The most bold guess appeared in Lu Chen's heart, and when he thought, with the sun fading, the world destroyed, the chaos fog poured in more and more.

This makes Lu Chen give up thinking about the sun. It has a big secret, but it is not what Lu Chen can explore now.

However, Lu Chen's mind was not put on the fog of chaos, and now he is not in the mood to manage these.

The world is destroyed, but Lu Chen's attention is on his right hand.

At the moment when the world was completely destroyed by Lu Chen, Lu Chen found that his ghost hands had changed, and the ghost God recovered completely.

The recovered ghost God is not necessarily to say that it is the first ghost God, the Kazan of the sword and soul. This ghost God who takes destruction as his own responsibility, fully agrees with Lu Chen after Lu Chen destroys the world alone.

Now, Lu Chen can feel that he can control all the first ghost gods. He can erase the will of the first ghost God, turn it into a killing God or blood vein into his body, or make him master the divine position and make it fight for himself as his own God.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen has not been integrated now, mainly because he does not lack that thing. For Lu Chen, now everything else is false. As long as he grows his body shape, it is enough. As long as the body is large enough, it is irrelevant that any enemy can break it by himself. It doesn't matter whether to kill the clergy.

Instead, it can be left to do some errands.

"The second ghost God erodes the people and devours so many visionary gods. I thought it was the first ghost God to wake up. I didn't expect it to be the first ghost God. But also, the first ghost God's divine duty is killing, it is destruction. Has there been no greater destruction than destroying a world in the world?"

In the exclamation, Lu Chen is also ready to leave the world and continue to be free from chaos. While preparing to leave, Lu Chen also integrates six gods into his own divinity. The integration of the divinities makes the divinity value of Lu Chen expand by one third in a flash and reach 6000 points. This is a very good income.

"It is really a golden belt for killing people and setting fire. It is such a world where evil gods gather And not It's like a lot of the world is invaded, and I have a lot of prey. "

So thinking, the ferocious smile on Lu Chen's face, he has been ready to continue hunting evil gods.

However, after walking for several steps, Lu Chen's figure stopped. He found something. Under the erosion of the chaos fog, most of the world that he had destroyed was destroyed when it was just in contact with the chaos fog, but some things remained.

A small part of the things left behind are veins. Of course, these things are not as good as gods like the earth. In the erosion of the chaos fog, they are melting, the only difference is that they are not melting too fast, and that is enough to surprise the land Chen.

"Slower than anything else, which means that these minerals are very strong, and swallowing them to strengthen bones, my body will be stronger."

There is no hesitation, big mouth open, Lu Chen directly up swallow.

The world after destruction is not only minerals, but also in contact with the chaos fog, ordinary objects are melted by the chaos fog at the first time, and the remaining items are not ordinary.

They can not be called chaos treasure, after all, by chaos erosion, they will still destroy, but also is a treasure.

Most of these treasures are swallowed by Lu Chen. Among the remaining materials, the most mineral vein is the most, and the next is to keep spiritual things. Under the spiritual protection, they persist for several minutes, and then they are swallowed by Lu Chen.

In the continuous phagocytosis, Lu Chen found the subject of the will of the world.

To be clear, most of the world will is the expression of the spiritual or spiritual convergence of the dead creatures. This kind of dead spirit is not only human, Cordyceps, flowers and birds, animals, Warcraft, giant dragons And so on, the biological imprints of millions of people living in the world are like one, so that the world will can be condensed, which represents the world spirit. At the same time, in most of the world, human beings may not be the strongest or the most numerous.

But it is the most spiritual species in many quantities. Insects are more and more fast than human beings. However, they are not spiritual enough, and the gods are strong and spiritual enough. For various reasons, human may not be strong at first. However, due to the excessive spirituality after death, the heaven and earth will take human as the main body, and the world will incline to human beings, and also the love of human being by the world The reason.

Most of the world, the reason why human beings can become the son of the era, is because of this.

Of course, most of them show that the spiritual will of other groups in some world is stronger than that of human groups, and that the world's heavenly way is also biased towards those species.

The reason why we mentioned the world will is that Lu Chen found that in the world destruction, the "heaven" was also forced out by the fog of chaos, which is the place where countless living spirits have gathered in this world for hundreds of millions of years.

Because of the gathering of many will, it can affect the world, but also because of the will gathered too much, too scattered, the world will or the heaven can not aggregate the will only, therefore, it only has the collective will, there is no individual will.

Of course, this is not important for Lu Chen. For Lu Chen, the most important thing is, these real spiritual imprints He can swallow it."A lot. This is where all the wills of the demonic world have been for hundreds of millions of years. If I digest all the wills here, the body I can master can reach at least five million meters."

Seeing the will of heaven in front of him, Lu Chen had only one thought in his heart. He wanted to find some villains, tame some demons, destroy a world, and refine the will of the world. This will improve the soul one hundred times faster than looking for the wicked.

