"I have made the nuclear bomb, which is still the most powerful hydrogen bomb. What bothers me is to make nuclear fusion controllable. In this respect, I have two shortcomings. One is that I am not careful in the operation of energy, and the other is that I can't be distracted and used to maintain the stability of nuclear fusion in combat."

"But the powerful computing power of mind computer makes me catch up with and even surpass other soul Legends' control of energy Machines and programs are more accurate than humans. "

The operation of the assembly line enables the machine to produce millions or even hundreds of millions of products with the same specifications at one go. This kind of precision is beyond the reach of human hands. As long as Lu Chen, who has a thinking computer, has set up a program and gives part of the energy to the mind computer, he will not make mistakes in the manipulation of energy. Such energy manipulation is comparable to the real spirit with divine power.

Energy manipulation has been solved, or even greatly improved. It is easier for soul computers to be distracted and used. Now there is another computer that does not have multi-core processing.

Even if he can't use multi-core, Lu Chen can also split a soul, which is specially used for nuclear fusion.

It can be said that Lu Chen's all roads to nuclear fusion have been opened, and only waiting for the test to succeed.

"After the immortality of the body and the eternity of the soul, the infinite energy is no longer far away for me. It's really fast to think about it."

After arriving at the legend, Lu Chen's speed of promotion is very fast, but this is normal. After all, he laid a solid foundation before breaking through the legend.

This foundation is not only the physical body, but also the soul, energy and will.

In the soul, the black rope God punishes the Ming king, the double body · platinum star. These two skills make Lu Chen's soul on the verge of breaking through the limit. This limit combined with swallowing millions of true spirits makes Lu Chen finally complete the breakthrough of soul heaven pass.

Lu Chen was more powerful in terms of energy. When Lu Chen's knights cleaned up the border bandits and cannibal demons, many city nobles fell down, or were lured, or afraid, and they went to the arms of evil gods.

As the masters of the original world, they can do a lot of things. When Lu Chen paid attention to herself and Elaine cleaned up the evil spirits and villains, those fallen nobles held several great sacrifices relying on their own power.

Sacrifice made many nobles gain strength on the spot, which is extremely powerful.

Although as the price of strength, many poor people died miserably in howling and torment, and their souls were extracted by evil gods, for those medieval nobles who were superior, the poor Human?

Sacrifice after sacrifice was held in remote aristocratic castles, and many human beings were corrupted.

At first, Lu Chen didn't notice that he only focused on his own strength.

Elaine, on the other hand, does not want to have conflicts with the aristocrats. Even though she is of noble origin, she is beset by the eyesight. She knows how to deal with evil spirits. She also sympathizes with the poor because she has been rescued by the poor when she runs away. However, she always wants to replace the bad nobles and use good nobles.

It's not her fault. For her ambition to sacrifice, not everyone has the ambition to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky.

It can be said that Lu Chen and Elaine ignored this aspect, but the power of Apocalypse appeared again.

Lu Chen, who was a pure man, couldn't notice it. But when a certain number of corrupt nobles arrived, which could bring down evil spirits and threaten Lu Chen's life, the picture of Apocalypse flashed through Lu Chen's mind.

"This is How dare they

The images flashed through my mind. They were all scenes of human sacrifice.

What makes Lu Chen more angry is that, as evil gods, in addition to the human soul, they are also absorbing human fear, despair, hatred And so on.

In order to obtain the maximum strength, those degenerate nobles would torture the human beings crazily when they offered sacrifices, and all kinds of torture appeared on the poor people.

The scenes make Lu Chen's heart explode with anger.

"You Damn it

The fury of Lu Chen's anger makes Lu Chen exude a terrifying power, which is overwhelming the world. All people feel that they are carrying a heavy burden like a mountain.

The luxury residence where he is located is shattered by Lu Chen's pure momentum.

"Your Majesty, calm down, what happened?"

The irascible breath makes Elaine, who has been dealing with affairs nearby, come quickly and want to extinguish Lu Chen's anger. Unfortunately, what those nobles did completely angered Lu Chen.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Chen directly activated the divinity and gave orders to search all noble residences to all the human beings who were fighting outside.

"Go and search for the houses of those nobles. If you meet a fallen man, you will kill him on the farm. If you meet him in the castle, you will kill him in the castle None of the fallen will stay

Lu Chen gave such a command without any difference. Elaine also heard it. She found that Lu Chen's orders were equivalent to all the nobles in the world. After the war, her face turned white.

"Your Majesty, you can't make such an order. We are against the whole world in this way."

