[introduction: the original soil, the polyp, says that the soil grows from itself, and the rest is infinite, so it can plug the flood.

[ability: the polyp can grow by itself, and the host can use the polyp as the foundation of the divine land, so that the divine land can grow infinitely, or it can be devoured and digested by feasts to obtain the Lord of the earth]

as the native land The most important role of the xirang is to place a place for the continuous growth of the land, which has the greatest effect on the small world. If Lu Chen had the polyp in the early stage, even if he did nothing, Avalon, as one of the foundations of LuChen, would expand rapidly. Even the growing land is still a spiritual land, which can nurture spirituality. In some worlds, human beings are born out of soil and water, This soil is the soul of the earth.

It is impossible to create human beings only by xirang, and Lu Chen does not have the magic power of creation to endow clay figurines with spirituality. However, with the accumulation of days and months, xirang can still give birth to elemental creatures like stone man. At the same time, relying on the crops planted in xirang, it also contains spirituality to cultivate people.

Taking xirang as the foundation of the divine kingdom can be said to have many advantages, which is also the usage of most people. But Lu Chen has a feast, which can devour and digest everything, so he can devour and fuse the polyps and make himself the Lord of the earth. The saying that the Lord of the earth is replaced by Shenju is that Lu Chen will control the earth's clergy.

In ancient times, the God King gave the sun carriage to his child, and then the child became the God of the sun. Lu Chen's practice of swallowing the soil was similar to this.

There are more than one practice of controlling more than one clergy because of objects. Xirang is regarded as the fire of prayer. To some extent, controlling the fire of prayer can create a God, although it is only a god of faith.

However, although the soil can make Lu Chen get the land ministry, Lu Chen finally integrated the polyp into Avalon and placed it in the root system of the golden apple tree, so that the polyp can become the nutrient of the golden apple tree and make it become the tree of the world.

The reason for doing this is because Lu Chen has found that skills are not good. For Lu Chen, he only needs to be big enough. As long as he is big enough, all problems are no longer problems.

Of course, there is another reason that Lu Chen's future battlefields are in the astral realm, and there is no land for Lu Chen to control.

"The earth ministry is easy to use in the world. Enter the starry sky..."

Shaking his head and throwing away the thoughts in his mind, Lu Chen no longer cares about the things of the interest, but looks around with bright eyes.

At this time, Lu chenna did not know that although the chaos is extremely dangerous, and there are not many things left, but once something appears, it is a powerful treasure.

"When xirang appears, are other treasures far away? I remember that in addition to breeding the world and gods and demons, there are also many treasures, such as chaos blue lotus, Pangu banner Damn it, as long as I get one of those things, I'll get them all. "

At this point, Lu Chen no longer felt that the fog of chaos was boring and boring. Just like discovering a new continent, Lu Chen, who was wandering in the chaos, made his way to the place where waves were turned up in the fog.

In this way, most of the flying is futile. The treasures in the fog are very powerful, but they are very few. If there are treasures everywhere, the gods would have rushed into the chaos and looked for them everywhere.

"Most of the gods do not encounter treasures. The other is that they do not have my flesh, and they can only rely on the kingdom of God to enter chaos. However, it takes a lot of consumption to fly into chaos, and it is difficult to get faith supplement when they enter into chaos. They can only consume the stored energy to merge with those who pray. It is easy to make ends meet and more likely to have accidents. Once the kingdom of God goes wrong, they will be like sailing on a ship After all, not everyone can fight against chaos and fog with their flesh. They are extremely noble and do not need to be personally experienced... "

Lu Chen thought that he was the only one who walked alone in the chaos. At most, the unknown original evil god who pursued it (the name image was cut off by Lu Chen), but Lu Chen who thought so was soon beaten in the face.

Rushing again to the place where the fog of chaos was rolling, Lu Chen was surprised to find that there was a divine Kingdom, a huge country standing in the gray fog of chaos and moving forward cautiously.

Lu Chen is looking at the kingdom of God, and the prayers in the Kingdom and the God Lord also see Lu Chen. In a moment, they are on guard, as if they have met a big enemy.

