"Sure enough, I am a good man."

Lu Chen, who thinks that he is a good man, naturally won't kill the same kind of people, but he doesn't care about the villains. Lu Chen doesn't intend to let go of any of those damned people.

"Your will, your majesty."

Lu Chen sent the message from the line of faith. Therefore, even if she was not with Elaine, she still heard Lu Chen's order. To some extent, she had just given the oracle.

The line of faith is two-way. After Lu Chen gave the order, Elaine did not immediately disconnect. Instead, she hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, now take out your strength to deal with the villains. What should we do with the disaster in the starry sky? I have discovered many secret places in recent days by combining the intelligence of the three empires. There are absurd monsters, although the monsters there are not strong, But the pollution is amazing, and as long as we have strong people entering, the monsters in the secret realm will also be promoted. Do you want to deal with those evil spirits first? "

Worried Elaine expected Lu Chen to put the matter in the solution of the natural disaster, but it has to be said that a group of them acted quite quickly, at least found some rules of the secret place.

It's just that the rules are useless at this point.

"Just leave those evil spirits to me. Besides, you'll let the strong into those secret places later."


Listening to Yi Lian's puzzled voice, Lu Chen said directly: "when the strong enter the mysterious state, the monsters inside will also increase. It's because there are many evil spirits waiting outside. But just now I went out and already beat those monsters away."

Lu Chen's explanation makes Elaine's doubts less, but more doubts rise.

"Hit Did you run away? "

"Well, evil spirits are not really immortal. Alas, I wish they were still wandering around the world, so that I could always fight the autumn wind and run back to the kingdom of God for defense." After complaining, Lu Chen looked at Elaine: "you just let those strong people rest assured that they can enter the mysterious state. Those evil spirits absolutely dare not come out. Everything has me."

Evil spirits are not only disasters, but also experience values. Lu Chen looked at those evil spirits as if they were crops and hoped that they would come out.

Lu Chen in the conversation soon broke the line of faith and went to rest. Instead, it was Elaine who fell into confusion because of Lu Chen's words.

"The natural disaster has been beaten away! Have I suffered so much for half a year

In her confusion, Elaine thought of the fear of foreseeing the natural disaster coming to her own, and also thought of the wise men in another world who wanted to kill themselves by crossing the world because they didn't want the natural disasters to affect their own world. These undoubtedly showed the terror of the natural disaster. Just hearing about it made the two worlds turbulent.

Even, she thought that countless astrologers and prophets had predicted the disaster. Aunt Catherine had made great efforts to remind the three kings in the past six months.

It can be said that evil coming is a natural disaster, which destroys the world.

They tried hard to resist the evil spirit for a long time. The only pity is that although they tried hard, they could only stay in one place because of their poor strength.

In such a case, Lu Chen came to him like a man who had fallen from heaven.

Elaine has been complaining that Titan of light is too unscrupulous, but it also makes everything very simple.

Showing the breath to scare away the pursuit of the sage, Elaine escaped from the crisis on the spot for more than half a year. With such an easy harvest of safety, Elaine is relaxed and has some feelings.

Relaxed for her own safety, she felt that she was constantly running away under the pursuit of those pursuers, and she was terrified all the time. But the giant of light just showed her breath, which made those pursuers admit defeat, which made her escape seem a little silly.

However, she was worried at that time, but she did not expect that the giant of light wanted to be positive. Finally, with her help, she not only just won, but also accepted the church.

After becoming the holy woman of the Holy See, every time she looked at the paladin who was very respectful to herself, Elaine could not help thinking about the situation that she was hostile to the church and chased by the church.

Compared with now, even if she has grown up a lot in the half year of running away, she also has a kind of dream feeling.

"It used to be very difficult. Now why is it so simple?"

The acceptance church made her feel that she was playing a simple game. At that time, she had a feeling that everything in the world was becoming simple with Lu Chen. However, because the natural disaster was imminent, she soon turned her attention to the natural disaster.

"Well, it's just that we don't have the capital to go to the civil war."

Taking Lu Chen's disguise as an opportunity, Elaine, with the help of Catherine, joined hands with the church and the three empires to establish a command post against natural disasters. She was ready to play a good role here. Because of the fierce reaction of the sages in the opposite world and the tragic prophecies of many star watchers in the world, she was even ready for a death war.

However, what Elaine didn't expect was that she was ready to be determined by death and convinced the other three empires to send troops to unite.

But all this is ready, only to find that their enemy was beaten away by the fierce man, which makes Elaine completely confused."So why am I trying so hard?"

At this time, Elaine's mind is full of three questions of philosophy. When she is at a loss, a voice of noble spirit with concern rings out.

"Where have you been? The missions of the three empires have come. I'll wait for you to preside over the meeting."

After that, without waiting for Elaine to respond, Katherine has opened the portal and dragged her to the conference hall.

