"It takes a lot of energy to cover the whole world, but in that monster's shape, does it really care about energy?"

When this was said, the evil gods were silent, and the last one was shaking. It felt that it was right. The monster really wanted to cover the whole world with thunderstorms.

As these evil gods think, Lu Chen is really ready to destroy everything with thunder.

And he also has such ability, huge body really needs a huge amount of energy to maintain, the disgust of heaven and earth also makes him unable to absorb the magic power of the world.

However, Lu Chen has nuclear fusion, which requires a lot of energy. For him, he just needs to build several more fusion power stations. Because of the template, such nuclear power stations are built very quickly. Even they are built in LuChen.

"There's a lot of space in me, and there's no problem building thousands of them."

Of course, this is not without hidden dangers. Once Lu Chen's body surface defense is broken, the nuclear power plant will explode. Under the series of explosions, it will be extremely sour.

However, Lu Chen is not very worried about this.

"No one can break my defenses, no one can get close to me."

This is not arrogant, but because the energy is too strong, Lu Chen has spread into a sea of thunder. Now, any attack or object that wants to reach Lu Chen needs to cross the endless sea of thunder, which is Titan thunder.

At the same time, the thunder sea is still evaporating and spreading towards the distance, which makes the dark clouds of heaven and earth more and more thick. In a very short time, the thick dark clouds spread to the whole world.

Now, Lu Chen, whose height is 1.3 million meters, is like a magic shadow that covers the world, overlooking everything on the earth. Endless thunder clouds spread around Lu Chen as the center to fill the whole world and set off Lu Chen's great shore.

This is the scene of the demon king carrying endless great power to destroy the world.

However, the real situation is that Lu Chen is the God King and he is saving the world.

It is hard to say that he did not save the world, but the human beings in this world were indeed saved by him.

People surrounded by evil spirits were waiting for death in despair. The thick dark clouds only made them more desperate. Even, many people felt relieved.

"Is that the end of it?"

"Well, just die like this. There's nothing left for the desperate world in this world."

Many human beings were waiting for the extinction of the world, but soon they found out that things were not as they thought. The thick dark clouds indeed covered the world, but those dark clouds were not against them, but bombing evil spirits.

Hidden in the ruins and shelters of human beings, you can clearly see that a silver lightning cut through the sky, bombing to the direction of the evil spirit, under the continuous lightning, one by one evil spirit was killed in the shrill howl.

Even if there are some powerful evil spirits, they can't withstand the continuous thunder and lightning. With a wave of waves coming, the lightning in the sky is no longer a natural shape, but transformed into a long spear of thunder and a sword of judgment. With the deformation of thunder and lightning, their attack power has also been strengthened, which makes more evil spirits die.

Watching countless evil spirits continue to die, a hidden in the ruins of human faces are showing a smile.

Those who are chased by evil spirits are the most joyful. Those who thought they must die suddenly were rescued. The dawn of despair is beyond the imagination of others. Even some people can't believe it. After all, this situation is too wonderful for them.

"Did you really leave? Isn't it an illusion? I heard that evil spirits like to torture us, give us hope, and then give us despair."

These suffering people were afraid that they were dreaming or being teased by evil spirits. However, they soon found that this was not the case. After the thunder bombing, no evil spirit suddenly appeared to give them suffering. On the contrary, more and more people came out of the shelter, crying bitterly, laughing and kneeling to the giant figure in the sky.

The thunder and lightning bombing lasted a long time. It was very fast to rely on the thinking computer to mark and then use other thinking computers to name and bomb evil spirits. Even so, it took Lu Chen six hours to destroy all the evil spirits in the whole world. In the process, the remaining evil spirits also fought back and dodged.

But all this is useless. Under the boundless thunder and lightning bombing, their kingdom of God is destroyed. Finally, they are killed by Lu Chen with the power of thunder and lightning.

The death of counterattack is in the process of counterattack. The one who escapes is shot and killed by the thunder and lightning gun through the space, and the God is killed. The ordinary evil spirits are even more miserable. The lightning that covers the whole world kills all evil spirits in Lu Chen's perception.

Of course, there are also some thorns in the world. According to Lu Chen's perception, some evil spirits are linked with a region or mountain range. Even some evil spirits are the ruins of a city, which makes it difficult for human beings in this world to clear away. But this is not a barrier for Lu Chen. Facing those evil spirits, Lu Chen directly blows up mountains or cities.