No wonder they are so. As normal gods, they know very well how terrible it is to roam chaos in flesh.

It is not a comfortable thing to be discovered by such existence.

"Well, I knew it would be wrong to come to chaos."

The first time Lu Chen saw Shenju was that he thought of and got the world's information. As long as he grasped the God and put a group of people praying for a dream, the coordinates of the world could be reflected in Lu Chen's mind.

Even, seeing the cautious appearance of the kingdom of God, Lu Chen understood that the world was not too far away from himself.

After all, such a cautious person, are careful mind, can not be too far away from the world.

But in the end, Lu Chen left here and did not go to that world.

"Well, the original evil spirits are still chasing me. Although I haven't been able to catch them for a month, maybe they have lost them. But they are still on the safe side and will not harm others."Thinking like this, Lu Chen did not say a word, and moved forward in the other direction of chaos.

And the God in the kingdom was relieved to see Lu Chen's departure.

When they met, there was no conflict, but Lu Chen understood that there was no other person in the chaos. It was just that chaos was huge, and everything could be eliminated. No matter the trace, breath, or residual coordinates, they would be melted by the fog of chaos. Even, even the mind would be melted by chaos. Therefore, it is very difficult to find other people.

Lu Chen did not look for other people's ideas. He was not alone. There were hundreds of millions of family members in Avalon, and there were saints who took a large amount of golden apples. With them, Lu Chen could rest when tired, and could find someone to play with when he was upset. There was no trace of fatigue and loneliness.

In this way, Lu Chen, far away from the kingdom of God, went to other directions. However, after flying away for a long time, Lu chenmeng patted his head.

"Well, I forgot to ask whether the world of the gods has been eroded by evil gods and the abyss. If so, I will have more gods However, seeing that God can come out of chaos to seek treasure, his world should be very peaceful, but next time I have to ask, in case, once I meet, I will gain a lot. "

Divinity has a great effect on Lu Chen. Killing evil spirits also has experience value income. There are also human beings who are polluted by evil spirits. They are evil and can be devoured by Lu Chen. It can be said that ordinary evil gods are nightmares and disasters for some people, but for Lu Chen, this is the game of hunting or the prey with rich harvest.

Of course, compared with the evil gods who were invaded by the evil gods and the abyss, Lu Chen expected to meet the treasure of chaos.

The strong expectation even made Lu Chen want to make a wish, relying on the great prayer to get the message of the treasure.

If he finds the treasure, he will be afraid of the creation of the world.

"I'd better advise you."

In this way, Lu Chen wandered through the chaos and wanted to find the most precious treasure. But a month later, Lu Chen sighed that he had not met anything in the chaos.

"Sure enough, I knew that chaos is too big, and there are too few treasures. Unless we meet the world to be opened up, at that time, the heaven and the earth are just beginning to divide, and there will be treasure Wait a minute. The world at the beginning of heaven and earth will breed gods and demons. Although such gods and demons have high requirements for aura, and most of them will be replaced by creatures of later generations, they have the greatest power at the beginning of heaven and earth. These gods and demons will not be the world's defense against me Guard against the operation of evil gods. "

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Chen found that this is probably true. What the world breeds can be easily obtained by the people in the world, but if outsiders want to take it away, they need to be punished by heaven.

When Lu Chen first entered the wizard world, he also encountered setbacks. Because he resisted the invasion of evil gods for the world, he was recognized by the world and could obtain the fire of prayer. However, even so, when Lu Chen got the fire of prayer, he still made a big oath of heaven and earth. From this, it can be seen that the things of heaven and earth are not so easy to take.

"When I meet the newborn world, I will be an intruder. Unless I encounter a world invaded by evil or abyss like the wizarding world, I can gain something by defeating the intruder."

Worried flying in the chaos, Lu Chen does not know whether he should expect, or should be distressed to encounter the newborn world.

But in Lu Chen's distress, suddenly, his side of the chaotic fog rolled up, as if there were huge things from the side, driving the chaos of the fog.

