

In the scream of fear, Lu Chen stepped into the earth, and the land of 100000 meters was shocked by Lu Chen's step. In the booming sound, a Tiankeng appeared on the earth where Shenju was suffering.

Foot fall is the earthquake, which is the power of the body to reach the legendary Lu Chen.

When the earth broke open, Lu Chen crushed the evil spirit that he stepped into the earth with one foot. Soon, the evil spirit sound of the first rush up disappeared.

This scene also makes the evil spirit look at Lu Chen's two thighs which are as thick as Tianzhu.

"The thighs seem to be more powerful than the arms."

Looking at Lu Chen standing on one foot, the other foot sprawling around, many evil spirits showed a look of fear, more delicate eyes at the demon of thousand hands.

That's a naked provocation!

Seeing this, the demon of thousand hands can only take the lead to give other evil spirits confidence.

As a hand with a bloody ring turns slightly, the land of tens of thousands of meters suddenly condenses into a huge palm of ten thousand meters under Lu Chen's feet. The palm of the hand rolls out and wants to hold Lu Chen in the palm and hold it to death.

Ten thousand meters of flesh and blood hand is huge, with an awe inspiring momentum, as if the sky is about to collapse. But looking at this huge hand, Lu Chen has no fear, some just sigh helplessly.

"Unfortunately, I still want to seduce you to come here. As a God, you are too timid."

At the same time, Lu Chen's right hand was suddenly coated with a layer of silver. With the silver light shining, a special concept was attached to Lu Chen's right hand. The concept directly cut off the power of the thousand hand devil, and let Lu Chen's right hand regain control of his consciousness.

"Only power can confront You have power, too

Ignoring the surprise of the demon of thousand hands, Lu Chen recited his power again.

"Swear here. I don't allow anything that I can't cut. And this sword is an invincible blade that can cut and cut through everything on the ground

Along with Lu Chen's recitation, the silver on his arm suddenly widens, the sharp silver light, even makes the space have a trace of fluctuation.

When Lu Chen added the power of silver hand for the second time, the palm of that ten thousand meter hand was also completely raised. To this end, Lu Chen's arm just gently swung forward. The turned 10000 meter arm suddenly stopped in the air. Then, the huge hand of flesh and blood suddenly split into two smooth halves and fell toward both sides with Lu Chen as the center.

Standing in the center of the split flesh and blood, Lu Chen looks at his right hand with a color of obsession.

"Cutting off all the invincible blade is really the power of the king of God. Let me see your complete strength."

With these words, Lu Chen recited the words of silver hand again.

"Swear here..."

This recitation just sounded, a palpitation appeared in those evil hearts.

"No, he can't go on, or we'll all die."

"Together, we can't kill it. We can't go back."

Feeling the crisis, they launched their own attacks, the first attack is the soul, curse, hallucination and other attacks.

Unfortunately, these evil and despairing things happened once in a while. It was clear that they felt that Lu Chen's soul was not strong. As long as the prince's soul power rushed out, they would be directly scattered by them, but their soul power could not break through the prince's defense.

Then they attacked the evil spirits on the flesh and blood side. These evil spirits were incomparable in strength, and many of them could launch bone spurs and wield the sword Qi and sabre Qi that tore the earth and the mountains.

But the same desperation as the evil spirits of their souls persisted.

In the face of these attacks, the Prince did not even hide, just stood in the field, as hard as a mountain to resist countless attacks.

Then, the evil spirits watched the innumerable attacks leaning on the prince, and only made a clang sound of iron beating, which could not break through the prince's defense.

As for closeness

Well, without close quarters, the prince's invincible power gave them a deep impression. There was another evil spirit who was still struggling under the prince's feet, which made no one dare to approach Lu Chen. Therefore, after the long-range attack failed, they could only watch the prince recite the holy words and spirits for the third time and turn the whole right hand into Silver.

As soon as the silver arm like mercury appeared, it made the blood bloom in the eyes of many evil spirits who looked directly at that arm.

This scene also made many people scream.

"Power, the power of divine power."

Yes, the silver hand recited three times is already a divine ability.

However, the cost of such power and power is also very high. When the title of hero is completed, even if Lu Chen's physique exceeds the limit and is the first since ancient times, it will still be the end of his whole arm turning into dust, or the kind that can never be recovered.That is to say, knowing that the advanced legend will be sublimated to perfection, Lu Chen would dare to use it in advance.

At this time, Lu Chen's strength and bearing capacity increased greatly. However, he could feel that his body might be able to bear a silver hand for half an hour. However, if he really used it for half an hour, his right hand might still be there, but his will and soul would be scattered and cleaned up, that is to say, he could not control it. His right hand could only be reduced to decoration.

"The soul doesn't match the will, and the energy can only last for half an hour, because it consumes too much power. If it's just a physical body, it's OK for a day. My physical body is very strong."

