"I was right."

Feeling the huge strength in his body, he waved an axe. Lu Chen cut off the four zombies as soon as he went down.

"How cool

The comfort of chopping the enemy is pleasant, while the people next to him are very afraid.

"Don't kill, run!"

"There are too many zombies. We can't beat them."

"Although you have power, but this power is too weak. There are nearly ten thousand zombies. Only by running for our lives can we..."

The chattering words ring in Lu Chen's ear. However, Lu Chen is not affected at all, but is more and more fierce.

"You're right. There are a lot of zombies, but they can't escape. I'm weak and zombies are weak. Now is the chance to kill them."

After saying that, Lu Chen didn't care about the weak man's hard persuasion. He took the axe and rushed to the street and took the initiative to find the zombie to fight.

In this process, the weak man with fear has been persuading Lu Chen to escape, saying that the zombies are not only weak but also powerful.

Lu Chen believes this statement. He remembers that in the biochemical crisis, there are indeed differences between ordinary zombies, lickers and tyrants.

When Lu Chen thinks that zombies will evolve, there are really signs of zombie evolution in places he can't see with the naked eye.

However, before they completely evolved, Lu Chen's firm voice rang up.

"Zombies do mutate, but it takes time. I kill so fast. Zombies don't evolve as fast as I do!"

This is almost arrogant self-confidence, but after the birth of this confidence, some zombies transformed and evolved under the influence of unknown existence were pressed back.

It's as if there's a will that orders them to evolve in a few days.

This, of course, makes the unknown behind the scenes dissatisfied, and the thick fog is pressing down, which deepens its influence on the world.

However, the extremely fast downward pressure of the fog caused Lu Chen's will to rebound. The two collided, thunder and thunderbolt sounded in the sky, and the world also appeared a trance.

“…… Don't be impulsive. This is a world built with his dreams... "

At the end of the day, fearing that the dream would shatter, the backers retreated, so it would take three days for zombies to evolve.

Unfortunately, they don't have three days. Lu Chen firmly believes that chopping zombies will improve their basic quality. The more he cuts, the greater the power. Lu Chen, who is full of fighting spirit, cuts down all the zombies for several hours.

Then, Lu Chen, who is not satisfied with the feeling, is ready to go to the city outside to continue the wave Chop.

However, when he was about to walk to the edge of the city, the small and weak existence with fear on his face suddenly rushed to himself, and then was knocked out by Lu Chen's subconscious fist.

But part of the flesh and blood of the explosion intruded into Lu Chen's body surface. After the body was broken, the remaining head was not dead, but grinned ferociously.

"You're finished. It's a curse of flesh and blood. You'll become a zombie. You're dead."

With his words, Lu Chen inexplicably appeared in his mind into a zombie, completely sink, all day long unconscious wandering picture, and on his body, there are really traces of pathological changes.

However, this fear comes fast, but it is soon swallowed up again by an unknown.

Without fear in his heart, Lu Chen looks at the bloodstain on his body and the diseased parts. He is worried that he will become an unconscious zombie.

But soon, he was relieved.

"In the movie, those who have strong physique can resist virus. I killed so many zombies. When my physique was strengthened to the limit, the virus could not affect me."

This is extremely arrogant self-confidence, he firmly believes that he will be able to survive, this arrogant belief makes the underground that is on the verge of death of the sneaker dissatisfied.

"You will die. This virus is specially made. You will definitely die..."

"Special virus, this is the treatment of the protagonist, it seems that after this poisoning, not only will I not die, but my genetic transformation will be strengthened."

The man thinks that Lu Chen is bound to die, but no matter what he says, he does not shake Lu Chen's thoughts. On the contrary, Lu Chen firmly believes that he must be transformed.

Then, the weak man who was good at sneaking attack was trampled to death by Lu Chen because he was too talkative.

Until this time, although he felt that the situation of the attacker was wrong, he still did not think much.

Simple thinking without much thought makes it difficult for him to detect the abnormality of the world, but it also makes him very firm in his own will and will not be affected by foreign things.

At this point, he firmly believes that he must be able to resist the virus, and the body will because of carrying the virus again evolution.

This is the logic of "perfect" that Lu Chen firmly believes in, and he has really realized it.

Although the virus is very intense, Lu Chen even has hallucinations because of the blurred consciousness of pathological changes.

In this illusion, Lu Chen seems to see the sky under the pressure of the fog, endless whispers in his body, but also see the world in his eyes smashed.However, Lu Chen did not give up his hope of life because of all kinds of abnormalities and physical hardships. He firmly believed that no matter what happened, he would live on and he was the most fleshy.

In this belief, he really survived, and his physical fitness was greatly enhanced.

"I'm holding up. It's time to kill other zombies."

Later, Lu Chen went out of the city to hunt zombies.

