
In the shrill scream, the nobles are hiding, and the noble guards who help Zhou to do evil are running away. But this is doomed to be futile. The speed of light is the fastest in the world, and with the inevitable wish, no matter what evasive action they make, they will be nailed to the earth by the gun of the sun.

And then

"Boom and boom"

endless explosions ring out between heaven and earth. In an instant, millions of explosions make the whole world emit a roar, and a piece of mushroom cloud rises on the earth.

When the light dissipated, all the nobles who had done evil were destroyed by one blow, and one by one Jiaokeng appeared on the earth.

A million hits in a flash, this is the terror of Lu Chen, who has endless energy, has completely transformed his soul, and even a part has turned into a thinking computer.

"If the world is against me, I will destroy the world!"

Will is the concrete embodiment of character. His domineering will makes Lu Chen gentle at ordinary times. His nature is still inviolable.

This is a tyrant, but Lu Chen has always been on the road.

The way of holy king is never Lu Chen's pursuit.

The terrible explosion shocked the world. Those who had not done anything evil at home, but who were waving flags and shouting for the common interests of the nobility, were completely stunned at the millions of people who had been destroyed.

"No, it's not true."

"Brother Brother

"My uncle's house is extinct. What should we do?"

"Pa What to do? Go to church and repent. Come on, go to church. "


These nobles dare to appeal, because they think that all their nobles can unite to restrict Lu Chen. Lu Chen also needs them, needs them to rule the subjects, needs them to resist evil, and dare not to catch the dead.

But at this time, Lu Chen's practice told them that they were wrong.

"Evil spirit, I can kill by myself. I believe, but you people must die today."

Tyrannical and reckless measures can attack the terrorist power of millions of places in an instant. Such tyrants completely frightened those nobles. They all went to the church to repent. Those who had been hit by Lu Chen and still remained in the same place were on their knees in an instant.

It was not only the nobles who were shocked. When Lu Chen ascended to heaven, Elaine could no longer stop Lu Chen. However, the subsequent development was completely beyond his expectation. In the face of the fallen and the nobles who sheltered those fallen people, Lu Chen did not compromise at all, but launched a terrible move and slaughtered more than one million people without hesitation The big octopus in the starry sky feels that he is not against the right God, but the evil god who takes destroying the world as his own duty.

"Asshole, tyrant, do you know how many innocent people will be killed? Do you know how much power this will weaken the world? You foolish man, fool, your tyranny will bring the world to the end

Angry star Octopus continued to curse Lu Chen, even Lu Chen to take the world to the end of the speech.

It is not only the big octopus in the starry sky, but Lu Chen's crazy performance even makes the wolf at dusk actively contact with evil spirit.

"The guy below is not your subordinate. Do you have the ability to cover our breath?"

He also thinks that Lu Chen is his own kind. Unfortunately, evil spirit does not have this ability. Lu Chen is really a God and the embodiment of justice.

"Shit, what's wrong with the gods now? Are you not afraid of degeneration in killing like this?"

Lu Chen is certainly not afraid of degeneration.

"To punish evil is to promote good. In the face of villains, we should never tolerate them."

This is Lu Chen's idea. Lu Chen, who adheres to the concept, has been walking on the right road and is strengthening his will.

Even this time, Lu Chen did not compromise or choose to mingle with his mistakes. Instead, he resolutely opposed and insisted on justice. In the process of confrontation, he really oppressed the whole world with his own power, so that his will was carried out. This practice perfectly conforms to Lu Chen's hegemonic Road, and even makes his hegemonic way very great The ascension of the Chinese people is close to the root of transformation.

For their own ideas, to be able to fight against the power class of the whole world and win the victory by violence in the confrontation is not the way of hegemony, what is the way of hegemony.

"Overbearing, that's how it should be."

Seeing that everything in the world runs according to his own ideas, Lu Chen has a deep understanding of the road of hegemony, and he also realizes that his will is not far away from transformation.

"The body and soul have been transformed. The fusion of energy and nuclear energy will be successful soon. The will will will be close to the limit of transformation. I will be able to close the gate of God in four days."

Feeling himself, Lu Chen is in joy, and the two evil spirits in the starry sky are looking at each other with two eyes. I don't know what to do.

At last, the wolf at dusk said, "what should we do now, without those fallen men, even if our reinforcements come and can break into the world, we can't kill that savage. You know how fleshy he is."

The thought of fighting Lu Chen several times, not to mention the ability to revive after killing, even without 12 trials, his body was very difficult to kill. The endless fury added by the manwang bloodline made Lu Chen able to maintain his life as long as he had a trace of flesh and blood."Hoo Hoo Hoo I can make people dream again... "

The star octopus is still angry, his perfect plan is destroyed by violence, this kind of sadness is difficult for others to understand, it still maintains soberness, it is not easy to think of ways.

But the way was rejected by the wolf of dusk:

"it's useless. Look at the people in this world. Their fear of that tyrant is deep in the bone marrow. No matter how tempting, they are also afraid of being destroyed by that rude man and dare not accept our gift I always feel that he is our kind. "

Evil gods are good at creating fear, fermenting fear, confusing the enemy, and absorbing fear to grow.

