The bright future makes Lu Chen have some imagination, but soon his eyebrows wrinkled.

"No, the divinity needs to be driven by divine power. Only the prayer of a large number of believers can condense the divine power. 1500 points of divinity value can't be satisfied by the wizard world alone Fortunately, there is also the world where the sages live. The two worlds can provide me with a lot of faith power and divine power value. "

At this time, Lu Chen understood why there was a god war between the normal gods. It was obvious that they were fighting for the power of belief. After all, not all the world was like the wizard world, and there was no one God line. In other worlds, there were many gods, but there were not enough believers.

"I can alleviate a little now. If I want to grow up in the future, I need to go to the world to develop believers Or sleep. Anyway, my body is strong. As long as I sleep for a hundred years, my soul will fit the body. "

While imagining the future, Lu Chen, who has devoured the body and the spirit, is also chasing a number of evil gods who have fled.

Because carrying the kingdom of God, the speed of those evil gods was not very fast. Without the incarnation of the Lord of light, Lu Chen caught up with those evil gods just by virtue of Superman ability and lightning acceleration.

However, as Lu Chen approached, many evil spirits, which were full of resentment like the blood moon, also responded. After the flying Shenguo, the holes opened wide, and filthy evil spirits rushed towards Lu Chen under the drive of evil gods. This was to stop Lu Chen's steps.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen, whose height is 130000 meters, has gone beyond the ordinary world. Many evil spirits can't stop Lu Chen at all. There is no other action. He just flies at a high speed and smashes the evil spirit in front of Lu Chen.

What was broken together was the attack of the evil god from the kingdom of God. All of them were smashed by Lu Chen fiercely. All the evil gods were worried because of the continuous obstruction.

It can be clearly seen that with Lu Chen approaching, a negative atmosphere was ignited in each evil Kingdom, and the deflagration of negative atmosphere accelerated the speed of many countries again.

However, the kingdom of God is the fortress of Shenzhou, which has been built slowly for thousands of years. In this main field, Shenju has the ability to fight over the ranks. However, with the same power, it is the huge kingdom of evil gods. Each evil god kingdom is thousands of miles away. Even if there is no barrier in the starry sky, they can't fly faster.

At the same time, as the old nest, there are all the details of evil gods in the kingdom of gods, such as artifacts, prayers, dependents, envoys, descendants of evil gods, and even most of them are built with half plane and divine power. The Kingdom itself is extremely precious.

It can be said that without the kingdom of God, a God will lose two-thirds of its strength. Therefore, such an important country makes no evil God willing to give up.

Unwilling to give up the kingdom of God, but also feel unable to escape, a number of evil gods of Sao operation also appeared.


with a burst of space shaking roar, there were huge amounts of evil gods' power breaking out in several Shenguo flying. The sudden explosion of magic power made Lu Chen have vigilance. But he soon found that the evil gods played a very strong role in the Kingdom of God, but those forces did not deal with their enemies, but attacked their teammates.

A number of evil god countries suddenly burst out countless chains, many chains entangled a blood red evil god country, so that the fast flying country stopped in the star world.

Although after a few minutes, the country broke away from the chain and continued to move forward, but this time also made the country away from the evil god kingdom in front of it. More importantly, Lu Chen was close to him.

"Son of a bitch, damn asshole, sneaking on your teammates, I curse you..."

At this time, the Dragon butcher did not know that he was trapped. His teammates wanted to use it to slow down Lu Chen's speed and give him time to escape. Of course, the Dragon butcher was not willing to do so.

"God of goodness, don't do it. As long as you let me go, I can help you deal with other people. Let's kill those damn bastards together."

This is the Dragon butcher's proposal, and Lu Chen can feel the Dragon butcher's sincerity.

It is really ready to join hands with Lu Chen to deal with other evil gods: "anyway, the original evil god will come, this monster doesn't need me to deal with. Join hands with it, we will kill all the other bastards. After all, the original evil gods should come. At that time, there will be original evil spirits to deal with this monster, and I can put several evil god countries into my pocket."

It's a pity that Lu Chen felt his sincerity, but he couldn't believe it because of the moodiness of the evil god.

