"I am invincible in chaos."

Lu Chen is sighing, and just as he sighs, the angry man God has already inspired the blood to rush towards Lu Chen.

"I want you dead."

The man God, whose everything was destroyed, was full of anger and endless regret. He was regretting why he provoked Lu Chen. Unfortunately, even if he did not, Lu Chen would not let him go.

For Lu Chen, all evil spirits are damned.

In the face of the evil god, Lu Chen has no other action, just five fingers open to grab in front.

This action is very simple, but because Lu Chen is too big, the open five fingers in Manshen's eyes is a piece of sky pressing towards him.

"Ah Burning Yang and blood exploding! "

At the end of the day, Manshen burned everything and wanted to blow up the Wuzhishan in front of him.

The God of extreme explosion is still very strong. It displays the man God of burning Yang and blood, such as a bloody sun exploding in the sky, which even drives out the chaotic fog in a short period of time, which makes people feel more deflated. However, Lu Chen slapped out such a violent God.

Big is strong. The extreme body shape gives LuChen the ultimate strength, while swallowing hundreds of millions of tons of minerals makes LuChen's bone strength reach the extreme.

What is more despairing is that Lu Chen can manipulate the bones through the veins of his bones. This also makes Lu Chen's fingers wrapped in bone gloves under his skin when his fingers are stretched forward.

The burning man God bumped into Lu Chen's bones, which devoured hundreds of millions of tons of strengthened bones. In the end, Lu Chen's bones were better than the others. Instead, it was the man God who could not resist Lu Chen's half a million meter body's random slap. Under the giant hands of Lu Chen, everything was completely smashed.

One hand, man God died.

Of course, the immortality of the gods quickly resurrected the man God, but without Lu Chen's second hand, the newly resurrected man God was broken again.

The will is immortal. Lu Chen's palm just now contains my invincible will. Being smashed by the palm containing will, it is not a resurrection that can be reborn.


In the shrill scream, the skeleton of the resurrected man God was broken again and died suddenly.

This sudden death lasted for three times. In the fourth time, the man God finally resisted Lu Chen's attack by virtue of his divine position, but he was also seriously injured. Then, without Lu Chen's initiative, the surrounding chaos shrouded and melted the man God. Until finally, there was only one divine figure left.

Facing the man God in the chaos, Lu Chen just let out his real body and clapped it, and the man God was completely blown to death by Lu Chen. This is Lu Chen now. It is extremely terrifying.

"Am I so strong already?"

Looking at the kingdom of God melted by chaos and feeling the power that can pry the planets in his body, Lu Chen has an impulse to return to search for the original evil god and fight against it in chaos.

In the end, however, Lu Chen held back the idea.

"Don't worry. At the beginning of the war, I can really fight against it, but at most, such a battle is not divided between the enemy and ourselves, but I can grow. As long as I grow a little more, my body will soar again after the digestion of the fire of prayer. At that time, I will not be able to fight against the original evil gods, but can crush them."

To be able to crush and win, why do you need to work hard? Lu Chen is looking forward to the scene that the original evil god finds himself and finds himself bigger than the other side.

"This day, it won't be too far away."

Manshen is just an episode of Lu Chen's chaotic journey, but this episode has given Lu Chen some harvest.

The most basic training value is not mentioned. With the death of the man God, there is still a divinity left. There is nothing to say. It can be absorbed and digested directly. So far, Lu Chen's divinity value has soared again, reaching 3600 points, which can be converted into body control of 360000 meters.

With the addition of divinity value and Lu Chen's own soul, the body that Lu Chen can control now is 1.56 million meters. However, this is only what Lu Chen can control, because there are too many killing gods and there are too many real spirit brands in the fire of praying. Now, Lu Chen's soul has surpassed his body. His body shape is only 1300 meters, and he can transform into a titan of 1.3 million meters at most.

"That's enough. I can break the kingdom of God in 300000 meters and 400000 meters. I don't have to go in and explode myself to deal with the kingdom of God. As long as I shoot it outside, I can smash the Kingdom directly."