"Such a big move, there is a treasure."

His eyes lit up, and Lu Chen immediately flew to the side, but soon Lu Chen's eyebrows wrinkled. There was something there, but it was a huge country. This made Lu Chen understand that he met the kingdom of God again.

"Well, it's a waste of time Wait, there's something wrong with this country. "

It's really wrong. The ordinary kingdom of God is illustrious, giving people a sense of holiness and light. Although the kingdom in front of us also has a sense of holiness, it is more of a curse filled with air and a sense of howling all over the sky, which makes Lu Chen laugh wildly.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, it seems that my luck is not bad."

Lu Chen is laughing wildly, but at the same time, there are arrogant and joyful laughter from the opposite side.

"Roar (Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie, unexpectedly, I met God. I'm lucky! "

Although it is different words, but it is the same meaning. After seeing each other for the first time, Lu Chen laughs wildly at the same time.

In this area, for a moment, laughter startled the sky.

However, the wild laughter soon stopped.

Find the opposite is also smiling, Lu Chen and the opposite are a Leng, and soon, the opposite some crazy voice roared.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Jie Jie, I can even meet evil spirits in the chaos. This is a great harvest. In other words, you are the same as me."While moving his muscles and bones, Lu Chen looks at the opposite side.

However, the opposite side seems to be infuriated by Lu Chen's indifferent attitude. At the first moment, countless attacks burst into Lu Chen from the kingdom of God.

"Asshole, humble worm, I'm a God. I'd like you to die..."

In his crazy words, the divine light all over the sky turned into countless rays shooting at Lu Chen, which blocked all the escape directions of Lu Chen, and also represented the God Jue's belief that Lu Chen must be killed.

However, before getting close to Lu Chen, most of the attacks were melted in the fog of chaos.

When he arrived at Lu Chen's side, the numerous attacks were already like the breeze, which did not pose any threat to Lu Chen.


Such a scene makes the opposite some silly eyes, also want to launch Lu Chen light gun idea to seal.

With a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, Lu Chen thought in embarrassment:

"I almost forget that chaos melts everything, even energy will be melted by chaos. I rely on the chaos resistance after death, and the opposite is relying on the kingdom of God, which can resist the invasion of chaos. However, our long-range attack does not have the protection of the body and the kingdom of God. Once separated from the body and the Kingdom, it will be melted Now, we can't use long-range attack, we can only fight hand to hand. "

So thinking, Lu Chen not only did not panic, but also showed a crazy smile on his face.

"Hand to hand combat, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, this is what I am good at most!"

In terms of hand to hand combat, Lu Chen is really not afraid of anyone. While laughing wildly, Lu Chen is also surprised to find a thing. Chaos kills everything, which makes the fight here mainly based on hand to hand combat, and Lu Chen is best at hand to hand combat. Therefore, this place can be called Lu Chen's home court.

"In the world, I may not be the opponent of the original evil god, but in the chaos, things are likely to turn around. For the evil god who pursues me, I am not without the power to resist."

Lu Chen was elated, and this was regarded as a mockery by the evil god on the opposite side. He ridiculed himself for launching energy attacks in the chaos. The evil god's mind was distorted. This kind of ridicule made the unknown evil god get angry at the first time, and he ran into Lu Chen when he controlled the kingdom of God.

"Boom" a sound, did not move Lu Chen was angry evil god pulled into the kingdom of God.

After entering the kingdom of God, Lu Chen found that it was a war like Similar to the man God, the God of war, although in charge of fighting, is more in charge of war, and war requires strict discipline and strong armed forces. Therefore, most of the soldiers in the kingdom of God of war are well-equipped.

Although all the countries in front of us are soldiers, they are all naked with a fierce face. Many soldiers are also engraved with countless totem patterns.

"Smash, catch you, kneel down and beg me, I will give you a good way to die, otherwise, I will let you reincarnate ten thousand..."

Lu Chen's entry into the kingdom of God makes his face laugh wildly. However, such behavior also makes Lu Chen feel that he is a fool, and his contemptuous eyes distort his face.