"As long as enough zombies are killed, I am not only powerful, but also immortal."

This is the firmness in his heart. Then, walking to the edge of the city, Lu Chen finds that the city is surrounded by an endless abyss. Outside the abyss is endless fog. Seeing the bottomless abyss and fog, Lu Chen's sense of disharmony reaches the extreme.

Then he woke up from his sleep.

"Well, I've had a nightmare. It's been a long time since I met it. Am I Is it affected by the true spirit of those villains

"It should be like this. I didn't expect that after swallowing the real spirits, I had to grind them in the dream. But it was good. I thought it would take a long time. After this nightmare, I could continue to devour them. Moreover, my will to survive the nightmare seems to have improved a little."

After sobering up, Lu Chen soon found out everything and thought he had mastered the truth.

But in the starry sky in a divine Kingdom, that big octopus is in madness to slap all around.

"Ah, ah, I'm so angry!"

Many evil spirits were killed because of the violent attack of the star octopus. They were crazy and attacked their companions and self mutilation.

Scuffle broke out here, a large number of evil spirits died, but these were ignored by the star octopus.

He was just gnashing his teeth to hate the barbarian monster.

When he was furious, a special wave came from the kingdom of God, and then a huge shadow of wolf head appeared in the kingdom of God.

"If you fail, don't you say you will succeed?"

"The spirit of that monster is sheltered by the divinity. I can't drag his soul into the deepest dream. I can only influence it slightly."

"Did you affect his soul?"

“…… No! "

At this point, the star octopus is a frenzy. He is not only powerful in fighting, but also proficient in the control of dreams.

Relying on the brand planted during the war, he dragged Lu Chen into his dream. Although the dream was mainly created by Lu Chen because of the protection of the deity, as an expert in playing with dreams, the star octopus is sure to influence Lu Chen slowly and drive Lu Chen crazy.

Half of his success, he broke into Lu Chen's dream from the side. Relying on his own control of the dream clergy, he also weakened Lu Chen's ability into an ordinary person and created a disaster. He wanted to cause Lu Chen's panic and fear with the disaster, which made Lu Chen lose his will and sink completely.

But to his surprise, that barbarian monster's intuition was so strong that he even noticed something wrong in his sleep.

But even more to the octopus's surprise, the ill conceived savage monster didn't look for a dream flaw, but quickly ignored it.

At that time, the octopus's tentacles trembled with joy and thought that he had succeeded.

"Fool, you are stupid to death by yourself, trapped in the illusion, and then become my dependents."

He thought that things were developing according to his own thinking, but the subsequent events were beyond his expectation. Although the monster's will was not formed, it was extremely domineering. No matter what happened, he would think that he was right.

In case of any conflict with the monster's concept or unfavorable situation to the monster, the monster will not reflect on itself, but feel that something has gone wrong with the outside world, and subconsciously wants to reverse everything with its own will.

Because it is a dream constructed with his theme and protected by a deity, the star octopus has no deep influence and can only watch the monster in his dream unscrupulously twist the rules.

"Asshole, don't listen to advice, don't worry, that monster is a tyrant!"

The angry evil god star Octopus thinks that Lu Chen is a tyrant, and Lu Chen is indeed a tyrant, which has been reflected a long time ago.

Since the plateau lineage changed to manwang lineage, Lu Chen sword master's lineage has gone astray.

At that time, numerous people were saying that Lu Chen was a barbarian warrior. However, he believed that he was a swordsman, and by virtue of his powerful strength, he beat all the people around him who said he was not a swordsman.

This kind of violent beating has been going on, from the wild to Yunzhou, and then to the whole world. Most people on the surface agree with it.

"His Royal Highness has cleared away countless evil spirits. He said he was a swordsman."

To some extent, Lu Chen forcibly reversed others' cognition of himself by relying on his will. Although he could not change his mind, he made them submit on the surface.

Such an act is absolutely tyrannical, but it is also a kind of firm will.After all, will does not distinguish right from wrong, only about firmness.

As early as in the wilderness, Lu Chen was ready to take the road of hegemony, and really explained the meaning of hegemony with his own behavior. He violently attacked everything with force and forced others to think he was a swordsman. It can be said that Lu Chen made decisions completely according to his own will.

And this also shows that Lu Chen's hegemony is from beginning to end, and this completely implemented behavior also makes Lu Chen's will not be weak.

In addition, he has been resisting the erosion of several ghosts and gods. Lu Chen's will will will also increase correspondingly. His will is very strong. Otherwise, he can't swallow up the true spirits of nearly ten thousand villains in one breath.

In the same way, Lu Chen's soul is not weak, whether it is the nourishment of a strong body, or the mythical level of the black rope god damned Ming king and the perfect level of platinum star, all make Lu Chen's soul very strong.

