple to play the full computing power of hardware 。

When thinking, Lu Chen attacks constantly, but because he is distracted, he is hit by countless attacks.

But what about those attacks? The strongest attack was a corrosive light that rushed into Lu Chen's body for half a meter.

Although in this half meter, the corrosive light first broke through the defense of magic defense, and then was continuously blocked by endless Qi and blood and the power of holy light, and it still did not weaken. Finally, it broke through the layer by layer defense of the skeleton of steel bar in the body, which shows the strong penetration of this attack.

However, Lu Chen, who is 500 meters tall and very strong, has a defense of tens of meters on his body surface.

"It's half a meter. Good. Please keep working hard."

As the words were uttered, the power of the holy light rejected all the tyrannical instincts, and the corrosive and ominous atmosphere was patted out of the air. Then, the fire filled, and Lu Chen's wound recovered as before.

The recovery of the body is automatic. When the praise falls down, Lu Chen's fist filled with concussion force will fall towards the monster and reward it.

However, just as Lu Chen's fist came out, he suddenly felt that his fist was out of his control. The white light fist was not facing forward, but was smashing hard at his own head.

"Boom" sound, Lu Chen whole person is by oneself a fist to smash to fly fiercely, and have a mouthful of blood when flying to mid air spit out, at the same time, the feeling of dizziness also appeared in consciousness.

When Lu Chen was hit by his own fist, a group of evil spirits who had escaped suddenly gained momentum. They wildly waved the hammer and machete in their hands and smashed them towards the landing Chen's body.

Even, in order to exert their ultimate power, many evil spirits also use the ability of disintegrating the Dharma of the demons. They fight for the collapse of their bodies and the exhaustion of energy, and they also want to curse and attack Lu Chen, who spits blood.


after a mistake, Lu Chen's figure was submerged by countless attacks, and the earth was smashed layer by layer under the terror attack.


Looking at Lu Chen's injury, we can see from the crack that the legends here are all angry. Among them, manxiong is burning immortal blood and wants to rush hard.

It's a pity that the God run's obstruction is not the man Xiong who burst out the immortal blood to rush in at all.

Therefore, they can only watch Lu Chen get beaten and see the place where Lu Chen falls, and the surrounding land is destroyed by the powerful attack of natural disaster level evil.

The continuous and strong blow lasted for 30 seconds. When everything calmed down a little, the ground on which Lu Chen landed collapsed nearly 100 meters, and a deep pit appeared in the center.

Looking at that hole, the human legend is full of anger.

However, the evil spirits were panting for breath, but they did not dare to have any wild laughter.

They are frightened by Lu Chen.

The unexpected situation made them dare not despise the barbarian prince. Unless the barbarian Prince died completely, they would not dare to be careless.

At this point, however, they have a glimmer of hope.

"If we try so hard, the monster should be dead."

This is the expectation and Prayer of evil spirits. Unfortunately, not all efforts can be rewarded!

Hard work is useful, but genius is what to do!

When those evil spirits looked with hope, a sound of clapping clothes came from the earth in the distance, and then Lu Chen's majestic body slowly stood up from the hole.

"I'm still OK. I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised!"

This words, let the God run a quiet secret.

The evil spirits guessed right. Lu Chen is really safe and sound.

But, guess right, they did not have a trace of joy on their faces, on the contrary, each was like a dead father and mother in general, ugly face looked forward to the front.However, after watching carefully for a long time, some natural disaster evil spirits which were already in chaos were totally crazy.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. You of the same rank can't be unhurt under our attack. It's all illusions. You can't cheat me."

"You've been hurt. You're holding on, absolutely holding on. Don't try to cheat us in this way."

In the frenzied clamor, two 300 meter high natural disaster level evil spirits rush to Lu Chen's place alone.

And then

The first evil spirit was beaten into flesh mud by Lu Chen's commanding fist and mixed with the flesh and blood of the earth.

Looking at the completely broken meat mud wants to revive again, Lu Chen raises his feet and grinds it hard. Then, his eyes look at the second evil spirit, revealing his white teeth stained with blood and the flesh of those still moving between his teeth. That is the flesh and blood that Lu Chen ate with great pleasure when he was in a frenzy just now.