This is the original church headquarters. The interior is very spacious. The generals and envoys of the three empires have arrived and are talking about the characteristics of the mysterious situation and discussing the issue of sending troops.

After Elaine arrived, everyone looked in her direction and waited for her to speak.

However, standing on the high platform, looking at a crowd, Elaine's face has helplessness.

After a long time, she sighed and said, "ladies and gentlemen, the crisis of natural disaster has been lifted temporarily. God loves the world. After that, our church should focus on suppressing bandits..."


Elaine's words have not finished, do not need to speak from the three empires, Catherine and frost wolf are confused, hastily interrupted her words.

Other familiar people also said in a hurry:

"little Elaine, don't joke at this time."

"I also want to joke, but really not, the natural disaster was temporarily repelled by your majesty."

"No way. It's a crisis that can destroy the world."

This time, an astrologer, who had foreseen disaster and witnessed the destruction of the world.

After the fall of God and the certainty of disaster, her status has also been promoted. This time, she is a professional sent by the Empire. She is analyzing the disaster from a professional point of view.

"I'm not the only one who predicted the end of the world, so disaster will never be easy..."

Her analysis is reasonable, but Elaine interrupts her speech before she finishes speaking.

"You are quite right. It is indeed a crisis that can destroy the world, but don't forget that your majesty is a God, and that kind of punishment only needs to be raised several times, your majesty It can also destroy the world. "

The astrologer was completely shocked and opened her mouth. She wanted to say something. However, she thought of the great power caused by the divine punishment, and even more thought that her majesty had actually fought in the sky today. Her confidence in refutation was gradually reduced. Finally, a word that she could not believe sounded out: "the crisis of the world has really been lifted."

"At least for the time being, your majesty is worried about how to break their nest It's just that we can't help at all After a sigh, Elaine turned to the three Imperial Envoys again: "you can send a large army to suppress the territory and clear all the special secret places."

"What's more, your majesty tells you to bear in mind that God loves the world, but he will punish the unjust. When you go back, you will cooperate with the church to remove those bandits, traffickers and murderers..."

Elaine's words aroused a lot of discussion among the three empires. After Lu Chen made clear the disaster, the kings of the three empires paid attention to it and sent people to detect the information of intelligence.

After the exploration, the king's advisers have made a judgment. The evil spirits entering the world are not too strong, but they are very dangerous.

What's more, as the number of strong men sent by the human side in the mysterious situation will be followed up by the opposite side, inferring that those consultants have shown that this disaster can really destroy the world.

The astrologers' reminders half a year ago, the consultant's analysis, and the final confirmation of Shenju made those kings turn their targets to evil spirits, but even they didn't expect that they would not be in charge of evil spirits in just one day.

"So, what are we up to now?"

This is the question of Elaine and the three kings of the Empire.

In this regard, Lu Chen just wants to say that all the misfortunes in the world are caused by the lack of ability of the parties concerned. Evil is dangerous and the ordinary world can not cope with it. Naturally, the world will fall.

Lu Chen is strong enough to be able to dominate the world by one person, so that the whole world can be praised as the true God. Naturally, he can resist natural disasters with his own strength, so he can turn the unfortunate things into ordinary things.

Of course, Lu Chen can only resist ordinary evil spirits. He can't kill evil spirits for the time being. But without ordinary evil spirits, as a small soldier, they can't enter the world. The protection of the world and he alone can really resist the impact of evil spirits.

Finally, although the kings were a little confused, they were relieved to know that the disaster had been relieved, and they really felt Lu Chen's strength. They strictly carried out Lu Chen's requirements. In any case, such things were beneficial to them.

These actions have been carried out in the whole world in the name of God. In the actions, the priest of Lu Chen has constantly declared that even if the righteous people die in battle, they will live forever in the kingdom of God, and the criminal people will suffer the punishment of hell.

This is to deepen the impression of the kingdom of God and hell. There are some parts to persuade people to be good. More importantly, the impression of the Kingdom and hell can make Lu Chen quickly absorb the souls of the world.

In the land of aura, Lu Chen can only absorb the souls of believers by virtue of the statues and totem pillars. However, after the world got the divine fire, Lu Chen went a step further away from God. Even if he didn't use the totem pole, as long as the hearts of the dead believed that there was a kingdom and hell in the world, their souls would be automatically sucked into Avalon and hell of Lu Chen.After all, Lu Chen is a hypocrite and has to play some tricks.

As for the specific access to the kingdom of God or hell, it depends on whether they were good or bad.

"The true spirit of believers is good for me, but what I have said is true. A righteous man can live in my God's kingdom for another life, and a sinful person, as long as he is not a sinner, is only slightly punished."

"In any case, the medieval morality was low, and the souls of those who were not afraid of sin were not enough."