Therefore, in the face of the Dragon butcher's proposal, Lu Chen's flying body did not stop at all, but fell towards the Dragon butcher's Kingdom like a meteorite.

"Break it for me!"

"Asshole, give me some advice. I also want to kill those guys. It's good for both of us to join hands against other evil spirits. If you don't believe me, I can do it first."

That kind of resentment against Lu Chen, and some words out of his heart, make Lu Chen completely speechless. In the end, who is your enemy.

After a long time, Lu Chen's voice rang out helplessly:

" No, if you really hate those evil gods, you can not resist. In this way, if I swallow you, I will have more time to kill all your enemies. ""Er The proposal seems to be Asshole, don't make me a fool

The evil god's brain was confused. The Dragon butcher almost agreed to Lu Chen's proposal, but in the end, it showed the nine dragons in the kingdom of God and roared at Lu Chen.

"This is my home, here, I am not afraid of you!"

As he said, this place is really the home of the Dragon Slayer. After he bumped into the kingdom of God, Lu Chen could feel that there was no aura in the Kingdom, and endless resentment formed the Dragon kingdom. In this country, Lu Chen could not absorb a trace of energy. He could say that he was fighting with his own energy, and all kinds of tricks could not be separated Absorb any trace of energy.

This is the suppression of energy that almost all divine kingdoms bring. This is the basic ability. However, most of these basic abilities can be discarded, and most of them are not people who have unlimited breakthroughs in their own energy.

There is no infinite energy legend strong will be in the kingdom of God, as for the legend, is extremely miserable.

Legends just can't absorb the energy around them. The energy breath of the Dragon kingdom will try to drill into the bodies of those titled heroes, but don't think it's a good thing. If the energy of the Dragon Kingdom penetrates into the body, the body of the titled heroes will be transformed into dragons and beasts, which will greatly enhance the power of those titled heroes.

But everything in the world has already marked the price secretly. After the Dragon turns into a dragon and the physical quality is greatly improved, the title hero who is invaded by the dragon breath will also degenerate into a dragon.

It can be said that just after entering the Dragon Kingdom, Lu Chen was slightly oppressed. Fortunately, there are more than 100 nuclear fusion power stations in Lu Chen's body. These power stations provide Lu Chen with endless energy, so that Lu Chen can ignore the oppression around him.

However, there is more than one kind of God's nest ability, one of which is to suppress the enemy and the other is to enhance itself.

In front of him, Lu Chen finds that the Dragon butcher "only" has more than 20000 meters in the outside world. At this time, he has soared to more than 80000 meters. An upright dragon shaped monster stands in front of Lu Chen.

In addition to the 80000 meter Dragon Slayer, there are countless dragons here. They are all the family members of the Dragon Slayer, the prayer and the God envoy. As the existence of the same origin with the Dragon butcher, all the Dragon beasts have been strengthened in the kingdom of God.

Looking around, Lu Chen found that there were 12 dragon beasts with a body size of more than 10000 meters appeared in front of Lu Chen, and countless of them had reached thousands of meters.

"All evil spirits have been strengthened."

"Of course, in my kingdom of God, all my dependents have been promoted to a higher level. Please step down. I don't want to conflict with you. The proposal just made still counts."

Although his subordinates are numerous, and he has gained the ultimate enhancement in the kingdom of God, the evil god is even more terrifying. The height of 130000 meters makes the Dragon butcher unwilling to fight against it.

"I don't know if I can kill them. Even if I kill them, I'll have to waste more than half of them. Why do I have to do this thankless thing?"

So the Dragon killers still want peace.

Unfortunately, its words just fell, a burst of "boom" of vibration sound in this dragon country.

That is Lu Chen strides forward toward the Dragon butcher.

"I just want to kill you now!"

Step from slow to fast, from trot to fast charge, soon, Lu Chen's huge body with endless wind and thunder toward the front.

Because of its huge size and unparalleled speed, Lu Chen rushed out of the momentum of the fall of the planet.

"Asshole, listen to others. Cooperation is good for all of us Together

Seeing Lu Chen, regardless of the impact of a planet, the Dragon butcher can only roar to let other dragons confront him, and it also rushes forward to prepare for the fight.


under the command of the Dragon Slayer, countless dragons either spew breath, recite magic, or summon elements to launch various attacks on Lu Chen.