Shenju will be strengthened in Shenguo, but Lu Chen is now strong enough. Even if Shenju and Shenguo are added, they are not their opponents.

The death of the man God brought Lu Chen a lot of gains. More importantly, the man God provided a coordinate, or after his followers died, he was invaded by Lu Chen's second ghost God, pulimon, and got the coordinates.

The barbarian gods in chaos do not travel, but rush towards a world that has been broken by evil spirits, preparing to take a share in that world.

"Now, it was me."

The coordinate of the ordinary world is a primitive breath. Relying on the Apocalypse to feel this breath, Lu Chen has a slight connection with that world. Following this connection, Lu Chen rushes towards the world that has been invaded."It is said that there are many evil gods gathered in the world this time. It seems that the harvest will not be small."


Arnold, this is the name of a world. The Reiki of this world is not as dense as the Reiki continent, and even a little inert, so it is not easy to be absorbed by the human body.

However, the difficult aura did not weaken the civilization of the world. Even because of the need to mobilize brains to absorb Reiki, the world, led by several wise men, has taken a different road from the Reiki continent and the wizard world.

In this world, human beings do not directly master aura, but use objects to master. This combination of magic power and goods reduces the influence of human talent to the minimum. All people can master magic power as long as they obtain items. This convenient way even makes the world start the first magic revolution. The train built with the furnace of fire element as the core is in iron Sailing on the road, waterwheel and sailboat with water element as the core, street lamp with fire and light as the core wait.

With the combination of magic power and technology, the living standard of ordinary human beings in this world is no lower than that of the earth in the era of the first industrial revolution. After years of development, the world may even surpass the earth and give birth to a splendid magic civilization.

But such civilization, at this time, it is fast becoming a masterpiece.

Like blue star, the development of demonic civilization also pollutes the environment. The atmosphere is filled with magical waste gas, the sea is polluted by various elements, forests are cut down, and the elements are out of balance in this world. These are nothing at all. The world's adjustment ability is still very strong. After some time, the human beings in this world will know the evil consequences and will govern the environment.

But at the moment when the world is polluted, the evil spirits come. The destroyed World reduces the defense of the world's will to the limit, and the evil gods can invest more evil spirits.

If that's all, the world can still struggle. But after the first industrial revolution, the living environment of the bottom human beings has not become better. Instead, they have been oppressed by factory owners. Child labor, pollution, disease, poverty, and various problems make people's lives depressed. That is the situation of the first industrial revolution. In this world, because of the relationship between magic power, the strong and There is a big gap in the strength of the bottom, and the separation between the top and the bottom is even more serious.

Even because of the military gap between the bottom and the top, this situation has been maintained for a hundred years without a trace of hope for change. The resistance of ordinary people is so weak that even a little hope can be seen.

This situation also makes the bottom people depressed to the extreme, and each slum is full of a huge amount of negative emotions.

Such emotions have become a hotbed for culturing evil spirits. Desperate people attract evil spirits and breed more evil spirits.

These evil spirits in turn pollute the world, cause evil in human hearts, and pollute more places.

Evil tentacles are all over the world, but the rulers of this world are relaxed because of the hundred years of peace. When they find out that it is not right, it is already late.

A large number of refugees in slums are lured by evil spirits because of hardship, disease, despair and other negative emotions. Under the temptation of evil spirits, most of them become evil spirits. Those who stick to their original intention are killed by evil spirits because they have no force. In every world, the poor are the majority. The lower the civilization, the more so the people at the bottom are polluted, which makes the evil spirits spawn more evil spirits Hundreds of millions.

What's more terrifying is that evil spirits carry pollution. When evil spirits become the main body, the whole world is polluted. It can be clearly seen that the world is completely wrapped in a layer of fog, and the sun's rays can't penetrate the fog and shine into the world.

At the same time, when the sun can't shine and there are more evils in the world, the will of the world is also polluted by evil gods. Now, human beings are no longer the darling of the world, but viruses.

No matter which world practice, we need to interact with heaven and earth.

The unity of man and nature and observation of heaven and earth are all methods of interaction with heaven and earth. In a normal world, interaction between man and earth can be met but not sought. Once they interact, there will be a lot of harvest.

