"Just swallow up 87 more legendary evil spirits."

With a plan in mind, Lu Chen doesn't go immediately. It's not lazy, but the "food" in Lu Chen's stomach has not yet been digested.

"In a month, although there is no upper limit to the consumption of the feast, it takes time to digest What's more, I can't just devour the biological body, and I can also swallow minerals and other things when I have time, so as to strengthen my bones

After understanding the limitations of the feast, Lu Chen is not too sad. The feast is strong enough now, and there is no real perfect skill.

Later, Lu Chen sat in his own kingdom of gods and slowly fell asleep to repair the consumption of his true spirit.

Lu Chen sleeps, but the whole world is not calm. The arrival of six evil spirits brings endless evil spirits, which makes the world fall into the crisis of extinction again.

At this time, the most puzzled is the king of the three empires. During this period of time, their mood is like a roller coaster. First, they know that there is a real danger of extinction, which makes them feel a little flustered.

However, without waiting for the mood to ferment, so the crisis did not come down, Lu Chen was defeated and they were safe.

"So we don't have to do anything?"

However, before they were happy for a few days, the crisis of extermination came again, and this time it was even more turbulent. The six and a half blood months that covered the sky at night made their hearts tremble just watching.

"Now, what should we do?"

This is what the kings of the three empires wanted to discuss when they summoned their subordinates. For the emperor's questions, the cabinet ministers made many suggestions. They just felt the pressure in the starry sky and looked at the six and a half blood months occupied by the night (half of which was surrounded by gods). All the ministers felt uncomfortable. The great power of God was too strong, and their response was not painful 。

Finally, a minister opened his mouth with a sigh.

"Wait, our majesty is stronger than the one in the sky. There are six monsters in the sky, and they dare not come down?"

"Indeed, his majesty, the most good, is invincible."

"Your Majesty is sure to win."

"Can only wait?"

This is the dissatisfaction of the three emperors. However, no matter how dissatisfied he is, the people below can't think of any other way out.

"This is the war of God."

"So all our expectations are placed on the majesty."


Because of the power of Shenju, Lu Chen was the only one who could bear the crisis of extermination.

And this kind of one person carried all the practices, but also made the whole world worship Lu Chen more.

Of course, this was also awed by Lu Chen's explosion of a billion tons of nuclear explosion, and his anger in killing hundreds of thousands of nobles.

A gentleman can be bullied, but a tyrant, no one dares to do such a thing.

Many people feel that the crisis of extinction is brought by Lu Chen, but when such an idea appears in their minds, they are scared to death.

The scene of the incarnation of the sun and slaughtering hundreds of thousands of nobles in one breath made the whole wizard world feel cold.

It can be said that the world is more afraid of Lu Chen than evil gods. Therefore, some bullshit things have not happened.

Lu Chen's deep sleep lasted for three days. The opening of the sky eye to the real spirit was just a moment, but the consumption was unimaginable. When he woke up again, Lu chenzhenling had all recovered, but his heart was depressed.

"For three days at a time, although the eye is strong, the sequelae is too big."

This is Lu Chen's exclamation, but if heard by other gods, it will definitely kill Lu Chen, reach the root, and completely kill Shenju's attack. It only takes three days to practice, which is already a magic skill.

Of course, there are also reasons for the good effect of Tianyan. Firstly, immortals and gods are at the same level. Secondly, immortals cultivate the true spirit and gods cultivate the kingdom. The two situations are different.

The cultivation of immortals only depends on their own experience. They need to understand the true spirit when they transform. Therefore, they have a strong sense of the true spirit, and they have the ability to directly kill the true spirit.

However, shenjue is the path of people picking up firewood and burning high. Their strongest form is always to be in the kingdom of God and send them to the next term. As long as he is in the kingdom of God, it is very difficult for Lu Chen to get close to Shenju, and it is even more difficult to observe. It can be said that under normal circumstances, the world's Shenju is not weaker than the immortal.

However, the two gods killed by Lu Chen are both mentally disabled. The star Octopus rushes into the wizard world in a rage. The other God is also confident. He thinks that there are six companions behind him. He wants to stop Lu Chen for a moment, so he rushes forward alone. Then they all die.

"So you can't be arrogant."

When Lu Chen sighs, he also contacts the mind computer sub body patrolling outside. This is the vision of Lu Chen staying in the sky to watch the evil gods when he returns to the wizard world. When Lu Chen is sleeping, he also patrols the sky according to Lu Chen's original orders.