"What did you say?"

At this time, Lu Chen's breath is too terrible, and the feeling of death is so close, which actually makes the crazy evil spirit recover a trace of reason.

"I, I felt that his royal highness was ok, as I thought."

"Well, ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Looking at Lu Chen, he laughs. Although he doesn't know why the barbarian Prince laughs, he can only laugh.

However, just as the voice spread, a fist with a startling momentum covered the vision of evil in front of him, and a cruel word rang out.

"Laugh at you MB!"


in the sound of the air wave emptying, Lu Chen was crushed by his fist with the evil spirit of laughing wildly.

Looking at the smile just now, Lu Chen, who is unreasonable and waves his fist, appears in the hearts of many evil spirits.

However, Lu Chen doesn't pay attention to their thoughts. While crushing the flesh below, Lu Chen looks at the thousand hand demon with hundreds of palms.

"Why not control my hand."

The demon of the thousand hands did not respond to this.

Like the disaster legend that day, he also looked at Lu Chen's body in disbelief.

Seeing Lu Chen's desperate situation several times, the demon of thousand hands didn't think that a sudden attack just now knocked Lu Chen down.

He foresaw that Lu Chen could stand up, but he didn't think that there was no scar on his whole body.

Yes, he was suddenly attacked by his own palm, and then a series of attacks of natural disaster level evil. After such an attack, ten thousand meters of land was sunk, but Lu Chen, as the center of the attack, was not injured at all.

This scene is appalling, the demon of a thousand hands is afraid, but also more greedy to look at Lu Chen's body.

"This body, absolutely mine."

Natural disaster level evil fear, the thousand hand devil greedily thirsts for Lu Chen's body, and Lu Chen is grateful for the perfect blood. The sudden attack makes Lu Chen consume the immortal blood and open the invincible body of steel body. Now, the legendary physical attack Lu Chen can also be immune.

But evil spirit is not just physical attack. If it is not for the perfect blood that distorts the rules here, all evil spirits become flesh and blood. Many special abilities cannot be used. Lu Chen is attacked like this

Well, Lu Chen still won't have a big deal.

No way, in addition to physical attack immunity, Lu Chen's soul is also protected by divinity, which makes him immune to soul attack.

That is to say, the element attack of evil spirit can cause a little damage to Lu Chen, but not to mention that the steel muscles and bones strengthened with blood essence can be immune to half of them. Even though Lu Chen's vigorous vitality can resist most of the attacks of evil spirit, he will suffer heavy injuries, but the gold apples on Avalon and the huge amount of holy light power in his body are not vegetarian.

As long as it is not a move to crush Lu Chen, he can recover quickly.

Or that sentence, Lu Chen's strongest never attack, but defense and recovery, he, out of the meat ah.

Now Lu Chen, flesh to despair.

Even, in the face of such Lu Chen, many evil spirits even have the idea of escaping.

No way, in the face of an immortal enemy, no matter who will despair.

However, just as an evil spirit retreated, the palm of his hand was inserted into his chest. He grabbed out a heart and pinched it suddenly.

"Retreat, death!"

After crushing an evil spirit easily, the demon of thousand hands looked at the shrinking evil spirit around him and said with a cold hum:

"he has no hands and can't hurt us."

However, before the words fell, Lu Chen's left hand stretched out in front of his body and swayed for a moment. This is to remind the demon of thousand hands that his left arm still exists.

This is a naked taunt. Such a scene also makes the demon of thousand hands furious. With the demon's eyes narrowing, Lu Chen finds that his right hand even grabs his left hand fiercely, making it unable to wave at will."As I said, he has no hands!"

"No one can use his arm and attack in front of my thousand hands!"

God run's order, coupled with the surrounding evil spirit, saw Lu Chen's right hand tied to his left hand, and immediately rushed up in front of his eyes.

However, the first evil spirit that approached was Lu Chen's naked big feet.

The foot is too large, like a mountain peak, which makes the evil spirit of the front rush send out a cry of panic, and the body wants to retreat at the first time. However, when it retreats, it is frightened to find that there is a huge suction force on the naked big foot, which not only makes it unable to stay away, but also keeps its head towards Lu Chen's feet.



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