In this world, once human beings interact with heaven and earth, their souls will be severely damaged and even go mad. When human beings become strong, there will be destruction and natural calamity. This is the disgust of the polluted world will towards human beings.

At the same time, there are more and more deformed children in this world. The remaining human beings can often hear groundless chatter and become completely crazy.

The world is totally hopeless. Whether in the future or in the present, the reason why it is not extinct is that it is still useful to evil gods.

Just as the right God needs believers, evil gods can also absorb the spiritual strength of human beings. Fear, despair, hatred, resentment and all kinds of emotions will become powerful capital of evil gods.

At the time of harvest, human beings are no longer the opponents of evil gods. Their opponents become each other.

"It's all mine."

"This is my place. Get out of here."

"Do you want to die? I own all the souls here."

In the polluted human world, the followers of evil gods are fighting against each other, and human beings have become secondary.

The evil gods also fell on the earth, but did not end, but stare at each other, and ready to hand at any time.In this case, Lu Chen broke into the universe from chaos and crossed the starry sky into the world.

When Lu Chen came in, he was still breathing, and was not perceived by the evil gods. However, the heaven and earth detected Lu Chen's message. At the first time, countless bloody and black thunder fell on Lu Chen.


thunder thunders and electric snakes dance wildly. Lu Chen, who enters the world, is attacked by the will of heaven and earth.

Of course, this did not hurt Lu Chen, but he felt the disgust of heaven and earth. At the same time, Lu Chen also found that all the auras of the world could not be absorbed by himself. Even if he forcibly plundered, he would alienate himself.

"Is this the corrupt world? Unfortunately, if the world persists for a while, it will probably support my arrival and the world will not disappear."

Lu Chen is lamenting that the number of pollution in the world, and distributed all over the world, the evil god stealing the power of the world also found Lu Chen's arrival because of the fury of the thunder.

"Can make heaven and earth launch thunder robbery, good breath."

"Bring it here."

"Such a breath, it seems, I will have a strong family member."

Orders were given from those evil gods, and a large number of evil spirits also advanced towards Lu Chen under the orders of evil gods.

However, after perceiving the information in the world, Lu Chen has no plan to delay more.

The sun is ignited in Lu Chen's body after a little thought.

The ignited sun releases endless energy, and under the control of Lu Chen, light and heat are transformed into electric energy. In a very short time, Lu Chen's body is filled with endless electric energy, and Lu Chen's body is also ignited by the sun, and the electric energy is surging.

This time, Lu Chen didn't hide anything. When he came up, he opened the door with all his strength and lifted his body shape to the extreme.


the extremely rapid expansion of the body even caused sound explosion clouds around Lu Chen. In the rolling of the air waves, Lu Chen's body expanded faster and faster.

100000 meters, 300000 meters, 900000 meters, and finally 1.3 million meters.

The ultimate height of the first time to bring Lu Chen is not infinite strength, but the burden of the body. Time and everything follows the law. When the body size is too large, the bone pressure will be too high. For a body shape of a million meters, normally speaking, the shape of the planet is the least stressed. A human body like Lu Chen needs to bear the unimaginable pressure. Fortunately, Lu Chen swallowed up hundreds of millions Tons of metal, these metals make Lu Chen's bones super strong, making him barely support such a huge body.

At the same time, after transforming into a 1.3 million meter Titan, most of the material in LuChen's body was converted into lightning energy, which reduced part of Lu Chen's burden.

Under the dual weakening, Lu Chen is barely able to carry the body, swallowing hundreds of millions of souls and activating the divinity is to enable Lu Chen to control the body perfectly.

However, Lu Chen can carry it, but the earth in this world has no such capacity.

As long as his body is fully displayed, Lu Chen has no other actions, and the earth under his feet is collapsing and cracking.

The earth shattering scene is shown in this world. The huge Lu Chen, even if it is just standing still, is an unimaginable burden for the world.