After contacting with Fen Shen, Lu Chen quickly understood what happened in these three days.

"Evil spirit has invaded on a large scale. Alas, it still can't be imprisoned!"

There were not only six evil gods but also many evil spirits in the support of this evil spirit. When the evil spirits were unwilling to attack by force, ordinary evil spirits attacked the world from all sides as pioneers.This time they didn't rush in, but let the evil spirit contend with the will of the world, forming a vortex in the place where the two mixed. The whirlpool formed, and the mysterious situation also appeared. A huge amount of evil spirit rushed into the mysterious state one by one.

This is different from the spirit land, where the will of the world is not weaker than the evil spirit. Therefore, the whirlpool is very slow. But in the wizard world, the six evil spirits carry the endless evil spirit, which makes the world fall into the downwind. In a very short time, there are dozens of mysterious situations.

Although it's just a common scam now, and there's no big one for us to walk through, according to Lu Chen's estimation, after half a year's use, there will be large-scale scams for legendary travel, and the whole world may be corrupted in at most three years. Once this happens, the world will no longer be a shelter for human beings, but a vicious collection of people who hate them Body.

"That day cannot be allowed to come."

This is Lu Chen's idea, but Lu Chen didn't go out to fight with evil spirit. The six evil spirits are still in the starry sky, and Lu Chen can't make it.

"Shua Shua Shua"

after cutting hard on his body, Lu Chen tore a lot of flesh and blood, and separated out one computer soul into those flesh and blood, and made them into separate bodies.

With Lu chennian moving, all of them turn into light and fly out, and rush into the past towards each weird state.

In fact, it is very secret that the evil spirit is mixed with the will of the world. If the evil spirit or evil spirit does not appear, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it, but it is not at all difficult for Lu Chen. As soon as the eye of heaven opens, all the secrets in the world are in Lu Chen's eyes.

Because it is not to observe the true spirit, it only consumes Lu Chen's spirit and energy, and how much energy Lu Chen needs. As for the spirit, it can also be replaced by the divine power condensed by the power of faith. This makes the strange situation just formed and will be observed by Lu Chen.

Finally, Lu Chen even used a computer to control Tianmu and let him open it all the time, so that everything in the world was under Lu Chen's control.

"A lot of information."

After a long time of observation, Lu Chen found that his soul was bursting with information when he received messages from Tianmu.

If it was normal, Lu Chen would have to close his eyes and rest in such a state, but the existence of his divinity made Lu Chen's choices diversified.

"The divinity is activated, and ten points of divine power are consumed."

After activating the divinity, Lu Chen's thinking speed suddenly accelerated, and everything was in Lu Chen's perception. You should know that shenjue can instantly handle the prayers of hundreds of millions of believers and listen to the demands of countless believers. Although not all of them need to respond and not all of them will listen, the huge number of believers also makes every Shenju think quickly. This is God The credit of Ge.

At this time, Lu Chen used his divinity. Although he had to consume his divine power from time to time, Lu Chen's 1100 points of divinity and 1000 points of divine power every day were no joke.

Tianmu investigates everything and destroys the mysterious situation. Lu Chen himself is thinking about how to deal with the crisis.

"The six gods need to be cheated down and killed one by one, but how can they be cheated? What's more, how to ensure that when I lure God again, others will not come down. "

This is a difficult point, but after Lu Chen thought about it for a while, he simply stopped thinking about it.

"Forget it, I kill evil spirits and improve my strength. When they come down, they will fight. If they can, they will continue to resist. If they can't, they will run."

In this way, Lu Chen made a hasty decision. The decision was very simple and rough, but it was actually very useful. Lu Chen, who had a feast, grew up at an amazing speed. He did not need to play any tricks. As long as he waited, he would have the strength to crush the evil spirits one day. This day, after all, was very "hard-working".

So thinking of Lu Chen, simply no longer go out, but constantly tear themselves, full of 13 flesh and blood, before stopping the action in hand.

The reason why he did not continue to divide was not that Lu Chen's flesh and blood was not enough, but that his soul was not enough.

It is always the soul that restricts Lu Chen. Even if the soul is computerized, it can be regarded as some kind of soft intelligence program, which can distract Lu Chen from several functions. However, this is also the weakest point of Lu Chen. Fortunately, he has a divinity. Otherwise, when the legend is against the God, Lu Chen's soul will be destroyed by evil.

Lu Chen is ready to wait, waiting for the food in the empty stomach bag to digest, waiting for his strength to grow.

