Thinking of the height of 130000 meters, Lu Chen took a breath. But soon, he thought of the star evil god who invaded the sun god hull world. The strength of that evil god made Lu Chen calm down quickly.

"130000 meters, I remember that the diameter of the moon is more than 3400 kilometers, that is, 3.4 million meters high Well, I'm small compared to the planet. "

In the interstellar space, the earth can not be ranked at all, and the sun is also a brother. As a satellite of the earth, the moon has no trace of cards. But even such a moon, its diameter is more than 30 times that of LuChen.

Lu Chen is very small in comparison, but one thing to understand is that Lu Chen's comparison scale is celestial bodies. Ordinary human beings are just dust living on celestial bodies, and Lu Chen can already be compared with celestial bodies. This is the upper limit of Lu Chen when he tries his best to open his divine status, and it is also the strength of Shenju.

Of course, Lu Chen can't be transformed into a 130000 meter Titan. If he wants to become such a giant, he has not only a problem with his soul, but also his own upper limit of body and energy supply.

Even with the gods coming down to earth, Lu Chen would have to be 130 meters tall as a base. He also needed a huge amount of energy to supply such a huge amount of physical activities.

At the same time, during the activity, Lu Chen had to consume more than 1140 magic power every hour, which was 11.4 million.

It can be said that Lu Chen has a lot of things to do to become a Titan compared with stars.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Lu Chen found that although there were difficulties, they were basically able to complete them themselves.

"The three keys to the development of the 21st world are materials, information and energy. This is also applicable to me. Information is the system for manipulating the body. In this respect, I can replace it with divinity. The omnipotence after activating the divinity is enough for me to control the body. If you don't want to consume the divine power, you can devour the real spirit of the villain and let your soul grow. As long as you swallow another 10 million No, as long as I devour more than 100 million villains, I can control Titans with 130000 meters If you swallow up 100 million real spirits, you can grow to such a level. There are many benefits to exterminate the world. "

Of course, there are many benefits of extermination. If you can completely destroy a world and swallow all the benefits, it is possible to create a true God in an instant.

However, in addition to the cost of conscience, they will also become insane by swallowing hundreds of millions of true spirits who hate themselves.

"Water can dilute ink, but when ink from a lake is poured into a basin of water, what is diluted is no longer ink, but clear water."

Shaking his head to wipe away the idea of swallowing hundreds of millions of true spirits, Lu Chen thinks that he dare not become a giant god of 130000 meters Titan.

The empty stomach pouch promoted again from the myth is very strong, and the golden sword also seals the star octopus's divinity. However, the seal is not stable after all. Moreover, the star octopus can be revived. Once it is swallowed up, Lu Chen can be sure that this will be a tug that lasts for decades. In the process of pulling, once the star Octopus breaks the seal of the golden sword, it will be restored Lu Chen was still in Lu Chen's stomach when he was still in the spirit's position.

Therefore, even if Lu Chen suppressed the star octopus, he still chose to use the fire of hell to grind out his body a little bit, and his body was burned away by Lu Chen, so he could not eat it with a feast.

When dealing with the wolf at dusk, not to mention, it is difficult for Lu Chen to kill him. Rashly swallowing will only break Lu Chen's empty stomach sac.

"Fortunately, I have got the eye of heaven, and I can kill the evil spirit with one blow."

Thinking so, Lu Chen looks at the introduction of the eye of heaven.


[skill level: myth]

[source: Miaodao Zhenjun of Qingyuan (Erlang God)]

[ability introduction:]

[ability introduction:]

[1. The sky eye breaks the void, and the divine eye observes the illusion, which is intuitive and true. Therefore, all illusions and changes in the world can not escape Erlang Zhenjun's divine eye, even seventy-two changes It's the same thing]

[2) insight into thousands of miles: peeping into the sky and exploring the nine seclusion under the sky, no secret can escape the observation of the eye of heaven.

[③ calming mind golden light: Erlang Zhenjun's divine eyes can send golden light to attack enemies, and can also fix others. As the body is fixed, it can imprison all magic powers and divine powers, and can also pull illusory true spirits to the present world.

when acquiring infinite energy and searching skills, What Lu Chen originally wanted was the ability to deal with immortality, but what he wanted at that time was the ability from the world of the moon.