"Now I can destroy everything."The evil spirit on the earth is killed by the thunder, so is the evil spirit in the sky. As the lightning that has just reached the sun, it can naturally eliminate the evil spirit. However, the evil spirit is endless, but the aura in human body is limited. Even if it is Shenju, the Limited energy of believers is not endless. Therefore, the former Shenju can not think of the evil spirit in the face of evil spirit, but it has nuclear fusion Lu Chen doesn't care about energy consumption at all.

With nearly unlimited energy, Lu Chen not only cleaned up the evil spirits on the ground, but also the evil spirits in the sky and the sky. This also brought sunshine to this dark world again, making more people come out. Then, a voice that spread all over the world sounded.

"Come out, you are free and free, and I will take you out of the world."

It's heard all over the world, no matter where you are.

No one believes in the sound of light theory. However, with the thunder that has been bombed for several hours and the golden light shining over, the people here do not know that they have been rescued. Therefore, countless people come out of the shelter and gather together under the command of Lu Chen. Lu Chen also sent legendary strong men from the land of goblins and prison guards from the region to the world The earth has opened the doors of space linking Avalon one after another, drawing all people into the human world.

"The system will increase all the experience gained just now to Avalon."

By killing the evil spirit, Lu Chen not only saved the world, but also gained countless experience points, covering the whole world. Lu Chen's experience value exceeded 10 billion in an instant.

All of these experience values were put into Avalon by Lu Chen. As a result, Avalon suddenly soared ten times. Now, Avalon's human world can accommodate more than 10 billion mortals.

"Now Avalon is almost as big as the blue star, with the golden apple tree absorbing chaos to provide natural aura, and with the brilliance of my divine image, the world can support more people than the blue star."

The huge world can give Lu Chen energy support. After all, Avalon can not only provide energy to human beings in the human world, but also provide Lu Chen with the power of belief. At the same time, the human beings in Avalon also provide Lu Chen with the power of belief, which can be converted into divine power, and the divine power is the energy source of most gods. That is, Lu Chen is special and has nuclear fusion, which is unnecessary To rely on divine power, otherwise, the number of believers to some extent represents the continuation of God's energy.

The expansion of Avalon has brought many benefits to Lu Chen. The integration of a large number of people has also enabled Lu Chen to gain the power of faith. At the same time, the living human beings are not all good people. They will be judged. The good people will naturally enter the human world. Both moral character and talent can enter the land of goblins. The evil people will naturally enter the hell. They will not only be judged, but also the sinful ones The city of sin was finally reduced to Lu Chen's food.

"The more people I have, the more spiritual reserves I have."

"People as reserves, I am more and more like the evil god ah!"

It took Lu Chen only one day to kill the gods and endless evil spirits. However, it took several days to accommodate Lu Chen. In these days, the evil spirit came to the world again. The polluted world also erupted volcanoes and thunder. In order to kill Lu Chen and other people, Lu Chen, who was transformed into 1.3 million meters, stamped his feet directly on the earth.

Because of the cow demon concussion fist, Lu Chen was known as a great earthquake shaker when he was low-level. Now, when Lu Chen stomps off, it can be said that the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking. The whole world is damaged by Lu Chen stamping, which suppresses the world's turbulence. Taking advantage of this world, Lu Chen pulls nearly all the survivors into Avalon.

Then Lu Chen got up and flew.

Flying into the starry sky, Lu Chen didn't rush to chaos, but after reaching a certain distance, Lu Chen turned his head and looked at the gray and foggy world with a look of ferocity on his face.

"I've killed so many things and haven't destroyed the world. Let me feel what it's like to destroy the world."

As the words fell, Lu Chen's huge figure suddenly accelerated Speed up and head for the world.


Lu Chen, at full speed, pulls out a colorful streamer. Endless thunder and lightning shine around Lu Chen. He accelerates himself twice in the way of super electromagnetic gun. Lu Chen's speed is faster and faster.

One thing to know is that speed and weight are the most basic things, but when they are combined, the damage they can cause is beyond people's imagination.

The extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago was due to the impact of an asteroid on the earth's surface. That impact changed the ecology of the earth's surface and destroyed the dinosaurs who had dominated for one hundred million years. Now, the flying LuChen is a hundred times more terrifying than that impact.