Millions of dependents live in the kingdom of God, which makes the attack of the dragons overwhelming. In a moment, even heaven and earth are covered.

If such an attack falls on the earth, it can destroy a country in an instant. However, when endless lights and shadows flash by, all the dragons and beasts who attack are shocked to find that there is almost no trace of wound on Titan's body since the countless attacks.

"How could it be!"

Startled, I can't believe that it's the thought of many evil spirits, but Lu Chen is meaningless.

If you don't reach the myth, even if you attack more, you can't hurt Lu Chen, just like the wind and rain can't hurt the human body.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Looking at the giant Titan, the Dragon butcher roared with anger. In his roar, the divine power in the kingdom of God locked Lu Chen like a shackle.

However, at the next moment, as Lu Chen's body vibrates, the shackles of divine power collapse one by one. With Lu Chen's current strength, no one can imprison him.

However, as soon as Lu Chen broke free from the shackles, the huge body of the Dragon butcher had already smashed Lu Chen with his huge sword.With the blessing of the kingdom of God, it has reached its limit. With a jump, it feels like it can split the continent into a crack. This is its strongest moment.

"Now I can break everything."

The violent power rippling in the body makes it feel invincible. However, this feeling is broken at the next moment. In front of the huge sword, a mountain peak shining with thunder and lightning hits heavily. Then, the scene that the Dragon Slayer once experienced reappears in the kingdom of God.

The Dragon butcher felt that he was facing the power of the mainland moving. The terrifying force smashed the Dragon slaughtering sword that it had chopped down. Then, the force that seemed to be able to overturn the mainland pressed the Dragon slaughtering sword and hit it hard on its body, smashing all its bones to pieces.


after the thundering sound of the red bell, the Dragon butcher who feels invincible in the world finds himself out of control of his body. This feeling is only for a moment, and the next breath, his whole body is full of sharp pain of breaking up.

"How can you be so strong, this is my kingdom, it's my home court."

Being beaten by a punch at home, the Dragon Slayer roared with disbelief, but Lu Chen felt OK.

"The kingdom of God is just to strengthen the Shenju, but as long as I am stronger than the strengthened Shenju, I can crush it."

However, the Dragon Slayer is indeed strengthened here. At least, Lu Chen only smashed his whole body with one blow, instead of killing him with one blow as in the star world.

"If one blow doesn't work, another one!"

Walking with wind and thunder, Lu Chen's 130000 meter giant god body starts again and rushes forward.

However, what makes Lu Chen frown is that after only a few steps forward, he finds that the body of the Dragon Slayer is recovering rapidly with the nourishment of the infinite divine power in God's Kingdom and the supplement of a large number of family members. Although, those family members are not sincere in restoring the Dragon Slayer, they are swallowed by the Dragon butcher's mouth.

What makes Lu Chen frown is that in the face of Lu Chen's forward rush, the Dragon butcher's body actually integrated into the kingdom of God and disappeared completely.

"Run away?"

Looking around, Lu Chen wants to find out the trace of the Dragon butcher. However, all around him are magical powers with curse and resentment. These forces are very high-level and constantly interfere with Lu Chen's search ability. Even if Lu Chen opens his sky eye, the effect is not good because of the strong resentment around him. What makes Lu Chen look ugly is that he can see through the essence of the kingdom of God.

After opening the sky eye, Lu Chen first saw a gray fog. With the more magic power injected into the sky eye, Lu Chen saw more things. Soon, in Lu Chen's sky eye, the fog that made up the kingdom of God gushed out endless signs of real spirit crying in pain. The sound of hundreds of millions of hatred and Howling was heard, and Lu Chen himself almost went mad.

With the help of the second ghost and God, Lu Chen's intention to kill was even more boiling.

"Hell, the kingdom of gods is a million burial pits. The common gods are all right. The souls there are very peaceful when they die. But the kingdom of evil gods torments ordinary human beings, builds them with their pain and howl, and then uses the souls and real spirits of those miserable human beings as the soil to build the kingdom of God With the breadth of this kingdom as the foundation of human souls, at least more than a billion have died. My perception is too high, and I sympathize with these souls. "

That is to say, Lu Chen has a second ghost. Otherwise, if he rashly sees the remains of the true spirit after hundreds of millions of human souls have been tortured and died, his soul will be polluted. Now, Lu Chen's heart is full of anger.