But what Lu Chen didn't expect was that the heavenly eyes of the wonderful king of Qingyuan Dao also appeared in the skill pool.

Lu Chen was not surprised that Tianmu could spy out all the changes. In the period when Sun Wukong and Erlang God fought each other, he had already made this very clear. No matter how the traveler changed, he did not escape the eyes of Erlang Zhenjun.

At the same time, the monkey king escaped the sight of Erlang Zhenjun several times, and was also spied by it. This is the ability of insight into thousands of miles. Tianmu has the ability to attack, which is also reflected in the list of gods.

At first, Lu Chen was very surprised at this ability, but at that time, Lu Chen was surprised that the ability in the journey to the West also appeared in the skill pool, which made his upper limit much higher."Tianmu has it, and so do other skills. 72 changes, 89 Xuangong?"

Although he knew that the eight nine Xuangong was invented by later generations, the skill in Lu Chen's skill pool was not modern. Therefore, Lu Chen really thought that he could get it and wanted to change Tianmu on the spot. However, the last sentence could bring the illusory real spirit to reality and attracted Lu Chen.

"The gods of this world are those who have achieved several things from the outside world. Because there are too many external forces, even if they die, some believers and their families revive them. However, such gods have a strong ability to protect their lives, but the true spirit is the only one. If I can directly attack their true spirits, can I kill them once and for all?"

That was Lu Chen's idea at that time. When dealing with the totem gods in all directions, Lu Chen found that it was really feasible.

Lu Chen cut off all the silver hands and directly killed the totem gods on all sides.

"The ability to deal with immortality, but now there is an attack that goes straight to the root."

Of course, the eye of heaven is not invincible. First of all, it is consumption. It's OK to penetrate thousands of miles and break through vanity, but it consumes energy and spirit.

The ability to manifest the true spirit needs to be driven by the true spirit. The true spirit is hard to cultivate, and Lu Chen is exhausted once.

One reason is that the cost is too high. The other is that the true spirit is located at the core of the creature. After seeing the manifestation, it still needs to be broken to kill the enemy.

For example, the monkey king, after seventy-two changes, ate the elixir secretly. The flesh of the peach can be called copper skin and iron bone. What's the use of seeing through it.

"Fortunately, I can not only see through. The power of the sword enables me to cut off everything. The eye of heaven and the power of the sword cooperate with each other. Most of the evil gods can be killed with one blow. Moreover, if only the real spirit is killed, the body and spirit of the spirit can be preserved, which will maximize my income."

"It's time to digest the corpse and improve your physique."

[Ding, the system indicates that the host devours the spirit body, and the digestion time is one month. During the continuous digestion, the host's body size will continue to grow within a month, until the digestion is completed, and the host's body will increase by 10 meters]

without the spirit body of the real spirit, Lu Chen's body can only be raised by 10 meters, which seems to be very few, but it should be noted that Lu Chen is the highest The basic shape of the.

Although Lu Chen is not the strongest in this form, it is the foundation of everything. This form increases by 10 meters. Once the God is opened to the earth and filled with energy, Lu Chen's height will soar by a thousand times to 10000 meters. Therefore, the increase of Lu Chen's body shape is the most difficult. After the promotion, the strength of Lu Chen will be greatly improved.

Of course, it's not easy to manipulate if the inflation is too big. When he just got the God's coming down to earth, Lu Chen has been worrying about how to solve the energy and soul needed to suddenly raise the height.

Now that the other two problems have been solved, there is only one problem left for Lu Chen.

Raise the basic figure.

"This is the fastest way to kill the gods and devour the corpses. If the real spirits can be swallowed together, my basic height will be increased by at least 50 meters."

True spirit is the core of all creatures. Without a feast before upgrading, the reason why Lu Chen can break through the biological limit depends on the true spirit, which is the essence of everything.

This is also true for the gods. The body with true spirit is five times different from that without.

Unfortunately, the gods have gods, Lu Chen also dare not swallow, this is a dead knot.

"I am thirty-six now Now it's 37 meters. After digesting the four gods, I can add 10 meters, that is, 47 meters. The maximum shape I can control is 130000 meters, and the basic shape needs 130 meters. That is to say, I still lack 83 meters, eight gods Forget it, I'll eat the legend. "

Close your eyes and feel the empty stomach pouch. Lu Chen wants to explore carefully what kind of ability the empty stomach sac has after upgrading as a myth skill.