The aristocracy has ruled the world for thousands of years, and Lu Chen has just come for less than a month. It is indeed unwise to do so, but he has a sense of injustice in his heart, which cannot be calmed down.After taking a look at Elaine, Lu Chen shared the picture predicted by the Apocalypse just now to Elaine and all believers who believe in themselves. Then he said coldly, "you also want me to take back the command in such a scene."

After watching the scenes, Elaine clenched her fists, and blood oozed from her palms. However, in the end, she insisted: "Your Majesty, the most dangerous evil gods now, those aristocratic details are not weak Moreover, not all nobles are degenerates. This is only part of them. We... "


before finishing her words, Elaine is bombarded by Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen is completely angry and gives the Oracle, the star Octopus above the sky also "Jie Jie" laughs.

"That fool found out."

"Roar Can you still laugh, and when you find out, can we still come? "

"Of course, Jie Jie Jie, those who are attracted by me are not small people. They are the rulers of the world. Their favorite thing is to protect each other. Don't worry. Even if you know, that fool can't clear my followers."

Speaking of this, the craziness and smile of big octopus are stronger.

"Now, let me see what the rude man is going to do. To strike the nobles, you are the enemy of all people. If you don't, your will will will be defective. Then, you will be my prey Jie Jie... "

Laughter surging in the void, the star Octopus seems to see Lu Chen tangled in a helpless appearance, and ready to enjoy the next fratricidal, waiting for Lu Chen's will to be shaken.

"By the way, tell me dear believers that they are in trouble and need to seek refuge from their families and allies."

When Lu Chen's divine realm was issued, the star Octopus also gave warning to those fallen nobles.

And tell those believers that they should repent heartbreaking.

He is trying to use a trick to completely confuse the world.

And his plan was successful and warned by his own God that the degenerates killed the poor? Sorry, in the middle world, the poor don't have human rights, that's a few gold Silver can buy livestock.

The blood ties of family members, the ties of kinship, and the fact that they don't think their children have made a big mistake, what's more, there are a lot of polluted nobles, many people with great potential, and they gradually have confidence in themselves.

"Without us, what does that God take to rule the world?"

"We are the foundation of the world. With so many people working together, we can definitely make God stay away, just as we used to deal with the king."

"If you can't give in, you can't give in. Whoever dares to surrender is betrayal and will be attacked by all nobles."

"The evil god is coming, and that God needs us."

With the connection, more and more nobles found that there were many polluted nobles, and their mentality became more and more stable.

Of course, these nobles did not believe in Lu Chen, nor did they believe in the polluted children. They were ready to fight with Lu Chen for a period of time, and forced Lu Chen to defend the authority of the aristocracy. Then they imprisoned those corrupt family children.

"That is the great God after all. If we push him back, we will step back."

The wizarding world is made up of nobles and kings, and there is an art of compromise between nobles and kings, and they hope it will be the same this time.

If it is an old God, it is likely to expose it. Those who have a stronger sense of revenge can also find the court in the future. After all, God has a long time, and the nobility can't unite all the time.

Because of this, they thought that as long as Lu Chen stepped back, they would step back and give Lu Chen face.

Unfortunately, what they met was not an ordinary deity. Lu Chen, a rude man, never cared about the will of others.

At his command, the mad believers who believed in the gods and the devout believers who did not want to lose their strength went to the castles.

But the owners of those castles also resisted, saying that the children of their families would judge themselves and that there was no need for the Vatican.

The nobles who have ruled the world for a thousand years naturally have powerful forces. The nobles' private army, guards and mercenaries are much more than those of the Holy See.

Ten times or even a hundred times of the gap also makes some of the Vatican Knights dare not go forward, but crazy believers can not control so much. These people have been contaminated with Lu Chen's will. When he gives orders, crazy believers will rush forward regardless of the mountains, mountains and rivers ahead.

Fearless crazy believers firmly believe that following Lu Chen's orders, the nobles are not willing to betray their own class. They are even more afraid of being revenged later. They feel that there are many people who resist. The law is not in the public's hands, and the blow is not on them. Therefore, they are hard to resist.

Fighting broke out all over the world.

Such a scene by the star Octopus relying on the fallen believers in the eyes, he also Jie Jie Jie laugh.

"Now it depends on what you should do, whether it is to stir up chaos that affects the whole world, or compromise Compromise, there will be flaws in your will. It won't take long for reinforcements to arrive. Then, sacrifice all my lovely believers Jie Jie... "

Although given two choices, the star Octopus laughs and thinks Lu Chen will compromise.The same is true of those nobles. The enemy is on the side, and they are willing to step back. Therefore, compromise is the best way. Unfortunately, the last thing Lu Chen wants to do is compromise.