Entering this world, Lu Chen's body fused two drops of undeniable blood, and gained the ability of six arms and God descending to the earth.

There is a praying fire in energy, and the fusion furnace is also under study.

In terms of soul, he has prepared to use the black rope to punish the Ming king to integrate the souls of the evil people, so that the soul of the black rope God punishing Ming king will become the real Lord of hell. At that time, Lu Chen's soul will also be transformed.

In fact, this idea can also be carried out under the name of the God of the highest good. Even because there are many believers in the God of the highest good, there are many kind-hearted people who worship the God of the highest good, and their essence has been contaminated with the breath of the God of the highest good.

In the name of God, they will be integrated with themselves without much hindrance, which will speed up the promotion of Lu Chen's soul to legend.

Specifically, the true spirit of the black rope God punishing the Ming king to devour ten thousand villains will be affected and need to rest.

It is likely that 100000 will be affected by the integration of the best God with devout or crazy believers.

The ten fold gap is also the reason why true God cares about devout and crazy believers. As for the last Holy Spirit, it can be met but not sought.

But in the end, thinking that those people had been kind all their lives, Lu Chen still couldn't start.

"Live a good life in my God's kingdom. When your souls are exhausted and only your true spirits are left, my human world may be well built. This is the benefit of believing in me."

Lu Chen has found the direction of body, energy and soul. In terms of will, Lu Chen also relies on the seven spirits to polish in turn.

Lu Chen's situation looks perfect, but at this time, he is in danger, and he will die at any time.

Lu Chen obviously felt that both his body and soul were exhausted, which made him sleep directly in the palace. He wanted to recover his body fatigue and relieve his soul pressure.

However, in the past, Lu Chen was tired again. After sleeping, he would wake up within five or six hours.

But this time, full eight hours, Lu Chen is still in a dream, and even, his brows are tightening from time to time, and his body is undergoing various changes.


"What's wrong with me?"

After waking up, Lu Chen felt the stabbing pain coming from his head, which made him cover his head and groan a few times. After a long time, the pain was slightly relieved.

"It's killing me. I can't stay up late. Sooner or later, I'll die suddenly."

As he spoke, Lu Chen also looked in front of him. In front of Lu Chen was a computer. On the computer screen, there was a hand game interface that only completed the series of sword masters.

"I'm tired on the way to production. No, I have to have a rest."

Although the work was important, he fell unconscious, and had a headache after waking up, which made Lu Chen dare not keep busy. He left the company at the first time and called his project manager to ask for leave and sick leave.

As for his speech that he needed to rest, he didn't agree with him. He wanted Lu Chen to continue working, and he didn't know what the reason was. When he called in the past, Lu Chen felt an infinite sense of disobedience in his heart.

"It could be too tired."

Find a pretext for themselves, Lu Chen continues to ask for leave, but the opposite does not agree, which makes Lu Chen frown completely.

What he didn't find was that, with the strong dissatisfaction in his heart, a terrible power centered on him oppressed the four sides. Under that pressure, everything between heaven and earth seemed to be imprisoned.

"I need a rest," I said

The discontent in his heart made Lu Chen finish the whole sentence almost one word at a time. After the words were finished, a strong vibration came from the whole world. The sudden vibration broke Lu Chen's discontent and made him run outside.

"Shit, it's an earthquake. It's bad luck No, I can have a rest after the earthquake. "

"Boss, it's an earthquake. You can't let me go to work."

After this speech, the voice of agreement came from the opposite side for a long time. However, Lu Chen felt that the opposite voice seemed to be a little far away.

"I'm really tired of hearing hallucinations."

"What's more, I can't go on talking to the boss in that tone."

When walking on the street, Lu Chen can't help feeling that his tone was too tough, and he felt that his work was no longer guaranteed. However, Lu Chen had a free and easy feeling in his heart, without any worries.

"After sleeping, I have changed a little bit The world is too. It's gray and can't even see the sun. I'm still dreaming. "With the word "dream" said, the special strange feeling rises in Lu Chen's heart, but he doesn't think much at all, and goes directly to the direction of home.

Walking Lu Chen, do not know is, after the gray sky, a voice of exclamation rings.

"Terrible intuition, just came in less than half an hour, you felt several times wrong, but your intuition is very strong, but it is too stupid, several times of perception even missed..."

Without saying that, the voice stopped, because Lu Chen, who was walking on the street, suddenly stopped.

"Ah No, I always feel that someone is saying bad things about me

As if sensing something, Lu Chen stopped to look around, but in the end, he did not observe anything.

"Is the boss dissatisfied with my tough tone? It seems that the job is really gone."

“…… Once again... "

Lu Chen, who has sensed several anomalies but found nothing, is ready to go home. However, when walking, looking at the sky, Lu Chen can't help feeling that there is no evil in the gray sky.