After some induction, Lu Chen opened his eyes again, and a strange light flashed through his eyes.

"Feast, how strong!"

This is Lu Chen's exclamation and his real idea. After upgrading, the feast has surpassed the void fear kagas, and the void creature can devour the God of destruction and the world. On the basis of this extermination, Lu Chen feels afraid of the power of the feast.


[rank: Myth (promoted)]

[ability introduction:]

[① empty gastric sac: the host's stomach has changed and has the spatial attribute, and now the host's stomach can hold a thousand kilometers of material]

(Note: the host's stomach has strong corrosive gastric juice, which can corrode everything, whether organic or inorganic, will be damaged The host's stomach juice digestion)

[② energy supply: there is no lack of food in the host's stomach, and the physical strength will never be exhausted. In the land of absolute spirit, the host can devour the soil, rocks, sea water and oil to obtain energy]

[③ feast strengthening: the host will get the growth of body shape by phagocytizing biological substances, and the host's skeleton will be increased by phagocytizing minerals No upper limit]

the mythological skill of feast was promoted after Lu Chen integrated the immortal blood essence of Titan God King, because the gods at that time were so shocking that Lu Chen paid attention to it, but he ignored the feast of promotion.But at this time, seeing that there was no upper limit for the growth of the three abilities of the feast, Lu Chen found that after swallowing the blood essence of Titan, the God's descent to the earth might not be Lu Chen's biggest harvest, but the feast was.

"As long as I don't stop swallowing, I can keep growing, phagocytizing biological substances to increase muscle toughness and body shape, phagocytizing minerals to increase bone hardness If I swallow up a whole world, will I grow up to be a god comparable to the stars

However, the idea of thunder and lightning appeared in the sky just after thunder and lightning fell.

Naturally, the thunder can't hurt Lu Chen who has the Titan's body, but the roar of thunder and lightning makes Lu Chen wake up from the illusion just now.

"Why are you thinking about extermination I know that there must be some evil gods who are good at seducing the spirit. I have been plotted against. Sure enough, evil gods can't be underestimated. "

As an excuse for his desire to destroy the world, Lu Chen thinks about how to maximize the use of the feast. When Lu Chen gives up the idea of extermination, the thunder in the sky dissipates. It seems that several evil spirits in the star world have sensed something.

"Is this? The breath of the original evil god

"The evil ones are coming."

"We are all polluted by the evil spirit to exterminate the world. Those guys are born with the mind of destroying the world. Destroying the world will not distort their will, because their will is to destroy the world. If such a guy comes, the bastard below will be completely destroyed."

"It's true that the original evil god has come, and it's not easy for us. It's the original evil god, the most evil existence!"

It is the sun god hull who is afraid to speak. He is gnashing his teeth to Lu Chen's hatred. He is expecting the arrival of the original evil god, but he is also afraid that the giant star God who destroyed his world is the original evil god, which is a hopeless and powerful one.

Lu Chen didn't know about the discussion in the starry sky. At this time, he really felt some information about the feast, but after feeling it, Lu Chen was somewhat unbelievable.

"How can it be that God can make me grow ten meters, and a legend can make me grow one meter."

Ten meters and one meter, this seems to be ten times the gap, but to know, the power of the evil god is not comparable to the legend, a hundred legends are not as good as a god!

Lu Chen was surprised to feel such information, but soon, Lu Chen thought of something, and his heart slowly realized.

"Shenju is 100 times stronger than legend, but Shenju is powerful in divinity, Ministry, fire, power, Kingdom, and divine law. This is the root of Shenju's power. However, when I was devouring, Shenju's divinity was taken out, and the divine fire was extinguished because of the death of Shenju. I would not take the contaminated divine power, and the clergy would also be taken out. Therefore, what I devour is only the body of God, or is it There's no real soul. "

"Although the legend is weak, I can swallow the true spirit into my stomach. The true spirit is the root of everything. In this rise and fall, it is normal that there is only a ten fold gap."

After realizing the difference between legend and Shenju, Lu Chen soon had a plan in mind.

"You don't have to deal with Shenju first, you can swallow the legend first. Anyway, it's easy for me to kill the legend. As long as I swallow more than 80 legends, the body of the 130 thousand meter Titan will no longer be illusory. With that body, I can destroy any enemy with one blow."

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