"No wonder evil gods love to destroy the world. If you want me, I will No, I'm a good man. "

Shaking his head and shaking his head to find another world to destroy, Lu Chen happily turns to the world will. After careful observation, most of what the world will leave to Lu Chen is surprise. The only thing that makes Lu Chen miserable is that the "way of heaven" in front of him is polluted and can't be refined directly.

After careful observation, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, because of the beginning of pollution, the many spiritual brands that make up the will of the world have not completely changed their nature and can still be purified."

In this way, Lu Chen pointed the huge amount of experience value to the way of heaven. Relying on the experience value, the evil spirit of heaven was purified.

Although Lu Chen's experience points of killing evil are used to expand Avalon, the polluted world is also an enemy in the eyes of the system. Therefore, when destroying the world, Lu Chen gains experience points. Not only that, but also other gains.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has defeated the enemy - the polluted world. Congratulations to the host, which has gained 10 billion experience value]

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has destroyed a living world. Now the host has won the title of world destroyer. With this title, the host will have a great deterrent to the enemies in the world, but it will also be disgusted by the world will 】

[Ding, the system prompts that the host destroyed the world. At this time, ordinary people can't complete the great cause. Congratulations to the host. The number of trials is increased by one]

the 10 billion experience value is used by Lu Chen to purify the pollution of the heavenly way. After spending 5 billion yuan, the will of heaven is finally quiet, and Lu Chen puts it into the fire of praying and refining.

Lu Chen didn't swallow it directly, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't dare. There are too many spirits gathered by the will of the world. Since the founding of heaven and earth, all the spirits gathered in the "way of heaven", or even the will of mountains, all the spirits gathered in the "way of heaven", or They say that the way of heaven is the collection of all living beings' spirituality.

If Lu Chen dares to swallow it up, he will directly sleep for thousands of years. In the process of sleeping, if Lu Chen can keep his will well, he will become a member of the boundless spirit in the way of heaven, which is beyond Lu Chen's tolerance.

"After the fire of prayer is refined, it is slowly absorbed. This is the normal absorption method."

With the will of the world in his pocket, Lu Chen continued to search for more things in this chaotic world.

And as he expected, he really found a lot of good things.

As most things are melted by the fog of chaos, some real treasures are revealed.

the dust of the world, the source of nature, the crystallization of space, the essence of the earth, the heart of the mountain... The emergence of various treasures one after another, many of them are also useful to Lu Chen. For example, the world dust can strengthen Avalon, the heart of mountains can be tempered into Lu Chen's heart, the natural source can warm Lu Chen's body, and can also be used as a resource of golden apple trees.

The death of the Whale will benefit countless insects and fish. The death of Shenju can make many legends crazy. The fall of the world will make Shenju harvest a lot. Lu Chen has the idea of destroying several worlds again.

"No, I can't think of it like this. I am a God, not a god of destruction However, I will not destroy the normal world, but the world polluted by evil cannot be left alone In order to save the people there, for love and justice, they will be attacked by me, and all evils will be borne by me. "

Looking for a reason for his own destruction of the world, Lu Chen, after cleaning up the harvest of the world, was ready to look for evil gods, and then followed the evil spirits to "liberate" the polluted world.

However, as soon as Lu Chen started, he couldn't help stopping again. This time, it was not a treasure, but a monster as big as a star was rushing out of the fog of chaos and bumping into the direction of the landing star.

Ning eyes look, the vast and terrifying star sky giant eyes appear in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was stunned by the sudden appearance of huge eyes in the starry sky. On the contrary, there was endless cold on the opposite side.

"Finally found you, this time you can escape there."

After discovering Lu Chen, the star sky giant eye, who had been chasing Lu Chen for several months, did not attack again. It wanted to enjoy Lu Chen's look of fear and despair. As an evil god, even the original evil god, his evil thoughts did not disappear, but became more intense.

However, after a few eyes, the star giant eye was angry to find that Lu Chen did not have a trace of fear on his face, some were just at a loss. He seemed to forget that he was being pursued.

Lu Chen really forgot that at the beginning, in order to avoid the pursuit of the star sky giant eye, Lu Chen used the power of the sword to cut off all the information of the star sky giant eye, which made Lu Chen feel that the star sky giant eye was the first time he met. Secondly, the travel in the chaos made Lu Chen understand that fighting in chaos is mainly hand to hand combat, while in terms of hand to hand combat, he is not empty. Therefore, Lu Chen is a good fighter Even if Chen knew that he was being chased, he was not afraid.Fearless in the heart, Lu Chen naturally will not specially remember, in the thinking computer and the opposite reminder, Lu Chen slowly reverberated.

"I was still being chased?"

At this point, the question is just, after such words are said, Lu Chen finds that the look on the other side is completely distorted.

"Humble mortal, you forget me, forget to be chased by the great Angus, I will kill you!"

