"I know you, hero of altoa, and the hero of steel sword. You were a man of British martial arts. You dare to fight for the suffering people in the face of the country protected by the dragon. You denounce the king who enslaved the people, lead the poor people to revolt, and kill the Dragon to overthrow the royal family. The beloved you will become king under the promotion of the people."

It's a respected story, and if it ends here it will be a good talk. Unfortunately, not everything in the world is perfect.

"The Dragon butcher finally became a dragon. In the praise of all people, in the gentle countryside of beauty and wealth, you are no longer the king that was originally loved by people, but a dragon who craves wealth, beauty and power. Finally, for the sake of immortality, you have launched a great ceremony to sacrifice, sacrifice your son, wife, friends and the whole country, summon evil gods to come, and to be evil Qi requires you to break the will of the world from inside and promote to the evil god, the evil dragon god! "

"You become heroes, heroes, kings, and ultimately degenerate completely because of the legend of dragon butchering. Dragon is your essence, and greed for wealth is your essence. Now you are the embodiment of greed."

With Lu Chen reciting the Dragon butcher's mythological deeds, Lu Chen was also engraved in one of the sword blades with golden light shining around Lu Chen.

The blade of the sword shines with golden light, all aiming at the Dragon butcher No, it should be all aimed at the dragon, the greedy dragon.

"Bastard, what is wrong with sacrifice? Those stupid people who are damned, why don't they sacrifice everything to me, all the treasures are mine, all..."

In the crazy roar, there were endless upheavals in the divine Kingdom, felt the fatal crisis, and completely released all greedy dragons relying on the Dragon roar to force all the dragon and animals in the God's country.

In its roar, endless dragon and beast rushed to its direction, and it integrated into one.

It is true to fuse, but because of the short time, incomplete fusion, huge skull, wings, tail, eyeball, teeth appear on the fusion monster.

The change of greedy dragon has not only produced various scales which are not his own, but it has become strange and strange because it devours a large number of dragons and animals at one breath. However, it also becomes bigger. The integration of millions of dragons and animals makes it surpass the shape of Lu Chen in a very short time and continues to expand.

Looking at the greedy dragon, which is the only one with the fusion of millions of dragons and animals, is also a bit shocked by Lu Chen.

"This fusion of everything, devouring everything, is almost like gluttony Yes, infinite and unsatisfied devours everything, which is the power of greed. Although gluttony devours everything, its essence is greed. "

Just in Lu Chen's Kung Fu, the greedy dragon has changed. The integration of more than one million family members has made it into a meat ball with a diameter of 300000. At this point, its body size is bigger than that of Lu Chen.

“…… It's all mine... "

"I'm hungry..."

"Soul, I want soul Treasure...... "

After being completely integrated with many affiliated dragon and animal, the greedy dragon's mood was also affected and became insane. This was mainly manifested in its head, 300, 000 meters in diameter, and tens of thousands of heads grew up. Those heads were constantly shouting at various kinds of roars, and even tearing themselves, devouring their blood Meat.

"This guy, it's totally crazy."

Gathering many will can form a dragon of human will. But just like the embarrassing situation faced by Lu Chen's huge body shape, Lu Chen combines many flesh and blood will together. The thin soul cannot manipulate the body. Lu Chen can not manipulate the body until there is enough divine value and the computerization of spiritual mind can be used in one mind. Only by doing so can Lu Chen exert the world of God.

The greedy dragons or dragon groups in front of us are rough. When they can't control their bodies completely, they choose to integrate the souls of those dragons and animals into them. However, even if the soul of a God is strong, it can not suppress the monsters of millions of chaos.

"If it is normal God, all people can gather together for a short time, but chaotic evil gods, if combined, you will only be crazy to kill each other."

The greedy dragon in front of him fully explains Lu Chen's idea. Tens of thousands of heads are tearing and eating each other. Even if Lu Chen doesn't do it, the greedy dragon that integrates abruptly will be greatly hurt.

But while biting each other, they also blocked Lu Chen's attack.

The main reason is that the greedy dragon is wrapped in the center by endless flesh and blood of dragon and beast, and Lu Chen can not shoot greedy dragon with the sword of gold.

But when Lu Chen frowns, greedy dragon group unexpectedly came to Lu Chen.

Of course, the speed is not very fast. Although it is huge, greedy dragon does not fully control the monster which is gathered into one by many relatives. Combined with unreasonable planning, many wings are flapping in the opposite direction when it is moving forward.

Some of them are not willing to obey the orders of greedy dragons, but more because of unreasonable planning. Those relatives are crazy to advance according to the orders of greedy dragons. However, because the wings grow in the opposite direction, they are desperately flapping to move forward, and the result is often backward or upward.The scene makes Lu Chen's mouth twitch, but soon, he holds the sword of gold in one hand, and the other arm is covered with silver light. The oath from Celtic mythology is also sung from Lu Chen's mouth.