The evil gods in the starry sky are waiting for the world to rot and the way of heaven to fall.

When Lu Chen sent Fen Shen to fight in the mysterious world, he was also perceived by the evil spirit in the starry sky. They all laughed at this.

"In terms of the body, you are a legend better than me."

"I can be separated by myself."


In fact, Shenju is very good at making avatars, especially evil gods. These gods will give birth to all kinds of offspring, and their offspring can be used as containers for the incarnation to come. Think about how many Shenzi Lu Chen met when he was in the land of aura, and how many spirits were summoned after those Shenju exploded. From this, we can see the number of Shenju's sub bodies.

The descendants of evil gods, envoys, family members, strange objects, and all kinds of things can become the containers for those gods to come. Therefore, Lu Chen, who is sent out to destroy the ghost state, finds several evil spirits waiting for him every time he enters the ghost state.Although there was no direct confrontation with the evil god, the confrontation between Lu Chen Fen Shen and evil god Fen Shen was continuous.

And then Those sub bodies were blasted by Lu Chen's split body hammer.

There is no way. Although there are not many Lu Chen Fen Shen, each of them is torn from Lu Chen's flesh and blood. They are not Lu Chen's breath, but Lu Chen's flesh and blood. They retain Lu Chen's characteristics, especially in defense.

The strength will be weakened because of the shrinking body, but the defense will not. Therefore, some of Lu Chen's sub bodies may not be able to kill the strange enemies, but those evil gods will not be able to kill Lu Chen's sub bodies. Unless those evil gods come, it is even more impossible. The evil spirit is selfish. How can he rashly go down for other people's sake.

However, although the separate campaign was defeated, the evil spirit felt that victory was in hand.

The main reason is that although Lu Chen's sub body can destroy the strange situation in the past, even if it is broken immediately after the appearance of each evil situation, it is a kind of harm to the world.

This is just like after the illness, although can recover immediately, but the pain will also make the human body damage vitality, once or twice the human body is not afraid, but continuous illness, no matter how good people will be weak.

"As long as it lasts, three years at most, the world is over."

This is not the idea of one evil god, but the idea of all evil gods. For three years, even if there is no evil situation in these three years that can bring evil spirit into the world, after three years, the world will of the wizard world will be weakened to the extreme. When they rush into the world, there will be no thunder at all.

"We can wait three years."

For the immortals, three years is just like the three days of human beings. They can afford to wait.

Lu Chen, who lives in the world, is not proficient in these things, but he has the apocalypse. He can communicate directly with the will of the world, and he soon understands the situation of the world.

"Three years No, it's true that after three years, even if I defeat the evil gods, the world will be abandoned. One year, I have only one year to crush those gods. "

This is the bottom line Lu Chen gave himself, and he I really have the ability to hold the bottom line.

"However, before this, the remaining 1.1 billion experience value can not be wasted, first improve it."

There are many things that can be improved by experience value, such as the second heart strengthened by divine blood. By spending experience value and some attribute heart, Lu Chen will gain more attribute abilities besides strength, light and thunder.

However, the promotion direction was immediately rejected by Lu Chen.

"More attributes, but skills are a little flashy. For me, the skills are enough. Now there are too many skills. What I need is specificity I just need to focus on raising the physical limit. "

Holding such an idea, soon, a direction of ascension into Lu Chen's eyes.

"System, spend experience value to calm my gene turbulence, and integrate the immortal essence of Sun God into my body."

Lu Chen did not forget that when his body broke through the Tianguan pass to promote the legend, he once integrated four drops of divine blood.

Among them, the blood essence of the man God Bu Mie made Lu Chen get 12 trials, the blood of the thousand hand demon made Lu Chen gain six arm ability, the blood of Titan God King made Lu Chen get the God of heaven, and now, there is the immortal blood essence of Sun God that has not been integrated.

"In other words, my ability to improve after the blood into the body is exaggerated."

Lu Chen's ability improvement is really exaggerated every time he integrates God's blood. That is to say, when other energies and souls break through the transformation, they may not be as strong as when the body merges with God blood.

But this is normal. Lu Chen's foundation has always been his body.

In the stage of flesh and blood as well as will, Lu Chen's strongest is the flesh body. With the strength of his body, Lu Chen smashed countless enemies and resisted countless attacks.