"Evil spirit, what is that? Dangerous stuff? Why do I feel that there must be something dangerous under the gray sky, and why do I think that danger is not afraid at all, but a feeling of eager to try

Many questions appear in Lu Chen's mind from time to time. All kinds of questions also make Lu Chen's heart agitated. As soon as the fidgety appears, the feeling of trance and the vibration of heaven and earth appear in the heaven and earth again. But because Lu Chen is full of questions, he doesn't find any problems outside. The more questions he has, the more obvious the vibration of heaven and earth will be.

"But that's a stupid intuition, isn't it It's not good... "

Full of questions make Lu Chen stand on the road under the gray sky with a restless face, but when he is agitated, suddenly, a flurry of footsteps rings in front of him.

In the violent footstep sound, Lu Chen discovers that there is a zombie in front of him who is crazy and rushes towards the street where he is.

"Zombies, biochemical crisis, why do I always feel familiar with the appearance of these zombies?"

This kind of doubt also makes the existence on the gray sky a little wary, those zombies Lu Chen of course will feel familiar with, they are the remains of Lu Chen after swallowing the true spirit.

Lu Chen fell asleep because of his physical and mental fatigue. Among them, the reason for his mental exhaustion was that he absorbed the true spirit of ten thousand villains.

These scum became the means of the people in the sky. At this time, he was manipulating the scum to attack Lu Chen.

"Well, I still needed to secretly disclose my power to make trouble for you. I didn't expect that you would be haunted by bad luck. Heaven is going to kill you."

The dark hand behind the scene manipulated the remains of the real spirit to attack Lu Chen, but he did not expect that the appearance of these real spirits touched the instinct of the barbarians below and made him wonder.

"This guy, how can he be stronger than the wolf's intuition No, I have to do it... "

"I'm stupid. The zombies are from this city. I often commute in the city. They are familiar with me."


This made the existence in the sky speechless.

"You are really stupid to a point. It's just that you are so stupid. As an ordinary person, you should be afraid, despair and fall into eternal degradation under the impact of zombies."

Seeing that the barbarian at the bottom finds his own reason, the dark man behind the scene is speechless. At the same time, he is ready to appreciate the barbarian's fear.

Just, the scene that made him speechless appeared.

Even if the body had no strength, the barbarian still had little fear in the face of the impact of nearly 10000 people's loss, but showed a happy expression.

"There are zombies, which represents extraordinary power. Hahaha, the world is no longer boring."

"I remember that in many novels, after the end of the day, the protagonists are the first wave of people who rely on killing zombies. No, these zombies can't be wasted, they have to be killed."

Even Lu Chen didn't know that he would be so brave. Seeing the zombie, he didn't retreat. Instead, he thought about anti killing or killing all of them, as if he were afraid that someone would fight with him.

Of course, Lu Chen, who thought he was "smart," didn't block the street. Instead, he went into a tall building, found a fire axe, and blocked it in a stairway to attract zombies.


After all this, Lu Chen, as an "ordinary person", did not feel any discomfort or nausea. Even if the axe played so smoothly, Lu Chen did not expect it.

"What's wrong with me today? I always feel there's something wrong there."

This makes the person behind the scene a burst of tension, but before he makes a response, Lu Chen's voice continues to ring.

"Forget it. It's important to kill zombies."

“…… You are really stupid

Regardless of the sensory abnormalities, Lu Chen slaughters zombies crazily. Because of the skills from nowhere, Lu Chen kills dozens of corpses in one breath without any damage to his body.But soon, his brows wrinkled.

"Why didn't my strength improve? It's impossible. I killed so many zombies, and my strength will certainly increase."

Lu Chen's brows frown, and with his strange appearance, heaven and earth have a moment of silence, the roar of those zombies are much weaker.

But when Lu Chen frowns and thinks hard, a voice suddenly comes from the side.

"Not everyone has talent. We don't have talent. Let's run away. We will die. As long as we are caught, we will be infected and become unconscious zombies. Run!"

It was the young man who came out of the side door. The young man trembled with fear at the appearance of the zombie.

Looking at him, Lu Chen's heart was also infected with a trace of fear, but fear just appeared and was absorbed by some unknown things.

At the same time, after listening to each other's words, Lu Chen did not have the slightest intention of escaping, and did not agree that he had no talent.

"No way. I'm absolutely gifted. Other people become zombies. It's a proof that I haven't changed. It's absolutely wrong if I don't show it now!"

What Lu Chen said is absolutely categorical and cannot be refuted.

And that overbearing tone of voice, so that the dark behind the sky are speechless.

"Wrong, even the world will never be me. Your will is really distorted!"

The people behind the scenes are speechless. On the side of Lu Chen, the hegemonic will emanating from his unconsciousness really distorts the heaven and the earth. Finally, in this twisted world, Lu Chen finds that his strength has risen.

"Sure enough, that's right. I said I couldn't be powerless."


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