"Swear here. I don't allow anything that I can't cut. And this sword is an invincible blade that cuts and cuts through everything on the ground

After the oath was sung, the silver light on Lu Chen's arm also reached the extreme. With a gentle wave of Lu Chen's huge arm, the silver light that could tear everything appeared in the kingdom of God.

In the twinkling of silver, they came to the greedy dragon group, and in an instant cut the greedy dragon group into two.

The torn silver hand did not disappoint Lu Chen. This sword can indeed cut off everything in the world. But when Lu Chen frowned, he took the cut wound and found the breath of countless family members, but did not find the greedy dragon beast.

"No way, I cut along the middle line The dragon is not the central beast

Soon, Lu Chen understood that the cunning dragon beast did not hide its body in the center, but in other places, and might even swim away in the blood and flesh giant ball. Because of the care of countless dragons and beasts, the blood and flesh giant ball in front of his body was not only huge but also disordered. Even Lu Chen could not find the breath of greedy dragon, which also gave him the right to prepare the sword If we can open the way, the seal of the golden sword is invalid.

Of course, Lu Chen has more than one ability. Whether it is to keep silver's hand to tear everything apart, or to bombard it with lightning fist, he can smash the blood and flesh giant ball in front of his eyes. However, it must take a lot of time. Other evil gods are running away. What Lu Chen lacks most is time.

"All the evil gods, damn it!"

After an angry roar sounded, Lu Chen made up his mind, and the 130000 meter Titan's body suddenly collapsed into countless pieces of light.

The shape of Lu Chen transformed a lot of light grains, and the huge amount of light spread. For a time, it even overcame the curse and resentment in God's country, making this place from aby hell to Eden kingdom.

However, the dazzling light does not last for a long time. It is not that the light is polluted by the curse, but that the sea of light is sunken to a small point as soon as it appears.

Like the collapse of time and space in general, the endless light into a small point, in a very short time, the light between heaven and earth condensed into a point.

Without the light of light, the breath of the Dragon Kingdom has returned to normal. Normally speaking, the greedy dragon should be happy at this time, but the fatal crisis is full of its body and mind.

"No, what does that bastard want?"

The greedy dragon didn't understand what Lu Chen was going to do, and soon he knew it. It was just that, if possible, it really didn't want to know.

The extreme contraction of light makes the sky and the earth dim, but the gray lasts only a moment. When all the light converges into a small point, everything in God's country is silent. Even the blood and flesh giant balls of millions of powerful family members have stopped breathing and roaring. They seem to feel the prelude to the storm.

It's just that this time it's not the storm, it's the sun.

The throbbing tranquility only lasts for a breath. After a breath, the endless white light and flame burst out from the center of the condensation. The terrible white light is like an eraser. Wherever it spreads, everything will be erased. In silence, the kingdom of God will be destroyed.

As the first sentence of Javert on the first day of Genesis: to have light, light appears in the world, but only light appears. Everything is burned up in the light.

Pure light purifies everything.

The terrible white light spread thousands of miles. Under the white light, the God kingdom of greedy dragons was completely eliminated. On the spot, the blood and flesh giant spheres could only hold on a little, but they could only insist. It can be clearly seen that the huge blood and flesh giant balls were peeled off and burned in the white light. The head, wings and scales of the dragon that spread from the blood and flesh giant balls were continuous It's gone.


"Blow yourself up, asshole. Are you crazy? Now you have the advantage. Why do you want to blow yourself up?"

Greedy dragon in doubt, in pain, and even in the madness, it also feel that Lu Chen is more unreasonable than it.

If Lu Chen fell into a disadvantage and was forced to explode, the greedy dragon felt that he could understand. But now, the flesh and blood giant ball could not hurt the Titan giant god in front of him. In this case, the self explosion was completely unexpected to the greedy dragon.

At the same time, it did not expect that the monster's self explosion would be so huge that its ten thousand li kingdom was burned to ashes by endless white light and flame.

"This guy is the sun."


"The terrible power of the sun."

"Hal, are you sure that guy isn't the sun god?"

The greedy dragon struggled in the fire, and the faces of a group of evil gods on the other side were not good-looking.

Originally, they dragged the dragon slayer and found that Lu Chen rushed into the Dragon butcher's country. They were still very happy, thinking that they were safe and sound.

"Steady.""The kingdom of God is strong. It will take years to destroy the kingdom with gods. The monster is powerful, but it will take a month."

"Why don't you think on the bright side, that monster's state is temporarily promoted, and the dragon's fool is not easy to provoke. If you delay for a period of time, the monster is likely to fail in the end."

"That's a good proposal. Maybe we don't have to run away and wait outside the kingdom of the Dragon Slayer. Anyway, even if the dragon can't resist the Titans, it can delay for a while, and then it should have come."

After discovering that Lu Chen entered the kingdom of God, a number of evil gods had different thoughts.

While they were thinking, the "sun" rose behind them. Endless light and heat broke out in the universe, making the heaven and earth transparent. The terrible light and flame spread to thousands of miles, which made the gods who had been far away feel some fear.

Therefore, the words just now rang out among the people.

"The terrible power of the sun."