Before Lu Chen was close to the world, the crisis of destruction made the polluted world completely furious. Volcanoes erupted, tsunami surged, and thunder filled the sky. The turbulent will of heaven and Earth destroyed everything and tried to stop Lu Chen's landing.

Unfortunately, all of this is useless. With his huge and strong body, Lu Chen forcefully dispersed the diffuse dark clouds and scattered the endless magma gushing from the volcano. Finally, he hit the earth hard.

“……”Great sound is hard to hear. The great form has no shape. When the body of the 1 million 300 thousand meters is impacted on the ground, it is the sound of the earth that is broken by the land, and no sound is transmitted by any medium. But then the sound of the explosion comes up, and the sound of the ground crumbles along with the sound. The world is completely smashed by Lu Chen.

The extremely heavy body shape and the extreme speed, the potential energy brought by the two immediately smashed the world into two, but this is not the end. At the time of impact, Lu Chen used the technique of concussion. Therefore, his impact force was scattered throughout the world. After the world collapsed in two, the terrifying force erupted again, and the ground that had changed into two halves was also collapsing in succession, and soon, The two pieces of ground crumbled into countless pieces.

And when the world collapsed, some evil things leaked out, staring at the destruction of the world.

Because Lu Chen's perception covers the whole world, and there is no one after another, so some evil spirits evade Lu Chen's bombing by virtue of secret ability and hide in the space gap.

When Lu Chen left, they were still happy that they and others could perfectly control a fallen world. Many evil spirits were also ready to thank Lu Chen for cleaning up their opponents.

But at this time, watching the world collapse, all these evil spirits of Lu Chen turned their heads and cursed Lu Chen.

"Asshole, you're crazy if you don't let go of the world."

"Tyrants, tyrants more cruel than evil gods, why do I encounter such cruel existence?"


Crying, begging, for a moment, this kind of voice became the background of the earth and the earth breaking up.

These evil spirits were full of joy to watch human beings emit despair, and at this time, Lu Chen, as a human being, also forced them to a desperate situation.

Of course, Lu Chen can't see all of this. According to the laws of physics, forces interact with each other. The first time Lu Chen hits the ground, Lu Chen also bears the potential energy of the impact. Although Lu Chen's body is strong, he can't bear the force that can smash the world. His body collapses when it hits the ground, even because his head lands on the ground Lu Chen's head and chest burst completely. The scene was extremely tragic.

Fortunately, Lu Chen has 12 trials, and death is not the end of Lu Chen. Without the disappearance of the true spirit, Lu Chen quickly resurrects. However, the resurrected Lu Chen is almost suppressed.

The broken world makes the magnetic field here extremely chaotic. Moreover, due to the fragmentation of the world, the world has no ability to resist chaos, and chaos and fog invade in.

Fortunately, Lu Chen was not afraid of chaos and fog. Instead, he got into the fog. However, just as he left, Lu Chen finally took a look at the world, because it was the first world he destroyed. He wanted to see the moment when the world was destroyed and write down the moment.

However, after turning around, a scene in the world completely scared Lu Chen.

Lu Chen only destroyed the world with living beings. The reason for his destruction was that the will of the world was polluted. If left untouched, this place would become the nest of evil spirits. Countless evil spirits would be bred here. Even the world would become evil gods. With the idea of killing all the people, Lu Chen destroyed the world. But when he destroyed the world, Lu Chen did not destroy the sun, nor did he Ability, originally according to Lu Chen's idea, although the world is destroyed, but because of the existence of the sun, the whole universe is likely to be restored.

But looking back, Lu Chen was shocked. When the world was broken, the sun hanging in the sky gradually became illusory and disappeared.

"What's going on? Have I been enchanted by magic, but it's impossible. With divinity and apocalypse, ordinary magic can't affect me at all. Moreover, I have absorbed several magic divinities? "

Puzzled and confused in Lu Chen's heart, and soon, an idea appeared in Lu Chen's heart.

"Isn't it magic? Now is the real situation. Most of the world I have experienced is based on the world, but the sun is the source of all things and the source of a star system. If the world is destroyed, the universe will be destroyed. This is impossible! Only if the sun is false. "

"So the sun is false No, it should be projection. In this universe, there is probably only one sun, and all the others are projections. "


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