"The real silver hand, I can use it for one to three minutes. It will be free within one minute. After one minute, there will be damage within three minutes, but it can recover with time. There will be irreparable damage in three to ten minutes. Ten minutes later Cut it off

Thinking like this at the same time, that is like the mercury general right hand, by Lu Chen point on his body.

"Bang" with the palm click on his own body, a glass broken sound in Lu Chen's body ring up, in that sound, Lu Chen's body also appeared like glass general split scars, endless blood spurt from his body, even, Lu Chen's face, there are countless dense cracks.

However, Lu Chen was not disappointed by the scar. Instead, a smile bloomed on his face, because at the next moment, the broken body turned into light and fused together again.

The power of the Lord of light is removed!

The Lord of perfection's power to twist everything into flesh and blood is torn by Lu Chen's silver hand.

With the sound of the sound of "Lu Chen", twelve thousand kilometer long wings of light rose up behind Lu Chen, who could once again be elemental. Waving the wings, Lu Chen's face showed a happy smile.

"Gentlemen, the hunt has begun."

The words fell, accompanied by wings flapping, "boom" sound, in the sound of the air broken, Lu Chen people like meteorite general speed ahead.

Although Lu Chen's speed is very fast, his body is still blocked by the air that turns into tiny insects.

But even so, he is still not completely elemental. Lu Chen wants the potential energy brought about by the extremely fast flight.

At the beginning, this evil spirit was still a little incomprehensible, but after the first natural disaster level evil spirit was smashed into flesh and mud by Lu Chen, who flew hundreds of times supersonic speed, relying on his strong body, all the evil spirits were frightened.

"This son of a bitch, you're going to kill us

This is all the evil thoughts, but after learning about it, they are desperate to find that they can't think of it at all.

The 1000 meter light wings bring Lu Chen the ultimate speed. Even if there are many evil causes that make his body smaller, he can't escape Lu Chen's pursuit.

Once they catch up with the speed of 100 times the speed of supersonic speed and the steel and iron strengthened by blood essence, they will know what it is like to impact a meteorite.

Although, in the first contact with Lu Chen, their bodies will burst, their consciousness will disappear completely, and there will be no evil spirit. I want to experience this feeling.

"Procrastinate with bondage skills."

With the orders of the demon of the thousand hands, countless ropes, shadows, chains, or flesh and blood tentacles rushed to Lu Chen from all directions, trying to fix Lu Chen's fast-moving body.

But all of these are useless. Most of his abilities can't catch up with Lu Chen, who flies at a high speed. Even if some strange abilities can catch up with him, they can't break through Lu Chen's rich Qi and blood, which affects Lu Chen, and will be broken free by Lu Chen's great power.

In this way, like a streamer, Lu Chen flies in a rampant manner, without any attack. When he encounters evil spirits, he directly bumps into them.

"Don't come over here!"

In the cry of evil spirit, one by one evil spirit is killed by Lu Chen.

This scene was sensed by the Lord of Yanmo. At the first moment, nearly 100 volcano lords rushed to LuChen and threw countless flaming stones to LuChen.

"You can't let this little guy kill all the evil spirits. If there's no evil spirits, who can save me out?"

This is his simple idea. Therefore, he is ready to block Lu Chen. However, this behavior also annoys Lu Chen and makes Lu Chen join those volcano lords into the enemy of the impact.


the giant volcano lords moved slowly, and were smashed by Lu Chen, who was pounding with extreme speed.

However, smashing a dozen or so volcano lords in one breath also made Lu Chen's body ache.

"It's hard."

Lu Chen sighs that the eyes of the Lord of Yanmo are almost staring out.

The Lord of the volcano, which is made up of volcanic rocks and magma, is famous for his boundless strength and hard body. But now what he sees is that ten volcano lords are smashed like chickens by Lu Chensheng.

But Lu Chen's fright to the Lord of Yanmo was more than that. Lu Chen, who felt that the enemy was too hard, directly recited the power of the silver hand, or twice.

The two recitations made the silver hand without complete conversion appear on Lu Chen's right arm.Then, with this right arm as the arrow, Lu Chen again waved his wings and launched a charge.

This time, nothing can stop Lu Chen.

No matter what kind of hard object, under Lu Chen's right arm, it is all two segments, and then completely smashed by Lu Chenhao's body.

Even, not only the objects, but also the attacking skills, all kinds of curse and binding skills will be torn by the silver hand.

"I don't allow anything in the world that I can't cut. It's an invincible blade that can tear everything apart."

This oath is not empty words.

With the torn hand of silver as the arrow, accelerated by the wings of light, the flying land star tore all the creatures on the ground.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has killed the natural disaster level evil spirit, congratulations to the host, and has obtained an experience value of 5.6 million]

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has killed the natural disaster level evil spirit, congratulations to the host, and has obtained the experience value of 6.6 million]

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has killed the natural disaster evil spirit, congratulations to the host, and obtained the experience value of 7.4 million]

When Lu Chen stops, all the evil spirits in the mysterious world have been killed by Lu Chen except for the body of the demon with thousands of hands.