At the same time, people are also thinking about whether they can resist the terrible sun breaking out in their own country.

This question sounded, and several evil gods all shook their heads with ugly faces. They could not resist such terrible power.

"How did that guy do it? Why did it erupt into such a terrifying force?"

"That is, even if self explosion, it will not be so terrible."

Many evil gods who fled in a hurry because of the explosion in the rear were also puzzled when they were frightened. If Lu Chen knew their doubts, he would tell them that this was the power of science.

It's no joke. The reason why Lu Chen can burst out such terrible power is really relying on science.

In this world, there are also great ways to disintegrate demons and self explode, but these two kinds of promotion are to stimulate the potential, and the other is to let the internal energy explode. Although the effect is good, it is totally incomparable with the technology content contained in the nuclear bomb.

Relying on the collision of atomic nuclei, thermonuclear reactions are produced, and then extremely terrible energy is produced. This completely touches the knowledge blind area of many evil gods. Even the sun god hull, because he is a natural God, does not know much about this aspect.

The knowledge from the 21st century has enabled Lu Chen to break through the boundless barrier of energy. Moreover, as long as a few more nuclear reaction power stations are built in his body, Lu Chen's energy will continue to grow. Relying on thermonuclear reaction, Lu Chen's self explosion power is beyond human imagination.

As for the power of Lu Chen's nuclear explosion, let's say that when he didn't get the God of heaven and was only about 1000 meters in shape, Lu Chen became the king of light, and then forced to bind the light by simulating black holes and restrain the nuclear explosion by gravity. At that time, the nuclear explosion power was equivalent to that of the Saudi Russian bomb, that is, the explosion volume of 100 million tons of TNT.

Now, Lu Chen has obtained controllable nuclear fusion. There are more than 100 nuclear reaction power stations in his body, with a body size of 130000 meters. In this form, Lu Chen transforms into a king of light. Then he simulates the attraction of a black hole. After this operation, Lu Chen can't perceive the power generated by Lu Chen's self explosion. However, if it happens on the surface of the wizard world, he can directly Destroy the surface biosphere.

"If it's really destruction, the God of nuclear fusion is definitely the most lethal God to life."

Such a violent nuclear fusion can destroy the ecological circle of a world. What's more, a divine kingdom is composed of such negative breath as curse and resentment. Therefore, the land of greedy dragon is purified by Lu Chen, and hundreds of millions of tortured spirits are liberated.

"I am a good man."

After returning from the self explosion, Lu Chen praised himself and then looked at the broken greedy dragon.

He didn't die. Although the explosion just now was terrible, the greedy dragon also had a diameter of 300000 meters, which was buffered by endless flesh and blood. This is also the reason why Lu Chen thinks that his self explosion can destroy the biosphere, but he can't completely destroy the wizarding world. The world and the civilization living in the world are two things.

Of course, now the greedy dragon is not good, that is, burn all over, broken body, this is the terrible situation of greedy dragon.

And the body injury did not make the greedy dragon care, it is looking at the fire that has not yet dissipated, with a dull face.

"No, it's all gone, my kingdom of God No more? "

Shenju can be resurrected many times, but such resurrection does not happen for no reason. Relying on a large number of prayers and divine power in the kingdom of God, Shenju has the capital of resurrection. After all, the kingdom of gods with super high status needs too many resources to revive.

Moreover, not only the resurrection, many gods need the support of the kingdom to act.

Take a look at Lu Chen and you can see that the 130000 meter Titan's body is consuming his power every moment. If no believers keep praying, Lu Chen's body will die in minutes.

However, Lu Chen is still good. He can release the gods from the earth and return to the 130 meter God body. However, the gods are not. As their gods grow larger, they also need to maintain their divinity all the time. They are like toothless tigers. When their powers are exhausted, they can only fall into a deep sleep, and this sleep is OK Can never wake up.This is why the gods claim that as long as someone prays, they can live forever, but there is very little information about the return of the gods who fall into the dusk.

With the extinction of the kingdom of God, millions of dependents and hundreds of millions of people who pray for the merger are all purified, which makes the greedy dragon's mentality collapse. After a few unbelievable murmurs, it stares at Lu Chen fiercely: "it's all you, it's you who ruined my everything. I'm going to kill you!"

Because of the extreme anger and hatred, this attracted the evil spirit. Under the huge amount of evil spirit, the greedy dragon's body and momentum actually soared. The so-called blackening is three times stronger.

After being blackened, the greedy dragon is full of endless black gas, and its mouth is full of ferocious teeth, which makes people panic. With the increase of evil spirit, the greedy dragon rushes towards Lu Chen.

"I'll kill you!"

After blackening, the greedy dragon rushed bravely and yelled surprisingly. However, with a loud bang, the greedy dragon, which had gained three times the enhancement, was slapped on his body by a slap like heaven when he charged to 50000 meters in front of Lu Chen.


with a slap, the blackened greedy dragon suddenly falls to the ground and cannot rise again.

There are some in this world, even if it is blackened out.


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