At the same time, the huge body also emits a huge amount of gravitational field, which makes the gravitational field of the world become chaotic. We can see that the earthquake is not only happening here, but also the tsunami is raging because of the gravitational chaos, and the volcano is constantly erupting due to the extrusion of the terrestrial stars.

The disaster of moving, the natural disaster of walking, is the present Lu Chen.

The huge body oppresses heaven and earth, causing a series of turbulence in the world, and makes a lot of evil gods in the world dumbfounded. Looking at Lu Chen, who was just about to capture Lu Chen, all the evil gods immediately retracted their bodies to the kingdom of God, hoping that Lu Chen would not find them.

But it doesn't work.

"Kingdom of God, you can't stop me."

With the six arms of the Titan giant god stretching in all directions, Lu Chen and the land seized the six far-reaching Shenguo.

"Asshole, this is the monster from there."

"Contact the original evil god, we were attacked by the monster."

"It's over, it's all over."

When the body is large enough to a certain extent, it can make people lose their sense of war just by appearing.

Now Lu Chen has this ability. Just by showing himself completely, many evil gods have no idea of fighting. They want help, want to escape, and even some want to beg for mercy.

Unfortunately, all of this is useless. With Lu Chen's palm exerting force, all the six divine kingdoms are pulled in his hands.

Then the huge white light between the five fingers diffused, and suddenly closed, the six divine kingdoms were crushed in a moment by Lu Chen in the shock, endless family members and evil spirits died because of the explosion of the kingdom of God.

However, although the kingdom of God was destroyed, God ran away.

Of course, this is only temporary. With Lu Chen's brow frowning, the sky covered by evil spirit is full of dark clouds, which makes people feel more palpitating. With Lu Chen's fingers waving, "boom" sound, endless thunder and lightning burst down from the black clouds."Damn it, run away."

"Go separately."

Crazy lightning is not as good as Lu Chen's body, and it is bombarded by lightning. Six evil gods can barely escape their lives and want to escape the scope of the cloud as soon as possible.

As gods, even in the world, their speed is also fast. Only, six evil gods are divided into six directions. After half a day, they find themselves not escaping from the sky. The clouds are covered with clouds on their heads, and the dazzling thunder and lightning are constantly splitting down.

"It has been ten thousand miles, and has not escaped from the sky. Is it magic, when?"

"No, I don't feel the hallucinations. It should be a space corridor."

At this time, the God who mastered the magic was speaking. He rejected the possibility of magic for the first time. However, his guess was rejected by others.

"It can't be space, I don't feel the message of space."

"What is the matter with this?"

Six evil gods were constantly thinking about the way to escape life in a way that was inexplicable. After a while, they did not say how to escape, even the dark clouds did not separate.

Finally, a demon God sounded in a frightened voice and disbelief: "have we not been affected by anything? No, it's absolutely impossible! "

"What is impossible, what do you know?"

"Don't hesitate. Let's think about it together?"

This words made the evil god determined, but the words he said made all the evil gods in contact with were frightened.

"The monster may not have any way to influence us. The reason why the dark clouds are in the sky is likely that lightning storms have been expanding and expanding faster than we run."


The sound of cool breath was spread among the evil gods, and soon a voice of constant trembling and fear sounded.

"How could I We are divided into six directions, each escaped from thousands of miles away, that monster can not expand so fast! "

The evil god, the words of terror, were a little confused, and others who were as scared as him.

"That is, it is absolutely impossible, and the human defense requires heaven and Earth Spirit to defend thunder. Now our breath is in the upper hand. The monster can not be supplemented, and it can not expand so much."

"It's impossible to do this at all, and as you say, that monster can take the whole world into a thunderbolt."


A series of questions were sent out of the mouth of a group of evil gods in a hurry, but it was enough to prove the evil gods' heart emptiness. After a few breath, a cold voice broke their expectations.

"Ordinary gods, even ordinary gods, can not do this, but that monster is different, which is the same as the original evil god of the monster." "I have estimated that the monster has a body of 1.3 million meters when it shows its body. It doesn't matter how hard the skeleton that supports the big body. How much energy do you think it takes to drive such a body?"? That monster, will care about energy? "


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