The sky giant eye was full of anger, and it was not easy to chase Lu Chen. As Lu Chen expected, the fog of chaos eliminated all traces. No matter the smell, image or even existence, they were melted by the chaos. The only capital of the sky giant eye in chasing Lu Chen was that Lu Chen had sensed it.

For the original evil god, as long as someone recites its name and knows its existence subconsciously, the giant eye in the starry sky can follow a certain connection to find each other.

But Lu Chen is also cruel enough. The sword of power can cut off everything. In the case of will explosion, the gods and images of the sky giant eye are cut off, which makes the star giant eye lose the trace of Lu Chen.

And the reason why the sky giant eye can come over now is still related to the evil god.

Most of the evil gods know the original existence. When the original evil god felt that he could not chase Lu Chen, Lu Chen was chasing after the evil god. At the moment when he was facing the evil god, the star sky giant eye also learned about Lu Chen's existence from the evil god. Therefore, it could catch up with Lu Chen and block Lu Chen out of the magical world.

The humiliation that could not be pursued for several months made the original evil God angry. But now, it finds that it has worked hard to chase the enemy. As a result, the enemy has forgotten even himself or even forgotten that he is in the state of being chased. This feeling of being ignored makes the star giant eye extremely angry.

For the first time, its eyes narrowed, as if to engrave Lu Chen's image in his heart.

This is a gaze to deal with, but also the attack of the star sky giant eye. As an eye evil god, its all attack ability is in the eye and look above.

It is observation and curse to solidify the other party's image in their own eyes. When the opposite image is formed in the eye of the star sky giant eye, the opposite life is in the hands of the star sky giant eye.

When the influence remains in the eyes of the star sky giant eye, it will burn the shadow image in its eyes, and the opposite body will also be burned. When the star sky giant eye cuts the scene in his eyes, the opposite body will also be chopped. Even if there are several worlds apart, the star sky giant eye can replace the opposite body close to its eyeball with the image.

True spirit mapping is derived from the reflection and reflection of the mirror. Its ability is very simple, but it is also very effective. There are dozens of gods who are cursed with this eye by the star sky giant eye.

However, this time, the mapping of the eyes failed. As soon as the real spirit on the opposite side was observed by himself, the real spirit was shocked and turned into a shining silver flaming sword. The sword was so bright that it cut off the connection between the star sky giant eye and the opposite side, and made the star sky giant eye have a kind of feeling that can't be seen directly, just like ordinary people facing the sun.

"Is this the power to cut off contact with me, the feeling of tearing everything apart, whether it's material or anything else, it's a good ability, but it's mine right away."

The dazzling light makes the sky giant eyes squint. This is both defense and attack. With the squint of star sky giant eyes, we can clearly see that with the barbarians in front of them, the space is squeezing towards the middle.

While squinting at the same time, there is a flame in the eye of the sky giant eye. The flame is like the sun, blooming with bright light. While the sun is ignited in the eye of the star sky giant eye, there is also a fire of the sun on the barbarian who is directly looked at by the giant eye.

All that is reflected in the eyes of the great eyes of the stars can be displayed on the enemies. This is the terror of the giant eyes.

This ability is best combined with true spirit mapping. After closing the opposite breath, the star sky giant eye can curse across several worlds. Now, it can only be face-to-face.

However, such a big eye in the starry sky also feels enough. After all, the opposite is just an existence with the help of divinity.

"Let's end it quickly. It costs too much to release flame in chaos."

Using three abilities in a row, the giant eye of the star world feels that he is stable. When dealing with ordinary evil spirits, the giant eye in the starry sky can always win by using the mapping of the true spirit. The subsequent space squeeze can crush the divine Kingdom, which is the oppression of a world.

However, just when the big eye of the starry sky felt stable, the extraordinary change of the sky came from the opposite side. In the compressed space and the deflated flame, there was a crackling thunder. In the terrible thunder, a giant god stood up like a pillar of heaven.

As it rises, the deflagration flame is extinguished by the thunder, and the constantly oppressed space is crushed like glass. Just standing up, a strong feeling of invincible power appears in the heart of the star sky giant eye. This makes the eyes of the star sky giant eye narrower and the pressure ahead is more serious. At this time, even a kingdom of God will be crushed by the sky of the giant eye But all this is useless for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen grinned at the front with a slight movement of his powerful body. Then, regardless of Pang Ran's strength, Lu Chen's body slammed into the front like Mars."Die for me!"


After fully revealing his body of 1.36 million meters, Lu Chen's body just impacts forward, which makes the fog of chaos constantly billow, as if there were giant animals playing in the sea.

In this way, Lu Chen, with endless power, was in front of the collision.

With his super weight and extreme speed, Lu Chen has accumulated countless potential energy. The power of such potential energy has already been shown. The broken world next to him is the result of Lu Chen's collision. Now, Lu Chen wants to live and crash into the giant eye in front of him.

"Kill me, now it's up to you to kill who!"

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