All evil spirits can't resist the silver hand that sings twice, and can't stop Lu Chen's full open body.

Holding up his silvery right hand, feeling the power of tearing everything up, Lu Chen's mouth showed a smile.

"Legend can play most of the effects of myth skills."

Myth skills are very strong, but in the past, because Lu Chen's body was too weak, he could only use it as a base card. At this time, the mythological skills can be fully opened.

For example, although the silver hand can't open the strongest third stage mercury hand, his body's ten heart full of Qi and blood, coupled with the physical body's strong bearing capacity, make him able to maintain the second stage of silver hand for a long time.

Keeping the second stage of the tearing silver hand open, Lu Chen stands on the mountain and looks at the thousand hands in front of him One hundred hands.

"Now, it's just you and me."

When the voice fell, Lu Chen's silver palm patted the mountain at his feet.


with Lu Chen's gentle clap, the whole mountain vibrated. Then, the violent mountain deformation took place. Soon, a mountain sword hundreds of meters long was shaped under Lu Chen's right hand.

The silver hand of tearing, in addition to the power of tearing everything, also has the ability to make magic swords.

The God killer in the original book used a meteorite as his sword in space. When the meteorite sword fell to the earth, it could even move the continental plate by several centimeters.

At this time, the mountain sword was shaped by Lu Chen. With a slight push of his arm, the sword tore the air and made a crack in the ground, rushing towards the demon of hundred hands.

However, as soon as the mountain sword was approaching, a hand of sand wrapped in bandages of the demon of hundred hands stretched out and gently patted it on the mountain sword. With his gentle tapping, the sword turned into yellow sand and scattered all over the ground.

Then the hand of the magic sand of 100 hands was raised, and the yellow sand all over the ground flew towards Lu Chen like a dust explosion.

"The power of trouble."

The abilities of each arm of a thousand hand devil are different. More than 100 arms also represent more than 100 abilities. Lu Chen found that in terms of the diversity of abilities, he is no better than a hundred hand devil.

"Forget it, you can't make it. You'd better be reckless."

Without too much thinking, Lu Chen felt that the essence and blood that had been integrated into the steel and iron bones had not been consumed. After finishing his work, Lu Chen no longer had various abilities, but his wings were flapping to the sky.

Lu Chen reached the top of the sky in a blink of an eye as the wings of light pushed forward. Then, Lu Chen stretched out his arms on his head, feet and feet. Lu Chen aimed at the demon with thousands of hands like superman flying. Then, the wings of light suddenly flapped.


in the loud sound of air wave emptying, Lu Chen, relying on the acceleration of the wings of light, surpassed tens of times the speed of sound in a very short time, and hit the demon with the extreme speed.

Even, because the speed is too fast, the air conversion of the flesh and blood insects continuously hit Lu Chen, rubbing out a red flame on Lu Chen's body, which makes Lu Chen like a meteorite.

And Lu Chen, is to incarnate meteorite, with the potential energy brought by the extreme speed, to hit and kill a hundred hand demon.

He had become fond of this kind of bombardment mode, which used the hard body as the shell and the wings of twelve light as the driving force.

"How about the diversity of abilities? I'll hit it straight with my body to see what you can resist."

Lu Chen's practice made the devil's eyebrows wrinkle tightly. At the first moment, he waved more than 100 arms.

First of all, the space fluctuates, and countless objects on the ground are moved by him in the air, trying to block Lu Chen.

This is the transformation ability of the hand of space. The reason why Lu Chen does not transform his body but objects is that the energy contained in Lu Chen's body is too high to be converted by the one hundred hand devil who is not the noumenon.

In addition to transferring objects on the ground, he also slapped a series of palm prints containing impact force into the sky. Each impact makes the space ripple, and can destroy everything. The hand of impact, the hand of God sky.After the impact, the yellow sand was all over the sky, and the water waves were rippling, and the fire clouds were burning One arm is continuously used by him, and he sets up defense layers in the air. If you want to stop Lu Chen, you should at least slow down Lu Chen's speed.

If Lu Chen only relies on his speed and weight, he is likely to succeed. After all, he has too many abilities, and all kinds of abilities are still integrated. It is possible that Lu Chen can be delayed by a hundred defense measures.

What's more, Lu Chen has other skills besides himself. Seeing that the devil with hundreds of hands is so desperate, he also opens the power of tearing silver hand.

With the silver arm as the arrow, Lu Chen charged forward without hesitation.

The silver hand of the God King Nuada is too strong. Nothing can stop the tearing of the torn silver hand. Everything that blocks in front, whether tangible or intangible, will be torn by the silver light on Lu Chen's arm. Therefore, Lu Chen, who is a superman, comes to the body of the hundred hand devil almost without hindrance.



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