His physical body has already laid a solid foundation at a low level. Such a solid foundation makes Lu Chen melt four immortal blood continuously when he merges the divine blood. Three of them are powerful. You know, this is the essence blood of the transformation, which represents that Lu Chen's physical transformation has been carried out four times. Thus, Lu Chen's body has surpassed all people in the land of aura since ancient times Even if he is a man of God, he may not have Lu Chen's physical strength.

Not to mention, Lu Chen also integrates the immortal essence of Titan, which is famous for its powerful body. Their offspring giant can hunt giant dragons with their strength.

The original solid foundation, the man King blood, the blood of Titan God King, and the feast after promotion are all the blessings of physical ability. Lu Chen's physical ability has been completely beyond the standard.

It is also because of this, it can not be long in the promotion legend, has the potential to transform into 130000 meters God body.

"The physical body is the foundation of everything for me, and it is also my strongest side."

[Ding, the system indicates that due to the integration of genes into the host and China for three times, it is necessary to calm down the gene turbulence in the past 100 years. If the experience value is consumed, the training value needs to be 1 billion]

one billion is the experience gain to kill a God, but Lu Chen has no hesitation at this time.


With Lu Chen's words, a billion years of experience turned into a sea like tide of heat, which stirred Lu Chen's whole body, and warmed up the broken wounds of Lu Chen's cells.The fusion of essence and blood during metamorphosis is to smash Lu Chen's gene and then integrate the gene of Shenju. This fusion is the most in-depth way, so that Lu Chen can gain great power. However, such integration will also cause dark damage to the body, or to the gene.

Of course, with Lu Chen's recovery ability, it can slowly recover the body, but this time needs a long time, and Lu Chen is short of time.

The heat flow scoured his body for several minutes. In these minutes, Lu Chen felt like he was back in his mother's womb. His peace of mind and warmth filled Lu Chen's heart. When the heat flow subsided, Lu Chen felt a sense of relief, as if he had removed ten thousand tons of armor.

"Comfortable, can continue to improve, my immortal essence blood is in the physical transformation fusion, now fusion is metamorphosis, can obtain a new skill, but can not be replaced, hope to get the skill I expect."

During the twelve trials of the integration of man God lineage, Lu Chen was satisfied with the God of the Titan immortal blood essence, and the six arm ability of the thousand handed demon was also good. At this time, the sun immortal essence blood essence was equivalent to the man God and the Titan God King. Lu Chen hoped to get the best promotion, the best one he expected.

"Wait, hope, I have a great prayer!"

Thinking of the great prayer, Lu Chen's eyes lit up, which is known as omnipotent, can pray for everything.

The computers and books in the different world are what Lu Chen prayed for.

However, Lu Chen soon thought that he had prayed for the sun god hull to come out three days later. At that time, the energy consumption was not much. Finally, the sun god hull really came out. It looked like everything was beautiful, but there were six evil gods who almost shut Lu Chen Qi.

"Praying can be successful, but there are many moths per moth."

After agonizing for a while, Lu Chen finally decided to use the big prayer technique. However, this time, he learned a lesson and no longer coveted small and cheap things. Lu Chen, who thought it difficult to acquire his ideal skill, was ready to consume a huge amount of energy this time.

"Most things in the world are in line with equivalent exchange. The more energy is consumed, the more stable it is. If the energy consumption is not too much, there will be accidents."

In this way, Lu Chen is ready to spend all his energy and when to pray.

"I pray that when I merge the Lord of light, I can acquire the desired skill at the expense of my own energy."

After praying again, Lu Chen found that his energy had indeed decreased, but only a little. This did not make Lu Chen happy. Instead, he sneered.

"I knew there must be a problem, but this time I prepared."

"I wish that by fusing the Lord of light, I can acquire the desired skill at the cost of my own energy."

"I wish..."

In the continuous prayer, Lu Chen's energy consumption is a little bit. Although the energy consumed each time is not much, it can't withstand Lu Chen's continuous praying.

The only thing that Lu Chen didn't expect was that he forgot his energy recovery speed. He was carrying a nuclear fusion furnace. He was not one or two. He had a huge amount of energy emitted in his body every moment.

Because the energy consumption of each prayer was not too much, Lu Chen found that the energy he needed for praying was not as fast as his own recovery. This also made Lu Chen pray for a full week, but he did not lack his energy.

Even, in the end, Lu Chen's Prayer did not consume energy.

"I don't even consume energy, which should be ok No problem. It's not a demonic contract. It's a prayer. It's not going to go bad

After the energy is no longer consumed, Lu Chen can only give up praying and close his eyes to start the blood fusion.

"If I really get that skill, my body will be invincible in the world!"


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