"Bastard, fool, this is my country!"

It is in fury, and the kingdom of God also blows up gusts of wind and even thunder in the sky, but this does not change Lu Chen's face, just a merciless word from Lu Chen's mouth.

"Do you know why I can be alone in chaos, but you can only ride in the kingdom of God?"

Lu Chen did not expect to get a response, but the eroded brute God was really stupid and asked.


"Why? Ha ha ha ha ha ha... "

The man God's response makes Lu Chen laugh again. However, the laughter is soon restrained, and there are tyrannical words from Lu Chen's mouth.

"Naturally, because I am better than you!"

In the cruel words, there was a terrible momentum around Lu Chen. The momentum rose to the sky and directly scattered the wind around him. As for the dark clouds that made up for the sky of the kingdom of God, they were even more thick. But at this time, these dark clouds were no longer under the control of the man God, but belonged to Lu Chen.

However, at this time, the man God couldn't worry about these. When the tyrannical breath was distributed around Lu Chen's body, his body was also soaring.

The original Lu Chen only maintained a hundred meter figure in order to get on the road, but at this time, it was like a giant animal broke through the shackles. Soon, Lu Chen's body of 100 meters soared to kilometers, 10000 meters, and finally 100000, 200000, 300000.

At this time, Lu Chen's figure is still soaring, but the man God has been shaking.

The man God who can travel through the chaos is not weak, but it is only eight meters high. When Lu Chen is only 100 meters high, he has no brain. When Lu Chen soars to 100000 meters, he thinks that Lu Chen is stronger than him and full of greed.

"Big is strong, swallow it, I will be stronger."

Facing Lu Chen, who is 100000 meters tall, Manshen wants to fight.

However, 100000 meters is not Lu Chen's limit. As Lu Chen soared to 200000 meters, fear appeared in his heart.

More frightening is that it can feel that the giant in front of him is not an illusion, but is filled with endless thunder and power. This is a real tyrant."How could it be so strong."

It is shaking, but Lu Chen's body is still rising, soaring towards the body of 300000 meters. It should be noted that the kingdom of God is not the real world. Although the kingdom here is large, it is only about 200000 meters high. Therefore, Lu Chen, who has been soaring from 200000 meters to 300000 meters, has surpassed the height of the kingdom of God. Lu Chen, who is unwilling to bend down, also makes God China is a little overburdened.

Ordinary people can only shrink in the face of low houses, but the powerful Lu Chen, facing obstacles, is directly broken.

With Lu Chen soaring, even if he just stood still, the sky of the kingdom of God was cracked.

This also made man God send out a cry of panic.

"No, stop it. Stop it for me Damn it My kingdom of God... "

The kingdom of man God is not made of space crystals, but transformed from a wild beast. The kingdom is still very solid. However, the land Chen that swallowed countless minerals is harder and bigger.

The skyrocketing Lu Chen just stood up and pierced the sky of the kingdom of God. When it rose to 500000 meters, the whole kingdom of God was like a basin of water in Lu Chen's eyes, which was vulnerable to a single blow.

However, Lu Chen did not have to attack. At this time, Lu Chen also found that the kingdom of God was very fragile in the chaos.

After breaking through the kingdom of God, Lu Chen just stood up without any other action. However, due to the fragmentation of the Kingdom, countless chaotic fog broke into the broken Kingdom independently.

The complete kingdom of God has a world barrier, which naturally can withstand the erosion of the fog of chaos, but the broken Kingdom has no such function, just like a submarine can sail in the deep sea, but once broken, the crew will be desperate.

As the fog of chaos rushes into the kingdom of God, everything is melting. The brute organization that forms the kingdom of God, the crystallization of space, the huge number of dependents, believers, polluted land All things melt away in chaos. Even if it is the brute God inside, with the contact with the fog of chaos, its body surface also shows signs of decomposition.

In addition to the chaos, the others who can resist the chaos are not the ones who can resist themselves.

"I don't need to kill those people, just break the boat that carries them, and chaos can melt everything for me."

"I'm invincible here."


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