Seeing that believers everywhere are blocked in consciousness, Lu Chen's face shows a crazy smile.

The smile was very bright, but it was frightening. Elaine, who sensed the scene, was frightened.

Regardless of being seriously injured by Lu Chen just now, she rushes to Lu Chen again.

"Your Majesty, calm down. This is a conspiracy of the enemy. They just want to provoke you. If you give me time, I will punish all the fallen."

Elaine didn't hate those nobles. She just tried her best to protect the living power of the world.

However, her words Lu Chen did not mean to listen at all.

"You know, the essence of the world is the law of the jungle after all, and the strong are respected. The reason why those nobles dare to oppose me is that they feel united and can fight against me, but I will tell them that they are wrong."

As he spoke, Lu Chen revealed his twelve wings, which would take off between his wings.

"Your Majesty, if you kill them all, what will happen to the evil spirit?"

"Evil spirit, there is me Anyway, I never expected anyone else

With the last sentence becoming lighter and lighter, Lu Chen's figure also flew to the height of 100000 meters.

Feeling the vast starry sky, looking at the tiny world below, Lu Chen looks ferocious.

"This is a world where the strong are respected, and I am the strongest, so my will is everything."

This is the tyrant's words, but also the road Lu Chen has been walking.

With the words, Lu Chen collapsed into a group of brilliant days.

It was night, but the sun broke the night and drew the attention of the whole world.

Lu Chen's believers were naturally jubilant. The nobles trembled when they looked at the sky. However, they calmed down when they thought about the number of their own people.

"We are the alliance of all the nobles. Your majesty will not dare to How dare he

Numerous nobles thought that Lu Chen would compromise, and the nobles and the Vatican stepped back to make their own peace.

But they guessed wrong and Lu Chen was not prepared to give in at all.

In the war between crazy believers and nobles, Lu Chen stepped in.

After turning into a golden sun with a radius of 30000 meters, Lu Chen's computer soul is running rapidly.

Lu Chen's huge processing power makes Lu Chen connect believers scattered all over the world at the first time. With believers as coordinates, Lu Chen's computer soul marks the positions of all enemies.

Then, based on the number of enemies observed as a benchmark, 1.08 million guns of the sun were condensed by Lu Chen.

A sun gun aims at an enemy, all enemies are marked and aimed by Lu Chen.

Mark all enemies in a moment, and create a sun gun that can kill them. This is the power of LuChen's computer soul.

It is not the computer soul of artificial intelligence, which does not enhance Lu Chen's intelligence, but is best at ballistic, enemy number, marking, energy manipulation, and ultra multi-core processing.

It's not the end that the sun's gun condenses. When some of the soul's thoughts control the millions of sunshine's guns, the other part of the computer soul separated by Lu Chen recites the words and spirits of the Great Prayer according to Lu Chen's will.

"At the cost of the power of light, my attack will surely hit the enemy!"

"At the cost of the power of light, my attack will kill the villain and ordinary people will be cured!"

Two recitations rang out, and Lu Chen's big day suddenly darkened, and countless forces of light were extracted.

That is to say, Lu Chen has ten hearts, each of which stores a huge amount of light power equivalent to a legend, and his body is also rooted in a strong source. Otherwise, after accumulating millions of spears and using two great prayers again, Lu Chen will definitely be drained.

Although, now Lu Chen's energy has been exhausted by half.

However, although half of the energy was extracted, Lu Chen found that the loss was not much. He was ready to dissipate all the energy and revive it once again.

"This time the Great Prayer requires very little energy."

"Is it because the speed of light is difficult to dodge, and the launch is extremely hit. Praying is only to correct the trajectory, so it is not difficult to hit? What's more, the power of light can kill enemies and turn into healing energy. My second ghost can also distinguish people's hearts. What I pray for can be done by myself, so the consumption is low? "

"Is it that the most correct use of the great prayer is such an aid."

Computer thinking makes Lu Chen's brain work very fast. However, although he has a lot of thinking in his heart, he only has a rest in the outside world.

At this time, the nobles who fought with the Vatican saw the endless spears that covered the sky and felt that they were locked in. They were all trembling.

"No"How dare you, this is to kill all the elites in the world!"

"Spare your life, your majesty, spare your life!"

Fear, howling, all kinds of prayers, but none of them can stop the sun's gun from falling.

Such as a meteor shower all over the world, the gun of endless sunshine draws a golden track and falls towards the earth.

The light rain is bright and shining on people's hearts. Seeing the falling of meteor shower from the earth, you can feel a kind of beauty. This is a beautiful scenery that can shake the world. But those nobles who are locked in the beautiful light rain have endless fear.

"My will can't be disobeyed!"



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