But now, before their terror spread out, Lu Chen has left the seeds of fear in all human hearts. The fear of Lu Chen in the whole world has surpassed their two evil gods.

It can be said that any human being in the wizarding world will think of this terrible meteor shower when receiving gifts from evil gods.

Lu Chen, relying on fear to protect the people in the wizard world from the suffering of evil spirits.

The successive proposals were rejected, the perfect plan was punctured by Lu Chen with violence, and all kinds of behaviors made the star Octopus feel a sense of shame and anger, and this evil god who likes to manipulate dreams was a little confused.

His reason is temporary, chaos is long. It is difficult to maintain such a long reason. At this time, the feeling of anger and all things going wrong makes the star Octopus crazy.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah Asshole, since the plot is useless Then kill them

After that, the big octopus in the starry sky rushed straight to the world.

And in the course of the charge, he detonated the mark of the depraved being polluted.

Lu Chen's spear of the sun just hit too wide, which made Lu Chen kill the fallen and those who helped Zhou to do evil, but he could not completely erase the evil mark. Originally, he wanted to let the Knights and priests of the Holy See clean up slowly.

But at this point, these marks suddenly burst out.

The evil spirit emanating from the violent mark wants to pollute the will of the world. The result is The impact is almost nil.

Of course, the influence is very small. The world will, however, is the precipitation of countless wills in the world for millions of years. Such a vast will is not so good for influence. If a God's arrangement is so easy to succeed, the Reiki continent where Lu Chen is located has been polluted for a long time.

It can be said that to pollute the world, one third of the life in the world is polluted is the most basic condition. In addition, hundreds of medium-sized scams are lost, more than a dozen large-scale ones fall down, and endless evil spirits pour into the world from outside the world, polluting the earth, the sky, life and the sea to one third, and the world will be distorted.

Before this, the will of the world had a certain resistance. Now 100000 marks have broken out (100000 degenerates, the rest help Zhou to do evil). For the world will, it is equivalent to being bitten by an insect.

"It just broke out. What's going on? Forget it, just save some Wait a minute. What is that? Evil spirits break into the world and they're crazy

Looking at the dancing stars, the octopus carriers are rushing towards him endlessly. Lu Chen is completely confused. He has never thought that evil will rush over when the world will not dissipate.

"Are you afraid of death?"

When Lu Chen was speechless, with the intrusion of star octopus, a sense of foreign body with pollution and putrefaction appeared in the world will.

This also stimulates the instinctive counterattack of the world will, just as the human cells will automatically clean up the germs.

The difference is that the mechanism of protecting human health is white blood cells, while the will of the world is thunder.


At the moment when the big star Octopus broke into the world, endless thunder appeared in the sky, which trapped the star Octopus like a thunder sea.


the violent thunder bombing made the star octopus's body red, as if it had been roasted by fire.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah You all deserve to die My plan is perfect. Why don't you fall in the trap? Die, all of you... "

Looking at the big octopus in the starry sky roaring wildly and rushing towards himself with thunder, Lu Chen completely understood that the evil god was really crazy.

But he also had doubts. The evil spirits in the starry sky of the land of aura also had a group of madmen. Why didn't they break into the world when they were crazy? In this way, the world where Lu Chen lived would be much easier.

"Once we enter the gods, there will be no gods." Wait, God, this guy doesn't think we can't keep him when he comes in. "

Things are really what Lu Chen thought. Evil gods are crazy, but the most basic fear of death is still there. Therefore, no evil god will break into the world where Zhengshen is.

However, there is no right God in the wizard world, and the thunder here can not cohere the God of heaven and thunder independently. Therefore, the star Octopus instinctively thinks that there is no threat of death when he breaks in. At most, he is only injured, but the injury is equivalent to nothing for the evil God.As for why he came in, he naturally wanted to smash his plan and give him a headache.

Lu Chen can't be killed, but beating Lu Chen can make a mad Octopus breathe.

The crazy star Octopus rushes towards Lu Chen in a violent wind. After Lu Chen feels all this, he not only has no fear, but laughs wildly, and has some complacency.

"Ha ha ha ha, I said I was very smart. My plan to hide my strength was successful, and the evil god misjudged the situation."

Lu Chen, laughing wildly, did not know that the light of his soul had long been seen by the evil gods.

However, even though he knew that Lu Chen's soul was changing, the star Octopus still didn't pay attention to it.

In the eyes of evil gods, Lu Chen's breakthrough is just a negligible improvement.

If the terrorists are promoted, they will change from human bomb to UAV bomb.

The kingdom of Lighthouse heard, "Oh."

Give a word to show the importance of the lighthouse country.

"Only the North bear and a certain country (God) can kill me (God), and other ascension do not care at all."

This is the thinking of evil gods. To some extent, this kind of thinking is not wrong. Legend is really difficult to kill gods, but the cognition of evil gods is correct. Lu Chen is not normal.

In the face of the charging star evil god, Lu Chen did not retreat, but returned to the physical body. After a roar, the whole human body skyrocketed under the stimulation of lightning.

1000 meters, 3000 meters, 5000 meters, nine kilometers 13600 meters!

In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen becomes a towering Titan with six arms and thunder.


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