If we take the title hero as the standard one, if the legend is taken as the ten, Lu Chen's soul and will are more than ten, more than ten or even tens of times that of the title hero, which is not weaker than ordinary legends.

Of course, the soul and will are strong, Lu Chen still can't control the body, this is not Lu Chen's problem, but his physical strength is too super.

Title hero as one, ordinary legend reached 10, Lu Chen broke through Tianguan's physical body at least 300.

The physical body is too strong and will continue to be strong. This is Lu Chen's problem.

The dream ability is very strong, but this kind of dream ability is most restrained by the strong and firm will.

In particular, Lu Chen's soul is protected by divinity. The star octopus can only make Lu Chen dream, and the subject of dream is mainly Lu Chen, which makes Lu Chen more domineering to make everything in the dream go according to his own ideas.

If he wants to twist the rules, he can change the world.

With this kind of ability, and the willpower of being too overbearing to be wronged, Lu Chen can say in his dream: "I want this day, and I can't cover my eyes. I want this land, and I can't bury my heart. I want all living beings to understand my intention, and all Buddhas to disappear."

This kind of tyranny makes Lu Chen free from any restriction in his dream, but the star octopus is angry.

He painstakingly built the world, worked hard to persuade Lu Chen to be cautious first, but all these were not adopted. He looked at the fool wearing everything rashly, and his mood was really miserable.

If it was a wise man to find the flaw in his dream and escape from it, the star Octopus would not be so angry, but a fool would rush through everything, that feeling is really hard to say.

Unfortunately, the wolf at dusk could not understand this kind of mood. Seeing the helpless and angry expression of the star octopus, he just said: "so, the dream battle is completely defeated, we can't attack this world."

"No, it's not a complete failure. I'll try again tonight."

This is to make the wolf at dusk stupefied.

"I remember the dream ability" er... "

The words were not thought of by the wolf at dusk, but soon, he was speechless and said:

" Wait, you didn't even respond to the attack. How did you fail, such a fool? "

“…… Get out of here

A tentacle shattered the projection of the wolf at dusk, and the star Octopus sat on the throne sulking.

On the other hand, Lu Chen, because he crushed all the remains of the real spirit in his sleep, regained his consciousness.

Then, Lu Chen once again enters the hell, controls the black rope God to punish the Ming king to devour the evil person's true spirit.

"It's 10000 at a time, but because it's a fantastic world, powerful people are big everywhere, and so are true spirits. If he is the Pope of the evil God church, his true spirit is equivalent to ten thousand people. My black rope God punishes Ming king does not devour ten thousand people every time."

"What's more, powerful people do more evil. Many people have slaughtered the village alone. These people deserve more than their death."

The weak may be forgiven for their evil deeds, but they are powerful. If they do a little evil, they are all heinous crimes, and each of them should die.

At the same time, in addition to people, Lu Chen also found that some powerful demons can also be born into true spirits.

"Cannibal beasts, powerful demons, devouring these I have no psychological burden."

With this in mind, Lu Chen tried to pick up some cannibal demons and devour them. At the same time, he also gave orders to the church staff to go out to clean up the water ghosts, ghouls and other magic things unique to the wizard world.

The black rope God punishes the Ming king to devour very quickly, a few minutes later, the faint feeling appeared in Lu Chen's consciousness, countless shrill screams, crazy whispers also sounded in his ear.

"It's time to sleep and digest."

"However, some preparation is needed before digestion..."


With his eyes closed, Lu Chen soon fell into sleep. Soon after Lu Chen entered his sleep, the whole world was revealed again in Lu Chen's dream. Because of the protection of the deity, Lu Chen was still the main part of the dream. At the same time, before going to bed, Lu Chen was thinking about the scene of last night. Therefore, this dream is still based on the previous city.Crossing from other worlds, to some extent, is Lu Chen's weakness, but this weakness is only effective at the level. At this time, Lu Chen is the wizard world that he crossed from the Reiki land, but he is still a God.

It can be said that when the strength is strong, some weaknesses are nothing at all.

After Lu Chen became a God, he had no influence at all. There were too many gods who were conquering believers across the world.

And the big octopus in the starry sky saw that Lu Chen came from the outside world. He thought that the dream world was Lu Chen's main world, and he didn't care at all.

Influenced by his dream ministry, Lu Chen's memory is blocked and his ability is weakened to nothing. In addition to his nature of experiencing great storms, Lu Chen becomes an ordinary man in his dream.

"This time, even if we pay a huge price, we must pollute Wait, what is this? "

Entering the dream world, the star Octopus prepared to pollute Lu Chen even if he died. However, before waiting for him to make a thorough move, he was surprised to find that Lu Chen was not the only one in his dream.

There are seven different forms of ghosts and gods as well as a huge ghost shadow, are staring at themselves ferociously.

"You What is it? "


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