"Take human suffering as firewood, all evil gods should die!"

The extreme anger makes Lu Chen stop looking for the Dragon butcher any more. Instead, he throws his fist at the kingdom of God.

"Boom, boom..."

With six arms in a row, thunder and concussion were raging, and the whole country of the Dragon Slayer was in turmoil.

"All of you, damn it!"


With the intense anger in his heart, Lu Chen also released endless thunder and lightning when his fist shocked the space. The thunder and lightning with the righteous Qi of heaven and earth and the evil Qi inflated, which let the Dragon butcher's Dragon Kingdom send out bursts of roar, and the miserable true spirit marks were also liberated in the thunder and lightning.

Such a scene made the Dragon butcher anxious:

"stop it, asshole. This is what I have spent thousands of years building

The Dragon butcher originally wanted to integrate into the kingdom of God to avoid Lu Chen's pursuit, but he did not expect that the Titan giant God turned to demolish his own country after he could not find himself. Although the kingdom of God was built with divine power and evil spirit, it was very strong, but the Titan giant God was stronger. The monster was not only powerful, but also had the power of concussion in each blow, which shocked the void and destroyed If we continue to hammer down the structure of space, it is really possible to smash the kingdom of God.

Just, it is angry, Lu Chen's heart is more angry.

"Hard work, it's the soul of human beings. Come here!"

The anxious dragon butcher let out his breath and was caught by the angry Lu Chen. At the first moment, his six arms were stretched out with all his strength, and he launched the Wanxiang Tianyin to pull the Dragon butcher out of the kingdom of God."Roar..."

The Wanxiang Tianyin Dragon Slayer can't stop it. However, when it flies to LuChen, it also gives up the Dragon man's body and turns into a dragon form. It gives out angry roar and lava breath to Lu Chen.

Unfortunately, all this is useless. The hot lava breath is extinguished by the thunder and lightning power around Lu Chen. As for the charge launched by Lu Chen, Lu Chen uses six palms to support the charge. Then Lu Chen turns over his six arms, and the Dragon butcher falls to the ground.

"Get down on your knees!"

After falling down, Lu Chen's whole body pressed on and rode directly on the Dragon Slayer. His six iron fists clenched tightly, like a pile driver, kept hitting him downward.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Lu Chen, who is extremely angry, smashes hundreds of thousands of fists in a row. Finally, Lu Chen smashes the body of the Dragon Slayer thoroughly, and Lu Chen smashes a big hole in the Dragon kingdom.

However, after all, the kingdom of God was built by dragon butchers for thousands of years. This is its home.

The first time the Dragon Slayer was killed, it was resurrected in other parts of the Kingdom, and the hole broken by Lu Chen was quickly filled.

After one hundred thousand punches, he killed a dragon butcher's life, broke the Dragon Kingdom, and broke the anger in the Dragon butcher's heart. He recalled his own experience again. This is not the moment of anger. It is important to protect his life.

"Your Majesty, we don't have to deal with hard and fast. According to what I said, let's deal with other evil gods together."

"They will die, and so will you!"

After 100000 punches, Lu Chen's anger at seeing hundreds of millions of human beings howling down a little. Of course, it is only a little calming. His will to smash all the evil gods has not changed, but his reason is restored. At this time, he already knows that there is nothing wrong with crazy hammering As long as the hammering time is long enough, with the power of concussion, Lu Chen can blow up the kingdom of God with a hard hammer, which is a force of ten meetings.

However, although this method is feasible, the speed is still too slow, which will make several other evil spirits escape.

Lu Chen did not want to let go of any evil god.

When he closed his eyes and opened them again, there was a golden light in Lu Chen's eyes.

"All evil things, fear me! Those who have power and those who are unjust can't attack me. ——I'm the strongest one to beat back all obstacles. "

With Lu Chen's singing, a golden tide of light appears from Lu Chen's whole body. With Lu Chen's will, the tide of light is condensed into a golden sword. Holding a golden sword in his hand, Lu Chen points to the Dragon butcher for trial.

"I know you..."

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